Why DuplicateRecordFields cannot have type inference? - haskell

Related post: How to disambiguate selector function?
However, we do not infer the type of the argument to determine the datatype, or have any way of deferring the choice to the constraint solver.
It's actually annoying that this feature is not implemented. I tried to look up multiple sources but I could not find a reason why they decide not to infer types.
Does anyone know a good reason for this? Is it because of a limitation of the current type system?

You will be interested in OverloadedRecordFields which is still being implemented.
The current implementation is intentionally crippled, so as to not introduce too much new stuff all at once. Inferring the record projection types turns out to open a nasty can of worms (which the aforementioned extension addresses).
Consider the following GHCi interaction
ghci> data Record1 = Record1 { field :: Int }
ghci> data Record2 = Record2 { field :: Bool }
ghci> :t field
What should the type of field be now? Somehow, we need a way to capture the notion of "any record with a field called field". To this end, OverloadedRecordFields introduces a new built-in type class
The new module GHC.Records defines the following:
class HasField (x :: k) r a | x r -> a where
getField :: r -> a
A HasField x r a constraint represents the fact that x is a field of
type a belonging to a record type r. The getField method gives the
record selector function.
Then, from our example above, it is as if the following instances were magically generated by GHC (in fact that is not actually what will happen, but it is a good first approximation).
instance HasField "field" Record1 Int where
getField (Record1 f) = f
instance HasField "field" Record2 Bool where
getField (Record2 f) = f
If you are interested, I recommend reading the proposal. The other feature I haven't mentioned is the IsLabel class. Once all of this is implemented (and some more for updating records) I look forward to being able to get my lenses for free (so I can stop declaring field names starting with an underscore and enabling TemplateHaskell for makeLenses).


Can we tweak "a -> a" function in Haskell?

In Haskell id function is defined on type level as id :: a -> a and implemented as just returning its argument without any modification, but if we have some type introspection with TypeApplications we can try to modify values without breaking type signature:
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-}
module Main where
class TypeOf a where
typeOf :: String
instance TypeOf Bool where
typeOf = "Bool"
instance TypeOf Char where
typeOf = "Char"
instance TypeOf Int where
typeOf = "Int"
tweakId :: forall a. TypeOf a => a -> a
tweakId x
| typeOf #a == "Bool" = not x
| typeOf #a == "Int" = x+1
| typeOf #a == "Char" = x
| otherwise = x
This fail with error:
"Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘Bool’"
But I don't see any problems here (type signature satisfied):
My question is:
How can we do such a thing in a Haskell?
If we can't, that is theoretical\philosophical etc reasons for this?
If this implementation of tweak_id is not "original id", what are theoretical roots that id function must not to do any modifications on term level. Or can we have many implementations of id :: a -> a function (I see that in practice we can, I can implement such a function in Python for example, but what the theory behind Haskell says to this?)
You need GADTs for that.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, GADTs #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Type.Equality
tweakId :: forall a. Typeable a => a -> a
tweakId x
| Just Refl <- eqT #a #Int = x + 1
-- etc. etc.
| otherwise = x
Here we use eqT #type1 #type2 to check whether the two types are equal. If they are, the result is Just Refl and pattern matching on that Refl is enough to convince the type checker that the two types are indeed equal, so we can use x + 1 since x is now no longer only of type a but also of type Int.
This check requires runtime type information, which we usually do not have due to Haskell's type erasure property. The information is provided by the Typeable type class.
This can also be achieved using a user-defined class like your TypeOf if we make it provide a custom GADT value. This can work well if we want to encode some constraint like "type a is either an Int, a Bool, or a String" where we statically know what types to allow (we can even recursively define a set of allowed types in this way). However, to allow any type, including ones that have not yet been defined, we need something like Typeable. That is also very convenient since any user-defined type is automatically made an instance of Typeable.
This fail with error: "Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘Bool’"But I don't see any problems here
Well, what if I add this instance:
instance TypeOf Float where
typeOf = "Bool"
Do you see the problem now? Nothing prevents somebody from adding such an instance, no matter how silly it is. And so the compiler can't possibly make the assumption that having checked typeOf #a == "Bool" is sufficient to actually use x as being of type Bool.
You can squelch the error if you are confident that nobody will add malicious instances, by using unsafe coercions.
import Unsafe.Coerce
tweakId :: forall a. TypeOf a => a -> a
tweakId x
| typeOf #a == "Bool" = unsafeCoerce (not $ unsafeCoerce x)
| typeOf #a == "Int" = unsafeCoerce (unsafeCoerce x+1 :: Int)
| typeOf #a == "Char" = unsafeCoerce (unsafeCoerce x :: Char)
| otherwise = x
but I would not recommend this. The correct way is to not use strings as a poor man's type representation, but instead the standard Typeable class which is actually tamper-proof and comes with suitable GADTs so you don't need manual unsafe coercions. See chi's answer.
As an alternative, you could also use type-level strings and a functional dependency to make the unsafe coercions safe:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FunctionalDependencies
, ScopedTypeVariables, UnicodeSyntax, TypeApplications #-}
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce
class KnownSymbol t => TypeOf a t | a->t, t->a
instance TypeOf Bool "Bool"
instance TypeOf Int "Int"
tweakId :: ∀ a t . TypeOf a t => a -> a
tweakId x = case symbolVal #t Proxy of
"Bool" -> unsafeCoerce (not $ unsafeCoerce x)
"Int" -> unsafeCoerce (unsafeCoerce x + 1 :: Int)
_ -> x
The trick is that the fundep t->a makes writing another instance like
instance TypeOf Float "Bool"
a compile error right there.
Of course, really the most sensible approach is probably to not bother with any kind of manual type equality at all, but simply use the class right away for the behaviour changes you need:
class Tweakable a where
tweak :: a -> a
instance Tweakable Bool where
tweak = not
instance Tweakable Int where
tweak = (+1)
instance Tweakable Char where
tweak = id
The other answers are both very good for covering the ways you can do something like this in Haskell. But I thought it was worth adding something speaking more to this part of the question:
If we can't, that is theoretical\philosophical etc reasons for this?
Actually Haskellers do generally rely quite strongly on the theory that forbids something like your tweakId from existing with type forall a. a -> a. (Even though there are ways to cheat, using things like unsafeCoerce; this is usually considered bad style if you haven't done something like in leftaroundabout's answer, where a class with functional dependencies ensures the unsafe coerce is always valid)
Haskell uses parametric polymorphism1. That means we can write code that works on multiple types because it will treat them all the same; the code only uses operations that will work regardless of the specific type it is invoked on. This is expressed in Haskell types by using type variables; a function with a variable in its type can be used with any type at all substituted for the variable, because every single operation in the function definition will work regardless of what type is chosen.
About the simplest example is indeed the function id, which might be defined like this:
id :: forall a. a -> a
id x = x
Because it's parametrically polymorphic, we can simply choose any type at all we like and use id as if it was defined on that type. For example as if it were any of the following:
id :: Bool -> Bool
id x = x
id :: Int -> Int
id x = x
id :: Maybe (Int -> [IO Bool]) -> Maybe (Int -> [IO Bool])
id x = x
But to ensure that the definition does work for any type, the compiler has to check a very strong restriction. Our id function can only use operations that don't depend on any property of any specific type at all. We can't call not x because the x might not be a Bool, we can't call x + 1 because the x might not be a number, can't check whether x is equal to anything because it might not be a type that supports equality, etc, etc. In fact there is almost nothing you can do with x in the body of id. We can't even ignore x and return some other value of type a; this would require us to write an expression for a value that can be of any type at all and the only things that can do that are things like undefined that don't evaluate to a value at all (because they throw exceptions). It's often said that in fact there is only one valid function with type forall a. a -> a (and that is id)2.
This restriction on what you can do with values whose type contains variables isn't just a restriction for the sake of being picky, it's actually a huge part of what makes Haskell types useful. It means that just looking at the type of a function can often tell you quite a bit about what it can possibly do, and once you get used to it Haskellers rely on this kind of thinking all the time. For example, consider this function signature:
map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Just from this type (and the assumption that the code doesn't do anything dumb like add in extra undefined elements of the list) I can tell:
All of the items in the resulting list come are results of the function input; map will have no other way of producing values of type b to put in the list (except undefined, etc).
All of the items in the resulting list correspond to something in the input list mapped through the function; map will have no way of getting any a values to feed to the function (except undefined, etc)
If any items of the input list are dropped or re-ordered, it will be done in a "blind" way that isn't considering the elements at all, only their position in the list; map ultimately has no way of testing any property of the a and b values to decide which order they should go in. For example it might leave out the third element, or swap the 2nd and 76th elements if there are at least 100 elements, etc. But if it applies rules like that it will have to always apply them, regardless of the actual items in the list. It cannot e.g. drop the 4th element if it is less than the 5th element, or only keep outputs from the function that are "truthy", etc.
None of this would be true if Haskell allowed parametrically polymorphic types to have Python-like definitions that check the type of their arguments and then run different code. Such a definition for map could check if the function is supposed to return integers and if so return [1, 2, 3, 4] regardless of the input list, etc. So the type checker would be enforcing a lot less (and thus catching fewer mistakes) if it worked this way.
This kind of reasoning is formalised in the concept of free theorems; it's literally possible to derive formal proofs about a piece of code from its type (and thus get theorems for free). You can google this if you're interested in further reading, but Haskellers generally use this concept informally rather doing real proofs.
Sometimes we do need non-parametric polymorphism. The main tool Haskell provides for that is type classes. If a type variable has a class constraint, then there will be an interface of class methods provided by that constraint. For example the Eq a constraint allows (==) :: a -> a -> Bool to be used, and your own TypeOf a constraint allows typeOf #a to be used. Type class methods do allow you to run different code for different types, so this breaks parametricity. Even just adding Eq a to the type of map means I can no longer assume property 3 from above.
map :: forall a b. Eq a => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Now map can tell whether some of the items in the original list are equal to each other, so it can use that to decide whether to include them in the result, and in what order. Likewise Monoid a or Monoid b would allow map to break the first two properties by using mempty :: a to produce new values that weren't in the list originally or didn't come from the function. If I add Typeable constraints I can't assume anything, because the function could do all of the Python-style checking of types to apply special-case logic, make use of existing values it knows about if a or b happen to be those types, etc.
So something like your tweakId cannot be given the type forall a. a -> a, for theoretical reasons that are also extremely practically important. But if you need a function that behaves like your tweakId adding a class constraint was the right thing to do to break out of the constraints of parametricity. However simply being able to get a String for each type isn't enough; typeOf #a == "Int" doesn't tell the type checker that a can be used in operations requiring an Int. It knows that in that branch the equality check returned True, but that's just a Bool; the type checker isn't able to reason backwards to why this particular Bool is True and deduce that it could only have happened if a were the type Int. But there are alternative constructs using GADTs that do give the type checker additional knowledge within certain code branches, allowing you to check types at runtime and use different code for each type. The class Typeable is specifically designed for this, but it's a hammer that completely bypasses parametricity; I think most Haskellers would prefer to keep more type-based reasoning intact where possible.
1 Parametric polymorphism is in contrast to class-based polymorphism you may have seen in OO languages (where each class says how a method is implemented for objects of that specific class), or ad-hoc polymophism (as seen in C++) where you simply define multiple definitions with the same name but different types and the types at each application determine which definition is used. I'm not covering those in detail, but the key distinction is both of them allow the definition to have different code for each supported type, rather than guaranteeing the same code will process all supported types.
2 It's not 100% true that there's only one valid function with type forall a. a -> a unless you hide some caveats in "valid". But if you don't use any unsafe features (like unsafeCoerce or the foreign language interface), then a function with type forall a. a -> a will either always throw an exception or it will return its argument unchanged.
The "always throws an exception" isn't terribly useful so we usually assume an unknown function with that type isn't going to do that, and thus ignore this possibility.
There are multiple ways to implement "returns its argument unchanged", like id x = head . head . head $ [[[x]]], but they can only differ from the normal id in being slower by building up some structure around x and then immediately tearing it down again. A caller that's only worrying about correctness (rather than performance) can treat them all the same.
Thus, ignoring the "always undefined" possibility and treating all of the dumb elaborations of id x = x the same, we come to the perspective where we can say "there's only one function with forall a. a -> a".

Can Haskell type synonyms be used as type constructors?

I'm writing a benchmark to compare the performance of a number of Haskell collections, including STArray, on a given task. To eliminate repetition, I'm trying to write a set of functions that provide a uniform interface to these collections, so that I can implement the task as a polymorphic higher-order function. More specifically, the task is implemented in terms of a polymorphic monad, which is ST s for STArray, and Identity for collections like HashMap, that do not typically need to be manipulated within a monad.
Due to uniformity requirements, I can't use the Identity and HashMap types directly, as I need their kinds to match the kinds of ST and STArray. I thought that the simplest way to achieve this would be to define type synonyms with phantom parameters:
type Identity' s a = Identity a
type HashMap' s i e = HashMap i e
-- etc.
Unfortunately this doesn't work, because when I try to use these synonyms as type constructors in places where I use ST and STArray as type constructors, GHC gives errors like:
The type synonym ‘Identity'’ should have 2 arguments, but has been given none
I came across the -XLiberalTypeSynonyms GHC extension, and thought it would allow me to do this, as the documentation says:
You can apply a type synonym to a partially applied type synonym
and gives this example of doing so:
type Generic i o = forall x. i x -> o x
type Id x = x
foo :: Generic Id []
That example works in GHC 8.0.2 (with -XExistentialQuantification and -XRank2Types). But replacing Generic with a newtype or data declaration, as needed in my use case, does not work.
I.e. the following code leads to the same kind of error that I reported above:
newtype Generic i o = Generic (forall x. i x -> o x)
type Id x = x
foo :: Generic Id []
foo = Generic (\x -> [x])
Is there some other extension that I need to enable to get this to work? If not, is there a good reason why this doesn't work, or is it just an oversight?
I'm aware that I can work around this by defining Identity', etc. as fully-fledged types, e.g.:
newtype Identity' s a = Identity' a
newtype Collection collection s i e = Collection (collection i e)
-- etc.
This is not ideal though, as it means that I have to reimplement Identity's Functor, Applicative and Monad instances for Identity', and it means that I have to write additional wrapping and unwrapping code for the collections.

Haskell: Filtering by type

For any particular type A:
data A = A Int
is is possible to write this function?
filterByType :: a -> Maybe a
It should return Just . id if value of type A is given, and Nothing for value of any other types.
Using any means (GHC exts, TH, introspection, etc.)
NB. Since my last question about Haskell typesystem was criticized by the community as "terribly oversimplified", I feel the need to state, that this is a purely academic interest in Haskell typesystem limitations, without any particular task behind it that needs to be solved.
You are looking for cast at Data.Typeable
cast :: forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b
Related question here
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
data A = A Int deriving (Show, Typeable)
data B = B String deriving (Show, Typeable)
showByType :: Typeable a =>a ->String
showByType x = case (cast x, cast x) of
(Just (A y), _) ->"Type A: " ++ show y
(_, Just (B z)) ->"Type B: " ++ show z
> putStrLn $ showByType $ A 4
Type A: 4
> putStrLn $ showByType $ B "Peter"
Type B: "Peter"
Without Typeable derivation, no information exists about the underlying type, you can anyway perform some cast transformation like
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
filterByType :: a -> Maybe a
filterByType x = if SOMECHECK then Just (unsafeCoerce x) else Nothing
but, where is that information?
Then, you cannot write your function (or I don't know how) but in some context (binary memory inspection, template haskell, ...) may be.
No, you can't write this function. In Haskell, values without type class constraints are parametric in their type variables. This means we know that they have to behave exactly the same when instantiated at any particular type¹; in particular, and relevant to your question, this means they cannot inspect their type parameters.
This design means that that all types can be erased at run time, which GHC does in fact do. So even stepping outside of Haskell qua Haskell, unsafe tricks won't be able to help you, as the runtime representation is sort of parametric, too.
If you want something like this, josejuan's suggestion of using Typeable's cast operation is a good one.
¹ Modulo some details with seq.
A function of type a -> Maybe a is trivial. It's just Just. A function filterByType :: a -> Maybe b is impossible.
This is because once you've compiled your program, a and b are gone. There is no run time type information in Haskell, at all.
However, as mentioned in another answer you can write a function:
cast :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b
The reason you can write this is because the constraint Typeable a tells the compiler to, where ever this function is called, pass along a run-time dictionary of values specified by Typeable. These are useful operations that can build up and tear down a great range of Haskell types. The compiler is incredibly smart about this and can pass in the right dictionary for virtually any type you use the function on.
Without this run-time dictionary, however, you cannot do anything. Without a constraint of Typeable, you simply do not get the run-time dictionary.
All that aside, if you don't mind my asking, what exactly do you want this function for? Filtering by a type is not actually useful in Haskell, so if you're trying to do that, you're probably trying to solve something the wrong way.

Why can't I use the type `Show a => [Something -> a]`?

I have a record type say
data Rec {
recNumber :: Int
, recName :: String
-- more fields of various types
And I want to write a toString function for Rec :
recToString :: Rec -> String
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ map ($ r) fields
where fields = [show . recNumber, show . recName]
This works. fields has type [Rec -> String]. But I'm lazy and I would prefer writing
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ map (\f -> show $ f r) fields
where fields = [recNumber, recName]
But this doesn't work. Intuitively I would say fields has type Show a => [Rec -> a] and this should be ok. But Haskell doesn't allow it.
I'd like to understand what is going on here. Would I be right if I said that in the first case I get a list of functions such that the 2 instances of show are actually not the same function, but Haskell is able to determine which is which at compile time (which is why it's ok).
[show . recNumber, show . recName]
^-- This is show in instance Show Number
^-- This is show in instance Show String
Whereas in the second case, I only have one literal use of show in the code, and that would have to refer to multiple instances, not determined at compile time ?
map (\f -> show $ f r) fields
^-- Must be both instances at the same time
Can someone help me understand this ? And also are there workarounds or type system expansions that allow this ?
The type signature doesn't say what you think it says.
This seems to be a common misunderstanding. Consider the function
foo :: Show a => Rec -> a
People frequently seem to think this means that "foo can return any type that it wants to, so long as that type supports Show". It doesn't.
What it actually means is that foo must be able to return any possible type, because the caller gets to choose what the return type should be.
A few moments' thought will reveal that foo actually cannot exist. There is no way to turn a Rec into any possible type that can ever exist. It can't be done.
People often try to do something like Show a => [a] to mean "a list of mixed types but they all have Show". That obviously doesn't work; this type actually means that the list elements can be any type, but they still have to be all the same.
What you're trying to do seems reasonable enough. Unfortunately, I think your first example is about as close as you can get. You could try using tuples and lenses to get around this. You could try using Template Haskell instead. But unless you've got a hell of a lot of fields, it's probably not even worth the effort.
The type you actually want is not:
Show a => [Rec -> a]
Any type declaration with unbound type variables has an implicit forall. The above is equivalent to:
forall a. Show a => [Rec -> a]
This isn't what you wan't, because the a must be specialized to a single type for the entire list. (By the caller, to any one type they choose, as MathematicalOrchid points out.) Because you want the a of each element in the list to be able to be instantiated differently... what you are actually seeking is an existential type.
[exists a. Show a => Rec -> a]
You are wishing for a form of subtyping that Haskell does not support very well. The above syntax is not supported at all by GHC. You can use newtypes to sort of accomplish this:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
newtype Showy = forall a. Show a => Showy a
fields :: [Rec -> Showy]
fields = [Showy . recNumber, Showy . recName]
But unfortunatley, that is just as tedious as converting directly to strings, isn't it?
I don't believe that lens is capable of getting around this particular weakness of the Haskell type system:
recToString :: Rec -> String
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ toListOf (each . to fieldShown) fields
where fields = (recNumber, recName)
fieldShown f = show (f r)
-- error: Couldn't match type Int with [Char]
Suppose the fields do have the same type:
fields = [recNumber, recNumber]
Then it works, and Haskell figures out which show function instance to use at compile time; it doesn't have to look it up dynamically.
If you manually write out show each time, as in your original example, then Haskell can determine the correct instance for each call to show at compile time.
As for existentials... it depends on implementation, but presumably, the compiler cannot determine which instance to use statically, so a dynamic lookup will be used instead.
I'd like to suggest something very simple instead:
recToString r = intercalate "\t" [s recNumber, s recName]
where s f = show (f r)
All the elements of a list in Haskell must have the same type, so a list containing one Int and one String simply cannot exist. It is possible to get around this in GHC using existential types, but you probably shouldn't (this use of existentials is widely considered an anti-pattern, and it doesn't tend to perform terribly well). Another option would be to switch from a list to a tuple, and use some weird stuff from the lens package to map over both parts. It might even work.

How to define a class that allows uniform access to different records in Haskell?

I have two records that both have a field I want to extract for display. How do I arrange things so they can be manipulated with the same functions? Since they have different fields (in this case firstName and buildingName) that are their name fields, they each need some "adapter" code to map firstName to name. Here is what I have so far:
class Nameable a where
name :: a -> String
data Human = Human {
firstName :: String
data Building = Building {
buildingName :: String
instance Nameable Human where
name x = firstName x
instance Nameable Building where
-- I think the x is redundant here, i.e the following should work:
-- name = buildingName
name x = buildingName x
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr $ show (map name items)
items :: (Nameable a) => [a]
items = [ Human{firstName = "Don"}
-- Ideally I want the next line in the array too, but that gives an
-- obvious type error at the moment.
--, Building{buildingName = "Empire State"}
This does not compile:
Couldn't match expected type `a' against inferred type `Human'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for `items' at TypeTest.hs:22:23
In the expression: Human {firstName = "Don"}
In the expression: [Human {firstName = "Don"}]
In the definition of `items': items = [Human {firstName = "Don"}]
I would have expected the instance Nameable Human section would make this work. Can someone explain what I am doing wrong, and for bonus points what "concept" I am trying to get working, since I'm having trouble knowing what to search for.
This question feels similar, but I couldn't figure out the connection with my problem.
Consider the type of items:
items :: (Nameable a) => [a]
It's saying that for any Nameable type, items will give me a list of that type. It does not say that items is a list that may contain different Nameable types, as you might think. You want something like items :: [exists a. Nameable a => a], except that you'll need to introduce a wrapper type and use forall instead. (See: Existential type)
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data SomeNameable = forall a. Nameable a => SomeNameable a
items :: [SomeNameable]
items = [ SomeNameable $ Human {firstName = "Don"},
SomeNameable $ Building {buildingName = "Empire State"} ]
The quantifier in the data constructor of SomeNameable basically allows it to forget everything about exactly which a is used, except that it is Nameable. Therefore, you will only be allowed to use functions from the Nameable class on the elements.
To make this nicer to use, you can make an instance for the wrapper:
instance Nameable (SomeNameable a) where
name (SomeNameable x) = name x
Now you can use it like this:
Main> map name items
["Don", "Empire State"]
Everybody is reaching for either existential quantification or algebraic data types. But these are both overkill (well depending on your needs, ADTs might not be).
The first thing to note is that Haskell has no downcasting. That is, if you use the following existential:
data SomeNameable = forall a. Nameable a => SomeNameable a
then when you create an object
foo :: SomeNameable
foo = SomeNameable $ Human { firstName = "John" }
the information about which concrete type the object was made with (here Human) is forever lost. The only things we know are: it is some type a, and there is a Nameable a instance.
What is it possible to do with such a pair? Well, you can get the name of the a you have, and... that's it. That's all there is to it. In fact, there is an isomorphism. I will make a new data type so you can see how this isomorphism arises in cases when all your concrete objects have more structure than the class.
data ProtoNameable = ProtoNameable {
-- one field for each typeclass method
protoName :: String
instance Nameable ProtoNameable where
name = protoName
toProto :: SomeNameable -> ProtoNameable
toProto (SomeNameable x) = ProtoNameable { protoName = name x }
fromProto :: ProtoNameable -> SomeNameable
fromProto = SomeNameable
As we can see, this fancy existential type SomeNameable has the same structure and information as ProtoNameable, which is isomorphic to String, so when you are using this lofty concept SomeNameable, you're really just saying String in a convoluted way. So why not just say String?
Your items definition has exactly the same information as this definition:
items = [ "Don", "Empire State" ]
I should add a few notes about this "protoization": it is only as straightforward as this when the typeclass you are existentially quantifying over has a certain structure: namely when it looks like an OO class.
class Foo a where
method1 :: ... -> a -> ...
method2 :: ... -> a -> ...
That is, each method only uses a once as an argument. If you have something like Num
class Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
which uses a in multiple argument positions, or as a result, then eliminating the existential is not as easy, but still possible. However my recommendation to do this changes from a frustration to a subtle context-dependent choice, because of the complexity and distant relationship of the two representations. However, every time I have seen existentials used in practice it is with the Foo kind of tyepclass, where it only adds needless complexity, so I quite emphatically consider it an antipattern. In most of these cases I recommend eliminating the entire class from your codebase and exclusively using the protoized type (after you give it a good name).
Also, if you do need to downcast, then existentials aren't your man. You can either use an algebraic data type, as others people have answered, or you can use Data.Dynamic (which is basically an existential over Typeable. But don't do that; a Haskell programmer resorting to Dynamic is ungentlemanlike. An ADT is the way to go, where you characterize all the possible types it could be in one place (which is necessary so that the functions that do the "downcasting" know that they handle all possible cases).
I like #hammar's answer, and you should also check out this article which provides another example.
But, you might want to think differently about your types. The boxing of Nameable into the SomeNameable data type usually makes me start thinking about whether a union type for the specific case is meaningful.
data Entity = H Human | B Building
instance Nameable Entity where ...
items = [H (Human "Don"), B (Building "Town Hall")]
I'm not sure why you want to use the same function for
getting the name of a Human and the name of a Building.
If their names are used in fundamentally different ways,
except maybe for simple things like printing them,
then you probably want two
different functions for that. The type system
will automatically guide you to choose the right function
to use in each situation.
But if having a name is something significant about the
whole purpose of your program, and a Human and a Building
are really pretty much the same thing in that respect as far as your program
is concerned, then you would define their type together:
data NameableThing =
Human { name :: String } |
Building { name :: String }
That gives you a polymorphic function name that works for
whatever particular flavor of NameableThing you happen to have,
without needing to get into type classes.
Usually you would use a type class for a different kind of situation:
if you have some kind of non-trivial operation that has the same purpose
but a different implementation for several different types.
Even then, it's often better to use some other approach instead, like
passing a function as a parameter (a "higher order function", or "HOF").
Haskell type classes are a beautiful and powerful tool, but they are totally
different than what is called a "class" in object-oriented languages,
and they are used far less often.
And I certainly don't recommend complicating your program by using an advanced
extension to Haskell like Existential Qualification just to fit into
an object-oriented design pattern.
You can try to use Existentially Quanitified types and do it like this:
data T = forall a. Nameable a => MkT a
items = [MkT (Human "bla"), MkT (Building "bla")]
I've just had a look at the code that this question is abstracting from. For this, I would recommend merging the Task and RecurringTaskDefinition types:
data Task
= Once
{ name :: String
, scheduled :: Maybe Day
, category :: TaskCategory
| Recurring
{ name :: String
, nextOccurrence :: Day
, frequency :: RecurFrequency
type ProgramData = [Task] -- don't even need a new data type for this any more
Then, the name function works just fine on either type, and the functions you were complaining about like deleteTask and deleteRecurring don't even need to exist -- you can just use the standard delete function as usual.
