landscape j2me game with WTK emulator - java-me

I am working on a landscape java game and using Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2_01 as emulator.
I am able to see landscape image of the game while using emulator but still the emulator is positioned in portrait mode. This makes it difficult to debug and review the project.
Is there any way to get the proper view for landscape game Wireless Toolkit?


Fullscreen keyboard when keyboard is open in landscape mode

I am using an Android plugin for displaying flutter app over other android apps, I did it, and to make a fullscreen keyboard when the keyboard is open in landscape mode, this functionality is also found in WhatsApp in landscape mode, for that I am using a great Plugin, it's working fine, here is a picture: , but in my overlay widget, it's not working, like copy paste is not working too, here is a picture , This is a simple code example reproducing the issue: Github, I am testing using my Huawei P20 Lite.
Any little help will be very welcome, Thank you in advance.

default preview device and orientation

I am using Android Studio (BumbleBee 2021.1.1).
I have created a device in the Device Manager which corresponds to the physical tablet that I am connecting to each time.
However, each time I open up a project, the default view in the Design view is for a Pixel phone, in Portrait mode.
How can I set it to use my device in landscape mode, as the default, instead of having to manually set this every time I open the project?

Android emulator not showing canvas drawing

I have an app that draws animations to the canvas using a SurfaceView subclass. After upgrading to Android Studio 3.0, I started having problems with running the app on the emulator. The app works fine on a real Android device, but the drawing commands are not showing up at all when I run it on the emulator. There are buttons on the activity that show up, but the canvas is just blank and white. I tried the debugging technique here and it all looks fine when I inspect the bitmap, but it just won't show up at all on the emulator. Any ideas on how to resolve this would be fantastic.
I was having a hard time making canvas work in my app, and then I eventually thought it may be the emulator. Hans is right, you can make the canvases show up by tweaking the emulator settings.
Here's the settings that works for me on macOS 10.13.6 (any other combination didn't work):
OpenGL ES renderer: Desktop native OpenGL
OpenGL ES API level: Comptability (OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0)
Note that these fields are in the "Advanced" tabs under Settings.
Also, make sure to restart the emulator after updating the settings.
Here is what worked for me:
In the emulator click on the three dots at the bottom right (=More).
Go to Settings and change the OpenGL ES renderer to Desktop native OpenGL.

I cant see the device on android studio

I need some help in displaying the actual device in Android Studio. At the moment I can only see the screen of the device but not the rest of the device.
I have attached an image so you can see what I mean.
It is not emulator it is design view for layout

Initialrotationpreference does not apply to splash screen properly in windows 8.1 WinRT APP

In the Package.appxmanifest of a windows 8.1 winrt project, if you set the initial rotation preference as portrait
<m2:VisualElements DisplayName="SplashScreen" Square150x150Logo="Assets\Logo.png" Square30x30Logo="Assets\SmallLogo.png" Description="SplashScreen" ForegroundText="light" BackgroundColor="#464646">
<m2:SplashScreen Image="Assets\SplashScreen.png" />
<m2:Rotation Preference="portrait" />
If the windows 8 / windows 8.1 / windows 10 tablet is held in landscape, the splash screen first shows up in landscape mode and then rotates to portrait mode, however the same issue is not observed for windows universal apps.
Is there a way to get the splash screen as portrait?
Has somebody faced this issue?
