Which oracle version compatible with visual studio 2010? - c#-4.0

Can anybody suggest which version of oracle database will be more compatible
while working with an asp.net application?

According to this you'll need
Oracle Database 9.2 or later or Oracle Database XE
Oracle 11g Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio version or later from OTN
Here is another version which IMHO provides nice details


Where to download `Microsoft ole db provider for visual foxpro 9.0`?

I'm planning to access DBF file using ADO, it seems that I need to install Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro 9.0, but it reports 404 not found:
Do you know where can I download the provider?
What's the modern way to access DBF?
The installer for the Visual FoxPro 9 OLEDB Driver appears to be gone from the Microsoft Download Center. Strangely the Visual FoxPro 8 driver is still there. You could use that as long as you don't need features that were introduced in Version 9. You could also use the ODBC driver if you can find it.
Both the OLEDB and ODBC drivers from Microsoft are 32-bit, so your C++ application will need to be 32-bit.
There are various third-party alternatives out there for accessing DBF files:
Devart ODBC Driver For XBase
Progress DataDirect
And various others. The thing to remember about third-party drivers is that they may or may not support indexes, and none of them support Visual FoxPro database stored procedures or triggers.
CNET has the 9.0 driver available here:
Microsoft OLD DB Provider for Visual FoxPro 9.0
The latest VFP OLE DB Provider (and ODBC Driver) are now available for download as part of the VFPX project:

Exception in npgsql 3.2.0 connecting to PostgreSQL via Excel PowerQuery

I have a PostgreSQL 9.6.1 database from which I want to extract data for use in Excel with Get & Transform (PowerQuery). I have 64-bit Excel 2016 Pro Plus running on Windows 10 64-bit with .NET framework 4.6 installed.
When I try to use "Data->New Query -> From Database -> From PostgreSQL Database", I put the server name (localhost) and DB name into the dialog box.
I then get the error message,
An error happened while reading data from the provider: 'The type initializer for 'Npgsql.Counters' threw an exception.'
I have the following setup:
npgsql 3.2.0 installed with nuget. There are 3 versions of the DLL, net45, net451 and netstandard1.3. I used net451 for no other reason that it was closest to 4.6.
mono.security.dll I added both of the DLLs to the global cache with gacutil.exe
I updated machine.config as follows for DbProviderFactories
add description=".Net Framework Data Provider for Postgresql Server" type="Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory, Npgsql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d8b90d52f46fda7" name="Npgsql Data Provider" invariant="Npgsql" support="FF"
Could anyone help me understand if I did anything wrong?
It looks like this is an issue with a recent npgsql release? Until that's fixed, if you install version 3.1 or 3.0 Power Query should work :)
One other thing you could try is using net45. We officially support .NET 4.5.1 but sometimes you have more luck with older releases.

How to authenticate in Datastax Studio?

I have Datastax Community 3.0.4 installed on Windws 8.1 and I am trying to use Datastax Studio 1.0.2. The question is that I use authentication in Cassandra and therefore I need to authenticate also in Datastax Studio.
How can I solve it? How can I authenticate in Datastax Studio?
Studio and Community Edition are not meant to work together.
DataStax Studio is meant for use with DataStax Enterprise (in particular, for use exploring graph data in DSE). The Community edition you have installed only contains a distribution of Apache Cassandra (+ OpsCenter) and not DataStax Enterprise. So if you want to use DataStax Studio, you're going to have to get a copy of DataStax Enterprise first.
Since you're on Windows (and not on Windows 10), your options are a little limited. DSE doesn't run on Windows natively, so you'll have to use a Virtual Machine of some kind. There is a Sandbox image available from the DataStax Academy downloads page for both VirtualBox or VMWare, or you can always create your own VM (running Ubuntu or the Linux flavor of your choice) and Install DSE yourself.
Good luck!

How to find the version for the Oracle Forms Compiler in Linux

I'm trying to find the version of the Oracle Forms Builder and/or Forms Compiler in a linux installation. I know it's an Oracle Forms 11g install, but I need the specific version.
In the Windows Desktop version of Forms Builder, this can be achieved by accessing the "Help" -> "About Forms Builder..." menu. Which produces the following information:
But how can this be this achieved in Linux?
Found out that the answer was quite simple. If you have access to the forms builder command or the batch command, just running it without any parameter produces the version information. For instance, in our set up, we where using the frmcmp_batch command to compile the forms. So just running the command alone produces the version information which looks something like this:
Forms 11 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
PL/SQL Version (Production)
Oracle Procedure Builder V11. - Production
Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
Oracle Tools Common Area Version
Oracle CORE Production

Where is the NCSO.jar and java in IBM Notes on a Mac?

I'm using IBM Notes 9 Social Edition (Mac) however it does not contain this jar on the client. Nor is it packaged with java. Is the Notes API not supported on a Mac environment?
I don't know why it's not found on your machine - perhaps it's only installed with the Domino Designer client nowadays. But you can get NCSO.jar from your Domino server or from a Domino Designer installation on a Windows machine. There's no reason why it wouldn't work on a Mac.
IBM Notes 9 Social Edition (Mac) does not ship with NCSO.jar, but you can retrieve it from other sources (as #Richard Schwartz metions). It does work in the Mac environment but you need to be sure to use the JDK 1.6 that it gets hooked up to when IBM Notes is installed. e.g.:
Also, you need to ensure you use the -d32 flag to run it in 32-bit mode, as it defaults to 64-bit mode. You cannot use any new JDK version as the 32-bit mode is no longer supported.
Furthermore, you may need to update the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to your notes dydll library files in the Notes installation eg.:
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/Applications/IBM Notes.app/Contents/MacOS"
