Does Spark's RDD.combineByKey() preserve the order of a previously sorted DataFrame? - apache-spark

I've done this in PySpark:
Created a DataFrame using a SELECT statement to get asset data ordered by asset serial number and then time.
Used to convert the DataFrame to an RDD.
Used RDD.combineByKey() to collate all the data for each asset, using the asset's serial number as the key.
Question: Can I be certain that the data for each asset will still be sorted in time order in the RDD resulting from the last step?
Time order is crucial for me (I need to calculate statistics over a moving time window across the data for each asset). When RDD.combineByKey() combines data from different nodes in the Spark cluster for a given key, is any order in that key's data retained? Or is the data from the different nodes combined in no particular order for a given key?

Can I be certain that the data for each asset will still be sorted in time order in the RDD resulting from the last step?
You cannot. When you apply sort across multiple dimensions (data ordered by asset serial number and then time) records for a single asset can be spread across multiple partitions. combineByKey will require a shuffle and the order in which these parts are combined is not guaranteed.
You can try with repartition and sortWithinPartitions (or its equivalent on RDDs):
df.repartition("asset").sortWithinPartitions("asset", "time")
or window functions with frame definition as follows:
w = Window.partitionBy("asset").orderBy("time")
In Spark >= 2.0 window functions can be used with UserDefinedFunctions so if you're fine with writing your own SQL extensions in Scala you can skip conversion to RDD completely.


Spark dataframe distinct write is increasing the output size by almost 10 fold

I have a case where i am trying to write some results using dataframe write into S3 using the below query with input_table_1 size is 13 Gb and input_table_2 as 1 Mb
input_table_1 has columns account, membership and
input_table_2 has columns role, id , membership_id, quantity, start_date
/*+ BROADCASTJOIN(input_table_2) */
cast(start_date AS string) AS start_date
ON array_contains(input_table_1.membership, input_table_2.membership_id)
where membership array contains list of member_ids
This dataset write using Spark dataframe is generating around 1.1TiB of data in S3 with around 700 billion records.
We identified that there are duplicates and used dataframe.distinct.write.parquet("s3path") to remove the duplicates . The record count is reduced to almost 1/3rd of the previous total count with around 200 billion rows but we observed that the output size in S3 is now 17.2 TiB .
I am very confused how this can happen.
I have used the following spark conf settings
I have tried to do a coalesce and write to s3 but it did not work.
Please suggest if this is expected and when can be done ?
There's two sides to this:
1) Physical translation of distinct in Spark
The Spark catalyst optimiser turns a distinct operation into an aggregation by means of the ReplaceDeduplicateWithAggregate rule (Note: in the execution plan distinct is named Deduplicate).
This basically means df.distinct() on all columns is translated into a groupBy on all columns with an empty aggregation:
Spark uses a HashPartitioner when shuffling data for a groupBy on respective columns. Since the groupBy clause in your case contains all columns (well, implicitly, but it does), you're more or less randomly shuffling data to different nodes in the cluster.
Increasing spark.sql.shuffle.partitions in this case is not going to help.
Now on to the 2nd side, why does this affect the size of your parquet files so much?
2) Compression in parquet files
Parquet is a columnar format, will say your data is organised in columns rather than row by row. This allows for powerful compression if data is adequately laid-out & ordered. E.g. if a column contains the same value for a number of consecutive rows, it is enough to write that value just once and make a note of the number of repetitions (a strategy called run length encoding). But Parquet also uses various other compression strategies.
Unfortunately, data ends up pretty randomly in your case after shuffling to remove duplicates. The original partitioning of input_table_1 was much better fitted.
There's no single answer how to solve this, but here's a few pointers I'd suggest doing next:
What's causing the duplicates? Could these be removed upstream? Or is there a problem with the join condition causing duplicates?
A simple solution is to just repartition the dataset after distinct to match the partitioning of your input data. Adding a secondary sorting (sortWithinPartition) is likely going to give you even better compression. However, this comes at the cost of an additional shuffle!
As #matt-andruff pointed out below, you can also achieve this in SQL using cluster by. Obviously, that also requires you to move the distinct keyword into your SQL statement.
Write your own deduplication algorithm as Spark Aggregator and group / shuffle the data just once in a meaningful way.

Order of rows shown changes on selection of columns from dependent pyspark dataframe

Why does the order of rows displayed differ, when I take a subset of the dataframe columns to display, via show?
Here is the original dataframe:
Here dates are in the given order, as you can see, via show.
Now the order of rows displayed via show changes when I select a subset of predict_df by method of column selection for a new dataframe.
Because of Spark dataframe itself is unordered. It's due to parallel processing principles wich Spark uses. Different records may be located in different files (and on different nodes) and different executors may read the data in different time and in different sequence.
So You have to excplicitly specify order in Spark action using orderBy (or sort) method. E.g.:
In this case result will be ordered by date column and would be more predictible. But, if many records have equal date value then within those date subset records also would be unordered. So in this case, in order to obtain strongly ordered data, we have to perform orderBy on set of columns. And values in all rows of those set of columns must be unique. E.g.:
df.orderBy(col("date").asc, col("other_column").desc)
In general unordered datasets is a normal case for data processing systems. Even "traditional" DBMS like PostgeSQL or MS SQL Server in general return unordered records and we have to explicitly use ORDER BY clause in SELECT statement. And even if sometime we may see the same results of one query it isn't guarenteed by DBMS that by another execution result will be the same also. Especially if data reading is performed on a large amout of data.
The situation occurs because the show is an action that is called twice.
As no .cache is applied the whole cycle starts again from the start. Moreover, I tried this a few times and got the same order and not the same order as the questioner observed. Processing is non-deterministic.
As soon as I used .cache, the same result was always gotten.
This means that there is ordering preserved over a narrow transformation on a dataframe, if caching has been applied, otherwise the 2nd action will invoke processing from the start again - the basics are evident here as well. And may be the bottom line is always do ordering explicitly - if it matters.
Like #Ihor Konovalenko and #mck mentioned, Sprk dataframe is unordered by its nature. Also, looks like your dataframe doesn’t have a reliable key to order, so one solution is using monotonically_increasing_id to create id and that will keep your dataframe always ordered. However if your dataframe is big, be aware this function might take some time to generate id for each row.

Spark collect_set vs distinct

If my goal is to collect distinct values in a column as a list, is there a performance difference or pros/cons using either of these?
collect_set is an aggregator function and requires a groupBy in the beginning. When there is no grouping provided it will take entire data as 1 big group.
1. collect_set
This will send all data of column column to a single node which will perform collect_set operation (removing duplicates). If your data size is big then it will swamp the single executor where all data goes.
2. distinct
This will partition all data of column column based on its value (called partition key), no. of partitions will be the value of spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (say 200). So 200 tasks will execute to remove duplicates, 1 for each partition key. Then only dedup data will be sent to the driver for .collect() operation. This will fail if your data after removing duplicates is huge, will cause driver to go out of memory.
.distinct is better than .collect_set for your specific need

Optimize Partitionning for billions of distinct keys

I'm processing a file each day with PySpark for contaning information about device navigation through the web. At the end of each month I want to use window functions in order to have the navigation journey for each device. It's a very slow processing, even with many nodes, so I'm looking for ways to speed it up.
My idea was to partition the data but I have 2 billion distinct keys, so partitionBy does not seem appropriate. Even bucketBy might not be a good choice because I create n buckets each day, so the files are not appended but for each day there are x parts of files that are created.
Does anyone have a solution ?
So here is an example of the export for each day (inside of each parquet file we find 9 partitions):
And here is the partitionBy query that we launch at the beggining of each month (compute_visit_number and compute_session_number are two udf that i've created on the notebook):
You want to ensure that each devices data is in the same partition to prevent exchanges when you do your window function. Or at least minimise the number of partitions the data could be in.
To do this I would create a column called partitionKey when you write the data - which contained a mod on the mc_device column - where the number you mod by is the number of partitions you want. Base this number of the size of the cluster that will run the end of month query. (If mc_device is not an integer then create a checksum first).
You can create a secondary partition on the date column if still needed.
Your end of month query should change:
w = Windows.partitionBy('partitionKey', 'mc_device').orderBy(event_time')
If you kept the date as a secondary partition column then repartition the dataframe to partitionKey only:
df = df.repartition('partitionKey')
At this point each devices data will be in the same partition and no exchanges should be needed. The sort should be faster and your query will hopefully complete in a sensible time.
If it is still slow you need more partitions when writing the data.

Apache Spark RDD sortByKey algorithm and time complexity

What is the Big-O time complexity for Apache Spark RDD sortByKey?
I am trying to assign row numbers to an RDD based on a particular order.
Say I have a {K,V} pair RDD and I wish to perform an order by key using
What is the time complexity for this operation, in big-O form?
And what is happening under-the-covers? Bubble sort? I hope not! My dataset is very large and runs across partitions, so I'm curious whether the sortByKey function is optimal, or does some kind of intermediate data structure within a partition and then something else across partitions to optimize message passing, or what.
A quick look at the code shows that a RangePartitioner is being used under the covers. The docs say:
partitions sortable records by range into roughly
* equal ranges. The ranges are determined by sampling the content of the RDD passed in
So in essence your data is sampled (O[n]), then only the unique sample keys (m) are sorted are sorted (O[m log(m)]) and ranges of keys determined, then the entire data is shuffled around (O[n], but costly), then the data sorted internally for the range of keys received on a given partition (O[p log[p)).
zipWithIndex probably uses local sizes to assign numbers, using the partition number, so it is likely that partition metadata is stored for this effect:
Zips this RDD with its element indices. The ordering is first based on the partition index
* and then the ordering of items within each partition. So the first item in the first
* partition gets index 0, and the last item in the last partition receives the largest index.
