calling function inside nested class - python-3.x

I would like to call functions defined in a class (1) from a nested class (2) (class 2 defined in the class 1). something similar to the code below:
class firstclass(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
#some code and functions...
def afunction(self):
#some code
class nestedclass(tkinter.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
#some code
def anotherfunction(self):
#here I would like to call a function from the class firstclass from a button
self.abutton = tkinter.Button(self.parent, text = "blabla", command = firstclass.afunction)
self.abutton.grid(row = 0, column = 1,columnspan=1)
However I keep getting an error missing required positional argument self. how to give it this argument in the command option?
or any advice how to work around this issue?
thanks a lot in advance for all input


Multiple inheritance problem with super()

I'm having a problem with multiple inheritance that I can't seem to figure out. Here is a very abstracted minimal example that reproduces my error (my code is much more complex than this).
class Thing(object):
def __init__(self, x=None):
self.x = x
class Mixin(object):
def __init__(self):
self.numbers = [1,2,3]
def children(self):
return [super().__init__(x=num) for num in self.numbers]
class CompositeThing(Mixin, Thing):
def __init__(self):
def test(self):
for child in self.children():
obj = CompositeThing()
Per this, I expect the children() method to return a list of Things built up from self.numbers. Instead, I get TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type. Incidentally, the same thing happens if I don't call the constructor and allow children to return super() 3 times (i.e., the uninstantiated superclass). Any ideas why this might be happening?
Thanks in advance!
In line 9 of your code, it looks like you are trying to call __init__ of object. I am assuming you meant to have Mixin inherit from Thing.
class Thing(object):
def __init__(self, x=None):
self.x = x
class Mixin(Thing):
def __init__(self):
self.numbers = [1,2,3]
def children(self):
return [super().__init__(x=num) for num in self.numbers] # Now calls Thing.__init__ instead of object.__init__
class CompositeThing(Mixin, Thing):
def __init__(self):
def test(self):
for child in self.children():
obj = CompositeThing()
Actually, I figured it out. There were two problems: (1) super() doesn't work as expected inside comprehensions because comprehensions in Py3 have their own scope - this was causing the TypeError I was experiencing. (2) What I was really trying to do was create a new instance of the parent, rather than calling a method from the parent. I have posted a new question for just the latter problem for clarity.

Better way than pass the same argument among classes in Python

I have a question related to OOP but it should be implemented in Python.
I have a file with all the user parameters.
In my main file, I have a function that is called first. This function is responsible to read all the user parameters and return a dictionary that will be used in the rest of the program.
My question is: what is the cleanest way to pass the user_parameters dictionary to all classes? I did it in 2 ways:
Method 1)
def read_user_parameters():
# code to open and read all parameters etc.
return user_parameters # returns a dictionary with all the user parameters
Class A():
def __init__(self, user_parameters):
self.user_parameters = user_parameters
Class B():
def __init__(self, user_parameters):
self.user_parameters = user_parameters
user_parameters = read_user_parameters()
object_A = A(user_parameters)
object_B = B(user_parameters)
I don't like this way because I have dozens of classes that need to pass this argument. So I thought to create a parent class with the user parameters:
Method 2)
Class User_parameters():
def __init__(self, user_parameters):
def read_user_parameters():
# code to open and read all parameters etc.
return user_parameters
Class A(User_parameters):
__init__(self, user_parameters):
# self.user_parameters comes from the parent class now
Class B(User_parameters):
__init__(self, user_parameters):
# self.user_parameters comes from the parent class now
object_A = A()
object_B = B()
I prefer method 2, however, when super() is initialized from Class A and Class B the function read_user_parameters() that reads the file will be called twice (multiply this by dozens of times). Is there a better solution than method 1 in which I call read_user_parameters() only once but doesn't need to pass the argument for all classes?
Thank you for your time.
Why not just have a single UserParameters class and two objects of the same class (Also class nameds are supposed to be camel-cases, not snake-cased)
#Single class for user parameters
class UserParameters:
def __init__(self, user_parameters):
self.user_parameters = user_parameters
def read_user_parameters(self):
# code to open and read all parameters etc.
return self.user_parameters
#Two objects
object_A = UserParameters("<params>")
object_B = UserParameters("<params>")

Python subclass that takes superclass as argument on instantiation?

I am trying to create a wrapper class in Python with the following behaviour:
It should take as an argument an existing class from which it should inherit all methods and attributes
The wrapper class methods should be able to use Python super() to access methods of the superclass (the one passed as an argument)
Because of my second requirement I think the solution here will not suffice (and in any case I am having separate issues deepcopying some of the methods of the superclass' I am trying to inherit from).
I tried this but it's not correct...
class A:
def shout(self):
print("I AM A!")
class B:
def shout(self):
print("My name is B!")
class wrapper:
def __init__(self, super_class):
## Some inheritance thing here ##
# I initially tried this but no success...
super(super_class).__init__() # or similar?
def shout(self):
print('This is a wrapper')
And this is the behaviour I require...
my_wrapper = wrapper(A)
# Expected output:
# > This is a wrapper
# > I AM A
my_wrapper = wrapper(B)
# Expected output:
# > This is a wrapper
# > My name is B!
Is inheritance the correct approach here, if so am I sniffing in the right direction? Any help is appreciated, thanks :)
Edit for context:
I intend to build multiple wrappers so that all of my ML models have the same API. Generally, models from the same package (sklearn for example) have the same API and should be able to be wrapped by the same wrapper. In doing this I wish to modify/add functionality to the existing methods in these models whilst keeping the same method name.
If wrapper has to be a class then a composition solution would fit much better here.
Keep in mind that I turned the shout methods to staticmethod because in your example you pass the class to wrapper.shout, not an instance.
class A:
def shout():
print("I AM A!")
class B:
def shout():
print("My name is B!")
class wrapper:
def __init__(self, super_class):
self._super_class = super_class
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self.__dict__[item].__func__
except KeyError:
return self._super_class.__dict__[item].__func__
def a_wrapper_method(self):
print('a wrapper attribute can still be used')
my_wrapper = wrapper(A)
my_wrapper = wrapper(B)
This is a wrapper
This is a wrapper
My name is B!
a wrapper attribute can still be used
So I went for a function in the end. My final solution:
class A:
def shout(self):
print("I AM A!")
class B:
def shout(self):
print("My name is B!")
def wrap_letter_class(to_wrap):
global letterWrapper
class letterWrapper(to_wrap):
def __init__(self):
def shout(self):
print('This is a wrapper')
def __getstate__(self):
# Add the wrapper to global scope before pickling
global letterWrapper
letterWrapper = self.__class__
return self.__dict__
return letterWrapper()
Which produces the desired behaviour...
In [2]: wrapped = wrap_letter_class(A)
In [3]: wrapped.shout()
This is a wrapper
In [4]: wrapped = wrap_letter_class(B)
In [5]: wrapped.shout()
This is a wrapper
My name is B!
Something not mentioned in my initial question was that I intended to pickle my custom class, this is not possible if the class is not defined in the global scope, hence the __getstate__ and global additions.

Nested Function in a Class, Python

I am trying to have Nested function inside a class. Here is my coad
class big():
def __init__(self):
self.mas = "hello"
def update(self):
def output(self):
thing = big()
However when it runs I get an error that output is not defined. How can i run the output function inside the update function?
Just call it as output(), without self. The way you've defined it, it basically is a local variable inside your update method, not an attribute of the class.
class big():
def __init__(self):
self.mas = "hello"
def update(self):
def output():
thing = big()

python 3 pygi webkit2 api how to call a variable inside __init__(self):

I got the class below and i need to call self.webview variable from a function inside another class. how do i achieve that.
class Window(w):
def __init__(self):
self.webview = WebKit2.WebView()
class anotherclass:
def send_js(js):
w = self.webview <-- cant get this to match
class anotherclass:
js = "some js"
class Window(w):
def __init__(self):
self.webview = WebKit2.WebView()
i was doing it with the wrong approach the above seems to work for me, i can also put js variable inside a function.
