Spark Accumulator vs Count - apache-spark

I have a use case where I want to count types of elements in an RDD matching some filter.
e.g. RDD.filter(F1) and RDD.filter(!F1)
I have 2 options
Use accumulators: e.g.
LongAccumulator l1 = sparkContext.longAccumulator("Count1")
LongAccumulator l2 = sparkContext.longAccumulator("Count2")
RDD.forEachPartition(f -> {
if(F1) l1.add(1)
else l2.add(1)
Use Count
RDD.filter(F1).count(); RDD.filter(!F1).count()
One benefit of the first approach is that we only need to iterate data once (useful since my data set is 10s of TB)
What is the use of count if same affect can be achieved by using Accumulators ?

Major difference is that if your code will fail in transformation, then Accumulators will be updated and count() result not.
Other option is to use pure map-reduce:
val counts = => (F1(x), 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collectAsMap()
Network cost should be also low as only few numbers will be sent. It creates pairs of (is F1(x) true/false, 1) and then sum all ones - it will give you number of items both F1(x) and !F1(x) in counts map


Internals of reduce function in spark-shell

Input file contains 20 lines. I am trying to count total number of records using reduce function. Can anyone please explain me why there is difference in the results? Because here value of y is nothing but only 1.
Default number of partitions : 4
scala> rdd = sc.textFile("D:\LearningPythonTomaszDenny\Codebase\\wholeTextFiles\\names1.txt")
scala>>1).reduce((acc,y) => acc+1)
res17: Int = 8
scala>>1).reduce((acc,y) => acc+y)
res18: Int = 20
Because here value of y is nothing but only 1.
That is simply not true. reduce consist of three stages (not in a strict Spark meaning of the word):
Distributed reduce on each partition.
Collection of the partial results to the driver (synchronous or asynchronous depending on the backend).
Local driver reduction.
In your case the results of the first and second stage will be the same, but the first approach will simply ignore the partial results. In other words, no matter what was the result for the partition, it will always add only 1.
Such approach would work only with non-parallel, non-sequential reduce implementations.

How to compute the dot product of two distributed RowMatrix in Apache Spark?

Let Q be a distributed Row Matrix in Spark, I want to calculate the cross product of Q with its transpose Q'.
However although a Row Matrix does have a multiply() method, but it can only accept local Matrices as an argument.
Code illustration ( Scala ):
val phi = new RowMatrix(phiRDD) // phiRDD is an instance of RDD[Vector]
val phiTranspose = transposeRowMatrix(phi) // transposeRowMatrix()
// returns the transpose of a RowMatrix
val crossMat = ? // phi * phiTranspose
Note that I want to perform the dot product of 2 Distributed RowMatrix not a distributed one with a local one.
One solution is to use an IndexedRowMatrix as following:
val phi = new IndexedRowMatrix(phiRDD) // phiRDD is an instance of RDD[IndexedRow]
val phiTranspose = transposeMatrix(phi) // transposeMatrix()
// returns the transpose of a Matrix
val crossMat = phi.toBlockMatrix().multiply( phiTranspose.toBlockMatrix()
However, I want to use the Row Matrix-Methods such as tallSkinnyQR() and this means that I sholud transform crossMat to a RowMatrix, using .toRowMatrix() method:
val crossRowMat = crossMat.toRowMatrix()
and finally I can apply
but this process includes many transformations between the types of the Distributed Matrices and according to what I understood from MLlib Programming Guide this is expensive:
It is very important to choose the right format to store large and distributed matrices. Converting a distributed matrix to a different format may require a global shuffle, which is quite expensive.
Would someone elaborate, please.
Only distributed matrices which support matrix - matrix multiplication are BlockMatrices. You have to convert your data accordingly - artificial indices are good enough:
new IndexedRowMatrix( => IndexedRow(x._2, x._1))
).toBlockMatrix match { case m => m.multiply(m.transpose) }
I used the algorithm listed on this page which moves the multiplication problem from dot product to distributed scalar product problem by using vectors outer product:
The outer product between two vectors is the scalar product of the
second vector with all the elements in the first vector, resulting in
a matrix
My own created multiplication function (can be more optimized) for Row Matrices ended up like that.
def multiplyRowMatrices(m1: RowMatrix, m2: RowMatrix)(implicit ctx: SparkSession): RowMatrix = {
// Zip m1 columns with m2 rows
val m1Cm2R = transposeRowMatrix(m1)
// Apply scalar product between each entry in m1 vector with m2 row
val scalar ={
case(column:DenseVector,row:DenseVector) =>{
columnValue =>{
rowValue => columnValue*rowValue
// Add all the resulting matrices point wisely
val sum = scalar.reduce{
case(matrix1,matrix2) =>{
case(value1,value2)=> value1+value2
new RowMatrix(ctx.sparkContext.parallelize(> Vectors.dense(array))))
After that I tested both approaches- My own function and using block matrix - using a 300*10 Matrix on a one machine
Using my own function:
val PhiMat = new RowMatrix(phi)
val TphiMat = transposeRowMatrix(PhiMat)
val product = multiplyRowMatrices(PhiMat,TphiMat)
Using matrix transformation:
val MatRow = new RowMatrix(phi)
val MatBlock = new IndexedRowMatrix( => IndexedRow(x._2, x._1))).toBlockMatrix()
val TMatBlock = MatBlock.transpose
val productMatBlock = MatBlock.multiply(TMatBlock)
val productMatRow = productMatBlock.toIndexedRowMatrix().toRowMatrix()
The first approach spanned 1 job with 5 stages and took 2s to finish in total. While the second approach spanned 4 jobs, three with one stage and one with two stages, and took 0.323s in total. Also the second approach outperformed the first with respect to the Shuffle Read/Write size.
Yet I am still confused by the MLlib Programming Guide statement:
It is very important to choose the right format to store large and
distributed matrices. Converting a distributed matrix to a different
format may require a global shuffle, which is quite expensive.

Spark difference between reduceByKey vs. groupByKey vs. aggregateByKey vs. combineByKey

Can anyone explain the difference between reducebykey, groupbykey, aggregatebykey and combinebykey? I have read the documents regarding this, but couldn't understand the exact differences.
An explanation with examples would be great.
.flatMap(line => line.split(" ") )
.map(word => (word,1))
.map((x,y) => (x,sum(y)))
groupByKey can cause out of disk problems as data is sent over the network and collected on the reduced workers.
.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
.map(word => (word,1))
.reduceByKey((x,y)=> (x+y))
Data are combined at each partition, with only one output for one key at each partition to send over the network. reduceByKey required combining all your values into another value with the exact same type.
same as reduceByKey, which takes an initial value.
3 parameters as input
initial value
Combiner logic
sequence op logic
val keysWithValuesList = Array("foo=A", "foo=A", "foo=A", "foo=A", "foo=B", "bar=C", "bar=D", "bar=D")
val data = sc.parallelize(keysWithValuesList)
//Create key value pairs
val kv ="=")).map(v => (v(0), v(1))).cache()
val initialCount = 0;
val addToCounts = (n: Int, v: String) => n + 1
val sumPartitionCounts = (p1: Int, p2: Int) => p1 + p2
val countByKey = kv.aggregateByKey(initialCount)(addToCounts, sumPartitionCounts)
Aggregate By Key sum Results
bar -> 3
foo -> 5
3 parameters as input
Initial value: unlike aggregateByKey, need not pass constant always, we can pass a function that will return a new value.
merging function
combine function
val result = rdd.combineByKey(
(v) => (v,1),
( (acc:(Int,Int),v) => acc._1 +v , acc._2 +1 ) ,
( acc1:(Int,Int),acc2:(Int,Int) => (acc1._1+acc2._1) , (acc1._2+acc2._2))
).map( { case (k,v) => (k,v._1/v._2.toDouble) })
reduceByKey,aggregateByKey,combineByKey preferred over groupByKey
Avoid groupByKey
groupByKey() is just to group your dataset based on a key. It will result in data shuffling when RDD is not already partitioned.
reduceByKey() is something like grouping + aggregation. We can say reduceByKey() equivalent to It will shuffle less data unlike groupByKey().
aggregateByKey() is logically same as reduceByKey() but it lets you return result in different type. In another words, it lets you have an input as type x and aggregate result as type y. For example (1,2),(1,4) as input and (1,"six") as output. It also takes zero-value that will be applied at the beginning of each key.
Note: One similarity is they all are wide operations.
While both reducebykey and groupbykey will produce the same answer, the
reduceByKey example works much better on a large dataset. That's
because Spark knows it can combine output with a common key on each
partition before shuffling the data.
On the other hand, when calling groupByKey - all the key-value pairs
are shuffled around. This is a lot of unnessary data to being
transferred over the network.
for more detailed check this below link
Although both of them will fetch the same results, there is a significant difference in the performance of both the functions. reduceByKey() works better with larger datasets when compared to groupByKey().
In reduceByKey(), pairs on the same machine with the same key are combined (by using the function passed into reduceByKey()) before the data is shuffled. Then the function is called again to reduce all the values from each partition to produce one final result.
In groupByKey(), all the key-value pairs are shuffled around. This is a lot of unnecessary data to being transferred over the network.
ReduceByKey reduceByKey(func, [numTasks])-
Data is combined so that at each partition there should be at least one value for each key.
And then shuffle happens and it is sent over the network to some particular executor for some action such as reduce.
GroupByKey - groupByKey([numTasks])
It doesn't merge the values for the key but directly the shuffle process happens
and here lot of data gets sent to each partition, almost same as the initial data.
And the merging of values for each key is done after the shuffle.
Here lot of data stored on final worker node so resulting in out of memory issue.
AggregateByKey - aggregateByKey(zeroValue)(seqOp, combOp, [numTasks])
It is similar to reduceByKey but you can provide initial values when performing aggregation.
Use of reduceByKey
reduceByKey can be used when we run on large data set.
reduceByKey when the input and output value types are of same type
over aggregateByKey
Moreover it recommended not to use groupByKey and prefer reduceByKey. For details you can refer here.
You can also refer this question to understand in more detail how reduceByKey and aggregateByKey.
Then apart from these 4, we have
foldByKey which is same as reduceByKey but with a user defined Zero Value.
AggregateByKey takes 3 parameters as input and uses 2 functions for merging(one for merging on same partitions and another to merge values across partition. The first parameter is ZeroValue)
ReduceBykey takes 1 parameter only which is a function for merging.
CombineByKey takes 3 parameter and all 3 are functions. Similar to aggregateBykey except it can have a function for ZeroValue.
GroupByKey takes no parameter and groups everything. Also, it is an overhead for data transfer across partitions.

Pyspark filter top three matches when performing cosine similarity

I have two collection of documents. I have computed cosine similarity between each pair of the cartesian product and got an RDD of the form
Where k1 is a document from the first collection, k2 is one from the second and c is the cosine similarity between them.
I'm interested in getting, for each document k1 in the first collection, the three most similar from the second collection. I have performed a group by key:
grouped = (pairRddWithCosine
.map(lambda (k, v): (k, sorted(v, key=lambda x: -x[1])))
.map(lambda (x,y): (x, y[0][0],y[0][1], y[1][0], y[1][1], y[2][0] , y[2][1]))
It turns out that this group by is performing very bad. Would you please tell me how could I tune it or even better, use something that do not shuffle the data?
If you want to obtain a sum/count/part of the values for a key you should avoid groupByKey, because groupByKey shuffles all data so that all values for a given key end up in the same reducer. For large datasets this is very expensive. Instead you should use reduceByKey or combineByKey. For these operations you could specify the function for accumulating data on each partition and the merge function between accumulators from different partitions. You can read this for more details:
I think you should try reduceByKey because you're only interested in part of the values
k_with_top_c = rdd.reduceByKey(lambda v: sorted(v, key=lambda x: -x[1])[:3])
reduceByKey will try a local reduce first so it runs faster than groupByKey. However, I don't think you could avoid shuffle in this case.
Alternatively, I think that if we take
smallRdd = (k1,(k2,c)))
Combined = (smallRdd
.combineByKey(lambda value: [value],
lambda x, value: x + [value],
lambda x, y : max(x,y))
.map(lambda (x,y): (x,y[0]))
.map(lambda x: (x,0))
followed by a join would provide the first match. We may get all the elements from pairRddWithCosine that are not best matches by performing a leftOuterJoin()
with the best matches to get the second best.

Find the cross node for number of nodes in ArangoDB?

I have a number of nodes connected through intermediate node of other type. Like on picture There are can be multiple middle nodes. I need to find all the middle nodes for a given number of nodes and sort it by number of links between my initial nodes. In my example given A, B, C, D it should return node E (4 links) folowing node F (3 links). Is this possible? If not may be it can be done using multiple requests? I was thinking about using SHORTEST_PATH function but seems it can only find path between nodes from the same collection?
Very nice question, it challenged the AQL part of my brain ;)
Good news: it is totally possible with only one query utilizing GRAPH_COMMON_NEIGHBORS and a portion of math.
Common neighbors will count for how many of your selected vertices a cross is the connecting component (taking into account ordering A-E-B is different from B-E-A) using combinatorics we end up having a*(a-1)=c many combinations, where c is comupted. We use p/q formula to identify a (the number of connected vertices given in your set).
If the type of vertex is encoded in an attribute of the vertex object
the resulting AQL looks like this:
FOR x in (
let nodes = ["nodes/A","nodes/B","nodes/C","nodes/D"]
for n in GRAPH_COMMON_NEIGHBORS("myGraph",nodes , nodes)
for f in VALUES(n)
for s in VALUES(f)
for candidate in s
filter candidate.type == "cross"
collect crosses = candidate._key into counter
return {crosses: crosses, connections: 0.5 + SQRT(0.25 + LENGTH(counter))}
sort x.connections DESC
return x
If you put the crosses in a different collection and filter by collection name the query will even get more efficient, we do not need to open any vertices that are not of type cross at all.
FOR x in (
let nodes = ["nodes/A","nodes/B","nodes/C","nodes/D"]
for n in GRAPH_COMMON_NEIGHBORS("myGraph",nodes, nodes,
{"vertexCollectionRestriction": "crosses"}, {"vertexCollectionRestriction": "crosses"})
for f in VALUES(n)
for s in VALUES(f)
for candidate in s
collect crosses = candidate._key into counter
return {crosses: crosses, connections: 0.5 + SQRT(0.25 + LENGTH(counter))}
sort x.connections DESC
return x
Both queries will yield the result on your dataset:
"crosses": "E",
"connections": 4
"crosses": "F",
"connections": 3
