Don't let member to send message in telegram group - bots

I'm looking for a way in telegram group that don't let member to send message or, delete message after a person send.
Is it possible to create a bot like this how help admins to stop chatting after start the bot?
Is there any other way to do this?

Now you can do this.
Restriction from chatting in group:
Now you can achieve this with restrictChatMember() Bot API method.
Deletion of users' messages:
For deletion use this method: deleteMessage()
DON'T forget to grant admin rights to your bot.

11/07/18: This answer is no longer up to date please look at woozly's answer
Short answer: No (at least not with the bot api)
Longer answer:
There currently is no way of stopping someone from chatting without outright kicking them out of the group. Additionally, bots currently lack the ability to delete messages so that's also not doable with the bot API.
Edit: Actually it's probably possible using the Telegram API instead of the Telegram Bot API where you would just create a regular user which is controlled programmatically to delete messages of "muted" people. I assume that this is likely not as simple as doing stuff with the bot API but in theory, it's possible.

#telemethebot has exact the feature you request:
Silent Mode
When group silent mode switched on, only group administrators can speak in that group. This help you turning your Telegram supergroup to a channel temporarily.
Teleme - Features


Chat messages from Dialogflow don't appear in Slack

I'm creating a bot with Dialogflow. It's quite straigtforward, and it worked on Telegram in no time. But things complicated when trying to integrate Dialogflow with Slack.
My bot is able to read direct messages from Slack, and I'm sure of it because the messages from Slack appear in the History section of Dialogflow. Good news there. In the same screen, I can see that Dialogflow answered all the messages Slack sent to it. But sadly, those answers don't appear in Slack.
By the way, just to confuse me more, the Dialogflow's test bot works flawlessly with Slack, publishing there with no issue. So, it's not anything related with the common values you have to copy from Slack and paste to Dialogflow to enable the integration.
It seems that my bot on Slack misses some kind of permission of the OAuth & Permissions screen, but I've tried some of theme, and I can't find the good one. Right now I'm using bot, chat:write:bot, im:write, and channels:read. I guess that only the two first ones are needed, but I'm totally lost and tried adding permissions with no reason. And then, I wrote this post.
Is there someone who has a simple bot that sends messages in direct messages on Slack? What are the needed permissions?
I had the same issue, it's quite easy to solve: just go on Manage Distribution in your bot's Slack API panel and click on the "Add to Slack" button.
That's all!
Under OAuth & Permissions, add "chat:write" to OAuth Scope. That will allow your bot to send messages to other users.

Export Competitor’s Members - Telegram - Opensource

Is there any Telegram Bot to Export your competitor’s group/channel members and add to your own group/channel. Excellent way to grow your telegram group.
What you want to do is not possible with the telegram bot api and it is not allowed to do so otherwise. It is not permittet by the Telegram Terms of Service.
If you however try to do it anyways it is considered spam/flood and will be detected and reported, your accounts get restricted and will likely get blocked from telegram.
Also something like that is considered unfair competition by most jurisdictions and might get you legal charges.
Use Telegram Group Crawler to export members from any public group.
but adding them to any groups without their consent is violating Telegram's terms of use.

How to read a message from a bot via telegram API?

I have a room with a couple of bots, one of them needs to read all the messages on the room including other bot's messages.
Telegram API says bots can't see other bots message otherwise they might get caught in a "loop".
Since i really need to work around this i'm wondering if there is a known workaround?
There cannot be any workaround using the Bot APIs since the messages in getUpdates or webhook of the Bot will be from Users alone.
One workaround could be to use the telegram-cli and create a normal user as a Bot.

How to implement a chatbot to human executive switch using Microsoft Bot Framework?

The exact point being, that I've created a bot that can take inputs from users in free form text and return relevant web links. Now the problem being, that in case the bot is not able to understand the user query, the control of the conversation has to be passed on to the human executive.
I've researched for over 2 days but could not find any such implementations. The closest I came was third party applications like ChatFuel, provide such a provision. So, there should be a way only that I am not able to find such a thing.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
one possible way is you can make a bridge, idea is as follow:
user send something that the bot cannot reply (conv-1)
make a new conversation with your human executive (conv-2)
forward user message to conv-2
human executive replied to the bot (conv-2)
capture the message and forward back to (conv-1)
See this link on how to start a new conversation:
Hope it helps,
Maybe you can create some APIs in a WebApplication that will be used by your bot.
If the LUIS Intent "None" is called, you make a call to that API and start a new conversation with a human.
You can use this same process to manage all conversations in a WebApplication Chat Control

Can I update the Messenger bot which is already approved by Facebook?

I have created Messenger bot which is approved and available for public. Now I want to add other use cases and also change the text messages which are being sent from the bot. One of the use cases is the choose language feature. So if I change the bot use cases is there a probobality that some day Facebook will block the bot due to my made changes. So if yes, then how can I prevent that?
Once your bot is approved by Facebook you can do whatever you want with it.
We published a bot months ago and update its answers and its behavior in a daily basis without waiting for Facebook to re-approve the bot (thank god because the approval was so long).
But keep in mind that if your bot is reported as spam by a certain amount of people, Facebook can automatically disable your bot (and/or the associated Facebook App) and you'll need to fix your bot and explain why it was reported as spam (if you can).
