Transfer time series data from PySpark to Cassandra - cassandra

I have a Spark Cluster and a Cassandra cluster. In pyspark I read a csv file then transform it to an RDD. I then go through every row in my RDD and use a mapper and reducer function. I end up getting the following output (I've made this list short for demonstration purposes):
[(u'20170115', u'JM', u'COP'), (u'20170115', u'JM', u'GOV'), (u'20170115', u'BM', u'REB'), (u'20170115', u'OC', u'POL'), (u'20170114', u'BA', u'EDU')]
I want to go through each row in the array above and store each tuple into one table in Cassandra. I want the unique key to be the date. Now I know that I can turn this array into a dataframe and then store it into Cassandra ( If I turn the list into a dataframe and then store it into Cassandra will Cassandra still be able to handle it? I guess I'm not fully understanding how Cassandra stores values. In my array the dates are repeated, but the other values are different.
What is the best way for me to store the data above in Cassandra? Is there a way for me to store data directly from Spark to Cassandra using python?

Earlier versions of DSE 4.x supported RDDs, but the current connector for DSE and open source Cassandra is "limited to DataFrame only operations."
PySpark with Data Frames
You stated "I want the unique key to be the date". I assume you mean partion key, since date is not unique in your example. Its ok to use date as the partion key (assuming partitons will not be too large) but your primary key needs to be unique.


spark parquet partitioning which remove the partition column

If am using df.write.partitionby(col1).parquet(path) .
the data will remove the partition column on the data.
how to avoid it ?
You can duplicate col1 before writing:
df.withColumn("partition_col", col("col1")).write.partitionBy("partition_col").parquet(path)
Note that this step is not really necessary, because whenever you read a Parquet file in a partitioned directory structure, Spark will automatically add that as a new column to the dataframe.
Actually spark does not remove the column but it uses that column in a way to organize the files so that when you read the files it adds that as a column and display that to you in a table format. If you check the schema of the table or the schema of the dataframe you would still see that as a column in the table.
Also you are partitioning your data so you know how that data from table is queried frequently and based on that information you might have decided to partition the data so that your reads becomes faster and more efficient.

Data is not getting written in sorted format on target oracle table through SPARK

I have a table in hive with below schema
I have created data frame from above hive table
df = sql_context.sql('SELECT * FROM employee ORDER by emp_id')
After above code is run I see that data is sorted properly on emp_id
I am trying to write the data to Oracle table through below code
df.write.jdbc(url=url, table='target_table', properties=properties, mode="overwrite")
As per my understanding, This is happening because of multiple executor processes running at the same time on every data partitions and sorting applied through query is been applied on specific partition and when multiple processes writing data to Oracle at the same time the result table ordering is distorted
I further tried to repartition the data to just one partition(Which is not ideal solution) and post writing the data to oracle the sorting worked properly
Is there any way to write sorted data to RDBMS from SPARK
TL;DR When working with relational systems you should never depend on the insert order. Spark is not really relevant here.
Relational databases, including Oracle, don't guarantee any intrinsic order of the stored data. Exact order of stored records is a detail of implementation, and can change during lifetime of the data.
The sole exception in Oracle are Index Organized Tables where:
data for an index-organized table is stored in a B-tree index structure in a primary key sorted manner.
This of course requires a primary key which can reliably determine order.

Does Spark's RDD.combineByKey() preserve the order of a previously sorted DataFrame?

I've done this in PySpark:
Created a DataFrame using a SELECT statement to get asset data ordered by asset serial number and then time.
Used to convert the DataFrame to an RDD.
Used RDD.combineByKey() to collate all the data for each asset, using the asset's serial number as the key.
Question: Can I be certain that the data for each asset will still be sorted in time order in the RDD resulting from the last step?
Time order is crucial for me (I need to calculate statistics over a moving time window across the data for each asset). When RDD.combineByKey() combines data from different nodes in the Spark cluster for a given key, is any order in that key's data retained? Or is the data from the different nodes combined in no particular order for a given key?
Can I be certain that the data for each asset will still be sorted in time order in the RDD resulting from the last step?
You cannot. When you apply sort across multiple dimensions (data ordered by asset serial number and then time) records for a single asset can be spread across multiple partitions. combineByKey will require a shuffle and the order in which these parts are combined is not guaranteed.
You can try with repartition and sortWithinPartitions (or its equivalent on RDDs):
df.repartition("asset").sortWithinPartitions("asset", "time")
or window functions with frame definition as follows:
w = Window.partitionBy("asset").orderBy("time")
In Spark >= 2.0 window functions can be used with UserDefinedFunctions so if you're fine with writing your own SQL extensions in Scala you can skip conversion to RDD completely.

Spark and cassandra, range query on clustering key

I have cassandra table with following structure:
key int,
time timestamp,
measure float,
primary key (key, time)
I need to create a Spark job which will read data from previous table, within specified start and end timestamp do some processing, and flush results back to cassandra.
So my spark-cassandra-connector will have to do a range query on clustering cassandra table column.
Are there any performance differences if I do:
filter(a => a.time.before(startTime) && a.time.after(endTime).....
so what I am doing is loading all the data into Spark and applying filtering
OR if I do this:
sc.cassandraTable(keyspace, table).
where(s"time>$startTime and time<$endTime)......
which filters all the data in Cassandra and then loads smaller subset to Spark.
The selectivity of a range query will be around 1%
It is impossible to include partition key in the query.
Which of these two solutions is preferred?
sc.cassandraTable(keyspace, table).where(s"time>$startTime and time<$endTime)
Will be MUCH faster. You are basically doing a percentage (if you only pull 5% of the data 5% of the total work) of the full grab in the first command to get the same data.
In the first case you are
Reading all of the data from Cassandra.
Serializing every object and then moving it to Spark.
Then finally filtering everything.
In the second case you are
Reading only the data you actually want from C*
Serializing only this tiny subset
There is no step 3
As an additional comment you can also put your case class type right in the call
sc.cassandraTable[CaseClassObject](keyspace, table)

SparkSQL restrict queries by Cassandra partition key ranges

Imagine that my primary key is a timestamp.
I would like to restrict the query by timestamp ranges.
I don't seem to manage to make it work, even if I used token(). Also I can't create a secondary index on the partition key.
How should this be done?
Cassandra doesn't allow for range queries on partition key.
One way of dealing with this problem is changing your schema so that your timestamp value would be a clustering column. For this to work, you need to introduce a sentinel column as partition key. See this question for more detailed answers: Range Queries in Cassandra (CQL 3.0)
Another way is just to let Spark do the filtering. Range queries on primary key should work in Spark SQL. They would simply not be pushed down to Cassandra and Spark would fetch all data and filter them on the Spark side.
