how to daemonize a script - linux

I am trying to use daemon on Ubuntu, but I am not sure how to use it even after reading the man page.
I have the following testing script
while true; do
echo 'hi' >> ~/hihihi
sleep 10
Then I tried this command but nothing happened:
daemon --name="foo" -b ~/daemon.out -l ~/daemon.err -v --
The file hihihi was not updated, and I found this in the errlog:
20161221 12:12:36 foo: client (pid 176193) exited with 1 status
How could I use the daemon command properly?

AFAIK, most daemon or deamonize programs change the current dir to root as part of the daemonization process. That means that you must give the full path of the command:
daemon --name="foo" -b ~/daemon.out -l ~/daemon.err -v -- /path/to/
If it still did not work, you could try to specify a shell:
daemon --name="foo" -b ~/daemon.out -l ~/daemon.err -v -- /bin/bash -c /path/to/

It is not necessary to use daemon command in bash. You can daemonize your script manually. For example:
# At first you have to redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null
exec >/dev/null
exec 2>/dev/null
# Fork and go to background
while true; do
echo 'hi' >> ~/hihihi
sleep 10
# Parent process finished but child still working


Why doesn't tcpdump run in background?

I logged in a virtual machine via ssh and I tried to run a script in background, the script is shown below:
APP_NAME=`basename $0`
. $CFG_FILE #just some variables
echo $$ > $PID_FILE
#Main script code
#This script shall be called using the following syntax
# $ nohup script_name output_dir &
TIMESTAMP=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -nei $CAP_INTERFACE -s 65535 -w file_result
The result should be tcpdump running in background, redirecting the command result to file_result.
The script is called with:
nohup $SCRIPT_NAME $CFG_FILE start &
And It is stopped calling the STOP_SCRIPT:
if [ -f $PID_FILE ]
# send SIGTERM to kill all children of $PID
pkill -TERM -P $PID
When I check the file_result, after running the stop script, It is empty.
What is happening? How can I solve it?
I found this link:
The author seems to have faced a similar issue. They debate about race conditions, but I didn't understand completely.
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish by having the startup script itself continue to run, but here's an approach that I think accomplishes what you're trying to do, namely start tcpdump and have it continue to run immune to hangups via nohup. I've simplified things a bit for illustrative purposes - feel free to add any variables back as you see fit, such as the nohup.out output directory, TIMESTAMP, etc.
Script #1:
rm -f nohup.out
nohup /usr/sbin/tcpdump -ni eth0 -s 65535 -w file_result.pcap &
# Write tcpdump's PID to a file
echo $! > /var/run/
Script #2:
if [ -f /var/run/ ]
kill `cat /var/run/`
echo tcpdump `cat /var/run/` killed.
rm -f /var/run/
echo tcpdump not running.
To start tcpdump, just run
To stop the tcpdump instance started with, just run
The captured packets will be written to the file_result.pcap file, and yes, it's a pcap file, not a text file, so it helps to name it with the proper file extension. The tcpdump statistics will be written to the nohup.out file when tcpdump is terminated.
I too had faced problems when running tcpdump over an SSH session.
In my case, I was running
sudo nohup tcpdump -w {pcap_dump_file} {filter} > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Where, running this command over Paramiko SSH session as a background process was the problem.
To get around this, I used screen utility of Linux.
screen is an easy to use tool for long-running of processes as a service.
Might be an old post, but this is also relevant. I couldn;t understand why no file was being created only to realise that the file might not be created until a certain amount of data had been captured.

ssh does not return even after execution

The following ssh command does not return to terminal. It hangs though the execution is completed. The execution hangs after echo hi command.
ssh user#testserver "echo hello;source .profile;source .bash_profile;/apps/myapp/deploytools/; echo hi"
<outoutfrom remote script"
echo 'starting'
cd /apps/myapp/current
./tctl kill
cd /apps/myapp
mv myapp_v1.0 "myapp_v1.0_`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'`"
unzip -o /apps/myapp/
java -classpath .:/apps/myapp/deploytools/cleanup.jar se.telenor.project.cleanup.Cleanup /apps/myapp myapp_v1.0_ 3
cd /apps/myapp/myapp_v1.0
echo 'Done with deploy'
chmod -R 775 *
echo 'Done'
./tctl start test
Source OS: Redhat
Dest Os: Solaris 10 8/07
Any idea to fix this.
Any idea to fix this.
Your installation script has spawned a child process.
Add a ps -f or ptree $$ command before echo hi. You'll see a child process or multiple child processes spawned by your install script.
To stop the SSH command from hanging, you need to detach such child process(es) from your terminal's input/output. You can sedirect your script's output to a file - both stdout and stderr with > /some/output/file 2>&1, and also redirect its input with < /dev/null.
Or you can use the nohup command.
You haven't provided an MCVE, as others have noted, but this is likely the problem command in you install script, since your question implies that you see the expected output from your install script:
./tctl start test
You probably would do better to replace it with something like:
./tctl start test </dev/null >/some/log/file/path.log 2>&1

Don't show the output of kill command in a Linux bash script [duplicate]

How can you suppress the Terminated message that comes up after you kill a
process in a bash script?
I tried set +bm, but that doesn't work.
I know another solution involves calling exec 2> /dev/null, but is that
reliable? How do I reset it back so that I can continue to see stderr?
In order to silence the message, you must be redirecting stderr at the time the message is generated. Because the kill command sends a signal and doesn't wait for the target process to respond, redirecting stderr of the kill command does you no good. The bash builtin wait was made specifically for this purpose.
Here is very simple example that kills the most recent background command. (Learn more about $! here.)
kill $!
wait $! 2>/dev/null
Because both kill and wait accept multiple pids, you can also do batch kills. Here is an example that kills all background processes (of the current process/script of course).
kill $(jobs -rp)
wait $(jobs -rp) 2>/dev/null
I was led here from bash: silently kill background function process.
The short answer is that you can't. Bash always prints the status of foreground jobs. The monitoring flag only applies for background jobs, and only for interactive shells, not scripts.
see notify_of_job_status() in jobs.c.
As you say, you can redirect so standard error is pointing to /dev/null but then you miss any other error messages. You can make it temporary by doing the redirection in a subshell which runs the script. This leaves the original environment alone.
(script 2> /dev/null)
which will lose all error messages, but just from that script, not from anything else run in that shell.
You can save and restore standard error, by redirecting a new filedescriptor to point there:
exec 3>&2 # 3 is now a copy of 2
exec 2> /dev/null # 2 now points to /dev/null
script # run script with redirected stderr
exec 2>&3 # restore stderr to saved
exec 3>&- # close saved version
But I wouldn't recommend this -- the only upside from the first one is that it saves a sub-shell invocation, while being more complicated and, possibly even altering the behavior of the script, if the script alters file descriptors.
For more appropriate answer check answer given by Mark Edgar
Solution: use SIGINT (works only in non-interactive shells)
cat > <<"EOF"
sleep 100 &
kill -INT $!
sleep 1
Maybe detach the process from the current shell process by calling disown?
The Terminated is logged by the default signal handler of bash 3.x and 4.x. Just trap the TERM signal at the very first of child process:
## assume script name is
foo() {
trap 'exit 0' TERM ## here is the key
while true; do sleep 1; done
echo before child
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
foo &
sleep 1 # wait trap is done
echo before kill
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
kill $pid ## no need to redirect stdin/stderr
sleep 1 # wait kill is done
echo after kill
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
Is this what we are all looking for?
Not wanted:
$ sleep 3 &
[1] 234
<pressing enter a few times....>
[1]+ Done sleep 3
$ (set +m; sleep 3 &)
<again, pressing enter several times....>
As you can see, no job end message. Works for me in bash scripts as well, also for killed background processes.
'set +m' disables job control (see 'help set') for the current shell. So if you enter your command in a subshell (as done here in brackets) you will not influence the job control settings of the current shell. Only disadvantage is that you need to get the pid of your background process back to the current shell if you want to check whether it has terminated, or evaluate the return code.
This also works for killall (for those who prefer it):
killall -s SIGINT (yourprogram)
suppresses the message... I was running mpg123 in background mode.
It could only silently be killed by sending a ctrl-c (SIGINT) instead of a SIGTERM (default).
disown did exactly the right thing for me -- the exec 3>&2 is risky for a lot of reasons -- set +bm didn't seem to work inside a script, only at the command prompt
Had success with adding 'jobs 2>&1 >/dev/null' to the script, not certain if it will help anyone else's script, but here is a sample.
while true; do echo $RANDOM; done | while read line
echo Random is $line the last jobid is $(jobs -lp)
jobs 2>&1 >/dev/null
sleep 3
Another way to disable job notifications is to place your command to be backgrounded in a sh -c 'cmd &' construct.
# ...
pid="`sh -c 'sleep 30 & echo ${!}' | head -1`"
kill "$pid"
# ...
# or put several cmds in sh -c '...' construct
sh -c '
sleep 30 &
sleep 5
kill "${pid}"
I found that putting the kill command in a function and then backgrounding the function suppresses the termination output
function killCmd() {
kill $1
killCmd $somePID &
{ kill $! } 2>/dev/null
Advantage? can use any signal
{ kill -9 $PID } 2>/dev/null

bash: what to do when stdout does not exist

In a very simplified scenario, I have a script that looks like this:
mv test _test
sleep 10
echo $1
mv _test test
and if I execute it with:
ssh localhost " foo"
the test file will have an underscore in the name as long as the script is running, and when the script is finished, it will send foo back. The script SHOULD keep running, even if you terminate the ssh command by pressing ctrl+c or if you lose connection the the server, but it doesn't (the file is not renamed back to "test"). So, I tried the following:
nohup ssh localhost " foo"
and it makes ssh immune to ctrl+c but flaky connection to the server still causes trouble. After some debugging, it turns out that the script WILL actually reach the end IF THERE IS NO ECHO IN IT. And when you think about it, it makes sense - when the connection is dropped, there is no more stdout (ssh socket) to echo to, so it will fail, silently.
I can, of course, echo to a file and then get the file, but I would prefer something smarter, along the lines of test tty && echo $1 (but tty invoked like this always returns false). Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
The following command does what you want:
ssh -t user#host 'nohup ~/ foo > nohup.out 2>&1 & p1=$!; tail -f ~/nohup.out & wait $p1'
... is located in the users home directory
1.) "ssh -t user#host " ... pretty clear ... starts remote session
2.) "nohup ~/ foo > nohup.out 2>&1" ... starts the script with nohup in background
3.) "p1=$!;" ... stores the child pid of the previous command in p1
4.) "tail -f ~/nohup.out &" ... tail nohup.out in background to see the output of
5.) "wait $p1" ... waits for proccess (which pid is stored in p1) to finish
The above command works even if you interrupt it with ctrl+c.
you can use ...
ssh -t localhost " foo"
... to force a tty allocation
As st0ne suggested, tail fails, but does not cause the script to terminate, as opposed to cat and echo. So, there is no need for nohup, redirecting stdout to a temporary file, etc. just plain and simple:
mv test _test
sleep 10
echo $1 | tail
mv _test test
and execute it with:
ssh localhost " foo"

Execute a command as another user and get the PID for that process

I'm trying to capture the PID of a program that I am running for my init script so I can come back and kill it later. When I run the script without being a different user, the command works just fine, and I get the PID in a variable. I can execute the same command as a different user, however, I cannot get the PID for that command to store in a variable. This is what I get.
[root#fenix-centos ~]# PID=`su - $USER -c "$DAEMONPATH $DAEMONPATHARGS $DAEMON $DAEMONARGS > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo \$! "`
[root#fenix-centos ~]# echo $PID
...and nothing. Is there some weird thing that would prevent me from getting the PID of a process being started by a different user and storing that PID in a variable? The process still starts, but I'm not getting the PID.
After going though the link to your script, i suggest this approach:
Perform variable (that you're passing as argument to your command su) assignment in a file:
[tom#jenkins ]# cat source_file
DAEMONARGS='-dedicated -port 2346'
Source the above file in your command:
PID=`su - $USER -c '. source_file; $DAEMONPATH $DAEMONPATHARGS $DAEMON $DAEMONARGS > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $! '`
It seems your syntax is not working because the $! must be getting evaluated by the original shell which is running su and not the shell that su runs.
