Catching resource filename errors at compile time - xamarin.ios

I'm doing my first iOS App with Monotouch and I'm loading quite a lot of images from my resources directory. Every now and then I get a typo in a filename and the app will then crash on me spewing out some unintelligible error message. (I'll try adding deciphering stack traces to my skill set any day now ...)
I was thinking that there must be a smarter way to handle this. For example one could have a utility script that goes through the resources directory and constructs a list of global constants based on its contents. Each file in the resources gets an entry.
So that MyResources/Icons/HomeIcon.png will be represented by the constant MyResources.Icons.HomeIcon_png. Then one could have something like Inotify (don't know what that would be on Mac) watch the resources directory and regenerate the constants file on every change.
This would of course also give nice autocompletion for resources.
Maybe there's already something like this is already in Monodevelop or online somewhere? Otherwise how would I go about setting it up?
Or maybe there's some other smart way of mitigating the problem?

Your primary problem is typos in resource names are not caught early, and only cause crashes when the app is actually ran.
Your proposed solution of a list of global constants generated based on the available resources is kind of neat, but as far as I know this does not exist yet.
In the mean time, you could manually construct this list of global constants, and create a unit test that verifies all the elements in this list are valid resources (by looping through them automatically, of course - adding a resource to the list should not require a change to the test).
This way you can catch typos earlier (when you run the unit test rather than when you run the app), which is your primary concern. Additionally, if you ever find/write the script you envision, your application code is already prepared.

I filed an enhancement bug on Xamarin bugzilla for you:

So I spent four precious hours to cook up this little python script that sort of solves my problem. For now it's the best solution to my problem.


How to manage imports in typescript?

So I've recently started using Typescript. Both for the back end (nodejs) and front end, and I'm started to feel an urge to chew on my own arm every time I have to add a new import.
Coming from the .NET world the last 15 years I've come to appreciate the more or less automatic type resolving. Especially with a background in C/C++, which whenever I return to, remind me of the #include hell that ever so often becomes the case. Given what I am now facing, I get a feeling of "those were the days".
I typically prefer to keep my code as one class -> one file (with some obv exceptions for smaller stuff). This results in a lot of files and even more imports. I recently discovered some tools that help out creating the imports but it is still really annoying.
I get it that the underlying JS needs these imports (in various ways depending on module system) But given how easy these tools resolves the imports. Would it not be possible for the compiler to simply generate them? In the rare case of ambiguity the compiler would simple give an error and the user needs to resolve it manually.
Typescript seems to be a great language otherwise but this is really close to a deal breaker for me. Or am I missing something? Can this be done in a better way?

How to protect my script from copying and modifying in it?

I created expect script for customer and i fear to customize it like he want without returning to me so I tried to encrypt it but i didn't find a way for it
Then I tried to convert it to excutable but some commands was recognized by active tcl like "send" command even it is working perfectly on red hat
So is there a way to protect my script to be reading?
It's usually enough to just package the code in a form that the user can't directly look inside. Even the smallest of speed-bump stops them.
You can use sdx qwrap to parcel your script up into a starkit. Those are reasonably resistant to random user poking, while being still technically open (the sdx tool is freely available, after all). You can convert the .kit file it creates into an executable by merging it with a packaged runtime.
In short, it's basically like this (with some complexity glossed over):
tclkit sdx.kit qwrap myapp.tcl
tclkit sdx.kit unwrap myapp.kit
# Copy additional assets into myapp.vfs if you need to
tclkit sdx.kit wrap myapp.exe -runtime C:\path\to\tclkit.exe
More discussion is here, the tclkit runtimes are here, and sdx itself can be obtained in .kit-packaged form here. Note that the runtime you use to run sdx does not need to be the same that you package; you can deploy code for other platforms than the one you are running from. This is a packaging phase action, not a compilation or linking.
Against more sophisticated users (i.e., not Joe Ordinary User) you'll want the Tcl Compiler out of the ActiveState TclDevKit. It's a code-obscurer formally (it doesn't actually improve the performance of anything) and the TDK isn't particularly well supported any more, but it's the main current solution for commercial protection of Tcl code. I'm on a small team working on a true compiler that will effectively offer much stronger protection, but that's not yet released (and really isn't ready yet).
One way is to store the essential code running in your server as back-end. Just give the user a fron-end application to do the requests. This way essential processes are on your control, and user cannot access that code.

visual studio code resource collector

I'm working on a website with Visual Studio Code.
Is there a way to save only the files being used by a project into a separate folder?
Basically what I'm looking for is a tool which would scan all the local resources linked by all html files (meaning linked images, videos, files), and then it would save them all in a separate folder.
The reason why I'm asking this is because at the moment I'm testing things out, meaning I'm using image A, then image B, C and so on so forth. These images live in subfolders, so now I ended up with some images which I'm actually using in the html pages and some which I'm not. The thing is, is not simple to check which images I'm using.
You'll find the same principle in 3d applications, such as 3ds Max for instance, where, once you're done with the project, you can use a Resource Collector tool to strip out all the unused assets and save only the ones used by the project.
I've looked for an extension or a solution to this without any luck, so I guess an extension does not exist yet, but I think it would be a nice tool.
I don't understand why someone downvoted my post.
Either what I'm asking is already possible, although like I said I searched and I didn't find anything, or who downvoted consider my request stupid.
Whatever the reason, I believe it would be more mature to give a proper answer, even if whoever downvoted did it for either one of the two possible reason above.
In fact:
The solution already exists: like I said, I didn't find it, so if someone knows the solution why not simply posting it here?
The solution doesn't not exist but someone thinks it's a stupid idea. Well, it is not and it would be polite and civilized to discuss it.
In the current era it became so easy to express opinions without actually doing anything, by simply pressing a button to say nothing valuable, as a "I like".
I never stop feeling amazed where the social media behavior it's taking us.

There's any way to delete objects in VB6 without getting errors?

I need to simplify a program made in VB6, so I need to delete a lot of objects but don't want to delete one, run, get an error, fix it, run, get another error, a so on for every object.
I don't created the original program, so is very annoying try to think what someone else thought.
Plus, the code is not commented and is very dirty, the objects have the default names, like Label1, Timer12. WTF?
So I can't get a clue about what a timer does until I fully read the code.
Any idea?
Perhaps the original author didn't have much thought, true. But then you're not giving it much thought either by thinking that the best approach will be to delete an object, run and see what happens, and then rinse and repeat until you have a fully working program. Given your approach, by the time you've finished deleting all the objects - you won't have much left to run anyway! (No data, No Problem!).
Look through the code in conjunction with running and debugging the application. This will give you an idea of what it is trying to do (I am under the assumption there's not really much in the way of documentation for this project?)
Time to think of a new plan! Sometimes re-writing from scratch is absolutely necessary rather than attempting to work with legacy code that is clearly hard to maintain and is far from optimum. The downside is that this will take more time, on paper - but perhaps will save time in the long run. This might be the time also to move away from VB6 and in to the .NET era. Rewriting applications can let you do this too!
If a re-write is out of the question (such a shame), then you can't go through willy-nilly deleting objects! The program functions with these objects. So they've got to stay and you need to maintain it.
See (2).
Good luck, God speed.
Or, given your comment
Rename Label1 to something more appropriate. Do a search replace within that file (Not the whole solution) to the new name, then correct any accidental errors and move on.
I would go with the last option of Moo-Juice's answer, but slightly different: I would rename a control by adding an "x" to its name and run the project.
If it runs, then remove the control, if it doesnt run, then rename the control back by removing the "x".
This should not take more than 1 hour for about 250 controls
But first you might do something else: Instead of just deleting the unused controls, you might also want to look at the controls:
If there are so many controls then it might be possible to convert series of controls into a control array: This might clean up the code a lot as well, and give you a better overview of the remaining controls
When you cleaned up the controls have a look at their names, and rename them to something useful.
After that it is time to clean up the code in the same way.
You can download MZ-Tools to help you with that.
It's a must for the lazy coder :)
Also place "Option Explicit" at the top of all code windows. This will make it easier for you to spot errors caused by not (properly) declared variables.
Do this after you have done "Review Source Code" of MZ-Tools though, as that might save you a lot of work :)

Time virtualisation on linux

I'm attempting to test an application which has a heavy dependency on the time of day. I would like to have the ability to execute the program as if it was running in normal time (not accelerated) but on arbitrary date/time periods.
My first thought was to abstract the time retrieval function calls with my own library calls which would allow me to alter the behaviour for testing but I wondered whether it would be possible without adding conditional logic to my code base or building a test variant of the binary.
What I'm really looking for is some kind of localised time domain, is this possible with a container (like Docker) or using LD_PRELOAD to intercept the calls?
I also saw a patch that enabled time to be disconnected from the system time using unshare(COL_TIME) but it doesn't look like this got in.
It seems like a problem that must have be solved numerous times before, anyone willing to share their solution(s)?
Whilst alternative solutions and tricks are great, I think you're severely overcomplicating a simple problem. It's completely common and acceptable to include certain command-line switches in a program for testing/evaluation purposes. I would simply include a command line switch like this that accepts an ISO timestamp:
./myprogram --debug-override-time=2014-01-01Z12:34:56
Then at startup, if set, subtract it from the current system time, and indeed make a local apptime() function which corrects the output of regular system for this, and call that everywhere in your code instead.
The big advantage of this is that anyone can reproduce your testing results, without a big readup on custom linux tricks, so also an external testing team or a future co-developer who's good at coding but not at runtime tricks. When (unit) testing, that's a major advantage to be able to just call your code with a simple switch and be able to test the results for equality to a sample set.
You don't even have to document it, lots of production tools in enterprise-grade products have hidden command line switches for this kind of behaviour that the 'general public' need not know about.
There are several ways to query the time on Linux. Read time(7); I know at least time(2), gettimeofday(2), clock_gettime(2).
So you could use LD_PRELOAD tricks to redefine each of these to e.g. substract from the seconds part (not the micro-second or nano-second part) a fixed amount of seconds, given e.g. by some environment variable. See this example as a starting point.
