Is it safe to delete unused Application Insights resources from the Azure Portal? - azure

We have a number of Application Insights resources, most of which were created automatically when App Services were created. Most of them are not being used. Is it safe to delete the Application Insights resources without affecting the rest of the application?

Yes it is, app insights resources are separate services in their own right, and only tied to your application by the application Id (or "key") that's published in the app insights resource blade.

Check that no application is linked to it and if yes, you can remove it safely without any issues.


Application Insights on a large SaaS

I have a large Multi-Tenant Saas running on Azure. Where I have individual deployments of our application for each tenant (Web App, SQL, and Storage). Would you create 1 Application Insight instance for ALL the tenants so you can consolidate your logs or would you have individual App Insights?
We have a lot of tenants so would this make sense?
You should take a look at this doc: Should I use single or multiple Application Insights resources?, here is the content:
Use a single resource for all the components or roles in a single
business system. Use separate resources for development, test, and
release versions, and for independent applications.
And if you have to use multi application insights instances, please don't worry, you can also use application insights cross-query for querying from multi application insights.
Hope it helps.

Facing issue while integrating Azure Application Insights with Azure API Management instance

I have created an Azure Application Insights instance with the Application Type as General.
But when I try to integrate the Application Insight with an API Management service Instance through Monitoring -> Application Insights -> Add options in APIM instance, I am not getting any data of the Application Insights instances in the dropdown.
This is happening even though the APIM Instance and Application Insights locations are same.
Looks like this is a bug in the APIM Portal in Azure. To work around, go to
Directory + Subscription (at the top right corner of the portal window) and select only the subscription under which the App Insight resource was created.
Now, go back and try adding the Application Insights, you will see all the app insight resources that belongs to the selected subscription.

New or existing App service plan in Azure deployment

When I publish an api to azure from visual studio I see an existing app-service plan and also an option to create a new plan. The api I am going deploy will be used by the web application which was deployed using the existing service.
I have the following questions:
If I use the existing plan what would happen to the sites which are
already deployed using that plan?
Should I create new or use
Cost-wise which is the best option?
By using the same service plan to host the web app and the api, nothing will happen to the existing website besides you won't have any extra cost. The web apps will share the same resources.
If you create a new service plan for you api, you will have extra cost depending on the pricing tier you need.
The choice can depend on your scaling needs. If you need to define differents scaling plan for the api and the web app, it's a good idea to use two services plan, if not an unique service plan can be used.

Access azure website usage data inside of the ASP.NET app

We have a need to monitor the azure Web App's resource usage in relation to the number of users logged into the application.
What is the best way to get information about the running azure environment (processor and memory) usage of the Azure WebApp for an ASP.NET application.
You can try to setup Application Insights in your application. Once done you should be able to get telemetry data with their API

How to create or see existing App Service Plans in Azure portal and modify them?

I am trying to determine Azure portal provides any option to create an App Service Plan in a separate step (not while creating the website) and to modify them.
Currently I am creating App Service Plans in the WebSite creation step and modify them in WebSite's Scale option.
Is there any way to create them separately and see a list of available
App Service Plans?
Do websites created within an App Service Plan share the resources in it (CPU, Memory etc)?
What exactly happens when there is an auto scale up?
a.) Will it create a new instance of the App Service Plan and replicate all the websites within it?
b.) or will it create a new instance of the website and share the resources of same App Service Plan?
I am confused because, the App Service Settings (pricing tiers, scale-up option etc) are seen in websites scale option.
Please clarify my doubts.
Thanks in advance.
See page 8 of Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam Reference for 70-532.
"Web hosting plans are created as part of website creation and are not created directly"
Even though this book was published in Feb 2015 some of the terminology is already out of date. It's an "application service plan", not "web hosting plan". And they call what is now known as a "web app" a "website".
Here is an awesome blog post about setting up azure web apps and deployment slots and hosting plans. It goes over what's shared and how to migrate between application service plans about halfway through.
Found this article which explains about App Service Plans in detail.
