How to allow anyone to join my github team without them having to ask me - github-api

Currently I have an GitHub repo that I use for collaboration. I want anyone to be able to join it.
GitHub currently requires users to first find me (there is no form to request) and ask me and then they are mailed an invitation which they then have to accept.
I'm guessing there is an app out there for this but I can't find it.
I'm looking for either an integration that takes a turns a issue comment into a team add, or form the user can request an invite from.

Forking a repo remains the official way to contribute without asking. Then the contributor can make a pull request back to the original repo.
The goal is to "manage" (through PR review) the flow of contribution.
The other alternative would be to add several people owner of an organization team: that way, you would be the only one people would have to ask in order to be collaborators.

If this is an organization that you're trying to add members to, there is already some automation around that.
JazzBand allows anyone to join the organization. Their website uses the same mechanisms as add-to-org to add people to an organization.
Looking at their source code, it appears both use the GitHub API to add members to an organization.
PUT /orgs/:org/memberships/:username
That said, if this is a personal repository, you'll instead want to follow the API to add a collaborator
PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:username
It's likely you could modify either of those projects to fit this need. Cheers!


Creating a Pull Request in Azure sentinel Repository

For contributing to the github repository i.e. making a PR in the Azure sentinel Reposiroty: is it necessary to become a Microsoft partner or I can directly contribute without doing so?
The README of that repository contains a contributing section:
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit
When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.
For information on how to contribute, refer to the "how to contribute" guide on the project's wiki.
It is not necessary to be a Microsoft partner to contribute. You simply need to accept Microsoft's CLA (Contributor License Agreement). Send a PR and follow the instructions of the bot there, it will tell you how to proceed.

Search Gerrit changes by user access rights

We have a Gerrit with quite a huge namespace and projects environment and every project has different rights in a matter of code-review or workflow voting and submitting. I sometimes create a set of batch changes accross several projects and then I need reviewers to check and submit. Is there any way how to filter the search results to show only the project which the user searching them can review or submit? Currently, I usually send the results just based on the topic, but this approach still shows all the changes to the reviewers even if they don't have rights to review. Any ideas on how to do or workaround this?
This solution is not exactly what you search for but maybe it can help:
You can use the clause visibleto:'USER-or-GROUP' to match only changes that are visible to 'USER' or to anyone who is a member of 'GROUP'.
More info in Gerrit documentation here.

Custom workflow based on templates with multi-user e-sign

After initial browsing in Google, I couldn't work out the scope of DocuSign API.
I would like to know if it's feasible to implement these features
Multiple templates with custom form fields
Assign workflow to templates - multi-user e-signing by stages?
automate e-signing internally
User management/privileges - to create new document, recall/cancel, etc
Manage List of recipients - type association
Reporting such as; number of documents signed in the last month,
Please briefly explain what is DocuSign capable of and what needs to be developed differently
Thanks in advance
The general answer to your question is "yes." The DocuSign website, Developer Center, and Signature API reference documentation can help you understand the DocuSign Signature product and APIs.
If you have additional questions, you can talk with DocuSign staff, or try it for yourself. The Developer center enables you to create a free developer sandbox.
For API issues, you can also ask questions here on StackOverflow. Note that your questions should be much more specific than the questions you listed above. You also should show what you have already tried and what is not working for you.

using mail server to communicate with jira using api

im new to jira and its mail handlers.i want to use the jira's mail handlers to scan two folders in my mail box.and update two projects related to those folders. and i did that.
but now i want to extend that functionality.i want to keep the mails in those folders (stop mail handlers from deleting it after processing) and make it able to move issues/tasks across projects simply by moving the associated mail from the folder to the other folder. resulting in deletion of the original issue/task from that project and creating it in the other folder. please help in making this a possibility.
for those who didnt understand my problem: imagine im sending a cv for the post of php developer to a mail. when the reciepent checks it, he puts it in the php folder in his then a task is created in the project php developers. but next the reciepents thinks im more suitable in web developement rather than in php. so he just moves the mail from php folder to the web the existing task in php project gets deleted and a new task is created under web developement project. can i do this? if so how? please guide me..
i dont know how to work with corporate people. now the situation has changed. i hope you could help me with this one.sorry about the sudden change in the question..again...
now my boss wants sth like this.
i created a mail client using imap function to access mail services and retrieve those mails to a web function. theres no problem in that. but now my boss wants to handle jira through that same app aswell. means as like the my question when moving, putting a mail to a folder the app it self should comunicate with jira and make the necesary issue creation and deletion.. is this possible #Kuf?? if so please help. because my deadline is due Wednesday. and im almost there to forgive me for changing questions like this. as it is not my will..
I have seen that rest api does this. but how to use it? any answers?
The simplest way I found was to receive the emails in your main account and forward them to a second account, while saving a copy on the mail server. Than, tell Jira to pull the emails from the second email.
In the past, I've looked for a way to change Jira's email handler functionality, as you can see in this question here. It is impossible to achieve what you're asking using Jira's email handler because the way it works, it does not keep records of which emails were already read, Jira's service checks for new emails, ignores emails according the pre-defined filters (spam or user defined), handles the rest of the emails, and deletes them so it won't process them again.
The way I can think of to get the functionality you want is to re-write the email handler, you can get the source code, re-write it, and build it into your Jira app.
Another way, which i find easier, is to get all the emails into Jira, and from within Jira move the issues from one project to another. You can even create pre-defined buttons using Jira Scripting Suite to easily move issues between projects (create a post function and attach it to workflow transition).
If you need any help let me know. Good luck!
Which Jira version do you use? which actions are you planning to do using the remote API? Jira REST API is the newest, but some of the old APIs have capabilities that are lacking in REST. To try and decide which API suits you, have a a look at JIRA Remote API Reference.
If you decide to use the REST API, I suggest that you read Jira's Getting Started with REST manual, which shows how to use the REST API. For the full documentation check out JIRA REST API documentation (make sure to use the right version according to your Jira version).

Delete a checkin via the API

Via the website a user can go to their history and manually delete a checkin. Is it possible to do this via the API as well?
No, this is not possible via the API.
Since there's no way to un-delete a check-in, we wanted to protect users from loosing all their foursquare history due to a bug in a 3rd-party app. Many delete actions are actually not exposed through the API for this reason.
No, it is not possible according to this thread on Google Groups. The documentation does not seem to have anything about checkin deletion either, rather just deleting items from lists, venue groups or comments.
