how to uninstall couchdb 1.6.1 version in debian system - couchdb

I have couchdb 1.6.1 installed on my debian machine. I want to uninstall it.
I tried using apt-get remove/purge couchdb/couchdb-bin. This did not help uninstalling couchdb.Is there any other way to uninstall couchdb from debian machine?

The latest Debian CouchDB package is 1.4, so you probably installed following the wiki procedure. Looking at the Makefile in the specified tarball, there's an uninstall.
Find where you extracted the CouchDB source tarball and run:
make uninstall


Hugo version not updating to latest

I am trying to work with the Hugo static site generator.
Problem: Hugo is saying it is updated to the latest version but it is not.
$ hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.40.1 linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2018-04-25T17:16:11Z
But the latest version is now v0.70.0
Windows Subsystem for Linux via the terminal in Visual Studio Code v1.45.0
Any help would be much appreciated thank you all.
If you're using a Debian-based system, e.g. Ubuntu, you can download the appropriate .deb from and install it with, for example:
sudo dpkg --install ./hugo_extended_0.70.0_Linux-64bit.deb
I wrote about this in footnote 10 in my Hugo Tutorial.
If you've installed it via the apt package manager, you might be out of luck there, because the official repositories might not be up to date with the latest version of Hugo.
To update the repositories and install the latest available version of hugo, try doing
sudo apt update
sudo apt install hugo
However, I see it's only getting version 0.6x.
If you want to use it on Windows, you could try installing it via Chocolatey or Scoop. Both seem to have version 0.70.x in their repositories, but you'd need to install them first, because they're not Windows out-of-the-box software. Not sure if and how it would work if you use it in the WSL, though.
Otherwise, there's always the good'ol download the binary and save it.
The Ubuntu package manager "apt" does not contain the latest version of Hugo right now. It needs to be updated by the repo owner or similar.
I solved my problem by following a binary install guide here

Maven latest version installation UBuntu 16 without using "wget"

Is there any way to install latest Maven specific version without using wget command in ubuntu 16.
You could try doing what my link below recommends, but add references to Bionic instead of Xenial. Then all you need to do is sudo apt install maven.
Note the current version of support Maven for Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) is 3.6.0-1, so if that isn't new enough for you (the latest Maven release is 3.6.2), you'll have to find another way.
you could install sdkman on the machine 1st and then use it to install and manage various java-related tools (maven among them), but installing sdkman itself likely involves a wget

sstabledump not found on Cassandra 3.11 ubuntu 16.04

I have installed Cassandra 311 on ubuntu 1604. Everything works fine but I am not able to find SSTABLEDUMP utility in the bin folder.
How can I get this installed as patch? Or I am missing something?
Depending on which version you have installed:
DataStax Enterprise 5.0 Installer No-Services and tarball installations:
Cassandra tarball installations:
For package installations (Cassandra package or DataStax Enterprise 5.0 Installer Services and package installations) you do not need to know the installation folder to run it, you can just simply use it as:
sstabledump [options] sstable_file
Also to have the tools, you need to install cassandra-tools separately apart from cassandra:
sudo apt-get install cassandra-tools

How to upgrade existing phpmyadmin version in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?

My current version of PHPMYADMIN is phpMyAdmin 3.3.2 .
I want to upgrade to the latest phpmyadmin version.
I used following command
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
I also tried
sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin
When i am using the above command, it is asking to
Since you are reconfiguring phpmyadmin, you may also want to reinstall
the database which it uses.
If you wish to reinstall the database for phpmyadmin, you should select
this option. If you do not wish to do so (if you are reconfiguring the
package for unrelated reasons), you should not select this option.
Reinstall database for phpmyadmin?
I am selecting no. I do not want to delete all the database.
I just want to upgrade it to latest.
Please help.
The latest available version of phpmyadmin from the official ubuntu package repositories for 10.04 is 3.3.2, that means you can't update to the latest version using that sources.
To install the newest version, you can either
download and install the new version from the homepage manually
install from a ppa - there are several available.

need help installing pecl on centos 5.8

So basically I'm trying to install APC, but I can't get pecl to work on Centos 5.8 i686
I have the latest stable releases of php-fpm, mysql, and nginx. Everything is working at 100%, everything is smooth. I'm running a live website with no problems. I just can't pecl to work.
yum install php-pear:
Most of the packages I'm trying to instal have dependency issues with php-common (whatever that is).
php-common = 5.1.6-32.el5 is needed
Much help is appreciated!
/usr/bin/pecl is available from php-pear package.
The dependency failures you got are stange. Probably because you have mixed installation of php-* 5.1 RPMs and php53-* 5.3 RPMs and get conflicts on devel files. You should do some clean up to keep only one set of RPMs for your target version, either 5.1 or 5.3.
You also have to install gcc, httpd-devel, php(53)-devel and finally php-pear to get phpize working.
Then you should be able to run pecl install apc
First of all assure you have your distro updated, you can do it with
yum update
Then check if you are not using any third-party repo, that contains this packages.
If you can, remove all the php packages with
yum remove php*
and try to install them again.
If you can't solve it, try the Fedora EPEL repositories which provides some updated packages.
All the commands needs be run by root.
