Node 1(ntp-check) status: error - puppet

I was trying to install openstack using Mirantis. I successfully installed and configured Mirantis. I created 2 nodes and when I click "deploy" option it started deploying. When it is nearing to 100%, am getting this error in Astute logs.
Node 1(ntp-check) status: error puppet
Someone please help to fix this.

Finally, I fixed this issue. As my machine running behind office firewall. So, I couldn't access the ntp server URLs. After, the admin team provided access to those URLs and it is fixed.


How should I configure openproject?

Hello everyone I would like some help on the installation of openproject; I tell you right away that I have tried them all and the result is always the same when I try to access from the browser with http: // ip address the error message is always the following:
"" "" Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
Apache / 2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 "" ""
I wonder I performed the installation as per the procedure from the official website. Here guide
Not happy, I also decided to follow some videos on youtube and magically both the installation and the browser access succeed. Here video
I also state that I have enabled all ports both inbound and outbound
Also I am wondering, if the installation includes apache and postgresql installed during the openproject installation process, why am I getting apache not available error? Finally, I add that no error occurred during the installation and the linux distribution was virgin as soon as it was installed and updated from all the repositories with all the dependencies necessary for the installation of openproject
Hope someone can help me solve

How do i fix shiny deployment issue in browser when running locally?

I am running into issues deploying my shiny application. In R Studio, it states that the application has been deployed successfully, as per the image below.
Successful deployment message
However, I get "An error has occurred. The application failed to start. Contact the author for more information" when opening the application in the browser (chrome and safari).
Error in browser version of application
It also states the application is running on my shiny account.
enter image description here
Does anyone have any recommendations to what problem is occurring here that prevents the shiny app from being run in a browser? The app runs locally without any issues too.
I have all packages installed and up to date and the file directory is correct. I am not running on an SSL network either.
Thanks in advance.

Forgerock - emb.creatingfamsuffix.failure Error when creating the Default Configuration

I did install AM-5.1.1 and embed it on apache-tomcat-8.5.15 port:9595… looks good. I can start it.
The issue I face is regarding the Configuration Options –> Create Default Configuration.
After entering different passwords for the default OpenAM administrator, and default Policy Agent users, I get the following error:
emb.creatingfamsuffix.failure, refer to install.log under /Users/myUserName/openam for more information.
The install.log file didn’t help that much. Any idea how to solve this?
I got this error message and it was due to the iptables service not allowing the connection. Try turning off the iptables service (if you are running Linux) quickly and trying to run the configurator again. If this solves the problem, turn them back on and add a rule to allow your openam traffic.
Fixed... I had to do with OpenDj which was not installed. Did install and works fine now.
For anyone else that may come across this issue, I received this error because I had XAMPP running. Once I quit XAMPP everything was fine.

Release Failure from TFS CI

I am trying to deploy an application to the Azure Service Fabric using the release definition task. When it gets to the task to deploy the server is returning the following error:
The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Constants' threw an exception
I checked the Endpoint configuration and it appears to be set up as it is supposed to be:
No Authentication (this is an internal text box)
Cluster endpoint: tcp://[service fabric server]:19000
It downloads the artifacts without a problem, but in deploy it searches for the paths for publish profile and application package and finds them. After it finds them it throws the error. I have tried replacing TCP in the endpoint with http, added and removed the :19000 as well and all I get is this error. I have been searching online with little success. Any help to this end is much appreciated.
After lots of researching trying every suggestion I could find, we decided try and connect to the machine via Powershell on the box and it too was returning this error. So we uninstalled the SDK and re-installed it and the connection could be made and the builds started to work. I don't know exactly why it failed, but apparently a re-install did the trick. It may have been a bad install, or it could have been a versioning problem. Either way, try a re-install first.

Web deployment task failed. Destination not reachable

I've been successfully using Azure for months. Today I'm getting the following error when I publish from via Web Deploy from Visual Studio 2013
Error 5 Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer (""). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
I tried downloaded a new Publishing Profile from the Azure Dashboard and turning off my firewall - no change.
I can't ping the listed server.
It seems to be the same issue as
Any ideas? Thank you.
I had the exact same problem for a couple of days (sometimes I could published and sometimes not).
The problem was my internet configuration (not related to Microsoft or Azure in anyway).
To solve this issue I disconnected my modem (its actually modem+router) for 10 min and reconnect it and it was fixed!
Hope it will help someone someday...
Nevermind. It would appear that Azure was in a 'challenged' state.
It's working fine now..
What worked for me was disabling and re-enabling my network adapter.
The reasoning is, quite possibly naive, that having Fiddler running during a deployment will fail but it also changes the network state and that state continues
to exist even after exiting Fiddler (which disables the proxy).
