How to extract DBPedia categories through DBPedia Spotlight? - dbpedia

I'm trying to extract the types and their respective levels from an entity named through DBPediaSpotlight. I already looked in forums, the documentation of the git hub and found nothing. I would like to know one way to do this extraction. Thank you!

Given that your desired root is <>, you're actually looking for the rdf:type tree (not Wikipedia Categories, as such).
The typing of <> seems a bit odd, so I've used <> below. You'll note that the data does not always include a tree of the sort you wish.
This will get explicit rdf:type statements --
SELECT ?type
{ <> a ?type
-- and this will climb to the top of any rdf:type trees --
SELECT ?type
{ <> a+ ?type
A query to build the full tree would be rather more complex, but is entirely possible.

As mentioned here, you may need this in SPARQL to fetch the categories from DBpedia URI
PREFIX dbr: <>
WHERE { dbr:Semantic_Web dct:subject ?subject }
which might be retrieved in various serializations.
For example in JSON


Groovy List of List

I have a Camel app that returns records from a database. When I output the Camel ${body} I see:
{sku=HT-0001, Performance=Fair, ProductGroup=Movers, name=ProductPerformance},
{sku=HT-0002, Performance=Great for product group, ProductGroup=Staid, name=ProductPerformance},
{sku=VT-KK2150, Performance= act7, ProductGroup=Slammers, name=ProductPerformance}
I would like to build a data structure for those values in Groovy. I am assuming I am dealing with a list of lists given the structure displayed above. Not sure what other type of structure it might be.
Just looking for opinions as regards if this is indeed a list of lists and if so, how best to write sample Groovy code to represent those values.
I think I figured this out ...I believe Camel is returning a list of Maps and can be simulated locally as:
def y = [
['sku':'VT-KK2150', 'Performance':'act7', 'ProductGroup':'Jammers', 'name':'ProductPerformance1'],
['sku':'VT-LL2150', 'Performance':'act8', 'ProductGroup':'Sammers', 'name':'ProductPerformance2'],
['sku':'VT-MM2150', 'Performance':'act9', 'ProductGroup':'Bammers', 'name':'ProductPerformance3'],

Azure Search filter on the whole field

I've been trying to create a filter matching the end of the whole field text.
For example, taking a text field with the text: the brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
I would like it to match with a query that searches for fields with values ending with g. Something like:
"searchMode": "any",
The result is only records where MyField contains values with words composed by a the single g character anywhere on the string.
Using the filter directly also produces no results:
"searchMode": "any",
"filter":"MyField eq '*g'"
As far as I can see, the tokenization will always be the base for the search and filter, which means that on the above query, $ is completely ignored and matches will be by word, not by field.
Probably I could use the keyword_v2 analyzer on this field but then I would lose the tokenizarion that I use when searching normally.
One possible solution could be defining a second field in your index, with the same value as ‘MyField’, but with a different analyzer (e.g. keyword_v2). That way you may still search over the original field while filtering over the other.
Regardless, you might have simplified the filter for the sake of the example, but otherwise it seems redundant to use search.ismatchscoring() when not combining with another filter clause via ‘or’ – one can use the search parameter directly.
Moreover, regex might not be working because the default queryType for search.ismatchscoring() is simple, not full - please see docs here

Java library to get different declinaison of a word (nlp ?)

For a simple project in Java I would need a library that from a given words it returns me a list of its declinaison (including plural, singular, adjective etc..)
As an example something like this:
"Photo" -> "Photo", "Photograph", photography"
"Walks" -> "Walk", "Walking" ...
I had a look at lib like CoreNLP but I cannot figure out how to achieve this kind of stuff? Plus the doc is kind of bad and I cannot hardly find any nice code example.
Could someone help with this?

How to find a source code (implementation) of a class in Haskell

I'm reading some documentation on IxSet's , and I was wondering about looking at source of Indexable typeclass which is imported from Data.IxSet.
So then I took a repository of Happstack and looked there (darcs get, but that got me to even bigger frustration.
I see the happstack/happstack-ixset/src/Happstack/Data/IxSet.hs file, which creates a module Happstack.Data.IxSet, but I can't see which file creates a module Data.IxSet (and implements class Indexable).
The go-to address for Haskell code is hackage. There is conveniently a link to Hayoo on the front page, the other major Haskell search engine besides Hoogle. Both have advantages above the other.
Hayoo indexes all packages on hackage and the searches by default include all packages on hackage. If you want to search for a known name, e.g. Indexable, that is the more convenient engine, especially if you don't know which package the name comes from. The - currently - fifth hit takes you to Data.IxSet.Indexable. On the right hand side of the Haddock docs, you find a Source link that takes you to the hscoloured sources (in this case, that's not very informative, though, there's only one class member, without default implementation, it tells you nothing above the docs).
Hoogle searches only a small number of packages by default, if you want to include other packages in the search, you have to specify that by adding +packagename to the search - but that restricts the search to the specified package. More about Hoogle searches in the manual. Hoogle's strength is the search by type. Hoogle's search by type applies more transformations to the searched type, and thus finds more matches than Hayoo's if you don't know the exact type (that is not without downsides, however, sometimes you get a lot of irrelevant hits). If you search for example Map k a -> k -> Maybe a, Hoogle's first result is the most likely candidate Data.Map.lookup :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a, whereas Hayoo doesn't find that because it doesn't permute arguments.
Either way, both search engines lead you to hackage's Haddock docs for the queried entity (if the search was successful), from where the Source links take you to the code, if you wish.
Use Haddock documentation, locally-generated or online. Google search usually returns relevant docs near the top. The documentation is cross-linked so you can surf to the module you need. There's a link to the source next to each definition, for example.
This particular module belongs to the base libraries set.

Racket: extracting field ids from structures

I want to see if I can map Racket structure fields to columns in a DB.
I've figured out how to extract accessor functions from structures in PLT scheme using the fourth return value of:
However the returned procedure indexes into the struct using an integer. Is there some way that I can find out what the field names were at point of definition? Looking at the documentation it seems like this information is "forgotten" after the structure is defined and exists only via the generated-accessor functions: (<id>-<field-id> s).
So I can think of two possible solutions:
Search the namespace symbols for ones that start with my struct name (yuk);
Define a custom define-struct macro that captures the ordered sequence of field-names inside some hash that is keyed by struct name (eek).
I think something along the lines of 2. is the right approach (define-struct has a LOT of knobs and many don't make sense for this) but instead of making a hash, just make your macro expand into functions that manipulate the database directly. And the syntax/struct library can help you do the parsing of the define-struct form.
The answer depends on what you want to do with this information. The thing is that it's not kept in the runtime -- it's just like bindings in functions which do not exist at runtime. But they do exist at the syntax level (= compile-time). For example, this silly example will show you the value that is kept at the syntax level that contains the structure shape:
> (define-struct foo (x y))
> (define-syntax x (begin (syntax-local-value #'foo) 1))
> (define-syntax x (begin (printf ">>> ~s\n" (syntax-local-value #'foo)) 1))
>>> #<checked-struct-info>
It's not showing much, of course, but this should be a good start (you can look for struct-info in the docs and in the code). But this might not be what you're looking for, since this information exists only at the syntax level. If you want something that is there at runtime, then perhaps you're better off using alists or hash tables?
UPDATE (I've skimmed too quickly over your question before):
To map a struct into a DB table row, you'll need more things defined: at least hold the DB and the fields it stand for, possibly an open DB connection to store values into or read values from. So it looks to me like the best way to do that is via a macro anyway -- this macro would expand to a use of define-struct with everything else that you'd need to keep around.
