Using standard types - uml-designer

Is there a way to configure uml-designer to understand standard C and C++ library types (like uint32_t or std::string)? Right now it refuses to let me assign a type to a variable if this type doesn't exist in the model.

No, you need to define them. To do so you can provide your own profile in which you define all the Datatypes you need, this will be your types library model. And then you can use this types in any other model by referencing the types from your libray.
To define the types you juste create a model as you do usually and then to use them in another model you can reference the profile by clicking on Project Dependencies in the Model Explorer and then on Add Model:
A dialog box opens, and then you have to select on your file system the .uml model which definies the types:
In my example this file is named types.uml:
Then you validate and you can see in the Model Explorer your profiles un the Project Dependencies.
Now you can use the types in your model. For example, I created a class with a property and I want to set the property type to Date. Then I clixk on the + utton in the properties view and this open a dialog which by default is on the Model REsource tab. I select the All Resources tab and then I am able to select the Date type.
In the end I got a property with Date as type:


How to specify the return type of a method that returns a list of values in StarUML?

I have two classes (say Database and Record). In Database class, I have a method named getRecords() that returns a list of Record objects.
In Java, the above method can be written as:
List<Record> getRecords(){..}
In StarUML, while designing Class diagram, I tried giving
+getRecords() : Record[0..*]
But StarUML refused to create method like above. When I tried with the one below, it works
+getRecords() : ArrayList<Record>
But this is more specific to Java. I want to implement something like Record[0..*] in StarUML. Is it possible to write methods in such format or the Java style of return type is the only solution ?
I don't know why StarUML refuses to parse the text, but you can still create it via model.
Add the operation and call it getRecords()
Right-click on the operation (in diagram or model), and select Add > Parameter
Select parameter in Model Explorer (probably the parameter is already selected when you created it) and set the direction parameter to return. This is how UML represents return types.
(Configure the type, multiplicity, and anything else you need.)
Note that the default collection in UML is Set, so you should check isOrdered, as List is an ordered collection.

Customizing users and roles using identity in mvc 5

I have sample project for identity customization using
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Samples -pre
command. But, for this project I have a general ApplicationUser class representing all the users of my application. What if I have different categories of users. For example, I may have Teacher and Student entities and data representing both the entities will be different. How can I customize my application to store data for both the entities having all the features of ApplicationUser?
One way that I think is inheriting both the classes from ApplicationUser and then doing appropriate changes in IdentityConfig.csand defining Controllers for each of them. Is there any other efficient way of doing this?
What if I want to use the built-in authentication and authorization features but using database first workflow?
First, you want to know how to create "types" of users. The way you would do that is exactly how you expected: inherit from ApplicationUser. By default, this will result in a single "users" table with an additional Discriminator column. This column will store the class type that was persisted, i.e. "Teacher", "Student", or "ApplicationUser", and EF will utilize this information to new up the right class for each particular record.
One thing to note with this, though, is that you need to be aware of how UserManager works, namely that it's a generic class (UserManager<TUser>). The default AccountController implementation you have from the sample defines a UserManager property on the controller which is an instance of UserManager<ApplicationUser>. If you use this instance with something like Teacher, it will be upcast to ApplicationUser. In particular if you were to do something like UserManager.Create(teacher), it will actually save an ApplicationUser, instead (the Discriminator column's value will be "ApplicationUser", rather than "Teacher"). If you need to work with the derived user types, you'll need to create separate instances of UserManager<Teacher> and UserManager<Student> for that purpose.
Next, you want to know if you can use a "database first workflow". To answer that, we need to define exactly what that means. EF has what it calls "Database First" which employs EDMX to represent your database entities. This in particular is incompatible with Identity. However, despite the name, what EF calls "Code First", can work with an existing database just as well as create a new one. In other words, yes, you can use an existing database, if you prefer, but no you cannot use "Database First", in the EF-sense. For more information about using an existing database with Code First, see my post.

Hybris core itemtypes

sorry if it is too simple questions. I am using b2c extension and cannot find definition of Product and Category itemtypes definition. Can someone direct me where to search that files.
The definition of an item can be done through several files in hybris.
In the case of product, depending of the extensions you use, your model will change.
To know all files that define product use your IDE research and look for all itemtype code="Product" in all *.items.xml.
In the case of catalog you can do the same thing, currently all the definition is done in one file : catalog-items.xml in platform/ext/catalog/resources
An other way to know all attributes defined for a type is to use the backoffice.
Go to system->types and search for your type, then in property tab you will find the list of all attributes defined for this type.
product and category should be there in core item xml file present in platform .
One needs to extend it in custom extension and define in custom item xml .

How do I get mogenerator to recognize the proper type for Transformable attributes?

I have a Core Data model with a single transformable attribute. I also have this attribute use a custom NSValueTransformer, setup in the model properly.
When I use mogenerator to generate/update my machine and human files, the machine files for the entity containing this attribute always type the attribute to NSObject. In order for Core Data to use my custom value transformer, this type needs to be the type the transformer understands. Right now, I manually do this in the human file by redefining the property with the proper type. This does the job and gets the transformer working. However, I end up with several compile warnings regarding redefinition of the attribute.
One of the more recent releases of mogenerator specified in the release notes that transformable attributes are now supported. However, I haven't found any example syntax to enable this feature.
This should be better documented.
To set your generated attributes's type, select your desired attribute in the modeler and switch to the User Info tab. Then create a new element with a key of attributeValueClassName and a value of whatever you'd like.
Here's a screenshot:

How to add a display name for a decorator in Visual Studio DSL (Domain Specific Language) Tools?

In my DSL project I have a shape with a number of decorators that are linked to properties on my domain class. But even though ieach decorator has a DisplayName property (set to a meaningfull value) it does not appear in the generated DSL project. (I have not forgtten to use regenerate the t4 files.)
Do I have to create another decorator for each property that only has the display name as a value that I wish to display or is there some other way that I can't figure out right now?
I assume by a display name for the decorator you mean you want the element in the generated DSL to appear as "Example = a_value" where a_value is the actual value and Example is the property name.
What I've done with this in the past is to create second property "ExampleDisplay" that's not browsable and is what the decorator actually points to. I then set the Kind property of the ExampleDisplay to "Calculated". You then need to provide the method that the toolkit tries to call to display the decorator which you can do a partial class.
partial class ExampleElement
string GetExampleDisplayValue()
return "Example : " + this.Example;
This is not ideal as you don't get a good way of setting the property on the DSL diagram you have to use the properties window. (There's sometime lags from the property window unless you hook into the update of the underlying property too). Getting the slick editing in the GUI that actual DSL toolkit does maybe possible but I haven't found out how.
It maybe worth ask VSX forums if you haven't already done so.
