DNS Entry for an OpenShift V3 - dns

I've recently bought a domain name, and I'm trying to redirect this domain name to an OpenShift v3 web app. (It is my first time setting up things like this, so bear with my ignorance.) Normally, OpenShift provides a hostname, something like:
Based on conversation with support of my domain name registry company (not GoDaddy), I need to have some static IP from my Web Hosting provider to add to the DNS Entry or NameServer to link to my domain name (in my domain name account page). It looks like they don't have a clue that PaaS company like OpenShift don't provide a static IP for hosted Web applications.
What I did, is to get the above URL from OpenShift and add this DNS entry as CNAME type, which still didn't work.
Anyone here who has an idea, what I should get from OpenShift in order to tie my domain name and web app?

The CNAME approach should be used. You don't need a static IP address in that case but would use the FQDN of the OpenShift ingress point. You then also need to expose the service in OpenShift via your FQDN and not let it use the generated one.
If you are using the OpenShift V3 developer preview though, I believe use of custom domains is not enabled. The only way I know to have custom host name with the developer preview is to use a proxy service in front.
BTW, do note that the developer preview only provides you a time limited account. You should not use it for real web sites.


Pointing same domain to different app service in Azure

I am using Azure App Service to host my NodeExpress application, I am right now stuck at a very strange requirement.
I have 2 different azure app services.
1) myApp
2) sampleApp
I have a domain pointed at myApp. (Added hostname www.myapp.com)
now I want to delete myApp and shift my hostname (www.myapp.com) to sampleApp.
now my Question is,
will it change my IP Address? (This I think it would because I haven't bought any static IP)
if my app service pointing IP is changed, will I have to do anything with the domain DNS manager to move www.myapp.com in hostnames of sample app?
I don't have access to DNS Manager because client has it. I have to tell client to add CNAME to verify domain ownership. I want to point this domain to different app service without adding delay of asking my client to change its cname to verify domain ownership.
You can actually migrate the domainname without downtime by using a verify record. Just create the record:
awverify.www.mydomain.com CNAME mynewnodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
That will enable you to add the hostname www.domain.com to sampleApp in azure (and add an SSL binding).
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/manage-custom-dns-migrate-domain
You have to register the new CNAME from your web application in the DNS server before adding it to Azure App Service. Right now you have something like this:
www.mydomain.com CNAME mynodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
First, change it to your new application address:
www.mydomain.com CNAME mynewnodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
And then add the custom domain to your new web application.
App Service does provide you with a public IP address, but it's not guaranteed to remain the same, although it's unlikely to change. Said that, as long as you keep using CNAME, you shouldn't have any problems. If you delete the original app and recreate using the same Azure FQDN, then you don't need to change anything on customer DNS settings, Azure will be able to verify the domain successfully in this case.

How to set custom domain name for nodejs app hosting on azure linux VM

I am hosting my nodejs project on microsoft azure. Now i wanted do custom domain but i don't know how to do, I have external go daddy domain.
Presently my project running on azure vm's default DNSName.southindia.cloudapp.azure.com domain, now I wanted to change my goDaddy domain. How can I do that, Can anyone help to do this
below is my vm's configuration.
According to your description, we can add A record to map your domain name to this VM's public IP address, or you can add CNAME to map your domian name to this VM's DNSName.southindia.cloudapp.azure.com.
About add an A record.
More information about add a record, strong textplease refer to this link.

Azure Traffic Manager, custom domain and 404

I got lost with Traffic Manager setup and custom domain name.
First I had two mobile apps in 2 regions (westeuropeapp.azurewebsites.net and brazilapp.azurewebsites.net) as endpoints of Traffic Manager (trafficmanager.trafficmanager.net). It was Working.
Then I wanted to use a custom domain name with subdomains: westeurope.mydomain.com, brazil.mydomain.com and trafficmanager.mydomain.com. So I followed Azure doc instructions and created CNAME for my subdomains pointing to the two mobile apps and to traffic manager. Then I added westeurope.mydomain.com (resp. brazil.mydomain.com) as hostname for my west europe mobile app (resp. brazil mobile app).
But when I navigate to trafficmanager.mydomain.com I got a 404.
I checked the DNS resolution with Dig, I can see that trafficmanager.mydomain.com has a cname to trafficmanager.trafficmanager.net which has a cname to westeuropeapp.azurewebsites.net which resolve to ip xxxx.This looks good.
If I type that ip into my browser I got 404. But if I type westeuropeapp.azurewebsites.net I got my app running. I also checked westeuropeapp.azurewebsites.net in Dig and it resolves to the same ip as above.
What am I missing? (I don't even talk about SSL, it will be next post.)
You also need to add trafficmanager.mydomain.com to the Mobile Apps as a custom domain.
App Service shares IP addresses across apps, so the only way for it to identify which app your request is bound for is the Host header. By adding the custom domain App Service knows to route requests for that domain to that app.
Once you add the mobile apps to the traffic manager, trafficmanager.mydomain.com will automatically gets added to the mobile app, in the host name assigned to site(App->Custom domain). Wait for sometime for the changes to propagate. After the trafficmanager is propogated, You need to add custom domain to both of your mobile apps.
This video has the details for adding custom domain for the traffic manager. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ggz9qZpVHo

How to connect existing hosting account with new domain

i have bought a domain(adspace.lk) and hosting from the same service provider (lankahost.net). but now my domain has expired and my hosting account is still available with all my files.
now i have bought another domain (.com) at name.com .i want to connect my new domain name.com to the existing hosting account.
Is there any way to do it.
sort of, yes. Assuming that the machine you're hostin your files on has an ip address set aside for your exclusive use - that is, not "shared" hosting - you can simply create an A record with the new new, and that ip address. You must also change your webserver config - if you're using any web related stuff - such that the webserver can associate your web site files with the new name. Usually, a web host can have multiple names at the same time, so you could simply add a new name to the existing configuration.
It's hard to answer without knowing the details of your domain and hosting settings, but I'll try to give a generic but hopefully useful answer.
You should first get the ip(s) of your hosting. Then point the new domain to that ip(s) using the dns panel provided by the registrar. If you use your own dns (unlikely), set the ip there.
After this, you should configure some rules on your hosting. It's likely that you have to set some sort of virtualhost settings. In particular, you should associate the new domain name to the hosting: probably the hosting service provides you a control panel for this task.
It will be done easily from your domain control panel, just update your dns settings for your new domain name.com. Update your nameservers or A record to point the hosting account. So that it will be linked with your existing hosting account files.

How do I provide my own FQDN for my hostnames?

I am searching the documentation on how I can provide my own FQDN to my hosts in Azure but don't seem to find what I need. How are you all setting your FQDN so that you can access your different host systems by that name instead of name.cloudapp.net
I essentially want to access it by machine.domain.tld (where domain.tld is my own domain name)
What you are looking for is probably the support documentation regarding DNS Services and configuration of Azure Cloud services.
Microsoft Azure Support Pointers
I found a support article on the configuration of a custom domain name for an Azure Cloud Service.
I am not sure if you are asking about configuring DNS for a Web Site service, which looks like it has different instructions so choose appropriately.
Make Changes with Your Domain Registrar
Depending on whom you have registered your domain name with, you will need to set up a DNS A Record and a DNS CNAME to get what you need.
The "A Record" is where the domain.tld value is assigned. It will be the same as your cloud service public-ip. The machine name represented in your assigned DNS address is associated with a Domain C-Name record established with your Domain name Registrar and pointed to your A Record.
Follow the instructions to also configure your cloud service settings. Pointing the domain name to your cloud service will not be enough.
