Why join in spark in local mode is so slow? - apache-spark

I am using spark in local mode and a simple join is taking too long. I have fetched two dataframes: A (8 columns and 2.3 million rows) and B(8 columns and 1.2 million rows) and joining them using A.join(B,condition,'left') and called an action at last. It creates a single job with three stages, each for two dataframes extraction and one for joining. Surprisingly stage with extraction of dataframe A is taking around 8 minutes and that of dataframe B is taking 1 minute. And join happens within seconds. My important configuration settings are:
spark.master local[*]
spark.driver.cores 8
spark.executor.memory 30g
spark.driver.memory 30g
spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions 16
The only executor is driver itself. While extracting dataframes, i have partitioned it in 32(also tried 16,64,50,100,200) parts. I have seen shuffle write memory to be 100 MB for Stage with dataframe A extraction. So to avoid shuffle i made 16 initial partitions for both dataframes and broadcasted dataframe B(smaller), but it is not helping. There is still shuffle write memory. I have used broadcast(B) syntax for this. Am I doing something wrong? Why shuffling is still there? Also when i see event timelines its showing only four cores are processing at any point of time. Although I have a 2core*4 processor machine.Why is that so?

In short, "Join"<=>Shuffling, the big question here is how uniformly are your data distributed over partitions (see for example https://0x0fff.com/spark-architecture-shuffle/ , https://www.slideshare.net/SparkSummit/handling-data-skew-adaptively-in-spark-using-dynamic-repartitioning and just Google the problem).
Few possibilities to improve efficiency:
think more about your data (A and B) and partition data wisely;
analyze, are your data skewed?;
go into UI and look at the tasks timing;
choose such keys for partitions that during "join" only few partitions from dataset A shuffle with few partitions of B;


Why is spark dataframe repartition faster than coalesce when reducing number of partitions?

I have a df with 100 partitions, and before saving to HDFS as .parquet I want to reduce the number of partitions because the parquet files would be too small (<1MB).
I've added coalesce before writing:
It works but slows down the process from 2-3s per file to 10-20s per file.
When I try repartition:
The process does not slow down at all, 2-3s per file.
Why? Shouldn't coalesce always be faster when reducing the number of partitions because it avoids a full shuffle?
I'm importing files from local storage to spark cluster and saving the resulting dataframes as a parquet file. Each file is approx 100-200MB.
Files are located on the "spark-driver" machine, I'm running spark-submit in client deploy mode.
I'm reading files one by one in driver:
data = read_lines(file_name)
rdd = sc.parallelize(data,100)
rdd2 = rdd.flatMap(lambda j: myfunc(j))
df = rdd2.toDF(mySchema)
Spark version is 3.1.1
Spark/HDFS cluster has 5 workers with 8CPU,32GB RAM
Each executor has 4cores and 15GB RAM, that makes 10 executors total.
When I use coalesce(1) I get spark.rpc.message.maxSize limit breached error, but not when I use repartition(1). Could that be a clue?
Attaching DAG visualizations .. Looks like WholeStageCodegen part is taking too long on coalesce DAGs?
This can happen sometimes if your data is not evenly distributed and when you do coalesce it tries to reduce the partitions by combining the small partitions in order to reduce full shuffle but there could still be some data skew in one of the partition and that single partition would be taking the most of the time.
While you do repartition the data gets distributed almost evenly on all the partitions as it does full shuffle and all the tasks would almost get completed in the same time.
You could use the spark UI to see why when you are doing coalesce what is happening in terms of tasks and do you see any single task running long.

Is it possible to do repartition after using partitionBy in a spark DF?

I am asking this question because if I specify repartition as 5, than all my data(>200Gigs) are moved to 5 different executors and 98% of the resources is unused. and then the partitionBy is happening which is again creating a lot of shuffle. Is there a way that first the partitionBy happens and then repartition runs on the data?
Although the question is not entirely easy to follow, the following aligns with the other answer and this approach should avoid the issues mentioned on unnecessary shuffling:
val n = [... some calculation for number of partitions / executors based on cluster config and volume of data to process ...]
df.repartition(n, $"field_1", $"field_2", ...)
.sortWithinPartitions("fieldx", "field_y")
.write.partitionBy("field_1", "field_2", ...)
whereby [field_1, field_2, ...] are the same set of fields for repartition and partitionBy.
You can use repartition(5, col("$colName")).
Thus when you will make partitionBy("$colName") you will skip shuffle for '$colName' since it's already been repartitioned.
Also consider to have as many partitions as the product of the number of executors by the number of used cores by 3 (this may vary between 2 and 4 though).
So as we know, Spark can only run 1 concurrent task for every partition of an RDD. Assuming you have 8 cores per executor and 5 executors:
You need to have: 8 * 5 * 3 = 120 partitions

spark behavior on hive partitioned table

I use Spark 2.
Actually I am not the one executing the queries so I cannot include query plans. I have been asked this question by the data science team.
We are having hive table partitioned into 2000 partitions and stored in parquet format. When this respective table is used in spark, there are exactly 2000 tasks that are executed among the executors. But we have a block size of 256 MB and we are expecting the (total size/256) number of partitions which will be much lesser than 2000 for sure. Is there any internal logic that spark uses physical structure of data to create partitions. Any reference/help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: It is the other way around. Actually our table is very huge like 3 TB having 2000 partitions. 3TB/256MB would actually come to 11720 but we are having exactly same number of partitions as the table is partitioned physically. I just want to understand how the tasks are generated on data volume.
In general Hive partitions are not mapped 1:1 to Spark partitions. 1 Hive partition can be split into multiple Spark partitions, and one Spark partition can hold multiple hive-partitions.
The number of Spark partitions when you load a hive-table depends on the parameters:
spark.files.maxPartitionBytes (default 128MB)
spark.files.openCostInBytes (default 4MB)
You can check the partitions e.g. using
This will give you an Array of FilePartitions which contain the physical path of your files.
Why you got exactly 2000 Spark partitions from your 2000 hive partitions seems a coincidence to me, in my experience this is very unlikely to happen. Note that the situation in spark 1.6 was different, there the number of spark partitions resembled the number of files on the filesystem (1 spark partition for 1 file, unless the file was very large)
I just want to understand how the tasks are generated on data volume.
Tasks are a runtime artifact and their number is exactly the number of partitions.
The number of tasks does not correlate to data volume in any way. It's a Spark developer's responsibility to have enough partitions to hold the data.

When should I repartition an RDD?

I know that I can repartition an RDD to increase its partitions and use coalesce to decrease its partitions. I have two questions regarding this that I cannot completely understand after reading different resources.
Spark will use a sensible default (1 partition per block which is 64MB in first versions and now 128MB) when generating an RDD. But I also read that it is recommended to use 2 or 3 times the number of cores running the jobs. So here comes the question:
How many partitions should I use for a given file? For example, suppose I have a 10GB .parquet file, 3 executors with 2 cores and 3gb memory each.
Should I repartition? How many partitions should I use? What is the better way to make that choice?
Are all data types (ie .txt, .parquet, etc..) repartitioned by default if no partitioning is provided?
Spark can run a single concurrent task for every partition of an RDD, up to the total number of cores in the cluster.
For example :
val rdd= sc.textFile ("file.txt", 5)
The above line of code will create an RDD named textFile with 5 partitions.
Suppose that you have a cluster with 4 cores and assume that each partition needs to process for 5 minutes. In case of the above RDD with 5 partitions, 4 partition processes will run in parallel as there are 4 cores and the 5th partition process will process after 5 minutes when one of the 4 cores, is free.
The entire processing will be completed in 10 minutes and during the 5th partition process, the resources (remaining 3 cores) will remain idle.
The best way to decide on the number of partitions in a RDD is to make the number of partitions equal to the number of cores in the cluster so that all the
partitions will process in parallel and the resources will be utilized in an optimal way.
Question : Are all data types (ie .txt, .parquet, etc..) repartitioned
by default if no partitioning is provided?
There will be default no of partitions for every rdd.
to check you can use rdd.partitions.length right after rdd created.
to use existing cluster resources in optimal way and to speed up, we have to consider re-partitioning to ensure that all cores are utilized and all partitions have enough number of records which are uniformly distributed.
For better understanding, also have a look at https://jaceklaskowski.gitbooks.io/mastering-apache-spark/spark-rdd-partitions.html
Note : There is no fixed formula for this. general convention most of them follow is
(numOf executors * no of cores) * replicationfactor (which may be 2 or 3 times more )

Apache Spark running out of memory with smaller amount of partitions

I have an Spark application that keeps running out of memory, the cluster has two nodes with around 30G of RAM, and the input data size is about few hundreds of GBs.
The application is a Spark SQL job, it reads data from HDFS and create a table and cache it, then do some Spark SQL queries and writes the result back to HDFS.
Initially I split the data into 64 partitions and I got OOM, then I was able to fix the memory issue by using 1024 partitions. But why using more partitions helped me solve the OOM issue?
The solution to big data is partition(divide and conquer). Since not all data could be fit into the memory, and it also could not be processed in a single machine.
Each partition could fit into memory and processed(map) in relative short time. After the data is processed for each partition. It need be merged (reduce). This is tradition map reduce
Splitting data to more partitions means that each partition getting smaller.
Spark using revolution concept called Resilient Distributed DataSet(RDD).
There are two types of operations, transformation and acton
Transformations are mapping from one RDD to another. It is lazy evaluated. Those RDD could be treated as intermediate result we don't wanna get.
Actions is used when you really want get the data. Those RDD/data could be treated as what we want it, like take top failing.
Spark will analysed all the operation and create a DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph) before execution.
Spark start compute from source RDD when actions are fired. Then forget it.
(source: cloudera.com)
I made a small screencast for a presentation on Youtube Spark Makes Big Data Sparking.
Spark's operators spill data to disk if it does not fit in memory,
allowing it to run well on any sized data". The issue with large
partitions generating OOM
Partitions determine the degree of parallelism. Apache Spark doc says that, the partitions size should be atleast equal to the number of cores in the cluster.
Less partitions results in
Less concurrency,
Increase memory pressure for transformation which involves shuffle
More susceptible for data skew.
Many partitions might also have negative impact
Too much time spent in scheduling multiple tasks
Storing your data on HDFS, it will be partitioned already in 64 MB or 128 MB blocks as per your HDFS configuration When reading HDFS files with spark, the number of DataFrame partitions df.rdd.getNumPartitions depends on following properties
spark.default.parallelism (Cores available for the application)
spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes (default 128MB)
spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes (default 4MB)
Links :
During Spark Summit Aaron Davidson gave some tips about partitions tuning. He also defined a reasonable number of partitions resumed to below 3 points:
Commonly between 100 and 10000 partitions (note: two below points are more reliable because the "commonly" depends here on the sizes of dataset and the cluster)
lower bound = at least 2*the number of cores in the cluster
upper bound = task must finish within 100 ms
Rockie's answer is right, but he does't get the point of your question.
When you cache an RDD, all of his partitions are persisted (in term of storage level) - respecting spark.memory.fraction and spark.memory.storageFraction properties.
Besides that, in an certain moment Spark can automatically drop's out some partitions of memory (or you can do this manually for entire RDD with RDD.unpersist()), according with documentation.
Thus, as you have more partitions, Spark is storing fewer partitions in LRU so that they are not causing OOM (this may have negative impact too, like the need to re-cache partitions).
Another importante point is that when you write result back to HDFS using X partitions, then you have X tasks for all your data - take all the data size and divide by X, this is the memory for each task, that are executed on each (virtual) core. So, that's not difficult to see that X = 64 lead to OOM, but X = 1024 not.
