Should I be installing node modules globally? - node.js

I have gotten better at using the command line. I now use it regularly for foundation, gulp, ionic, etc. One thing I always struggle with is should I be installing modules globally?
I just got a new computer and I am starting fresh. When I do my first Foundation Project, or set up Gulp, when it prompts me to run 'npm install' should I be installing that gloabally? And if I do, will I need to run npm install the next time I set up a Foundation Project?

I think that NPMs documentation really sums it up quite nicely:
If you want to use it as a command line tool, something like the grunt CLI, then you want to install it globally. On the other hand, if you want to depend on the package from your own module using something like Node's require, then you want to install locally.
In this case, you should install locally since they are dependencies of the application and not general command line utilities.

This doesn’t fit the Q&A format too well, but I would in general advise against that. Installing modules globally may lead to side effects in other projects that depend on the same packages.
I don’t know what a “Foundation Project” is (and Google does not yield a clear answer), so I think you’d have to add a link explaining what that is.


How does npm behave differently with ignore-scripts set to true?

I just watched a talk where the speaker recommended running:
npm config set ignore-scripts true
so that post-install scripts and pre-install scripts of a package don't run. That way, you would avoid a virus in a malicious package.
My question is: After running this command, must I do anything differently to npm install packages and get them to work within a project?
If running this command comes with no additional inconvenience when using npm, then running it would have no downside. It would only help you avoid viruses.
If this was the case, why wouldn't this be the default setting?
I ask because I assume that by ignoring package scripts, npm packages would behave differently and one would have to do more things manually.
I agree with #RobC here. It also disactivated running custom scripts in my package.json completely for me, which obviously is a deal breaker since you can't define and run your custom scripts anymore.
Although it's probably useful to think about these security concerns, I don't think running npm config set ignore-scripts true is the right option. I ran it as well and ended up turning it back off to keep running my custom package scripts.
So the advice from the video ended up being not all too sound, I guess...
If you want to be safe, use '--ignore-scripts' or the config setting, but also use can-i-ignore-scripts.
It helps you find out which scripts exist (especially when you install new dependencies), but prevents automatically executing new scripts which appear with a new version of a library you already use.
I faced a similar problem when some dependencies need running scripts to build platform-specific code with node-gyp.
Would be nice to have an option in ignore scripts per project to enable specific ones to build.
So far decided to stay on ignore-scripts = true globally in .npmrc and using an extra script in my project that basically does this:
set -e
npm explore sqlite3 -- yarn run install
npm explore bcrypt -- yarn run install
p.s. yarn does not have explore

Different node version for different projects, is there a way of telling node which version to use?

I have a pretty common (i guess) problem. Many of my projects utilize nodejs, some for business logic, others only for some building task.
I need to have different runtimes in different projects, one of my electron apps requires node 7.10.0, a typical build suite requires node 8.x.
Now i know - i can use sudo n 7.10.0 or sudo n latest to switch the runtime globally on my computer (For those, who dont know this - have a look at "n")
Anyway, IMO this is not so convenient (some times, i need to rebuild all the modules after switching versions, often i forget to switch and so on). Is there a way of telling node which interpreter to use? Can i use a .npmrc file in a project directory to force a specific nodejs version within that subdirectory?
I searched exactly for this (npmrc node version) but was not lucky enough to find something.
Okay, i found a similar quesion:
Automatically switch to correct version of Node based on project
it seems you can install "avn" and use a .node-version file to do exactly that.
sudo npm install -g avn avn-n
avn setup
then you can create a .node-version file in your project and enter the desired version
echo 7.10.0 > .node-version
Then avn will detect that and activate the correct version
Unfortunately i get an additional permissions error. So to make this work, you need to install/configure "n" to work without sudo/root.
If you're fine with using another tool you could use nvshim.
pip install nvshim # this is all you need to do
It does not slow your shell startup or switching directories, instead moving the lookup of which node version to when you call node, npm or npx by shimming those binaries. More details in the docs.
Source, I wrote the tool.
NVM (Node Version Manager) allow us to use different versions of node quite easily on a single machine. You can have a look at here how to configure and use it.
Volta can used to manage multiple nodejs, npm or yarn versions on different projects on same machine. It's cross-platform.
For example you can run volta pin node#14 in project directory and this will set node to v14 if it exists otherwise it will download and then set it.
More information here

Angular-cli seed project comes with no bower, grunt, gulp how does it manage all dependencies?

Can we manage dependencies (js/css), minify, build, serve, watch ... only with node and nmp. If so how it works and why people use grunt, gulp, bower with npm ?
Basically on what i understand (angular-cli is very recent) it hide the webpack .. in reality it use it behind the scene ... i prefer to use the stack made by myself with Webpack and npm .. but now they've just released a new feature the AOT compiler.
In reallity it is possible to be done also with webpack .. but you need some changes of your code :
Angular-cli is taken (as idea) from Ember-cli .. it help you to manage and create (scaffold) your app....
I think (but it's my idea) I'll continue without it and I'll try to implement new features (as AOT) by myself cause i want to know what happen behind the scene and know everything of my stack.... but it's my personal idea
Hope it help you ..
Can we manage dependencies (js/css), minify, build, serve, watch ... only with node and npm.
the "pm" in "npm" stands for "package-manager" so, of course you can use it as your main package manager.
You can define your own npm scripts in the package.json file and they'll get run when you enter arbitrary command in the console (npm run {script-name}). It can - in some way - replace grunt, gulp and other task-runners.
why people use grunt, gulp, bower with npm ?
Good question, in fact it's like using a framework, when using gulp, grunt, etc, you have a single API, and you can easily find ready-made tools that fit your needs and save your time instead of writing your own script every time.
Using these tools also allow to use a unified API to run all your tasks and avoid you messing with several scripts, and question such as "how should I pass arguments to this script ?" "what is the command to run this ?" etc.
For bower vs npm there is already an answer here

Is there any advantage installing modules like globally?

And if so, I'm interested in knowing if there is any way to run them from /usr/local/lib folder instead of installing those modules in each project's folder I'm working on.
The node documentation says that installing global modules should be relegated to those that require command line access ( such as nodemon etc.. ).
Which to choose
Just like how global variables are kind of gross, but also necessary
in some cases, global packages are important, but best avoided if not
In general, the rule of thumb is:
If you’re installing something that you want to use in your program,
using require('whatever'), then install it locally, at the root of
your project.
If you’re installing something that you want to use in
your shell, on the command line or something, install it globally, so
that its binaries end up in your PATH environment variable.
The only other related issue I can think of to your question is that you can install express generator globally as it allows you to create an instance of their web scaffolding.
npm install express-generator -g
But that is different and not the same thing as installing express itself globally.
So as far as I can tell the answer is no - their is no benefit to this.
Well, personally, no. I ended up messing up my repos trying to globally install express and other modules. I really can't see the benefit of sparing a few extra seconds when you know it can't mess up your system :D And just to add, don't try globally installing mongoDB, REALLY ended up badly.

nvm vs nave vs n | packages processing comparsion

Node.js is sometimes confusing when it comes to version management...
I am trying to arrange various projects as i am doing with ruby projects. For example:
With ruby i can create file such as .rvmrc and fill with something like rvm --create use 1.9.3#my-app
This thing creates and uses all gems specifically to configured gemset. Which allows to have various options for any kind of project, and switch easily among them. So ruby does this in one place.
I want to achieve this for node.js projects.
Node works differently. I want to know the details about that, and especially of each node version management tool.
The point is to know which version management tool for which goal...
And why there are so many.
More accurately: i want npm install <package-name> to chosen node version. And after switching to other versions, this installed package to be missing, or have different version installed before (or certain one). Just like gemset is working.
I've been looking for clarification too:
Both allow switching & installing between node versions.
nvm will symlink the different versions to /usr/local/bin/node, and n will move your node installs to the path (/usr/local/bin/node).
n downloads and installs binary files, and nvm downloads, compiles, installs from the source.
I don't fully understand the latter part of your question, but in regards having control with node projects/apps, you can use npm install [package_name] --save-dev to save your npms within your 'project'.
These npm module versions (^semver) get detailed in your package.json file, for example "gulp": "^3.8.5" is different from "gulp": "3.8.5" (the later being specific to v3.8.5, and the ^3.8.5 means allowing any future version of 3, but not 4.0.0)
The differences between npm and gem is that npm installs the specified packages in the local node_modules folder (the current working directory using the --save-dev), so you have less worries with cross project module versions.
Important note: Running --save (instead of --save-dev) installs any missing dependencies.
I hope that helps a little :o)
Just tried to install nvm and it works for switching from one version to another. In header of it says "# This program contains parts of narwhal's "sea" program, as well as bits borrowed from Tim Caswell's "nvm"", so you might try both and see the tiniest difference. Also check the "popularity" of each and contributors to get some insight). There is also a nodeenv which uses python, but I don't any reason why use python here. So, my answer would be no big difference.
