Verilog: Interface Module Input With a Reg - verilog

In the following code:
wire a;
reg b;
assign a = b;
ModuleName foo(a, other wire inputs, ... , wire outputs);
Assume that they are part of a top level module.
I wanted to run an always# block but make changes in the input of a module instantiated in this module.
always#(*) b = c^d; //Some Logic
The thing is, they are wires and cannot be on the LHS in an always# block. Can I make changes to band expect to see them in a i.e. the input of the Module foo.

Yes. Every time you change b, a will change too. That is what an assign statement does. Remember this is hardware. The statement
assign a = b;
means 'drive wire a with whatever value reg b has for all time'.


Verilog module instantiation reg input output

While implementing Verilog code in behavioral modeling we are using reg as output. But, when I have to use module instantiation and connect it using a wire, it's showing an error while implementation. Is there any other way where I can use module instantiation to connect outputs of different module instances to implement combinational logic as it's illegal to connect the reg output of the previous model to a wire? Note that I have to apply behavioral modeling hence no assignment statements are allowed. This is an example to connect two half adders to one full adder.
module half_adder(input wire a,b,output reg sum,output reg carry);
always#(a or b)
sum = a^b ;
carry= a & b ;
module full_adder(input wire a,b,c,output reg sum,output reg carry);
wire s1,c1,c2;
half_adder gate1(a,b,s1,c1);
half_adder gate2(s1,c,sum,c2);
always#(a or b or c)
carry = c1|c2;
Error (10663): Verilog HDL Port Connection error at full_adder.v(14):
output or inout port "sum" must be connected to a structural net
In standard old verilog a reg cannot be connected to a reg using module connection or a continuous assignment. System verilog allows it. So, one of the solutions could be to switch to system verilog.
As for verilog, in half_adder port sum is declared as a reg. Instance gate2 connects variable of type reg to the port of type reg. This is illegal. This type of an assignment can only happen inside a procedural (i.e. always) block. Instance gate1 bypasses this issue by connecting port to the wire s1.
So, you can follow the similar path. Create another wire s2 as in the following example.
module full_adder(input wire a,b,c,output reg sum,output reg carry);
wire s1,c1, s2, c2;
half_adder gate1(a,b,s1,c1);
half_adder gate2(s1,c,s2,c2); // use s2 here
carry = c1|c2;
always #*
sum = s2; // now you can s2 assign to the 'sum' port
Another way is to declare the 'sum' port as a wire. A register can be connected to a wire, using port connections or continuous assignment.
module full_adder(input wire a,b,c,
output sum, // declares it as a wire
output reg carry);
half_adder gate2(s1,c,sum,c2); // now it works this way.
And btw, do not use #(a,b,c). It is always error prone and is just wrong in your case. It should be #(c1,c2). But it is much better to use #*.
You should not declare sum as a reg in the full_adder module because it is not being assigned inside a procedural block (such as always). A reg is not a "net" type. Change:
module full_adder(input wire a,b,c,output reg sum,output reg carry);
module full_adder(input wire a,b,c,output sum,output reg carry);
You also have an incorrect sensitivity list. Change:
always#(a or b or c)
always #*
Now, the always block will trigger when the signals on the RHS of the assignments change.

Seeing X for values in one module

I have two modules 'wired' together. One is a simple sequence detector and one is a counter.
Here are the two signatures of the methods:
module Detector1010 (input [3:0] co_in, input j, clk, rst, output w, output reg init, output reg en);
module counter (input clk, rst, en, init, output reg [3:0] co );
Essentially that output register 'co' in the counter is intended to be readable from the Dector1010 module (hence the co_in) variable. The reason for that is I want to be able to detect when the co reaches a certain value, to perform some sort of action.
Within 'Detector1010' there is always block which checks the value of 'co_in'
$display("sleep! %d", co_in);
if(co_in == 4'b1111) begin
//reached 16!
$display("reached 16!");
Here I am just waiting for the counter value to reach 16 and printing what it is each time the always block executes. (How often does that execute? It seems to run just constantly and not on a clock.. I guess the whole point is its always running?). However by display instead prints:
"sleep! x"
As if the actual value of that register does not get passed in. I was using a wire to connect the two modules, so I thought this sort of input is allowed:
wire [3:0] co;
wire init;
wire en;
assign co = 4'b0000;
Detector1010 det(co, j, clk, rst, w, init, en);
counter cnt(clk, rst, en, init, co);
as I figured the 'co' variable would just work as a databus between the detector and the counter modules. I guess I am misunderstanding how that variable works? Not really sure what I am doing wrong here!
I can post the whole code example. I was trying to just keep it concise.
You have contention on the co signal which results in x. Remove this line:
assign co = 4'b0000;
Your counter module drives the co output signal, but your testbench continually drives it to 0, at all times starting at time 0. co would normally be initialized inside the counter module.

What is the difference between input and reg in Verilog?

I have a circuit whose truth value looks like this A =BC+^C[(B and C) or (not C)]
Here I give,
output A;
input B, C;
wire w1, w2;
and (w1, B, C);
not (w2, C);
or (A, w1, w2);
My question is why do we write input B, C; Can we write it as reg B, C;?
What exactly is the difference?.
You are not showing a complete example, but inputs and outputs are part of a hierarchical module declaration. reg is a data type associated with a signal. Typically one encapsulates your circuit in a module, and then you instantiate that module in a top-level module to provide stimulus and observe the outputs.
module circuit( output wire A;
input wire B, C;
wire w1, w2; // internal wires
and (w1, B, C);
not (w2, C);
or (A, w1, w2);
module top;
reg B,C; // these are different signals that get connected to the circuit wires
wire A;
circuit c(A,B,C);
initial begin
B = 0; C = 0;
comparing input and reg is similar to comparing a keyboard to a verilog code. input defines a direction of a port. reg defines a data type.
However, every port has a data type associated with it. Default data type for an input/output port is wire. So input B is the same as input wire B.
Now, the right question is: what would be a differnce between wire and reg.
wire is a data type for describing connection between module instances. Its main characteristic is that it should always be connected and cannot keep is state otherwise. reg can keep the state if not connected. There are multiple differences in usage which you can find in corresponding verilog tutorials.

How do we declare wires (interconnections in a digital circuit) when we want to use them in an always block?

I want to declare a wire and also i want to use it in an always block. This wire is the output of a bcd adder which goes to a decoder as an input. How should I declare it? wire reg A, reg A, Output reg A, input reg A?
declare it as Output reg A. It will work.
If it is a wire having a value driven on to it then you can not override the value.
You can use the value in an always block. If you are setting a value from and only from the always block declare as a reg.
wire dout;
reg dat;
modulex instance_1 (.dout( dout) );
always #* begin
dat = dout ;
NB: in modulex dout may be declared as a wire or a reg, it is specific to the module and does not have to maintain 'type' across hierarchy.

How to store input into reg from wire in verilog?

I' trying to store value from wire named 'in' into reg 'a'.
But, the problem is value of reg 'a' is showing 'xxxx' in simulator. However, value of wire 'in' is showing correctly.
My target is just to read value from input wire and store it into a register.
module test(
input [3:0] in,
output [3:0] out
reg [3:0] a;
a = in;
The reason why the value of a is 'xxxx' in the simulation is probably that a is set to the value of in only a single time initially, and a may not yet have been set to any specific value at this time in the simulation.
Declaring a reg in Verilog does not necessarily mean that a hardware register is described by the code. That usually involves the use of a clock signal:
module test(
input clk,
input [3:0] in,
output [3:0] out
// this describes a register with input "in" and output "a"
reg [3:0] a;
always #(posedge clk) begin
a <= in;
// I assume you want "a" to be the output of the module
assign out = a;
Here is a counter example where a reg is used to describe something which is not a register, but only a simple wire:
module not_a_register(
input in,
output out
reg a;
always #(in) begin
a <= in;
assign out = a;
Also note that I have used the non-blocking assignment operator <= inside the always block, which is good practice when describing synchronous logic. You can read more about it here.
