Avoiding do statement in foldM - haskell

g ll =
foldlM (\ some_list b -> do
part <- f b
return (some_list ++ part)) [] ll
In above piece of code I use do statement just because the f function return a monad type: M a where a is a list.
( I "unpack" that list with <-. This is why I need do statement). Can I avoid it and write that more concisely? ( Yes, I know that I can write it using >>= but I also consider something nicer.)

foldlM is the wrong tool for the job. You can use it, as chepner's answer shows, but the way you're concatenating lists could get expensive. Luka Rahne's one-liner is much better:
g ll = fmap concat (mapM f ll)
Another option is to use foldr directly:
g = foldr (\x r -> (++) <$> f x <*> r) (pure [])
Another way to write the second version, by inlining the foldr:
g [] = pure []
g (x : xs) = (++) <$> f x <*> g xs

Your do expression
part <- f b
return (some_list ++ part)
follows the extract-apply-return pattern that fmap captures (due to the identity fmap f k = k >>= return . f
You extract part from the computation f b
You apply (some_list ++) to part
You return the result of that application.
This can be done in one step with fmap:
-- foldlM (f b >>= return . (some_list ++)) [] ll
foldlM (\some_list b -> fmap (some_list ++) (f b)) [] ll


Find Haskell function if given a result output

I am trying to solve a beginner problem but can't reach the solution:
Find function f where g f [10,8,6,4,2] == [10,8,6,4]
g :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
g f xs = map f (tail (map f xs))
How to solve it step by step to develop the right way of thinking?
For solution, my first thought was reverse but discarding it immediately as map cannot apply reverse to each element of the list, it seems nonsense. Next I try to think like this:
g f xs = map f (tail (map f xs)) ==
g f xs = map f (tail (map f [10,8,6,4,2])) ==
and now I get stuck as I don't see the solution immediately what to apply to each element of this list to get out something that, when tail is applied, gives me out something that I can use again for this unknown function and then get out the input list but without 2 in the end. Please kindly help, I feel stupidly stuck.
You can continue your own computation:
g f xs
= map f (tail (map f [10,8,6,4,2]))
= map f (tail [f 10,f 8,f 6,f 4,f 2])
= map f [f 8,f 6,f 4,f 2]
= [f (f 8),f (f 6),f (f 4),f (f 2)]
Can you now see how to find f such that
[f (f 8),f (f 6),f (f 4),f (f 2)] = [10,8,6,4]

Define bind without join for the list monad in Haskell

I understand the definition of >>= in term of join
xs >>= f = join (fmap f xs)
which also tells us that fmap + join yields >>=
I was wondering if for the List monad it's possible to define without join, as we do for example for Maybe:
>>= m f = case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> f x
Sure. The actual definition in GHC/Base.hs is in terms of the equivalent list comprehension:
instance Monad [] where
xs >>= f = [y | x <- xs, y <- f x]
Alternatively, you could try the following method of working it out from scratch from the type:
(>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
We need to handle two cases:
[] >>= f = ???
(x:xs) >>= f = ???
The first is easy. We have no elements of type a, so we can't apply f. The only thing we can do is return an empty list:
[] >>= f = []
For the second, x is a value of type a, so we can apply f giving us a value of f x of type [b]. That's the beginning of our list, and we can concatenate it with the rest of the list generated by a recursive call:
(x:xs) >>= f = f x ++ (xs >>= f)

Laziness of (>>=) in folding

Consider the following 2 expressions in Haskell:
foldl' (>>=) Nothing (repeat (\y -> Just (y+1)))
foldM (\x y -> if x==0 then Nothing else Just (x+y)) (-10) (repeat 1)
The first one takes forever, because it's trying to evaluate the infinite expression
...(((Nothing >>= f) >>= f) >>=f)...
and Haskell will just try to evaluate it inside out.
The second expression, however, gives Nothing right away. I've always thought foldM was just doing fold using (>>=), but then it would run into the same problem. So it's doing something more clever here - once it hits Nothing it knows to stop. How does foldM actually work?
foldM can't be implemented using foldl. It needs the power of foldr to be able to stop short. Before we get there, here's a version without anything fancy.
foldM f b [] = return b
foldM f b (x : xs) = f b x >>= \q -> foldM f q xs
We can transform this into a version that uses foldr. First we flip it around:
foldM f b0 xs = foldM' xs b0 where
foldM' [] b = return b
foldM' (x : xs) b = f b x >>= foldM' xs
Then move the last argument over:
foldM' [] = return
foldM' (x : xs) = \b -> f b x >>= foldM' xs
And then recognize the foldr pattern:
foldM' = foldr go return where
go x r = \b -> f b x >>= r
Finally, we can inline foldM' and move b back to the left:
foldM f b0 xs = foldr go return xs b0 where
go x r b = f b x >>= r
This same general approach works for all sorts of situations where you want to pass an accumulator from left to right within a right fold. You first shift the accumulator all the way over to the right so you can use foldr to build a function that takes an accumulator, instead of trying to build the final result directly. Joachim Breitner did a lot of work to create the Call Arity compiler analysis for GHC 7.10 that helps GHC optimize functions written this way. The main reason to want to do so is that it allows them to participate in the GHC list libraries' fusion framework.
One way to define foldl in terms of foldr is:
foldl f z xn = foldr (\ x g y -> g (f y x)) id xn z
It's probably worth working out why that is for yourself. It can be re-written using >>> from Control.Arrow as
foldl f z xn = foldr (>>>) id (map (flip f) xn) z
The monadic equivalent of >>> is
f >=> g = \ x -> f x >>= \ y -> g y
which allows us to guess that foldM might be
foldM f z xn = foldr (>=>) return (map (flip f) xn) z
which turns out to be the correct definition. It can be re-written using foldr/map as
foldM f z xn = foldr (\ x g y -> f y x >>= g) return xn z

Associativity of monads

newtype Set a = Set [a]
New Type Set that contains a list.
empty :: Set a
empty = Set []
sing :: a -> Set a
sing x = Set [x]
Function to creat a set.
memSet :: (Eq a) => a -> Set a -> Bool
memSet _ (Set []) = False
memSet x (Set xs)
| elem x xs = True
| otherwise = False
makeSet :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Set a
makeSet [] = empty
makeset (x:xs) = union (sing x) (makeSet xs)
-- etc
-- we need the obvious stuff:
union :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
unionMult :: [ Set a ] -> Set a
intersection :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
subSet :: Set a -> Set a -> Bool
mapSet :: (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
mapset f (Set xs) = makeSet (map f xs)
-- now making it a monad:
instance Monad Set where
return = sing
(Set x) >>= f = unionMult (map f x)
Left identity:
return a >>= f ≡ f a
Right identity:
m >>= return ≡ m
(m >>= f) >>= g ≡ m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
return x >>= f
(Set [x]) >>= f
unionMult (map f [x])
unionMult [ (f x) ] = f x
(Set [xs]) >>= return
unionMult (map return [xs])
unionMult [ys]
Set [xs]
Need help with the last one.
Since Set a is just a newtype around [a] lets use [] directly. The proofs will be similar so long as we use Set's instances; we'll be able to use []'s constructors (somewhat) directly. That's nice because then we can prove things inductively.
We want to show that for all xs :: [a] xs >>= return == xs. Let's first assume that xs == [].
[] >>= return
unionConcat (map return [])
unionConcat []
Without defining unionConcat we can use this to show that unless unionConcat [] = [] holds, we can't get associativity. We'll keep that in mind for later.
Now we'll do the inductive step, assuming that we have some particular xs :: [a] where xs >>= return == xs, can we show that (x:xs) >>= return == x:xs?
(x:xs) >>= return
unionConcat (map return (x:xs))
unionConcat (return x : map return xs)
x : unionConcat (map return xs)
x : (xs >>= return)
x:xs -- working upward from the bottom here
Providing yet another property of unionConcat---
unionConcat (return x : xs) = x : unionConcat xs
So even before we have a definition of unionConcat we can already say that our properties will hold contingent on it following certain properties of its own. We ought to translate the (:) constructor back into a notion for sets, though.
unionConcat (return x : xs) = insert x (unionConcat xs)
unionConcat is already defined in Data.Set.... To be concrete, I will use the following definiitions in this proof
unionConcat = Data.Set.unions
return = Data.Set.fromList [a]
(I will use other functions defined in Data.Set here, some may require "Ord a", presumably that won't be a problem).
I also make use of the following properties
union x y = fromList (toList x ++ toList y)
concat . map (:[]) = id
The first states that the union of two sets can be obtained by taking a list of items in the set, concatinating them, then removing the repeats.... This follows from the definition of what a set is
The second property just states that concat and map (:[]) are inverses of each other. This should also be obvious from the definition of concat
map (:[]) [a, b, c, ....] = [[a], [b], [c], ....]
concat [[a], [b], [c], ....] = [a, b, c, ....]
(In order to really finish this proof, I would have to show that these properties follow from the Haskell definitions of (:[]), concat and union, but this is more detail that I think you want, and the actual definitions might change from version to version, so we will just have to assume that the writers of these functions followed the spirit of how sets and concat should work).
(In case it isn't obvious, remember the monkey operator (:[]) wraps single elements in brackets- (:[]) x = [x]).
Since "unions" is just a multiple appliction of "union", and "concat" is just a multiple application of (++), the first propterty can be generalized to
unions sets = fromList (concat $ map toLists sets)
Now for the proof-
y >>= return
= unions $ map return (toList y)
= unions $ map (fromList . (:[])) (toList y)
= unions $ map fromList $ map (:[]) (toList y)
= unions $ map fromList $ map (:[]) $ toList y
= fromList $ concat $ map toList $ map fromList $ map (:[]) (toList y)
= fromList $ concat $ map (:[]) (toList y)
= fromList $ toList y
= y
Edit- See discussion below, I made a mistake and proved the wrong law (d'oh, I should have just read the title of the question :) ), so I am adding the correct one (associativity) below.
Two prove associativity, we need to use two properties....
property 1 - toList (x >>= f) = su (toList x >>=' toList . f)
property 2 - su (x >>=' f) = su (su x >>=' f)
where su sorts and uniqs a list, ie-
su [4,2,4,1] = [1,2,4],
and >>=' is the array bind operator,
x >>=' f = concat . map f x
The first property should be obvious.... It just states that you can get the result of x >>= f in two different ways, either by applying f to the values in the set x and taking the union, or to the exact same values in the corresponding list, and concating the values. The only hitch is that you might get repeat values in the list (the set couldn't even allow that), so you apply the su function on the right side to canonicalize the result (note that toList also outputs in the same form).
The second property states that if you sort/uniq a result at the end of a pipeline of binds, you can also perform it earlier in the pipeline without changing the answer. Again, this should be obvious.... Adding/removing duplicates or reordering the values with the initial list only add/removes duplicates or reorders the final result. But we are going to remove the duplicates and reorder at the end anyway, so it doesn't matter.
(A more rigorous proof of these two properties could be given based on the definitions of map/concat, toList, etc, but it would blow up the size of this posting.... I'll assume that everyone's intuition is strong enough and continue....)
Using these, I can now show you the proof. The general plan is to use the known associativity of the array bind operator, and the relationship of arrays with sets to show that the set bind operator must also be associative.
toList set1 == toList set2
implies that
set1 == set2
I can prove
toList ((y >>= f) >>= g) = toList (y >>= (\x -> f x >>= g))
to get the desired result.
toList ((y >>= f) >>= g)
su (toList (y >>= f) >>=' toList . g) --by property 1
su (su (toList y >>=' toList . f) >>=' toList . g) --by property 1
su ((toList y >>=' toList . f) >>=' toList . g) --by property 2
su (toList y >>=' (\x -> (toList . f) x >>=' toList . g)) --by the associativity of the array bind operator
su (toList y >>=' (\x -> su (toList (f x) >>=' toList . g))) --by property 2 and associativity of (.)
su (toList y >>=' (\x -> toList (f x >>= g))) --by property 1
su (toList y >>=' toList (\x -> f x >>= g)) --by associativity of (.)
su (su (toList y >>=' toList (\x -> f x >>= g))) --by property 2
su (toList (y >>= (\x -> f x >>= g))) --by property 1
toList (y >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)) --because toList is already sorted/uniqued
> U :: [Setx] --> Set x
> (m >>= f) >>= g ≡ m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
> VL(leftSide)
> (m >>= f) >>= g
> (Set x >>= f) >>=g <=>
> (U(map f x)) >>=g <=> (U(map f x)=Set y)
> Set y >>= g <=>
> HL:(right Side)
> m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g) <=>
> Set x >>=(\x -> f x >>= g) (funktionen \x -> f x gives a Set y it will consume value of x.)
But this prrof i wrong. (U= UnionMult.)
I was told that i should try to create a function conposition for both left side and right side. It will help in showing that right side and left side are equal.
HL: rightSide
VL leftSide
want to show VL==HL

Trick for "reusing" arguments in Haskell?

From time to time I stumble over the problem that I want to express "please use the last argument twice", e.g. in order to write pointfree style or to avoid a lambda. E.g.
sqr x = x * x
could be written as
sqr = doubleArgs (*) where
doubleArgs f x = f x x
Or consider this slightly more complicated function (taken from this question):
ins x xs = zipWith (\ a b -> a ++ (x:b)) (inits xs) (tails xs)
I could write this code pointfree if there were a function like this:
ins x = dup (zipWith (\ a b -> a ++ (x:b))) inits tails where
dup f f1 f2 x = f (f1 x) (f2 x)
But as I can't find something like doubleArgs or dup in Hoogle, so I guess that I might miss a trick or idiom here.
From Control.Monad:
join :: (Monad m) -> m (m a) -> m a
join m = m >>= id
instance Monad ((->) r) where
return = const
m >>= f = \x -> f (m x) x
join :: (a -> a -> b) -> (a -> b)
join f = f >>= id
= \x -> id (f x) x
= \x -> f x x
So, yeah, Control.Monad.join.
Oh, and for your pointfree example, have you tried using applicative notation (from Control.Applicative):
ins x = zipWith (\a b -> a ++ (x:b)) <$> inits <*> tails
(I also don't know why people are so fond of a ++ (x:b) instead of a ++ [x] ++ b... it's not faster -- the inliner will take care of it -- and the latter is so much more symmetrical! Oh well)
What you call 'doubleArgs' is more often called dup - it is the W combinator (called warbler in To Mock a Mockingbird) - "the elementary duplicator".
What you call 'dup' is actually the 'starling-prime' combinator.
Haskell has a fairly small "combinator basis" see Data.Function, plus some Applicative and Monadic operations add more "standard" combinators by virtue of the function instances for Applicative and Monad (<*> from Applicative is the S - starling combinator for the functional instance, liftA2 & liftM2 are starling-prime). There doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm in the community for expanding Data.Function, so whilst combinators are good fun, pragmatically I've come to prefer long-hand in situations where a combinator is not directly available.
Here is another solution for the second part of my question: Arrows!
import Control.Arrow
ins x = inits &&& tails >>> second (map (x:)) >>> uncurry (zipWith (++))
The &&& ("fanout") distributes an argument to two functions and returns the pair of the results. >>> ("and then") reverses the function application order, which allows to have a chain of operations from left to right. second works only on the second part of a pair. Of course you need an uncurry at the end to feed the pair in a function expecting two arguments.
