Trouble connecting NodeMCU to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub - azure

I am trying to connect my ESP8266, running the latest NodeMCU build, to a Microsoft Azure IoT Hub via MQTT Protocol.
It appears that this is possible, as it is shown here...
I am using the correct syntax as far as I can see from the MS Azure help...
Unlike the example in ThingLabs, which creates a SAS token using NodeMCU, I have followed the MS document and generated a SAS token using the Device Explorer, for testing purposes.
My LUA code is as follows...
-- Create variables
DEVICE = "testdevice"
PORT = 8883
USER = IOTHUB.."/"..DEVICE.."/api-version=2016-11-14"
PASS = "SharedAccessSignature"
-- Create an MQTT Client
azure = mqtt.Client(DEVICE, 60, USER, PASS)
-- Connect to IoTHub via MQTT
azure:connect(IOTHUB, PORT, 1, 0,
-- Callback for a successful connection
-- Error callback, if connection fails
function(client, reason)
print("Error Connecting: "..reason)
The response is always Error Connecting: -5 which translates to "There is no broker listening at the specified IP Address and Port".
I suspected that NodeMCU was struggling with the SSL (port 8883) connection. So I ensured that I was able to make HTTPS connections (after verifying the SSL root certificate) with the following code, this worked but did not help.
http.get("", nil,
function (code, resp)
print(code, resp)
I cannot seem to get this to work! #Marcel Stör - any thoughts?
Many thanks in advance.

I had the same error Error Connecting: -5 , I have set the time on the ESP and it fix this error.
You will find some information about sntp on (as you mention it).


Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: No connection established when connecting to gRPC Service

I deployed a gRPC service to Cloud Run and was given a service url of the form:
I now attempted to connect to that service from localhost using the following code:
let client = new customer_proto.Customer("", grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
but all I keep getting back is the following error:
Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: No connection established
What can I do differently to make this work?
Thank you
We don't know the implementation of customer_proto.Customer so it's not possible to provide a definitive answer.
It's unlikely that the method expects the endpoint to be prefixed dns:. I would expect it to want the Cloud Run service endpoint and, because gRPC doesn't have default ports, (and as I mentioned previously, Cloud Run maps services to) :443 too, i.e.
A good tool that I use to test gRPC services is gRPCurl. Postman is quite common for REST and now supports gRPC
If your service support reflection, you can:
grpcurl list
Otherwise, you'll need to reference the service's proto file(s), the service and a method (possibly with data) to test:
grpcurl \
-proto {your-proto} \ \
You can confirm that the host is defined and responds with:
telnet 443

Azure Cosmos DB: 503 Service Unavailable

While connecting from my code outside of the company network, the Cosmos DB connection works just fine. But from the company network, it throws a 503 ServiceUnavailable status code. What are the possible issues?
Based on the comments:
System.Exception: 'Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.CosmosException : Response status code does not indicate success: ServiceUnavailable (503); Substatus: 0;
ActivityId: ;
Reason: (The request failed because the client was unable to establish connections to 4 endpoints across 1 regions. Please check for client resource starvation issues and verify connectivity between client and server.
Normally, if you take that exception and store or view the ToString(), it will show you more information. But from the message itself, it means the client tried to connect to all known endpoints available and failed.
This normally means there is either something on the network blocking your request or the machine executing this code is completely overloaded (CPU at 100% or port exhaustion) and cannot process any request.
If this is consistently failing for all operations, check that your network has the correct port range open:
By default, the SDK works in Direct mode, so check that ports in the 10000 through 20000 range are open and available. If you have private endpoint enabled, the range is 0 to 65535.
As #GauravMantri mentioned, you can change to Gateway mode also if the network is restricted:
string connectionString = "<your-account-connection-string>";
CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(connectionString,
new CosmosClientOptions
ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Gateway

Azure IoT SDK C: Error 401 when connecting to Blob Storage

OS and version used: Ubuntu 18.04
SDK version used: Release Dec. 13, 2018
Target: ESP32.
Description of the issue:
I am trying to connect the ESP32 to my Blob storage. I am getting an HTTP error 401 (unauthorized access).
I am using the example: iothub_client_sample_upload_to_blob_mb.
I tried connecting using just the Shared Access Key in my connection string, but this did not work (no connection). After that I generated an SAS token in Azure (Storage Accounts -> -> Shared Access Signature) and plugged that in into my connection string.
My connection string looks like this:
static const char* connectionString = "HostName=<Host name>;DeviceId=<Device ID>;SharedAccessSignature=<inserted here without the "?" at the beginning>";
Q1: Why is there a "?" in front of the token? When I look at the connection string, at SharedAccessSignature=.. I don't see the "?".
I also set up the Endpoint in Azure under IoT Hub -> Upload files.
In the example, I am using the option SET_TRUSTED_CERT_IN_SAMPLES.
Q2: What does that mean? I am not so familiar with basic encryption and should probably read up on that.
Q3: Why am I getting an 401 error? What could be a possible solution?
Initializing SNTP
ESP platform sntp inited!
Time is not set yet. Connecting to WiFi and getting time over NTP. timeinfo.tm_year:70
Waiting for system time to be set... tm_year:0[times:1]
Starting the IoTHub client sample upload to blob with multiple blocks...
Info: Waiting for TLS connection
Info: Waiting for TLS connection
Info: Waiting for TLS connection
Info: Waiting for TLS connection
Error: Time:Thu Jan 17 22:06:00 2019 File:/home/julian/eclipse-workspace/chaze-esp32/components/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.c Func:send_http_request Line:142 HTTP code was 401
Error: Time:Thu Jan 17 22:06:00 2019 File:/home/julian/eclipse-workspace/chaze-esp32/components/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.c Func:IoTHubClient_LL_UploadToBlob_step1and2 Line:494 unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest
Error: Time:Thu Jan 17 22:06:00 2019 File:/home/julian/eclipse-workspace/chaze-esp32/components/esp-azure/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.c Func:IoTHubClient_LL_UploadMultipleBlocksToBlob_Impl Line:768 error in IoTHubClient_LL_UploadToBlob_step1
Received unexpected result FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR
hello world failed to upload
Press any key to continue
Here is the link to the GitHub Repo.
The example can be found here.
I generated an SAS token in Azure (Storage Accounts -> -> Shared Access Signature) and plugged that in into my connection string. My connection string looks like this:
static const char* connectionString = "HostName=<Host name>;DeviceId=<DeviceID>;SharedAccessSignature=<inserted here without the "?" at the beginning>";
Q1: Why is there a "?" in front of the token? When I look at the connection string, at SharedAccessSignature=.. I don't see the "?".
After registering a device on IoTHub you will need to retrieve it's connection string to use on this example. See here an example on how to register and retrieve the connection string from a device on IoTHub.
I also set up the Endpoint in Azure under IoT Hub -> Upload files. In the example, I am using the option SET_TRUSTED_CERT_IN_SAMPLES.
Q2: What does that mean? I am not so familiar with basic encryption and should probably read up on that.
That Flag is used when compiling the SDK for your device. See the CMake File:
#Conditionally use the SDK trusted certs in the samples
set(iothub_client_sample_upload_to_blob_mb_c_files ${iothub_client_sample_upload_to_blob_mb_c_files} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/certs/certs.c)
Q3: Why am I getting an 401 error? What could be a possible solution?
Make sure you configure file upload on Azure IoTHub correctly - and use the correct connection string on the sample. Also leverage the ESP8266 sample that should have similar steps as the ESP32 configuration.
To get rid of the 401 error: Use MSFT Baltimore certificate in the code.
To get rid of the panic on the ESP: Look at this GitHub issue.

SignalR access hub from elsewhere in server

I'm hosting SignalR in IIS along with my application and while my remote clients can connect happily I can't get my application which has created the hubs to connect and take part itself reliably.
I have tried to connect to the hub from within the web server process which is successful but only if I know what port it is hosted on. As that can be configured from IIS to be anything then I don't know what port to try to connect to internally.
I had hoped I could make use of the IHubContext but that only seems to give me ways of sending messages but not receiving them.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
-- Edit --
I've moved on with my experimenting but I've hit a different brick wall now.
I'm setting up my hub like this
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Register(typeof(StatusHub), () => this.StatusHub);
So that I can have a single instance of the hub and hook into events on it from within my server but external to the hub itself.
I can then make use of a couple of events
public event EventHandler<string> Connected;
public event EventHandler<string> Disconnected;
And then else where
this.statusHub.Connected += (sender, connectionId) => this.UpdateServerStatus(connectionId);
this.statusHub.Disconnected += (sender, connectionId) => this.ReleaseLicense(connectionId);
And these functions get called as clients connect and disconnect when the hub makes the overidden calls to
public override Task OnConnected()
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
What I then can't seem to do is actually send messages to the clients using the hub. I've tried to do this
var host = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<StatusHub>();
and while host comes back as a valid object no client function I call on it appears to get through and I can't see any clients on the object.
In the end I was missing a key point. I'm no longer connecting to my own hub internally because the callbacks call me when I need to know.
Calling the client function in the end I was trying to call a hub function Update() and not the client function heartbeat().

WinCE: 10053 error during connect

I wrote a Bluetooth client program for a wince 4.2 device. The device discovery works fine. However, when I attempt to connect to a PC, the connect function immediately returns with error code 10053. The connection request was being processed by the PC with a prompt to enter the authentication code but the wince device doesn’t seem to wait.
What could be causing this issue? I am using the following steps (removed error handling for simplicity):
WSAStartup(..)…////was successful.
SOCKET m_Socket =Socket (AF_BTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTHPROTO_RFCOMM); //was successful.
memset (&sClinet, 0, sizeof(sClinet));
sClinet.addressFamily = AF_BTH;
sClinet.btAddr = btd.btaddr; ; //BT_ADDR of the PC obtained via Device Discovery..
sClinet.port = BT_PORT_ANY; //I did try 0, did not help!
sClinet.serviceClassId = RFCOMM_PROTOCOL_UUID;
int nConErr = connect (m_Socket, (SOCKADDR *)&sClinet, sizeof(sClinet));
nConErr returns 10053 immediately. It doesn’t even wait, even though the PC recognized the connection and prompted a message to enter the PIN for authentication.
From what you are describing it looks like it is a pairing/authentication problem. You should consider in using also setsockopt function:
You should try to use SO_BTH_AUTHENTICATE option which according to MSDN:
On connected socket, triggers authentication. On not connected socket, forces authentication on connection. For incoming connection this means that connection is rejected if authentication cannot be performed.
So before calling connect function you should set options to your socket.
