I have developed and ARM Template that will build multiple VMs in parallel. Each machine has an OS Disk, and a vNIC. I can use PowerShell to deploy the ARM Template or I can upload the ARM Template and deploy it using the "Deploy Custom Template" feature of the Azure Portal.
However I cannot quite seem to get the Syntax correct to add in the JsonADDomainExtension with a copy loop so that all machines get added to my domain in the same template.
At the moment all my resources are in the one Resource Group. I have pre-deployed a vNET with a Subnet, and a storage account.
Below is the ARM Template that works deploying multiple machines at once.
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"type": "string",
"metadata": {"description": "Administrator username for the Virtual Machine."}
"type": "securestring",
"metadata": {"description": "Password for the Virtual Machine.Should contain any 3 of: 1 Lower Case, 1 Upper Case, 1 Number and 1 Special character."}
"type": "int",
"defaultValue": 3,
"minValue": 2,
"maxValue": 5,
"metadata": {"description": "Number of VMs to deploy, limit 5 since this sample is using a single storage account."}
"type": "int",
"defaultValue": 1,
"metadata": {"description": "Number that you want to start the machine name numbering from, EG to create 5 VMs with the name starting at 045 (W2016SRV-045-vm) you would enter 45 here, or to start at 1 just enter 1 here, this wil give you a machine name like 'W2016SRV-001-vm'."}
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "W2016SRV-",
"maxLength": 9,
"metadata": {"description": "The VM name prefix maximum 9 characters. This allows for three digits in the name and trailing '-vm'. EG: 'W2016SRV-045-vm'."}
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "Standard_B2ms",
"description": "The size(T-shirt) for the VM. (Standard_D8s_v3)",
"SNC::Parameter::Metadata": {"referenceType": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vmSize"}
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "AustraliaSoutheast",
"description": "Location or datacenter where the VM will be placed.",
"SNC::Parameter::Metadata": {"referenceType": "Microsoft.Azure/region"}
"type": "string",
"metadata": {"description": "The FQDN of the AD domain"}
"type": "string",
"metadata": {"description": "Username of the account on the domain"}
"type": "securestring",
"metadata": {"description": "Password of the account on the domain"}
"type": "string",
"metadata": {"description": "Specifies an organizational unit (OU) for the domain account. Enter the full distinguished name of the OU in quotation marks. Example: 'OU=testOU; DC=domain; DC=Domain; DC=com"}
"type": "int",
"defaultValue": 200,
"metadata": {"description": "The disk size for the OS drive in the VM, in GBs. Default Value is 500"}
"type": "string",
"metadata": {"description": "Storage account resource group name where boot diagnistics will be stored"}
"type": "string",
"description": "Storage account name where boot diagnistics will be stored. It should be at the same location as the VM.",
"SNC::Parameter::Metadata": {"referenceType": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"}
"type": "string",
"description": "Resource Group of the Existing Virtual Network.",
"SNC::Parameter::Metadata": {"referenceType": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"}
"type": "string",
"description": "Existing Virtual Network to connect to Network Interface to.It should be at the same location as the VM.",
"SNC::Parameter::Metadata": {"referenceType": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks"}
"type": "string",
"description": "The Subnet for the VM.",
"SNC::Parameter::Metadata": {"referenceType": "Microsoft.Network/subNets"}
"storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS",
"vnetID": "[resourceId(parameters('existingvNetResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', parameters('existingvNetName'))]",
"subnetRef": "[concat(variables('vnetID'),'/subnets/', parameters('subnetName'))]",
"StartOfCountString": "[String(Parameters('StartOfCount'))]"
"apiVersion": "[providers('Microsoft.Network','networkInterfaces').apiVersions[0]]",
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
"name": "[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(parameters('StartOfCount')),3, '0'), '-vm-vNic')]",
"location": "[parameters('vmLocation')]",
"copy": {
"name": "nicLoop",
"count": "[parameters('numberOfInstances')]"
"name": "Prod",
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
"subnet": {"id": "[variables('subnetRef')]"}
"apiVersion": "[providers('Microsoft.Compute','virtualMachines').apiVersions[0]]",
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
"name": "[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(parameters('StartOfCount')),3, '0'), '-vm')]",
"location": "[parameters('vmLocation')]",
"copy": {
"name": "vmLoop",
"count": "[parameters('numberOfInstances')]"
"dependsOn": ["nicLoop"],
"Project": "***"
"hardwareProfile": {"vmSize": "[parameters('vmSize')]"},
"computerName": "[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(parameters('StartOfCount')),3, '0'), '-vm')]",
"adminUsername": "[parameters('adminUsername')]",
"adminPassword": "[parameters('adminPassword')]",
"windowsConfiguration": {"enableAutomaticUpdates": false}
"imageReference": {
"id": "/subscriptions/***/resourceGroups/***/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/***"
"name": "[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(parameters('StartOfCount')),3, '0'), '-vm-osDisk')]",
"createOption": "FromImage",
"diskSizeGB": "[parameters('sizeOfDiskInGB')]",
"caching": "ReadWrite",
"managedDisk": {"storageAccountType": "[variables('storageAccountType')]"}
"networkProfile": {"networkInterfaces": [{"id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces',concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(parameters('StartOfCount')),3, '0'), '-vm-vNic'))]"}]},
"enabled": true,
"storageUri": "[reference(resourceId(parameters('existingBootDiagStorageResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('existingBootDiagStorageName')), '2015-06-15').primaryEndpoints['blob']]"
However, If I add in this to the resources bit at the bottom then it doesn't work.
"apiVersion": "2016-03-30",
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions",
"name": "[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(variables('StartOfCountString')),3, '0'), '/JoinDomain')]",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"copy": {
"name": "DomainJoinLoop",
"count": "[parameters('numberOfInstances')]"
"dependsOn": "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(variables('StartOfCountString')),3, '0')))]",
"properties": {
"publisher": "Microsoft.Compute",
"type": "JsonADDomainExtension",
"typeHandlerVersion": "1.3",
"autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,
"settings": {
"Name": "[parameters('domainToJoin')]",
"User": "[concat(parameters('domainToJoin'), '\\', parameters('domainUsername'))]",
"OUPath": "[parameters('ouPath')]",
"Restart": "true",
"Options": "3"
"protectedsettings": {
"Password": "[parameters('domainPassword')]"
In the copyIndex portions of the code I've tried both variables and parameters to set the offset for the copyIndex. I've also tried hard coding it. I keep getting an error like this.
"galleryItemId":"Microsoft.Template","createBlade": "DeployToAzure",
"code":"InvalidRequestContent", "message":"The request content was
invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Error converting value
padLeft(copyIndex(variables('StartOfCountString')),3, '0')))]\" to
type 'System.String[]'. Path
'properties.template.resources[1].resources[0].dependsOn', line 259,
position 171.'."}
The reason that I want to set an offset for the copy index is so that I can build say ten machines like W2016SRV-001, 002, ... 010, and then later on build more machines starting at 011, 012, 013, etc.
There are other ways around it but I really want to be able to do this in an ARM Template and I'm not yet aware after all my extensive googling why it shouldn't be possible.
OK so after editing the template as suggested by #4c74356b41 I'm now getting a completely new and different error when I try and deploy the template through the portal.
"message":"Deployment template validation failed: 'The template resource
'[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(parameters('StartOfCount')),3, '0'),
at line '250' column '13' is not valid. Copying nested resources is not supported.
Please see for usage details.'."}
So following the link in the error message and reading some more ... what I needed to do was drop the Domain Join Extension out as a child of the VM and have it as a top level resource. Woot woot it worked.
So now the end of my ARM Template looks like this.
*** VM bits are here ***
}, <-- end of the VM bits.
"apiVersion": "2016-03-30",
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions",
"name": "[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(parameters('StartOfCount')),3, '0'), '-vm/JoinDomain')]",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"copy": {
"name": "DomainJoinLoop",
"count": "[parameters('numberOfInstances')]"
"dependsOn": [ "vmLoop" ],
"publisher": "Microsoft.Compute",
"type": "JsonADDomainExtension",
"typeHandlerVersion": "1.3",
"autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,
"Name": "[parameters('domainToJoin')]",
"User": "[concat(parameters('domainToJoin'), '\\', parameters('domainUsername'))]",
"OUPath": "[parameters('ouPath')]",
"Restart": "true",
"Options": "3"
"protectedsettings": {"Password": "[parameters('domainPassword')]"}
Multiple VMs deployed in parallel and all joined to the domain without issue.
Sooo my lessons learned are these and I hope that they help someone else in the future.
You cannot use copyIndex on a Child resource.
Make sure that you name your DomainJoin Extension properly.
Compare your vm name and extension name:
concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(parameters('StartOfCount')),3, '0'), '-vm')
concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), padLeft(copyIndex(variables('StartOfCountString')),3, '0'), '/JoinDomain')
besides the fact you are using an unneeded variable you are missing -vm. The extension name has to be in the format parent_name/extension_name else it wouldn't know to which parent resource this extension belongs (it must always belong to some vm).
Your dependsOn is also wrong, you can simplify it to this:
"dependsOn": [ "vmLoop" ]
I'm attempting to create a Storage Account with a file share via an ARM template. To do this, I'm creating the Storage Account and then running a az CLI command within a container instance, as described here.
The template deploys just fine, but the trouble is that the container is only started on the first run. Subsequent deployments do not result in the container instance being started, and thus if the file share has been removed (humans make mistakes), it's not recreated.
I can't use a complete deployment because there are other resources in the Resource Group.
I have consulted to documentation, but there doesn't seem to be anything about this in there.
Is there anyway to tell the container instance to always start?
Here is the example template that I am using -
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"storageAccountType": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "Standard_LRS",
"allowedValues": [
"metadata": {
"description": "Storage Account type"
"storageAccountName": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "[uniquestring(resourceGroup().id)]",
"metadata": {
"description": "Storage Account Name"
"fileShareName": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "File Share Name"
"containerInstanceLocation": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "[parameters('location')]",
"allowedValues": [
"metadata": {
"description": "Container Instance Location"
"location": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"metadata": {
"description": "Location for all resources."
"variables": {
"image": "microsoft/azure-cli",
"cpuCores": "1.0",
"memoryInGb": "1.5",
"containerGroupName": "createshare-containerinstance",
"containerName": "createshare"
"resources": [
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
"name": "[parameters('storageAccountName')]",
"apiVersion": "2017-10-01",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"sku": {
"name": "[parameters('storageAccountType')]"
"kind": "Storage",
"properties": {}
"name": "[variables('containerGroupName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups",
"apiVersion": "2018-02-01-preview",
"location": "[parameters('containerInstanceLocation')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/', parameters('storageAccountName'))]"
"properties": {
"containers": [
"name": "[variables('containerName')]",
"properties": {
"image": "[variables('image')]",
"command": [
"environmentVariables": [
"value": "[listKeys(parameters('storageAccountName'),'2017-10-01').keys[0].value]"
"value": "[parameters('storageAccountName')]"
"resources": {
"requests": {
"cpu": "[variables('cpuCores')]",
"memoryInGb": "[variables('memoryInGb')]"
"restartPolicy": "OnFailure",
"osType": "Linux"
What if you manually delete the ACI from Azure portal or trough az cli in between using az container delete. As I understand Azure Container Instances are meant to be disposable. I usually just delete the old container when I want to deploy new one. Of course this is done usually by CI&CD pipeline like Jenkins.
ARM-template only starts the container if it doesn't find the resource but because it does find the ACI it does nothing. IMHO you should not use ARM-Templates for container management.
I have a resource group called network-rg containing a virtual network. I am trying to deploy a Virual Machine in a new resource group vm-rg. The VM should be connected to a new subnet on the vnet in network-rg. I am using one single ARM template with both the subnet and the VM and deploying to vm-rg. How do I specify the subnet in the ARM template when its vnet is in another resource group than the primary/default group for the deployment?
I would need to explicitly reference the vnet with the resource group. This would be similar to how a Network Interface deploy is referencing the subnet ID in its ipConfigurations properties list:
"apiVersion": "2015-05-01-preview",
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
"name": "[parameters('nicName')]",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"properties": {
"ipConfigurations": [{
"name": "ipconfig1",
"properties": {
"subnet": {
"id": "[variables('subnet1Ref')]"
It seems you cannot create a subnet in another resource group in one template when you create a new resource group with resources. There no property for you to refer to the Vnet in another group.
If you really want to create a new subnet in another group in one template, you could take a look at linked and nested template. Hope this will help you.
You will need to add a variables (Resource in the template that references the parameter file) example below:
In the main.JSON file:
"name": "[parameters('networkInterfaceName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
"apiVersion": "2018-04-01",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses/', parameters('publicIpAddressName'))]"
"properties": {
"ipConfigurations": [
"name": "ipconfig1",
"properties": {
"subnet": {
"id": "[variables('subnetRef')]"
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
"publicIpAddress": {
"id": "[resourceId(parameters('resourceGroupName'),'Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses', parameters('publicIpAddressName'))]"
"enableAcceleratedNetworking": true,
"networkSecurityGroup": {
"id": "[resourceId(parameters('nsgResourceGroupName'), 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', parameters('networkSecurityGroupName'))]"
Add the following variables in main.JSON:
"name": "[parameters('networkInterfaceName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
"apiVersion": "2018-04-01",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses/', parameters('publicIpAddressName'))]"
"properties": {
"ipConfigurations": [
"name": "ipconfig1",
"properties": {
"subnet": {
"id": "[variables('subnetRef')]"
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
Then add the following parameters in the main.JSON file:
"parameters": {
"virtualNetworkName": {
"type": "string"
"subnetName": {
"type": "string"
In the main.parameters.json add the variable information:
"virtualNetworkName": {
"value": "<vnet name>"
"resourceGroupName": {
"value": "<whatever the rg is for the Network>"
"subnetName": {
"value": "<subnet name>"
Hope that helps.
Ok, I've done everything what described here with ARM template - Except one thing - Enabling VNET Integration with a pre-existing VNET.
Can this be done in ARM templates?
Here is a sample template that might help you. It's modified from this quickstart sample in GitHub
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"hostingPlanName": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of the hosting plan to use in Azure."
"webSiteName": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of the Azure Web app to create."
"vnetName": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of an existing Azure VNet which has a Gateway Subnet already, and is in the resource group you are going to deploy."
"skuName": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "S1",
"allowedValues": [
"metadata": {
"description": "Describes plan's pricing tier and instance size. Check details at"
"skuCapacity": {
"type": "int",
"defaultValue": 1,
"minValue": 1,
"metadata": {
"description": "Describes plan's instance count"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
"name": "[parameters('hostingPlanName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"tags": {
"displayName": "HostingPlan"
"sku": {
"name": "[parameters('skuName')]",
"capacity": "[parameters('skuCapacity')]"
"properties": {
"name": "[parameters('hostingPlanName')]"
"apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
"name": "[parameters('webSiteName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/sites",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"tags": {
"[concat('hidden-related:', resourceGroup().id, '/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]": "Resource",
"displayName": "Website"
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]"
"properties": {
"name": "[parameters('webSiteName')]",
"serverFarmId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
"name": "web",
"type": "config",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Web/sites/', parameters('webSiteName'))]"
"properties": {
"pythonVersion": "3.4"
"apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
"name": "[parameters('vnetName')]",
"type": "virtualNetworkConnections",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Web/sites/', parameters('webSiteName'))]"
"properties": {
"vnetResourceId": "[concat(resourceGroup().id, '/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', parameters('vnetName'))]"
Here are 3 things you should be careful with.
The template starts with a python web app template, and adds a "Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections" resource. So, if you are using other programing language, you can start with some other template.
The pre-existing VNet should be in the same resource group you are deploying. If the VNet you are using are not in the same resource group, you should modify the "vnetResourceId" in the "properties" of the "Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections".
The VNet you are using should have a Gateway with a Point-to-Site address already. Otherwise, you will not be able integrate you web app to the VNet. For more details, see Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a virtual network using PowerShell
Update: About how I get this info, well, there is not much about this on the net. This template is constructed based on the PowerShell solution and my knowledge about ARM template. The PowerShell solution is available in this article. Another possible way to get an ARM template is to create those resources in one resource group, and export the template of the resource group in the portal. But, for this case, that is not going to work, because resource type "Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections" is not supported yet. However, you can still get a look at the REST API by the PowerShell Command Get-AzureRmResource with option -debug.
Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName <resource group> -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections -Name <web app>/<VNet> -debug -ApiVersion 2015-08-01
You will get the following REST API.
Uri:<subscription id>/resourceGroups/<resource group>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<web app>/virtualNetworkConnections/<VNet>?api-version=2015-08-01
"id": "/subscriptions/<subscription id>/resourceGroups/<resource group>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<web app>/virtualNetworkConnections/<VNet>",
"name": "<VNet>",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections",
"location": "<Location>",
"tags": null,
"properties": {
"vnetResourceId": "/subscriptions/<subscription id>/resourceGroups/<resource group>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<VNet>"
"certThumbprint": "<Thumbprint>",
"certBlob": "<cert>",
"routes": null,
"resyncRequired": false,
"dnsServers": null
Skipping some automatically generated values, you will get the template which is quite similar to the one I write:
"name": "<VNet>",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections",
"location": "<Location>",
"properties": {
"vnetResourceId": "/subscriptions/<subscription id>/resourceGroups/<resource group>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<VNet>"
How can I add an existing VM that I either created in the portal or imported from vmdepot to an existing availability set? It doesn't seem to be possible from the portal, does it work in Powershell? Does it work at all with the Resource Manager deployment model?
Currently, for ARM Deployment, Setting Availability set is not supported yet. Availability set could only be added during creation. Hence, for your case, you need to delete the current instance, and create a new deployment with the old OSDisk, Vnet, and some other setting.
This can be achieved by using ARM Template. The following example shows you how to deploy a VM with an existing VHD and Vnet. It also create a new availability set, and add the VM to the availability set.
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"location": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Please enter the location where you want to deploy this VM"
"vmName": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of the VM"
"osType": {
"type": "string",
"allowedValues": [
"metadata": {
"description": "Type of OS on the existing vhd"
"osDiskVhdUri": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Uri of the existing VHD in ARM standard or premium storage"
"vmSize": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Size of the VM"
"existingVirtualNetworkName": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of the existing VNET"
"existingVirtualNetworkResourceGroup": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of the existing VNET resource group"
"subnetName": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of the subnet in the virtual network you want to use"
"dnsNameForPublicIP": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Unique DNS Name for the Public IP used to access the Virtual Machine."
"availabilitySetName": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "The name of your Availability Set."
"variables": {
"api-version": "2015-06-15",
"publicIPAddressType": "Dynamic",
"vnetID": "[resourceId(parameters('existingVirtualNetworkResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', parameters('existingVirtualNetworkName'))]",
"subnetRef": "[concat(variables('vnetID'),'/subnets/', parameters('subnetName'))]",
"nicName": "[parameters('vmName')]",
"publicIPAddressName": "[parameters('vmName')]"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "[variables('api-version')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses",
"name": "[variables('publicIPAddressName')]",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"tags": {
"displayName": "PublicIPAddress"
"properties": {
"publicIPAllocationMethod": "[variables('publicIPAddressType')]",
"dnsSettings": {
"domainNameLabel": "[parameters('dnsNameForPublicIP')]"
"apiVersion": "[variables('api-version')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
"name": "[variables('nicName')]",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', variables('publicIPAddressName'))]"
"tags": {
"displayName": "NetworkInterface"
"properties": {
"ipConfigurations": [
"name": "ipconfig1",
"properties": {
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
"publicIPAddress": {
"id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses',variables('publicIPAddressName'))]"
"subnet": {
"id": "[variables('subnetRef')]"
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets",
"name": "[parameters('availabilitySetName')]",
"apiVersion": "2015-06-15",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"properties": {
"platformFaultDomainCount": "3",
"platformUpdateDomainCount": "20"
"apiVersion": "[variables('api-version')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
"name": "[parameters('vmName')]",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"tags": {
"displayName": "VirtualMachine"
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/', parameters('availabilitySetName'))]",
"[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/', variables('nicName'))]"
"properties": {
"hardwareProfile": {
"vmSize": "[parameters('vmSize')]"
"AvailabilitySet" : {
"id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets', parameters('availabilitySetName'))]"
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"name": "[concat(parameters('vmName'))]",
"osType": "[parameters('osType')]",
"caching": "ReadWrite",
"vhd": {
"uri": "[parameters('osDiskVhdUri')]"
"createOption": "Attach"
"networkProfile": {
"networkInterfaces": [
"id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces',variables('nicName'))]"
If you want to add the VM to an existing availability set, you can delete
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets",
"name": "[parameters('availabilitySetName')]",
"apiVersion": "2015-06-15",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"properties": {
"platformFaultDomainCount": "3",
"platformUpdateDomainCount": "20"
"[concat('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/', parameters('availabilitySetName'))]",
For more details about authoring ARM template, see Authoring Azure Resource Manager templates
For more information about how to deploy an ARM template, see Deploy a Resource Group with Azure Resource Manager template
And the above template is modified from this sample template from GitHub.
After I posted this answer, I had been thinking about using REST API to update vm with an availability set. I thought it might work, so I gave it a shot, and here is the error message I got:
Invoke-RestMethod : {
"error": {
"code": "PropertyChangeNotAllowed",
"target": "",
"message": "Changing property '' is not allowed."
At C:\Users\v-dazen\Documents\setVMRestAPI.ps1:13 char:1
+ Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri " ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand
That means setting the availability set for an existing ARM deployed VM is not possible yet.