Is there any way to extract a rar file on cpanel - zip

I have a website script, it 212MB and it's in RAR format , I could not upload it via filezilla ftp , it gave me a timeout error after sometime, I could not upload it from the filemanager of cpanel as it also kept showing an error. Then I used a php script to upload it directly from the link but now I can not extract it as its RAR not ZIP. I converted the RAR into ZIP and have it on drop box and google drive but there is no direct link which I can use to upload via the php script, SO, Is there any way to extract the rar file from cpanel or using a php script or some other tweak. I have been working on it for 2 hours now and can not find a way around.

create a php file and extra the .rar with that php file. use the following code
$archive = RarArchive::open('archive.rar');
$entries = $archive->getEntries();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {


Download file from website directly into Linux directory - Python

If I manually click on button, the browser starts downloading a CSV file (2GB) onto my computer. But I want to automate this.
This is the link to download:
Issue; when I use either (requests or pandas) libraries it just hangs. I have no idea if it is being downloaded or not.
My goal is to:
Know if the file is being downloaded and
Have the CSV downloaded to a specified directory ie.
Can someone provide the code to do this?
Try this...
import requests
URL = ""
response = requests.get(URL)
print('Download Complete')
open("/mydirectory/downloaded_file.csv", "wb").write(response.content)
Or you could do it this way and have a progress bar ...
import wget'')
The output will look like this:
11% [........ ] 73728 / 633847

how I can prevent res.sendFile changing file path?

I'm using node.js and want to send file to the frontend. So I specified the direct path to my file like:
path = "c:/app/A"
and when I run res.sendFile(path, fileName);
I'm getting the Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/home/projects/c:/app/A'
How I can disable this auto path adding "/home/projects" part?
I want to download file that is not in my project folder with my code. File is in my computer in different folder.
Try to use \\ as path delimiter for Windows (c:\\app\\A) and read about Node.js module "path".
so I need use just new URL(file:${"c:/app/A"});
so it will be like that:
let filename = ""
let absPath = "c:/app/";
fs.writeFileSync(`${filename}`, fs.readFileSync(new URL(`file:${absPath}`)));`${filename}`, `${filename}`)

AWS Lambda access denied to a module in subfolder

I have this Nodejs lambda function where some files are in a subfolder, like this:
- index.js
- connectors/
- affil.js
I have a Cannot find module error when trying to require the affil.js file. Trying to read it with fs.readFile returns an access denied error.
When I move the file to the root folder, it is accessible. Is there a requirement that Lambda functions files must all be at the root directory? How can I fix that?
Mostly it is because of the way zipping the files making the problem. Instead of zipping the root folder you have to select all files and zip it like below,
Please upload all files and subfolders like below. Please include node_modules folder as well in the zip.
As pointed by #Vijayanath Viswanathan, the issue is with how the zip file is created rather than Lambda.
I used to feed gulp-zip with this:
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*')
The correct way is to prevent folders from being included:
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*.js')
or (if you need to include file with other file extensions)
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*', {nodir: true})

Adm zip write zip buffer to ExpressJS response

Hi I'm trying to send a zip buffer made by Adm Zip npm module to my response for client download.
I manage to download the zip file but unable to expand it. OSX says "error 2 No such file or directory"...
The downlaoded zip file has got the right size I believe and is sent over this way:
var zip = new AdmZip();
// added files with zip.addFile(...)
var zipFile = zip.toBuffer();
Any idea what could be wrong?
Apparently it comes from the Adm-zip code base and hasn't been merged yet:

Problems configuring my site to use a custom php.ini file for all directories

PHP 5.2.17
joomla 1.6.4
1and1 Linux shared server
php is running as cgi
Hi, I am trying to use a custom php.ini throughout my website. I know I can put a php.ini file in each folder, but that would not be feasible.
I searched online and found the following method:
1 - create your custom php.ini file and put it inside path/to/your/website/cgi-bin folder
2 - create the following php.cgi file
exec /usr/local/bin/php5 -c path/to/your/website/cgi-bin
3 - upload php.cgi to /path/to/your/website/cgi-bin
4 - chmod +x php.cgi to make it executable
5 - include the following line inside .htaccess in my website root
Action application/x-httpd-php5 /path/to/your/website/cgi-bin/php.cgi
According to my understanding, after doing the above, php scripts on my website would start using my custom php.ini file instead of the default one.
Anyone can help? I spent a better part of the day trying to resolve this issue without success.
By the way, my account root (one level above my website root) has a .htaccess file with the following lines:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php
Thank you.
UPDATE 9/2/2011 - 19:37
tried including the following statement in .htaccess
SetEnv PHPRC /path/to/my/website/cgi-bin <- where my custom php.ini file is located.
According to this website it should have worked ->
But still nothing.
I will keep trying.
Any help appreciated!!!
UPDATE 2 - 9/3/2011 - 0:03 (WORKAROUND)
So, I couldn't find a solution for my problem. I decided to create a small php script to create hard links to php.ini in each directory that has a php script.
See below the code in case you are curious:
define('FILE_PHPINI', ROOT_DIR . "/cgi-bin/php.ini");
function processdir($path)
$FlagNoPHP = true;
$localPHPINI = $path . "/php.ini";
foreach ( new DirectoryIterator($path) as $file)
if (!($file->isDot()))
if ($file->isDir())
processdir($path . "/" . $file);
else if ($FlagNoPHP && fnmatch("*.php*", $file))
$FlagNoPHP = false;
if (!file_exists($localPHPINI))
link(FILE_PHPINI, $localPHPINI);
if ($FlagNoPHP)
if (file_exists($localPHPINI))
The above code looks inside each directory in my website and:
1 - if there is a php script and NO php.ini, creates a hard link to php.ini
2 - if there is NO php script and there is a php.ini, deletes the hard link (done in the last if of the function). I included this in order to clean up the filesystem of old php.ini files.
This worked for me.
I am still curious about an answer to my original problem.
I hope this helps someone!
Seems like you're taking the long way. Just modify .bashrc:
export PHPRC="/Volumes/Mac_Daddy/web_curr/public_html/php_osx.ini"
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /usr/local/php5/lib
Loaded Configuration File: /Volumes/Mac_Daddy/web_curr/public_html/php_osx.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: /usr/local/php5/php.d
Additional .ini files parsed: /usr/local/php5/php.d/10-extension_dir.ini
Or create an alias:
alias myphp="/usr/local/php5/bin/php -c /somewhere/someplace/php.ini"
or better yet man php.
