I have the following line in my .vimrc to automatically beautify js files after I save them:
autocmd BufWritePost *.js :call JsBeautify()
I want this 99% of the time, but sometimes I just want to write without having this function called. Is there an easy way to do that?
I guess you're looking for :noa.
:noa w
Excerpt from help:
:noautocmd :noa
To disable autocommands for just one command use the ":noautocmd" command
modifier. This will set 'eventignore' to "all" for the duration of the
following command. Example:
:noautocmd w fname.gz
This will write the file without triggering the autocommands defined by
gzip plugin.
I run a command every time a save a file which, among other things, lints the current file. Vim does two annoying things which I wanted to avoid:
It asks me to press enter after the command was executed.
It notifies me that the current file has been modified outside of Vim.
How to get rid of this? I just want this to behave unobtrusively as ALE linters. This is my code:
autocmd BufWritePost *.prisma :execute '!npx prisma format'
#romainl's comment gave me an idea on how to do it:
autocmd BufWritePre *.prisma silent write | silent :execute '!npx prisma format' | edit! %
It's not the cleanest way to do it but it works. silent hides the command output and edit! forces Vim to open the modified file.
I am recently moving from sublime 3 go to mvim (vim on the mac os) and am trying to get my Golang development environment to be as similar on vim to my sublime implementation as possible.
Within my sublime setup, it runs go build anytime I save the a Go file. This provides me instant feedback on if I have unused vars or other info go build provides.
I'm attempting to move to vim, and am wondering if I can have this functionality implemented there as well. I am using vim-go but have not found a setting to implement this.
In short I want to run :GoBuild upon the saving of a Go file while using vim / vim-go. Is this Possible and how do I do so?
yes, use vim autocommand to run :GoBuild:
You can specify commands to be executed automatically when reading or
writing a file, when entering or leaving a buffer or window, and when
exiting Vim. The usual place to put autocommands is in your .vimrc or
.exrc file.
Run the following command:
:autocmd BufWritePre *.go :GoBuild
Now each time you save your Go file with :w it will run :GoBuild too.
The event type is BufWritePre, which means the event will be checked just before you write *.go file.
BufWritePre starting to write the whole buffer to a file
BufWritePost after writing the whole buffer to a file
When your .vimrc file is sourced twice, the autocommands will appear
twice. To avoid this, put this command in your .vimrc file, before
defining autocommands:
:autocmd! " Remove ALL autocommands for the current group.
If you don't want to remove all autocommands, you can instead use a
variable to ensure that Vim includes the autocommands only once:
:if !exists("autocommands_loaded")
: let autocommands_loaded = 1
: au ...
like this (put this at the end of your vim startup file):
:if !exists("autocommands_loaded")
: let autocommands_loaded = 1
: autocmd BufWritePost *.go :GoBuild
Create ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/go.vim with:
autocmd BufWritePre *.go :GoBuild
Basically, I have a pre-processor for my code which reads all my .foo files and converts them to corresponding compiled .bar versions, though without ever modifying any of the originals. Each time I write changes to my source files, I would like vim to !./run-my-preprocessor-script.js after it has finished saving my file. How can this be done? I only want this to happen when I'm editing files with names ending in .foo.
You can use Vim’s autocmd feature (see :help :autocmd). It has lots of hooks for “events”; the one you want should be BufWritePost. E.g., in your ~/.vimrc:
autocmd BufWritePost *.foo !./run-my-preprocessor-script.js
You can use autocmd to hook into the BufWritePost event like so:
autocmd BufWritePost * execute '!ls'
This means that every time the BufWritePost (after the buffer has been written) event is triggered on any file, you'll execute the command !ls. It's easy to specialize this to work only on *.foo files that are saved:
autocmd BufWritePost *.foo execute '!ls'
Now, the command !ls will only be triggered when a file with a filename matching the expression *.foo is written.
Obviously, you'll need to change ls to whatever you do to execute your preprocessor script, but the process is the same. Put that modified autocmd into your .vimrc file and it should work!
I want to override wq/q/w!/w/q! to user defined command along with its functionality.
Example :
If I use :wq to exit, the command should do static code check of that particular c/c++ file and exit.
Please help me in this case.
Thanks in advance.
The built in solution to your problem is called an "autocommand" in Vim.
It is a way to invoke a command at a specific time like opening, saving or closing a buffer.
See :help autocmd for the full list
In your case, you should add to your .vimrc the following command
autocmd BufWritePre *.cpp,*.hpp !cppcheck %
BufWritePre means 'before writing the buffer' (You can also use BufWrite or BufWritePost)
*.cpp,*.hpp means the auto command will only be applied when saving cpp or hpp files. You can add c and h files if you want.
% means 'path of the current buffer'
cppcheck must be in your path
You are not overriding the defaut behaviour of 'w' but you are using 'hooks' to add custom commands.
I wouldn't do that. It obliges us (well, you actually) to save only when the file is really compilable -- which make no sense when we have to abort the current editing because an urging meeting that we've forget about is about to begin; saving the file in that situation is the normal way to proceed.
Moreover, what is the purpose of running cppcheck on a :wq? How can we exploit the result?
Instead, I'd have a mapping that run cppcheck, though :make in order to exploit the vim quickfix feature (:h quickfix)
function s:Check()
let save_makeprg=&makeprg
set makeprg=cppcheck
" you may have to specify other files/extensions
:make *.cpp *.hpp
let &makeprg=save_makeprg
nnoremap <buffer> <c-f7> :call <sid>Check()<cr>
function FunForQuickfix(makeprgIn, makeefmIn)
let save_makeprg=&makeprg
let save_makeefm=&efm
let &makeprg=a:makeprgIn
let &efm=a:makeefmIn
let &makeprg=save_makeprg
let &efm=save_makeefm
function CompileAndRunTestCodeByScons()
call FunForQuickfix('scons . -j8 -u', '%f:%l:%c:\ %m,%f:%l:\ %m,build/release64/%f:%l:%c:\ %m,build/release64/%f:%l:\ %m,%f\|%l\|,build/release64/%f:%s,%m:%l:Assertion,%sExpression:\ false,scons:\ building\ terminated\ because\ of\ errors,%sError%m')
function CppCheck()
call FunForQuickfix("cppcheck *.cpp -j 8 --enable=all", "\[%f:%l\]:\ %m")
nmap ma :wa<CR>:call CompileAndRunTestCodeByScons()<CR>
nmap mc :wa<CR>:call CppCheck()<CR>
nmap <F3> :cp<cr>
nmap <F4> :cn<cr>
add this in ~/.vimrc, then use ma to compile code and mc to run cppcheck
this code is copy from Luc Hermitte, and i chang it
You might want some things even better, use cppcheck and other checkes while you are developing in vim.
Install and use that vim plugin: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic
what I am using now is ,
autocmd BufWritePost *.py !python PythonTidy.py % %
It really call the tidy programe and change the file, but the vim does not reload the new file.
And I do not want to install another plugin for it.
note: I found it's dangerous about this feature, PythonTidy will will output a empty file if the command faild, it means if you have syntax error, you will lose your file unless press "u" to get it,but you can't save before you fix syntax error.
I call :!PythonTidy % % manually after pylint complete now.
Use BufWritePre instead of BufWritePost and combine Vim range filtering with PythonTidy’s stdin/stdout mode.
autocmd FileType python autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> let s:saveview = winsaveview() | exe '%!python PythonTidy.py' | call winrestview(s:saveview) | unlet s:saveview
(The use of autocmd FileType python autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> makes this a bit more accurate than matching on a glob pattern: it means “any time a Python file is detected, install this autocmd for that buffer” – so it works independently of file name.)
Unfortunately this cannot preserve your cursor position if you undo the filtering. (You are filtering a whole-file range; when undoing a filter operation, the cursor jumps to the first line in the range; so you end up at the top of the file.) I was hoping to find a way to create a no-op undo state, before, so you could hit u twice and get back to the right place, but I can’t make that work as yet. Maybe someone else knows how.
hi the following fixed the cursor postion problem
function! PythonTidySaver()
let oldpos=getpos('.')
call setpos('.',oldpos)
autocmd! bufwritepost *.py call PythonTidySaver()
Based on :help :e:
*:e* *:edit*
:e[dit] [++opt] [+cmd] Edit the current file. This is useful to re-edit the
current file, when it has been changed outside of Vim.
This fails when changes have been made to the current
buffer and 'autowriteall' isn't set or the file can't
be written.
Also see |++opt| and |+cmd|.
{Vi: no ++opt}
So you'd need to use :e after updating the file externally. However, :! doesn't let you use | normally (see :help :!), so you need to wrap it:
autocmd BufWritePost *.py execute "!python PythonTidy.py % %" | e
(:autocmd doesn't interpret | normally either, which is why you don't need to escape it yet again.)