How to authenticate in Datastax Studio? - cassandra

I have Datastax Community 3.0.4 installed on Windws 8.1 and I am trying to use Datastax Studio 1.0.2. The question is that I use authentication in Cassandra and therefore I need to authenticate also in Datastax Studio.
How can I solve it? How can I authenticate in Datastax Studio?

Studio and Community Edition are not meant to work together.
DataStax Studio is meant for use with DataStax Enterprise (in particular, for use exploring graph data in DSE). The Community edition you have installed only contains a distribution of Apache Cassandra (+ OpsCenter) and not DataStax Enterprise. So if you want to use DataStax Studio, you're going to have to get a copy of DataStax Enterprise first.
Since you're on Windows (and not on Windows 10), your options are a little limited. DSE doesn't run on Windows natively, so you'll have to use a Virtual Machine of some kind. There is a Sandbox image available from the DataStax Academy downloads page for both VirtualBox or VMWare, or you can always create your own VM (running Ubuntu or the Linux flavor of your choice) and Install DSE yourself.
Good luck!


How can I change Bitnami Sonarqube VM to Enterprise Edition

Bitnami offers a SonarQube preconfigured VM, complete with database and all configured to work out of the box.
The SonarQube that comes in this VM is the community edition. Is there a way I can install the Enterprise Edition instead of community edition?
The different SonarQube editions have different components bundled in them, so there isn't a way of just 'updating' between editions: you'd have to use a completely different distribution.

Which oracle version compatible with visual studio 2010?

Can anybody suggest which version of oracle database will be more compatible
while working with an application?
According to this you'll need
Oracle Database 9.2 or later or Oracle Database XE
Oracle 11g Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio version or later from OTN
Here is another version which IMHO provides nice details

Is SSDT integrated in VS 2013 Express better than the standalone version with VS 2012 shell?

I am using the standalone version of SSDT with VS 2012 shell and I was wondering if there is any point for me to upgrade to VS 2013 Express.
Are they practically the same thing and updated through different channels or the one integrated in VS 2013 has better capabilities?
They are exactly the same thing, updated through different channels. There's more information on supported versions in this blog post by Jill McClenahan, but right now SSDT has identical functionality in both. The benefit of upgrading is that the Express version has nicer integration with other tools and services such as cloud services, other programming languages etc. If you just care about database development that might not make much difference.

Setting up a Smart Device Project in VS 2012 with CF3.9

I currently need to work on a Compact Framework Project again. I used to do this some time ago with VS 2008, however I don't have a license for this anymore. I do have licenses for 2012, and it really seemed like good timing for me given the recent announcements (Get started developing for Windows Embedded Compact in Visual Studio (Compact 2013)).
I downloaded and installed Application Builder for Windows Embedded Compact 2013
And install the Embedded Compact 2013 Update 5 (full setup).
Unfortunately after these steps the Project Templates still won't show up.
My current understanding is that the template will only be visible when I also install the SDK.
The SDK provided for the Windows Embedded Compact 2013 product that you are targeting. Typically, this SDK is provided by an OEM.
However, I don't have a device for development, I used to use the emulator for this and they used to be available in Visual Studio without big fuzz.
I tried to find an emulator using my preferred web search, but without any success.
Using Windows Embedded Compact 2013 (WEC2013) it's impossible to develop a Net CF 3.9 application without an SDK.
There isn't a default SDK. In general, when you have an embedded system, it isn't general purpose but it has specific features that the OEM exposes with a custom SDK. In this way, avoiding standard SDK, who develop application can't use feature that there won't be on the target hardware.
The only way you have to start develop is to install Platform Builder and using built in CEPC BSP to create a CEPC image for a virtual machine and an SDK for it.
After installing this SDK you can use your virtual machine with CEPC image to run your application. In this way you can create an "emulator" for a x86 system with WEC2013 on it.

Source code for Datastax Community Edition

What is the URL to download the source code for DataStax Community Edition??
I've been plowing through, DataStax website, and google without success. Have the Cassandra source off the Apache site...looking for the corresponding source for the DataStax community release.
The community distribution contains the corresponding Apache Cassandra release, and a free-but-not-open-source version of OpsCenter.
