Acumatica get Sales Order by Customer Order field - acumatica

I am attempting to retrieve a single sales order based on the Customer Order field in Acumatica with the Contract Based API. See my code below, which I based off of code in the Contract Based Documentation (page 82).
public SalesOrder GetSalesOrder(string orderNumber)
var binding = new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding()
AllowCookies = true,
MaxReceivedMessageSize = 655360,
MaxBufferSize = 655360,
SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0)
var soToBeFound = new SalesOrder()
OrderType = new StringValue { Value = "SO" },
CustomerOrder = new StringValue { Value = orderNumber }
var address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AcumaticaUrl"]);
using (DefaultSoapClient client = new DefaultSoapClient(binding, address))
client.Login(_acumaticaUid, _acumaticaPwd, _acumaticaCompany, null, null);
var existingOrder = (SalesOrder)client.Get(soToBeFound);
return existingOrder;
When I execute this code I get this exception:
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after
00:01:59.9880722. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to
Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time
allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer
As you can see, I've already increased the timeout to 2 minutes, which seems like forever. Is the Acumatica API really just this slow? Or am I doing something wrong in code?
When I try to get by the "OrderNbr" field instead of "CustomerOrder" field, it works perfectly. Is getting by "CustomerOrder" not allowed in this way? If not, how can I use "CustomerOrder" in a get request?

When you do search via the Contract-Based API, it's required to assign instance of the [FieldType]Search type instead of [FieldType]Value to all fields used in search criteria (StringSearch must be used instead of StringValue in your case):
var soToBeFound = new SalesOrder()
OrderType = new StringSearch { Value = "SO" },
CustomerOrder = new StringSearch { Value = orderNumber }
Just to confirm, StringSearch is also used in the sample on page 82 from the Contract Based documentation.


Fill duedate field based on value of terms field

Is it possible to fill the duedate field based on the terms field? For example, I have a date in the duedate field, but I want to extend it based on the terms field. How can I do it? Through Suitescript or workflow?
The code is incomplete because I don’t know if I’m on the right path.
(NB: It is a user event)
function beforeLoad(context) {
function beforeSubmit(context) {
function afterSubmit(context) {
var dataEntrega = context.currentRecord
fieldId: 'duedate'
var dataCondicoes = context.currentRecord
fieldId: 'terms'
return {
beforeLoad: beforeLoad,
beforeSubmit: beforeSubmit,
afterSubmit: afterSubmit
Why do you need to script this? I believe the due date is calculated based on the terms out of the box, no need for scripting
The following code should work. Depending on your needs I recommend adding some limitations to when this logic is executed. For example you can only execute based on if the transaction/record mode is create/copy (decide if you want to include edit or not). You can also check the status of the transaction, and only execute if the status is not partially paid/paid in full...
function afterSubmit(context) {
//load record
var curRec = context.newRecord; //can substitute "context.oldRecord", or "currentRecord.get();"
//get current due date
var transDueDate = curRec.getValue({fieldId: 'duedate'});
//get the terms, this will likely come as an internal id. use getText if you want the text.
var transTerms = curRec.getValue({fieldId: 'terms'});
//empty string to hold terms as a number of days
var addtlDays;
//transform the internal id to terms as a number of days
switch (transTerms){
case 1: // Ex: 1 = internal id for term "Net 15"
addtlDays = 15;
case 2: // Ex: 2 = internal id for term "Net 30"
addtlDays = 30;
//add additional case statements as needed
addtlDays = 0;
//calculuate the new due date
var d = new Date(transDueDate);
var newDueDate = d.setDate(d.getDate() + addtlDays);
//set the new due date
fieldId: 'duedate',
value: newDueDate,
ignoreFieldChange: true //optional, default is false

Display of "is not a valid internal id" in Netsuite Suitescript 1.0 when creating a Search on a particular record

I have created a search in Netsuite using Suitescript 1.0 for searching a particular "Account" using its account number. When I save the following script file, an error is being displayed in "filters[0]" line in the code below, where it says "acctnumber is not a valid internal id.". I am new to Netsuite and would want to know why the error is being displayed, and the solution for the same. Below is the following piece of code written in which the error is being occured.
function COGSAcnt() {
var cOGSAcntNumber = '50001';
var acntNo;
var filters = new Array();
filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter('acctnumber', null, 'startswith', cOGSAcntNumber);
var columns = new Array();
columns[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid');
var acntSearch = nlapiSearchRecord('account', null, filters, columns);
if (acntSearch != null) {
for (x=0; x<acntSearch.length; x++) {
acntNo = ITMSearch[x].getValue('internalid');
nlapiLogExecution('debug', 'acntNo', acntNo);
return acntNo;
NOTE: I want the filter to be acctnumber (Account Number), and using that would want to retrieve the internalid of the account in Netsuite.
This is where NS can be a little confusing. If you look at the NS Record browser ( look under the Filters section. Account Number (acctnumber) isn't there. However Number (number) is the filter.
Try rewriting the code to use number instead
function COGSAcnt() {
var cOGSAcntNumber = '50001';
var acntNo = [];
var filters = new nlobjSearchFilter('number', null, 'startswith', cOGSAcntNumber);
var acntSearch = nlapiSearchRecord('account', null, filters, columns);
if (acntSearch != null) {
for (x=0; x<acntSearch.length; x++) {
return acntNo;

Cannot find "From" field in web API when trying to add "draft email" activity in opportunity

Thanks to #DChhapgar for help me figure out how to add "draft email" activity in opportunity, however, when I was trying to run my code I created following #DChhapgar instruction, I got error as follows:
Error #13: Inserting 'Activity' record raised one or more errors. Please review. Error: 'From' may not be empty
My code is as below:
CR304000Content CR304000 = context.CR304000GetSchema();
//Email Activity Screen
CR306015Content CR306015 = context.CR306015GetSchema();
//Locate Opportunity for which Email Draft needs to be added
CR304000Content[] CR304000result = context.CR304000Submit(
new Command[]
new Value { Value = opportunity.ID, LinkedCommand = CR304000.OpportunitySummary.OpportunityID},
//Invoke New Email Actity Action
//Specify data for Email Activity
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email.Subject))
CR306015Content[] CR306015result = context.CR306015Submit(
new Command[]
new Value { Value = "", LinkedCommand = CR306015.Message.FromMailAccountID},
new Value { Value = email.ToAddress, LinkedCommand = CR306015.Message.To},
new Value { Value = email.Subject, LinkedCommand = CR306015.Message.Subject },
new Value { Value = email.Message, LinkedCommand = CR306015.Message_.ActivityDetails},
I saw there were totally three fields related to email "from" in web service specification: CR306015.Message.FromMailAccountID, CR306015.Message.FromEmailAccountID, CR306015.Message.FromMailFrom, however neither of them worked for me.
Am I missing something?
I'm guessing FromMailAccountID needs to be an integer. Look at what the values are for existing records.

Netsuite Userevent Script

I have a userevent script to change the Field in Contract record from PO record. The Script is running fine. But whenever I edit a contract record and try to submit it : It throws the error "Another user has updated this record since you began editing it. Please close the record and open it again to make your changes".
May I know the reason behind this ?
Description : Whenever the PO vendor is changed(due to Split vendor) that should replace the same in Contract page record automatically.
Script type : User Event Script
Script id : customscript452
Version : 1.0
Applied to : Contract
function srchfield()
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); //returns the contract id
if(stRecordid== undefined || stRecordid== null || stRecordid==' ')
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType(); //returns the contract record type = jobs
var stRecord = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), stRecordid);
nlapiLogExecution('debug','Load Object',stRecord);
var stContractID = stRecord.getFieldValue('entityid'); //returns the value of the field contractid whose fieldid is = entityid
var stCompanyName = stRecord.getFieldValue('companyname'); //returns the value of the field company name whose fieldid is = companyname
var stConcatenate = stContractID+" : "+stCompanyName; //Concatenate the two Fields to get the result which needs to be found in PO
var arrFilters = new Array(); // This is Array Filters all the Purchase Order Record Search
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('type', null, 'anyof',
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('mainline', null, 'is', 'T')); //This is to exclude line level results
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('custbodycontract', null, 'is', stRecordid)); //This is Filters in Contracts Search
var arrColumns = new Array();
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('entity')); //This is Search Column Field in Records
var arrSearchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('purchaseorder', null, arrFilters, arrColumns); //This is Filters in Search Result Purchase Order
if(arrSearchresults== undefined || arrSearchresults== null || arrSearchresults==' ')
var length = arrSearchresults.length;
if(length== undefined || length== null || length==' ')
for (var i = 0; arrSearchresults != null && i < arrSearchresults.length; i++)
var objResult = arrSearchresults[i];
var stRecId = objResult.getId();
var stRecType = objResult.getRecordType();
var stCntrctName = objResult.getValue('entity'); //This is Value are Get Purchase Order Records and Field for Vendor = entity
//var record = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), stRecordid, stCntrctName);
if (stCntrctName =='custentityranking_vendor_name')
var stChangeName = stRecord.setFieldValue('custentityranking_vendor_name', stCntrctName); //This is Value are the Set in Main Vendor Field = custentityranking_vendor_name
nlapiSubmitRecord(stRecord, null, null); // Submit the Field Value in Record Type
The User Event script executes as the Contract record is being saved to the database. At the same time, you are loading a second copy of the record from the database and trying to submit the copy as well. This is causing the error you're seeing.
You fix this by just using nlapiSetFieldValue to set the appropriate field on the Contract.
I might also recommend getting more familiar with JavaScript by going through the JavaScript Guide over at MDN. In particular, take a look at the Boolean description so that you know how JavaScript evaluates Boolean expressions. This will help you greatly reduce the amount of code you've written here, as many of your conditionals are unnecessary.
What userevent do you have? It is happening depending on what type of user event and API you are using. Looking at your code, you are trying to load contract record that is already updated at the database. So you might consider below to address your issue. Hope, it helps.
If it is a before submit, you don't need to load the record where the script is deployed.
Just use nlapiGet* and nlapiSet* to get and set values. You also don't need to use nlapiSubmitRecord to reflect the change. With before submit, it executes before the record is being saved to the database. So your changes will still be reflected.
Then if it is after submit, it will be executed after the record has been saved to the database, Thus you might use the following API depending on your needs. Actually, this is the best practice to make sure the solution .
nlapiGetNewRecord - only use this if the script only needs to retrieve info from header and sublists. And nothing to set.
nlapiLookupField - use this if the script only needs to get value/s at the header and nothing from the line.
nlapiSubmitField - the script don't need to load and submit record if the changes only on header. Just use this API.
nlapiLoadRecord and nlapiSubmitRecord- use the former if the script will have changes at the line and then use the latter api to commit it on the database.
Being a user event script code, The code you showed is very not good considering performance.
Here is the sample you can merge
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); //returns the contract id
// Every record has an internal id associated with it. No need to add condition explicitly to check if its null
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType();
var fields = ['entityid','companyname'];
var columns = nlapiLookupField(stRecordtype, stRecordid, fields);
var stContractID = columns.entityid;
var stCompanyName = columns.companyname;
var stConcatenate = stContractID+" : "+stCompanyName; //Concatenate the two Fields to get the result which needs to be found in PO
//your code of search
//you can improve that code also by using nlapilook up
nlapiSubmitField(stRecordtype, stRecordid, 'custentityranking_vendor_name', 'name to be updated');

Reconstructing an ODataQueryOptions object and GetInlineCount returning null

In an odata webapi call which returns a PageResult I extract the requestUri from the method parameter, manipulate the filter terms and then construct a new ODataQueryOptions object using the new uri.
(The PageResult methodology is based on this post: )
Here is the raw inbound uri which includes %24inlinecount=allpages
Everything works fine in terms of the data returned except Request.GetInLineCount returns null.
This 'kills' paging on the client side as the client ui elements don't know the total number of records.
There must be something wrong with how I'm constructing the new ODataQueryOptions object.
Please see my code below. Any help would be appreciated.
I suspect this post may contain some clues but I'm stumped.
public PageResult<OrderVm> Get(ODataQueryOptions<OrderVm> options)
var incomingUri = options.Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
//manipulate the uri here to suit the entity model
//(related to a transformation needed for enumerable type OrderStatusId )
//e.g. the query string may include %24filter=OrderStatusName+eq+'Started'
//I manipulate this to %24filter=OrderStatusId+eq+'Started'
ODataQueryOptions<OrderVm> options2;
var newUri = incomingUri; //pretend it was manipulated as above
//Reconstruct the ODataQueryOptions with the modified Uri
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, newUri);
//construct a new options object using the new request object
options2 = new ODataQueryOptions<OrderVm>(options.Context, request);
//Extract a queryable from the repository. contents is an IQueryable<Order>
var contents = _unitOfWork.OrderRepository.Get(null, o => o.OrderByDescending(c => c.OrderId), "");
//project it onto the view model to be used in a grid for display purposes
//the following projections etc work fine and do not interfere with GetInlineCount if
//I avoid the step of constructing and using a new options object
var ds = contents.Select(o => new OrderVm
OrderId = o.OrderId,
OrderCode = o.OrderCode,
CustomerId = o.CustomerId,
AmountCharged = o.AmountCharged,
CustomerName = o.Customer.FirstName + " " + o.Customer.LastName,
Donation = o.Donation,
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
OrderStatusId = o.StatusId,
OrderStatusName = ""
//note the use of 'options2' here replacing the original 'options'
var settings = new ODataQuerySettings()
PageSize = options2.Top != null ? options2.Top.Value : 5
//apply the odata transformation
//note the use of 'options2' here replacing the original 'options'
IQueryable results = options2.ApplyTo(ds, settings);
//Update the field containing the string representation of the enum
foreach (OrderVm row in results)
row.OrderStatusName = row.OrderStatusId.ToString();
//get the total number of records in the result set
var count = Request.GetInlineCount();
//create the PageResult object
var pr = new PageResult<OrderVm>(
results as IEnumerable<OrderVm>,
return pr;
So the corrected code should read
//create the PageResult object
var pr = new PageResult<OrderVm>(
results as IEnumerable<OrderVm>,
return pr;
Avoided the need for a string transformation of the enum in the controller method by applying a Json transformation to the OrderStatusId property (an enum) of the OrderVm class
public OrderStatus OrderStatusId { get; set; }
This does away with the foreach loop.
InlineCount would be present only when the client asks for it through the $inlinecount query option.
In your modify uri logic add the query option $inlinecount=allpages if it is not already present.
Also, there is a minor bug in your code. The new ODataQueryOptions you are creating uses a new request where as in the GetInlineCount call, you are using the old Request. They are not the same.
It should be,
var count = request.GetInlineCount(); // use the new request that your created, as that is what you applied the query to.
