How can I cat some continous logs and grep word in real time? - linux

In Linux, I want to monitor the output of some tool, e.g. dbus-monitor's output. I hope to cat some special key word of its output, and then use the key word to be as input argument of other program. Like below, but it is not good.
dbus-monitor --system > d.log &
var=`cat d.log | grep some-key-word` $var
I hope to monitor the output flow in real time, and not to cat the whole log from beginning. Just to cat its latest change. E.g. dmesg provides an option, dmesg -w, which meets what I want.
-w, --follow wait for new messages
So how to make such script? To cat the latest new output and use it continuously.

Instead of cat, use tail -F <file> | grep <something>. This option makes tail to wait for and output all incoming data. Most likely, you also will need to modify buffering mode for standard streams with stdbuf -oL (by default, stdout is fully buffered meaning that data is written into file each couple of kilobytes and not after each line).


Proper way to not print to shell with tee command

I would like to use tee to append to multiple files, however, I don't need it to print to my shell, just the files. Outputting to /dev/null works great, as the command still appends to the files, and doesn't print to the shell:
echo test | tee -a file1 file2 file3 &>/dev/null
I was just wondering if this is the proper way to do it, as tee --help doesn't seem to have a parameter to not print to shell:
-a, --append append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite
-i, --ignore-interrupts ignore interrupt signals
-p diagnose errors writing to non pipes
--output-error[=MODE] set behavior on write error. See MODE below
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit
I'm pretty sure this is the right way to do it, I guess I would just like some confirmation.
Well okay then...
... | tee -a file1 file2 >> file3

bash standard output can not be redirected into file

I am reading 'advanced bash script', in Chapter 31, there is a problem. I can not figure it out.
tail -f /var/log/msg | grep 'error' >> logfile
Why is there nothing to output into logfile?
can you offer me an explanation?
thank you in advance
As #chepner comments, grep is using a larger buffer (perhaps 4k or more) to buffer its stdout. Most of the standard utilities do this when piping or redirecting to a file. They typically only switch to line-buffered mode when outputting directly to the terminal.
You can use the stdbuf utility to force grep to do line buffering of its output:
tail -f /var/log/msg | stdbuf -oL grep 'error' >> logfile
As an easily observable demonstration of this effect, you can try the following two commands:
for ((i=0;;i++)); do echo $i; sleep 0.001; done | grep . | cat
for ((i=0;;i++)); do echo $i; sleep 0.001; done | stdbuf -oL grep . | cat
In the first command, the output from grep . (i.e. match all lines) be buffered going into the pipe to cat. On mine the buffer appears to be about 4k. You will see the ascending numbers output in chunks as the buffer gets filled and then flushed.
In the second command, grep's output into the pipe to cat is line-buffered, so you should see terminal output for every line, i.e. more-or-less continuous output.

Sed operation on streaming data

Need to perform sed operation on streaming data
tail -f sourcefile | sed -n 's/text1/text2/p' >~/destinationfile
I tried the above command but could not get it to work.
Both programs are linked against libc and the libc performs internal buffering on input/output operations. Buffering will be line-based when stdout(!) is a terminal but block-based when stdout is a pipe. The block-based buffering uses larger buffers and the consuming application has to wait until the buffer is filled, or the end of the stream is reached or the program calls flush() on the file descriptor. However neither tail nor sed calling flush() (with default command line options).
In your case you can see block based buffering of tail's stdin in effect. This happens because stdout is going into a pipe to tail.
Solution: You can issue the stdbuf command to disable the input buffering of tail:
if you only want to see sed's output in terminal:
stdbuf -i0 tail -f /var/log/syslog | sed -n 's/CRON/cron/p'
if you are piping to a file sed's output buffer now needs to be disabled as well!
touch output.txt
tail -f output.txt & # tail output in background in order to see
# file changes immediately
stdbuf -i0 tail -f /var/log/syslog | stdbuf -o0 sed -n 's/CRON/cron/p' > output.txt

Why `read -t` is not timing out in bash on RHEL?

Why read -t doesn't time out when reading from pipe on RHEL5 or RHEL6?
Here is my example which doesn't timeout on my RHEL boxes wile reading from the pipe:
tail -f logfile.log | grep 'something' | read -t 3 variable
If I'm correct read -t 3 should timeout after 3 seconds?
Many thanks in advance.
GNU bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
The solution given by chepner should work.
An explanation why your version doesn't is simple: When you construct a pipe like yours, the data flows through the pipe from the left to the right. When your read times out however, the programs on the left side will keep running until they notice that the pipe is broken, and that happens only when they try to write to the pipe.
A simple example is this:
cat | sleep 5
After five seconds the pipe will be broken because sleep will exit, but cat will nevertheless keep running until you press return.
In your case that means, until grep produces a result, your command will keep running despite the timeout.
While not a direct answer to your specific question, you will need to run something like
read -t 3 variable < <( tail -f logfile.log | grep "something" )
in order for the newly set value of variable to be visible after the pipeline completes. See if this times out as expected.
Since you are simply using read as a way of exiting the pipeline after a fixed amount of time, you don't have to worry about the scope of variable. However, grep may find a match without printing it within your timeout due to its own internal buffering. You can disable that (with GNU grep, at least), using the --line-buffered option:
tail -f logfile.log | grep --line-buffered "something" | read -t 3
Another option, if available, is the timeout command as a replacement for the read:
timeout 3 tail -f logfile.log | grep -q --line-buffered "something"
Here, we kill tail after 3 seconds, and use the exit status of grep in the usual way.
I dont have a RHEL server to test your script right now but I could bet than read is exiting on timeout and working as it should. Try run:
grep 'something' | strace bash -c "read -t 3 variable"
and you can confirm that.

linux command grep -is "abc" filename|wc -l

what does the s mean there and also when pipe into wc what is that for? I know it eventually count the number of abc appeared in file filename, but not sure about the option s for and also pipe to wc mean
linux command grep -is "abc" filename|wc -l
-s means "suppress error messages about unreadable files" and the pipe to wc means "take the output and send it to the wc -l command" which effectively counts the number of lines matched. You can accomplish the same with the -c option to grep: grep -isc "abc" filename
command_1 | command_2
Role of the pipe is that- it takes output of command written before it (command_1 here) and supplies that output to the command written after it (command_2 here).
The man page has everything you would want to know about the options for grep:
-s, --no-messages
Suppress error messages about nonexistent or unreadable files.
Portability note: unlike GNU grep, traditional grep did not con-
form to POSIX.2, because traditional grep lacked a -q option and
its -s option behaved like GNU grep's -q option. Shell scripts
intended to be portable to traditional grep should avoid both -q
and -s and should redirect output to /dev/null instead.
The pipe to wc -l is what gives you the count of how many lines the string "abc" appeared on. It isn't necessarily the number of times the string appeared in the file since one line with multiple occurrences is going to be counted as only 1.
grep man page says:
-s, --no-messages suppress error messages
grep returns the lines that have abc (case insensitive) in them. You pipe them to wc to get a count of the number of lines.
From man grep:
-s, --no-messages
Suppress error messages about nonexistent or unreadable files.
The wc command counts line, words and characters. With -l it returns the number of lines.
