excel pivot table - count appearance of certan value in column - excel

let's say i have folowing data for my excel pivot table:
country_id user_id answer
---------- ------- ------
1 1 Y
1 2 Y
2 3 N
2 4 Y
3 5 N
i would like to count how many "Y" i have per country.
If i put "answer" in Values as "Count of answer" i get 1 for each row. How can i count only "Y" answers?
so the result will be:
country_id answerY
----------- -------
1 2
2 1
3 0

I have a solution similar to #pkg. Add one more column in your data and call it "answerY" with the formula:
or, if your data is in a table:
Now, set up your pivot table as follows:
Row lables: country
Values: answerY (sum)
Ordinarily I'd say to add a calculated field in a pivot table, but calculated fields work off of the aggregate values, and I can't think of a way to do this with a straight pivot table.
If you have the ability to use PowerPivot, you could create a custom column or a Dax expression that would handle this.

I'm not sure you can do that in a pivot table, but if you would like to do it outside of a pivot table you could make a couple of columns with these formulas:
Column D:
Column E:
This assumes that all user IDs are unique and sequential, and D$6 needs to be replaced with whatever is the last value in the column. Column E will have the values you described as answerY.


How to print top 3 employees in a region in excel?

I have a table with three columns, region, emp_name, salaries.
I want to add one more column to this table in excel.
That new column should have either 1 or 0. 1 indicates one of the top3 employee based on salaries in a particular region.
For example, Region1 has 7 employees, namely emp1, emp2, so on emp7. emp2, emp4, emp7 have top 3 salaries.
So in the new column, emp2, emp4, emp7 must have 1 and others have 0. Let's say this table contains n number of regions.
Put this in D2 and copy down:
Use a pivot table
Insert the pivot using your whole range
Add Region/Employee to Rows field (In that order)
Add Salary (SUM) to the Values field
Below Pivot Table Design = No Subtotals, No Grandtotals, Tabular Layout
Select the drop down on Employee, Select Value Filter, Select Top 10...
Complete form with Top 3 Items by Sum of Salary
If a region does not have 3 options, the top n will appear where n < 3.
If you need to use the 1, 0 option you could just do a vlookup on this table too. Note that a error will return if they are not on this list which means they are not top 3. You can use some error handling to convert this to 1, 0

Exclude Rows with 0-values from PivotTable without Helper Column

I have the following Excel spreadsheet:
Quantity Sales Price
1 Product A 500 0
2 Product A 0 5.95
3 Product A 600 19.95
4 Product B 250 0
5 Product B 0 44.99
6 Product C 700 29.99
In Column A you can see different products that can appear several times in the list. In Column B and Column C you can see their quantity and sales price. There can also be cells with value 0.
Now I created a simply PivotTable based on this data which gives me the following result:
Count of Quantity
Product A 3
Product B 2
Product C 1
As you can see the rows that contain 0 values are also in the count.
Since I want to exclude them I inserted a "Helper Column" in the original data with the following formula:
This "Helper Column" I use as a Report Filter in the PivotTable.
Well, that solution works so far but is there also a way to avoid the "Helper Column" and do the "Exclude 0-Function" directly in the PivotTable?
Add Quantity and Sales Price to your Pivot Report Filter Panel.
In the filter, choose all and then remove 0 from both.
Right-Click each filter and choose Field Settings, and tick "Include New Items in Manual Filter".

Get average of cells conditionally in Excel 2010

I have a table in Excel with 2 columns. Column A (Owner) has a list of names. Column B (Duration) has a list of numbers. I need to get the average of numbers for each of the owner. So for James it would be (4 + 5 + 18) / 3. I know how to get the average in Excel but I don't know how to conditional say:
Use the value in Column B if value in A = "James"
Owner Duration
James 4
Dan 67
Ger 3
James 5
Ger 75
James 18
The AVERAGEIF function will allow you to do this.
The first argument is the range which will be subject to the criteria
The second argument is the criteria.
The third argument is the range (corresponding to the first range) with values to be averaged.
There is also a SUMIF, COUNTIF, and others.
You will need to do this in a pivot table.
Select all your data.
Go to Insert >> pivot table >> click ok
Select both columns (COLA, COLB) from the list of fields
available on the right.
By default COLB will go under VALUES.
Click on the arrow that says Sum of COLB >> click on value field
settings >> Select Average function instead of sum.
Check this link https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-or-delete-a-PivotTable-or-PivotChart-report-d09e4d07-8cd6-4b60-afad-8fb67418800f?CorrelationId=78b545a8-649b-400a-9941-a23ef409c95b&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US#_Toc263767342 for more info on pivot tables

Two Tables Excel values

I have two tables in two different sheets. In Table 1 and table 2 column 1 is for id's. but in Table 2 I have more id's than table 1.
What I want is: if a cell in table 2 column 2 is filled to check the id and if its in table 2 to mark "yes" in column 2 in Table 1.
This is the code I have been using but it stops when the ids don't match:
=IF(AND(Table 2[column 2]>0,VLOOKUP([column 1],Table 2[column 1],1,FALSE)=sheet 2!A5),"yes","")
You could put something like this in table 1 column 2. Assuming table 1 is in columns A,B and Table 2 is in columns D,E. That is column D is the id in table 2 and column E is the value in table 2.
This will return an error if there is an id in table 1 that isn't in table 2. To deal with this you could wrap it with iferror.
You might try:
=IFERROR(IF(VLOOKUP(Table1[[#This Row],[column 1]],Table2[#All],2,0)<>"","yes",""),"")
at the top of column 2 of Table1, adding spaces in the table names if you have been able to.

Excel: Match\Index specific column based on multiple criteria

I have two Tables, Table 1 Column A is a rolling date column. Table 2 consists of four columns of differing "Trigger Dates". Table 2, Column 1 contains an Annual trigger, ie occurs once a year. Table 2 Column 2 contains Bi-Annual Triggers, and occurs twice yearly. Table 2 Column 3 contains Monthly Triggers, "12 dates" and Table 2 Column 4 contains Weekly Triggers, "52 dates".
Ok, so what I'm looking for is to a formula that will return the date trigger, where Table 1 Column 1 matches a condition (Annually, Bi-Annually, Monthly, Weekly) selected in a cell "we'll say F1, outside of any ranges that may be created.
Example: If Table 1 Col 2 = "01/02/2013" and I select "Weekly" in F1, the formula will look in the weekly Column in Table 2 to determine if "01/02/2013" exists.
I've allocated a named range to each column in Table 2
I've allocated a named range to the condition in F1 which is a drop down list
Any suggestions?
You might try:
Ok, so supposing your Range Name is in F1, your formula to find the match would look as follows:
=If(IsError(Match(LookupVal,Indirect(F1),0)),"No Match", "Match")
...Something along those lines
Hope this helps point you in the right direction.
INDIRECT and VLOOKUP will be your friends here.
I constructed Table2 just as you had described, with the Annual,Bi-annual,Monthly,Weekly labels for the columns in the table - this will avoid having to keep named ranges up to date, as it's looking directly at the table in the formula
For the function, I then used VLOOKUP to find the date, in the column referenced by F1.
Column Reference: INDIRECT("Table2["&$F$1&"]")
Find Value: VLOOKUP([#Col2],INDIRECT("Table2["&$F$1&"]"),1,FALSE) (looking at column 1 in the return values, as I don't really care what value is returned.
This will return the date if found, and an error if not. I can then wrap the result in the IF(ISERROR( so I can return Yes or No if the date is found.
This produces the entire formula of
for the next column in Table1, so that when I change the value in F1, it will look for that column name in Table2, and let me know if it is found.
