mingw64 - the file has been downloaded incorrectly - windows-10

I try to install MinGW-w64, but during install i got
the file has been downloaded incorrectly
I have 64 bit win10 and my option of installation:
I use that link sourceforge. and some commentators have same problem.
Any idea how to fix it?

Newer MinGW-w64 releases are now available at https://winlibs.com/ as standalone packages that don't need an installer. Just extract to a folder and start using. This also allows having multiple versions on your side by side (e.g. 32-bit and 64-bit).

This MinGW article addresses the issue. It's actually pretty simple to fix. The problem is with the Windows installer. What you need to do is download the MinGW zip archive directly (not the installer) and extract the files to something like C:\mingw and then add it to PATH in Environment Variables. Here's direct link to the SourceForge files you'll need.


How to install the 64-bit version for Windows 10 of Graphviz 2.38

The Graphviz download page has to links, one for a .msi file and another for a .zip
when running the .msi, it looks that it's for 32 bits, since the default directory installation is "Program Files (x86)", which is where the 32-bit installations go.
There are no instructions on what to do with the .zip
Has anyone installed the 64-bit version of Graphviz? Is there an installation script that installs the executables? If so, where can I find it?
(I hope it exists, because I can't compile source code in my machine.)
Many thanks in advance,
A litte late, but in case someone needs an answer : By now, there seems to be no official 64bit support by graphviz.
I found a discussion on github about graphviz for python where you can find a link to a github repository, that leading to an adapted graphviz solution for Visual Studio with 64bit support.
In another discussion on github a link to an AppVeyor project is provided, which also includes a 64bit configuration. Unfortunately this one seems to be abandoned.

configure command line tool not found in the Qt directory (Linux 32-bit)

I have problem finding the configure command line tool. I downloaded Qt online installer for Linux 32-bit and it seems that the configure tool is not included. I have looked inside the Qt main directory. Does anyone have any idea where to find it or how to get it?
That tool is a part of Qt source code and is only useful when you're going to build Qt yourself. In that case, you shouldn't be downloading any installers; download the source code archive instead.
You can install the build-essential meta package to get a complete build environment for Ubuntu.

Installing Qt on Linux (Debian distribution)

I have Qt 4.6.3 on Debian. I need version 4.8.1.
To install it I downloaded the Qt SDK 1.2.1 from the Qt site, where is said that it contains version 4.8.1
After installation I checked Qt version and it is 4.6.3 instead of expected 4.8.1.
What I am doing wrong? And how can I install 4.8.1?
First of all I recommend getting 'official' Debian Qt upgrades by adding the testing (wheezy) repo to your package manager, this way everything on your system will be updated seamlessly in a few clicks.
If you can't do this, then:
Use your package manager to uninstall the existing Qt installation (so that's the runtime libs, plugins, and Qt Creator).
Install the SDK anywhere you like, it installs under one folder anyway.
Update your $PATH to point to the directory with qtcreator, qmake, etc., there are numerous ways of doing this, the simplest is exporting the updated $PATH in your .bashrc. (And optionally make some nice shortcuts for your DE).
Create symlinks in /usr/lib (or /usr/lib64) to point to the Qt libraries the SDK provides, or add a qt.conf file containing the path in your /etc/ld.conf.so.d/ directory and run ldconfig as root.
I'm an openSUSE user myself, so some of the above may slightly different on Debian, hopefully someone with Debian experience can chime in if I'm incorrect.

Installing Recent Release of JDK Using Cygwin?

Can somebody tell me how to do this? Or, point me to a good link?
I want to install Jmeter but "./jmeter" tells me that:
Error: no server' JVM atC:\Program
So, I need to get the server JVM up and running.
I have been attempting to download and install the JDK from
And got a corrupted file error when I tried to install:
Should I be doing this via wget or apt-cyg? Or, how do i determine which installation
package I should be downloading from the oracle/sun downloads page?
Thanks in advance.
You are on Windows so you should try the Windows x86 version unless there is a particular reason why you want to do that with Cygwin. Or try this:
Copy 'server' folder from the JDK's JRE's bin folder (example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\jre\bin\server)
Paste the 'server' folder to JRE's bin folder (example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin)
Cygwin aims for Linux source compatibility, but it does not provide Linux binary compatibility. This means that programs have to be built specifically for Cygwin and that Linux binaries such as the linux-ia64 JVM mentioned here will not run on Cygwin.
Perhaps it is possible to build the OpenJDK JVM for Cygwin, but it doesn't ship with Cygwin. The Cygwin Ports repository contains a package for the lightweight JamVM.
But in any case, JMeter was looking for the native Windows version of the JVM, so you probably just want to install that, as Jano already suggested.

Boost installation in Linux

According to Boost download instructions for Linux http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/more/getting_started/unix-variants.html I should extract the Boost library to some directory on my computer. I am working with Ubuntu, Eclipse and CDT.
What is right directory to install Boost? Somewhere in /usr or in my home directory?
Boost is also available in the Ubuntu repositories -- for example,
sudo apt-get install libboost1.40-dev will install the development files for boost. This is probably the best option if you don't need the absolute most recent version (looks like the latest available on Ubuntu 9.10 is 1.40).
You should extract it to your home directory so you can build those libraries that need building (if you want to do a full install). IIRC bjam install defaults to somewhere in /usr or /usr/local (sorry, can't remember) but I'm pretty sure you can override the exact location on the command line.
I'd put it somewhere where it's unlikely to clash with a system-wide install of boost. If you're the only developer on this machine, I'd leave it in your home directory as there really isn't much point in moving it somewhere else. Just make sure you adjust the include and library paths accordingly.
For future reference:
Trying to install Boost 1.40 using apt-get and Synaptic, I encountered many problems: some files could not be downloaded, verified etc. Also, this installation doesn't seem to build the Boost libraries.
Finally, I installed the Boost manually following this manual:
I accepted all default directories, it is installed in /usr/local. I tested both inline functions and libraries, for now it looks OK.
