Converting DNA sequences into pixel images - text

I have a text file of DNA sequences, more than 3 billions characters of four letters - A, T, C and G-.
I'd like to have an image of this file and convert each character into a right pixel image. I greatly appreciate your comments? any software to do so?

Sorry my main question was how to convert a text file like this:
to an image?

Of course there is a way. My answer at would help.
In RGB, each dimension is an NxN image. Since you have three dimensions, so it's 3xNxN. The red dimension was used to encode the nucleotide bases. The green dimension was used to encode quality scores. Finally, the blue dimension was used to encode the strand information.

I don't know what that four letters mean but:
1) Assign each of them a color.You have four colors for the four letters.
2) Obviously you would kill the PC if you read the whole file and stores it on RAM, so you should read it in chunks.
3) So, lets say you will display it on a 1024x768 monitor, then 3,000,000,000/1024=2,929,687.5 ; that is the size of your chunks.
I would:
-1: read the first 2,929,688 letters of your file.
-2: create a global RGB var that could be an array which stores 3 doubles.
-3: for each letter, I divide it's color on its RGB components and add its to the global RGB component, for example:
globalRGB["red"]+=letterRGB["red"]/255; //gives 1
globalRGB["green"]+=letterRGB["green"]/255; // gives 0.5
globalRGB["blue"]+=letterRGB["blue"]/255;//gives 1
-4: divide each component for the number of points, and then multiply that for 255. This would give you the color of the chunck. For example:
So here you are basically calculating the average color of the whole 2,929,688 letters, and thats the color of only 1 point (or pixel) in your screen, one of the 1024 points.
I would repeat the process with the next 2,929,688 leters until I get my 1024 chunks represented.
Lets suppose your user clicks on one point (or chunck) on the screen.Your system should zoom in, and the way to do that is repeating this whole process but only for the 2,929,688 letters on that point.
So your chunks would be made of 2,929,688/1024=2861 points only. And so one. I bet you alredy got the logic.
It should be a point when, by zooming, the user could see one by one the different letters represented in different colors, ordered in the secuence.
Let me know what you think about this, and good luck.


How to identify joints in the profile of a shape?

I'm working on a system to automatically take 2D profiles of components and assemble them into 3D shapes.
Imagine given these pieces:
You want to make this shape:
I'm highlighting one of the components to show how they fit together.
I'm open to any suggestions on how to go about doing this but the current approach I'm attempting first finds joints that may fit together just by looking at the 2D profile.
How could I go about identifying the "tabs" from the polyline profile?
The same technique should also work on assemblies like such:
see How to compare two shapes?
so you basically trying to find the "same" sequences in polylines encoded in the polar increment format (turn angle, line length) and then just check if relative position of matched sequences are the same in both shapes ...
Beware that the locks might have some gap between the joined shapes to ensure assembly is possible... in same case the gap might be even negative (overlap) depends on material and function so You need to compare the sequences with some margin ...
Also I would divide each shape into its sides to speed up the process as the lock is most likely not crossing sides ...
You may define the "code" for a tab. For example:
3,C,5,C,3 would mean: Three units length, then turn 90º counter-clockwise, then 5 units length, then turn 90º counter-clockwise, then 3 units length.
Of course more identifiers than C can be used, for different angles and so.
A tab in another piece that fits in the tab of the first piece has the same (or very similar) 3,C,5,C,3 code
So, finding same code in both pieces may be a fit. Check if adjacents codes in both pieces also fit, and you're done.
Notice that pieces can be rotated. This case doesn't change the code, but may change the order of adjacents codes.

Segmenting License Plate Characters #ImageProcessing

For a university project I have to segment characters from a license plate using Python. This sounds reasonably simple. However, the thing is that we are not allowed to use any sophisticated library functions such as cv2.findContours(). The basics such as cv2.imread() cv2.resize() cv2.rectangle() are allowed.
I have written a function that localizes a license plate in an image and outputs a result as can be seen in the images Output 1 and Output 2 . These are binary images.
As one can see. Sometimes, the output of this function is relatively clean (Output 2). However, often it is also noisy (Output 1)
For a clean image (Output 2) I have tried finding the columns that contain less than x black pixels in order to segment the characters. However, this only works when the image is clean. This is often not the case. Changing the x parameter here does not make significant improvement.
Does anybody have suggestions on how I can approach this problem?
For an elementary solution, you can form a profile by counting the black pixels on all vertical lines. Then look for maximas and minimas of the average count in a sliding interval on this profile. The interval length should be a fraction of the expected width of a character. Only the extrema with sufficient contrast should be considered.
To avoid the effect of surrounding features in rotated plates, you can restrict the counting to just a slice of the image.
Once you have approximate vertical limits between the characters, you can repeat a similar processing to get the bottom and top limits of the characters (the sliding interval is no more necessary).
Finally, you can refine the boxing by finding the horizontal limits in the rectangles so formed.

How to convert from alphabets to pixels

Do you know a program or script that converts from a letter to a matrix (consisting of 0 and 1) representing the letter?
For example, from letter I to a matrix something like this: (it's an LED pannel showing letter I):
Please let me know a way to create such matrix other than hand typing
The only solution is to use font.
well for HW implementation I usually used EGA/VGA 8x8 font
extracted from gfx card BIOS you can do it easy in MS-DOS environment
another way is to extract font programaticaly from image
draw entire font to bitmap (in line or in matrix ..., or use some already created like mine). Use fixed pitch, font size most suitable your needs and do not forget that almost none modern font supports fixed pitch so use OEM_CHARSET and System named font from it. Set color properly (ideal is black background and white font) and read image pixel by pixel and store it as table of numbers. Pixel with not background color is set pixel.
Do not compare to font color because of anti-aliasing and filters. Now read all characters and set/res corresponding bit inside font table. First compute start x,y of character in image (from ASCII code and image organization) then do 2 nested 8-steps x,y for loops (in order according to your font[] organization)
set/res corresponding font[] bits at addresses 8*ASCII to 8*ASCII+8
I assume you use MCU to control LED panel
the font organization in memory is usually that 8-bit number represents single row in character. Of course if your LED panel is meant to display animated scroll then column organization of font and also HW implementation will ease things up a lot. If you have 16 bit MCU and IO access than you can use 16-bit / pixels font size.
if you have more than 8 pixels and only 8 bit MCU you can still use 16 bit data but the IO access will be in two steps via two IO ports instead of 1. I strongly recommend whole data-wide IO access instead of set/res individual IO lines its much quicker and can prevent flickering
OK here is my old 8x8 font I used back in the days ... I think this one is extracted from EGA/VGA BIOS but I am not shore ... it was too many years ago
Now the fun part
const BYTE font[8*256]={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ... }
any character is represented as 8 numbers. if bit is 0 then it means paper (background pixel) if bit is 1 then it means ink (font pixel). Now there are more combinations (left to right, up to down and their combinations)
OK ( row-vise | left to right | up to down ) organization means:
first number is up most row of char
msb is left most pixel
lsb is right most pixel
so for example char '1' in 8x8 will be something like this (b means binary number):
When you have extracted all characters to font table than save it as source code to file which you will later include in your MCU code (can be placed in EEPROM for pgm-code)
Now the algorithm to print char on LED panel is strongly depended on your HW implementation
so please post a circuit diagram of interconnection between LED panel and control system
specify target platform and language
specify desired functionality
I assume you want left moving scroll by pixel step
the best fit will be if your LED panel is driven by columns not rows
You can activate single column of LEDs by some data IO port (all bits can be active at a time) and selecting which one column is active is driven by another select IO port (only single bit can be active at a time). So in this case compute the start address of the column to display in font table:
address = (8*ASCII + x_offset)
send font[8*ASCII + x_offset] to data IO port
activate select IO port with the correct bit active
wait a while (1-10ms) ... so you can actually see the light if delay is too short then there is no brightness if delay is too long then there is flickering so you need to experiment a little (depends on number of select bits).
deactivate select IO port
repeat with the next column
x_offset is the scrolling shift
if your HW implementation does not fit in such way don't worry
just use bit SHIFT,AND,OR operations to create the data words in memory and then send them in similar manner
Hope it helps a litle
You could try to find a font that looks the way you want (probably a monospaced font such as Courier), draw/rasterize it with a certain size (8pt?), without anti-aliasing, and convert the resulting image to your matrix format.

Brightness and contrast in color image

Does, anyone know, how I can change brightness and contrast of color image. I know about vtkImageMapToWindowLevel, but after setting level or window of image in this class, the color image becomes grayscale.
Thanks for answers;
By definition, a color image is already color mapped, and you cannot change the brightness/contrast of the image without decomposition and recomposition.
First, define a pair of numbers called brightness and contrast in whatever way you want. Normally, I'd take brightness as the maximum value, and contrast as the ratio between minimum and maximum. Similarly, if you want to use Window/Level semantics, "level" is the minimum scalar value, and window is the difference between maximum and minimum.
Next, you find the scalar range - the minimum and maximum values in your desired output image, using the brightness and contrast. If you're applying brightness/contrast, the scalar range is:
Maximum = brightness
Minimum = Maximum / contrast
Assume a color lookup table (LUT), with a series of colors at different proportional values, say, in the range of 0 to 1. Now, since we know the brightness and contrast, we can setup the LUT with the lower value (range 0) mapping to "minimum" and the upper value (range 1) mapping to "maximum". When this is done, a suitable class, like vtkImageMapToColors can take the single-component input and map it to a 3 or 4 component image.
Now, all this can happen only for a single-component image, as the color LUT classes (vtkScalarsToColors and related classes) are defined only on single-component images.
If you have access to the original one-component image, and you're using vtkImageMapToColors or some similar class, I'd suggest handling it at that stage.
If you don't, there is one way I can think of:
Extract the three channels as three different images using vtkImageExtractComponents (you'll need three instances, each with the original image as input).
Independently scale the 3 channels using vtkImageShiftScale (shift by brightness, scale by contrast)
Combine the channels back using vtkImageAppendComponents
Another possibility is to use vtkImageMagnitude, which will convert the image back to grey-scale (by taking the magnitude of the three channels together), and re-applying the color table using vtkImageMapToColors and any of the vtkScalarsToColors classes as your lookup table.
The first method is better if your image is a real photograph or something similar, where the colors are from some 3-component source, and the second would work better if your input image is already using false colors (say an image from an IR camera, or some procedurally generated fractal that's been image mapped).

Help with the theory behind a pixelate algorithm?

So say I have an image that I want to "pixelate". I want this sharp image represented by a grid of, say, 100 x 100 squares. So if the original photo is 500 px X 500 px, each square is 5 px X 5 px. So each square would have a color corresponding to the 5 px X 5 px group of pixels it swaps in for...
How do I figure out what this one color, which is best representative of the stuff it covers, is? Do I just take the R G and B numbers for each of the 25 pixels and average them? Or is there some obscure other way I should know about? What is conventionally used in "pixelation" functions, say like in photoshop?
If you want to know about the 'theory' of pixelation, read up on resampling (and downsampling in particular). Pixelation algorithms are simply downsampling an image (using some downsampling method) and then upsampling it using nearest-neighbour interpolation. Note that in code these two steps may be fused into one.
For downsampling in general, to downsample by a factor of n the image is first filtered by an appropriate low-pass filter, and then one sample out of every n is taken. An "ideal" filter to use is the sinc filter, but because of issues with implementing it, the Lanczos filter is often used as a close alternative.
However, for almost all purposes when doing pixelization, using a simple box blur should work fine, and is very simple to implement. This is just an average of nearby pixels.
If you don't need to change the output size of the image, then this means you divide the image into blocks (the big resulting pixels) which are k×k pixels, and then replace all the pixels in each block with the average value of the pixels in that block.
when the source and target grids are so evenly divisible and aligned, most algorigthms give similar results. if the grids are fixed, go for simple averages.
in other cases, especially when resizing by a small percentage, the quality difference is quite evident. the simplest enhancement over simple average is weighting each pixel value considering how much of it's contained in the target pixel's area.
for more algorithms, check multivariate interpolation
