How to parse file for filenames and remove interactively - linux

I want to read a file and and parse out filenames and remove them. In my case this means removing everything after the first tab for each line in the file to get the filenames and then calling rm -i on the files.
This is what I have so far but it just removes them all without prompting...if I add the -i to xargs rm it gives me a wall of text without letting me choose y/n
while IFS=' ' read -r line; do
#echo ${line%*}
sed -e 's/\t.*$//' | xargs rm
done < $1

The problem is that rm -i asks for yes/no on stdin. You redirect to the while loop and pipe to xargs, both of which will override stdin for rm -i.
You can rewrite to avoid xargs and also use a different FD for your loop:
while IFS=$'\t' read -u 3 -r file _
rm -i "$file"
done 3< yourfile.txt

You can avoid rm -i and use xargs -p for prompting use for each file to be deleted:
cut -f1 file | xargs -n1 -p rm


How can i move/group specific folders in bash?

I have a folder structure like the following:
I need to create folders from the first 2 numbers and omit whatever follows the second dash (-). Then I need to put the prior folders under the newly created ones with the correct name.
I tried to write a script in bash like this:
ls -d */ > folder.txt
cut -f1,2 -d"-" folder.txt |cut -f1 -d"/" |sort|uniq > mainfolder.txt
while read line; do mkdir $line ; done < mainfolder.txt
while read line; do mv $(cut -f1,2 -d"-" $line) $line/ ; done < folder.txt
I couldn't make the last line work, I know it has issues.
Actually, you don't have to parse the directory names and build the hierarchy. You can make use of the -p option of mkdir, thus, an awk one-liner will do the job:
awk -F'-' '{top=$1 FS $2;printf "mkdir -p %s; mv %s %s\n",top, $0, top}' dir.txt
The output with your example:
mkdir -p 2020-123; mv 2020-123-1 2020-123
mkdir -p 2020-123; mv 2020-123-2 2020-123
mkdir -p 2020-123; mv 2020-123-3 2020-123
mkdir -p 2020-124; mv 2020-124-1 2020-124
mkdir -p 2020-124; mv 2020-124-2 2020-124
This one-liner just print the commands without executing them, you just pipe the output to |sh if everything looks fine. Examine the output commands, change the printf format/values for adjustment.
I didn't quote the filenames, since your example doesn't contain any special chars. Do it if it is in the case.
So the final script is as follows:
ls -d */ | cut -f1 -d"/" > folder.txt
awk -F'-' '{top=$1 FS $2;printf "mkdir -p %s; mv %s %s\n",top, $0, top}' folder.txt |sh
In pure bash:
for src in *-*-*; do
[[ -d $destdir ]] || mkdir "$destdir" || exit
# This just prints out the command that will be called.
# Remove the "echo" in actual script after making sure it will run as intented
echo mv "$src" "$destdir"
In the script above it is assumed that each file name to be moved contains exactly two dashes. If it can contain two or more dashes then the destdir=${src%-*} line should be replaced with these two lines:
For detailed information read the "shell parameter expansion" section in bash reference.
Additionally, a good read article is: Why you shouldn't parse the output of ls

Remove certain characters in a filename in Linux

I have files in a directory such as
And I would like to remove .docx from all of them to make the final output such as
How do I do this?
With Parameter Expansion and mv
for f in *.docx.txt; do
echo mv -vn "$f" "${f%%.*}.${f##*.}"
The one-liner
for f in *.docx.txt; do echo mv -vn "$f" "${f%%.*}.${f##*.}"; done
Remove the echo if you think the output is correct, to rename the files.
Should work in any POSIX compliant shell, without any script.
With bash, enable the nullglob shell option so the glob *.docx.txt will not expand as literal *.docx.txt if there are no files ending with .docx.txt
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob
for f in *.docx.txt; do
echo mv -vn "$f" "${f%%.*}.${f##*.}"
UPDATE: Thanks to #Léa Gris add nullglob change the glob to *.docx.txt and add -n to mv, Although -n and -v is not defined by POSIX as per It should be in both GNU and BSD mv
Just run this python script in the same folder that contains files:
import os
for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
aux = file.split('.')
if len(aux) == 3:
os.rename(file, aux[0] + '.' + aux[2])
you can make use of sed and bash like this:
for i in *.docx.txt
mv "$i" "`echo $i | sed 's/.docx//'`"

How to reply linux prompt (based on keywords in prompt)

rm -i test_file*
rm: remove regular empty file 'test_file'?
rm: remove regular file 'test_file1'?
I want to reply "yes" in key word empty present in prompt and reply other in not.
I tried (it's not working)
yes | grep "empty" | rm -i test_file*
When you are typing:
yes | grep "empty" | rm -i test_file*
You are passing yes result to grep which has no idea it should pass yes result to rm
YOu can do it this way (on bash) on a single file:
file test_file |grep empty && yes | rm -i test_file
On multiple files (still bash):
for file in *.dat; do file $file | grep empty && yes | rm -v $file ; done

Perl Script to Grep Directory For String and Print

I would like to create a perl or bash script that will read keyboard input and assign a variable, perform a fixed string grep recursively within the current directory filled with Snort logs, and then automatically tcpdump the matched files, grep its output, and print the specified lines to the terminal. Does anyone have a good idea of how this should work?
Here is an example of the methodology I want from the script:
step 1: Read keyboard input and assign it to variable named string.
step 2 command: grep -Fr "$string"
step 2 output: snort.log.1470609906 matches
step 3 command: tcpdump -r snort.log.1470609906 | grep -F "$string" C-10
step 3 output:
Snort log
Here's some bash code that does that:
grep -Frl "$s" | \
while IFS= read -r x; do
tcpdump -r "$x" | grep -F "$s" -C10
idk about perl but you can do it easily enough just in shell:
find . -type f -name 'snort.log.*' -exec grep -FlZ "$str" {} + |
xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'tcpdump -r "{}" | grep -F '"$str"' -C10'

Help with Replacing Strings on Solaris

I am on a Solaris 8 box that does not support -i option for sed, so I am using the following from a google search on the topic:
# find . -name cancel_submit.cgi | while read file; do
> sed 's/\/confluence\/display\/CESDT\/CETS+DocTools>DOC Team/\/Eng\/CntlSvcs\/InfoFrwk\/GblEngWWW\/Public\/index.html>EDCS Team/g' ${file} > ${file}.new
> mv ${file}.new ${file}
> done
This works except it messes up file permissions and group:owner.
How can I retain the original information?
You may use 'cat'.
cat ${file}.new > ${file} && rm ${file}.new
cp -p preserves the stuff you want. Personally I would do this (to imitate sed -i.bak):
cp -p ${file} ${file}.bak
sed 's/..../g' ${file}.bak > ${file}
You could add rm ${file}.bak to the end if desired, in which case you wouldn't technically need the -p in the cp line above. But with the above you can do mv ${file}.bak ${file} to recover if the replacement goes awry.
