Virtuoso Upgrade - ubuntu-14.04

I have a Virtuoso version 06.01.3127 installed on Ubuntu 14.04.05 LTS version (Ubuntu-server).
I would like to upgrade my Virtuoso to at least version, which includes the GeoSpatial features that I need.
I have looked the info provided in the following link Virtuoso: Upgrading from Release 6.x to Release 7.x but I have not been able to follow these steps.
To start with, the second step "Check the size of the .trx file, typically found alongside the .db and .ini files".
I can only find the odbc.ini and virtuoso.ini files, which are inside /virtuoso-opensource-6.1 folder.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
Does anyone have any guidance in this matter?
Thanks in advance

OpenLink Software (producer of Virtuoso, employer of me) does not force the location of any file -- so we cannot tell you exactly where to look on your host.
virtuoso.db is the default database storage file; your local file might be any *.db. This file must be present in a mounted filesystem, and should be fully identified (with full filepath) within the active *.ini file (default being virtuoso.ini).
You might have multiple virtuoso.ini and/or virtuoso.db files in different locations in your filesystem. You might try using some Linux commands, like --
find / -name virtuoso.db -ls
find / -name virtuoso.ini -ls
find / -name '*.db' -ls
find / -name '*.ini' -ls
Installing the binary components is done by following the instructions for installation...
You can get advice from a lot of experienced Virtuoso Users on the mailing list...


NodeJS archive manager

I need to get the content of archives and then I want to uncompress the selected one - but I dont want to uncompress the archives to know what's in it. I'd like to list and uncompress at least zip and rar, but (if that's possible) I don't want to be limited to only these two.
Can you advise good npm modules or other projects to achieve this?
Here's what I came up with:
I found node-zip can only unzip files, but not list archive content.
The best solution seems node-rar, but I can't install it on Windows.
node-uncompress This does what it says: It's an "Command-line wrapper for uncompressing various file types." So there is again no possibility to list archive content.
Currently I try to get node-uncompress to list files and hopefully it must never run cross-platform.
I am now using 7zip with the node module node-7z instead of trying to get every archive working on its own. The corresponding site is:
This library uses the OS independent archive manager 7zip. On Windows 7za is used. "7za.exe (a = alone) is a standalone version of 7-Zip". I've tested it on Windows and Ubuntu and it works great.
At Windows: Somehow I just got it working by adding 7za to the Path variables - not by adding 7za.exe to the "the same directory of your package.json file." like the description says.
Update 2:
On Windows 7za, that's referred in the node-7z post, cannot handle .rar-archives. So I'm using the "casual" 7-zip instead of 7za.exe. I just renamed the commanline 7z.exe to 7za.exe and added the 7-zip folder to the Path Variables.

List of changed files in RPM

I wonder, if there is a way to do the following:
I have rpmA-v1 installed on the system. It has a lot of config files which user can edit for their purposes. Then, I want to install new version of rpmA, say, rpmA-v2 and before installing it I want to back up those config files, which were edited, not to edit config files one more time.
Is there any way to know which files were edited in such a situation?
If you are talking about config files related to given package, rpm already has pretty robust mechanism for this known as .rpmnew/.rpmsave.
If package is being upgraded, at the discretion of package creator/maintainer there are 2 possible actions that may be taken by rpm:
Old config is preserved intact say at /etc/myprog/config, and new one is installed right next to it as /etc/myprog/config.rpmnew. Presence of *.rpmnew file typically means that old config was NOT edited.
Old config is renamed to /etc/myprog/config.rpmsave, and new one is installed as/etc/myprog/config (replacing old one). New config may be completely fresh (vanilla) or it may incorporate settings inherited from old, .rpmsave'd version. Presence of *.rpmsave files is pretty robust sign that config files were actually edited by rpm.
Typically, after upgrading of one or more packages (or the whole system) it is recommended to search for all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files using command like
find /etc -name "*.rpmsave" -or -name "*.rpmnew"
and carefuly inspect all configs against their .rpmnew/.rpmsave versions (if they are around) to make sure that settings are correct. You can use diff -u to see text diffs or meld for graphical diff/merge.
#mvp has provided a good way to determine changed config files - provided they are marked as such.
If they aren't, you can/should verify the installed package with rpm -V packagename in order to display any changed files.

AWS EC2 apache log file location on AMI

I'm learning about AWS and EC2. I set up a AMI linux box that is running apache and mysql setup from yum. It was working for a bit, but now its flatlined. This is strange, so I thought to go check the logs. I'm moving around via a putty terminal and I cannot find the log files location. Does anyone know there that information is stored. Thanks you for the help.
Edit: I would like to generalize and ask about the location of any important log files that the system creates. This is new stuff to be, so the location of any useful files to better understand what is going on would be helpful.
/var/log directory usually has application and unix logs.
A more general purpose way of finding the log, since a specific file will often be in a different place depending on the installation and version, as I found mine differed from the previous answers:
/var/log/ is the usual location for application logs.
If it is under restrictive permissions, you can do sudo ls /var/log to get a list of files and directories under it to hunt down your query.
Depending on the version of apache, the logs will usually be under either /var/log/apache2 OR /var/log/httpd. Again, if you want to look for what specific file you are looking for under this directory, try sudo ls $location$.
Mine happened to be under /var/log/httpd/error_log from my installation on ec2, but error.log is another common file name.
Older error logs, and the corresponding access logs, are also saved here after they are rotated out, with the timestamp of when the rotation occurred.
The quick way to then view the last 100 or X lines of the file is to use tail -100 /var/log/httpd/error_log.
ubuntu under AWS server
sudo tail -100 /var/log/apache2/error.log
If you can't find it at /var/log try /usr/local/apache/logs.

Linux: Where is package installed after installing from .bin

Im a newbie to linux so please dont get annoyed with this basic question.
I searched internet about it but all i could find was the installation instructions.
Can someone tell me where is the program installed when installing from .bin file?
Thanks in advance.
You can use find and Xargs commands for locate files that have been installed. You can use for instance find directory -nmin Number_of_minutes to see which files were modified in some directory in last Number_of_minutes. Xargs is a command "used to build and execute command lines". You can combine that twho command to list the files, as shown in find and Xargs using, but you try it first in root directory or you can limit to /bin.

which solrconfig.xml file is it?

i have just unzipped SOLR zip file downloaded from their website. and it says in the tutorial i have to edit the solrconfig.xml file. there are several in different locations.
which one is it? and where should i have this root folder? inside my web space?
LICENSE.txt README.txt client contrib docs lib
CHANGES.txt NOTICE.txt build.xml common-build.xml dist example src
ive got one in example/solr/conf. is it that one?
and about the data-config-xml. should i create one and then type in the path to it in solrconfig.xml? the tutorial isnt that descriptive.
You are correct that's the directory
see here see here
The 2 files you'll have to edit at some point are:
Which OS are you installing on? If it's windows then i can help you out.. as i've done it many times ;)
The file you looking for is in this directory: server/solr/new_core/conf/solrconfig.xml (depending on your core name).
After changing it you should probably do bin/solr restart.
For SolR 7.4.0 on CentOS and Red Hat, I found solrconfig.xml in /var/solr/data/[core_name]/conf.
Create a New Core (Solr-8.6.2)
sudo su solr -c '/opt/solr/bin/solr create -c <corename>'
sudo su solr -c '/opt/solr-8.6.2/bin/solr create -c <corename>'
Core will be created at
Edit this XML to change your configuration
