Creating rtf template with multi spreadsheets(excel) - excel

I have created a data template report(xdodtexe) and the output will be in excel with multiple spread sheets. My E-Business Suite version is r12.1.3 and I am using Office 2013.
I have created an rtf and in two separate pages layouts are there. For example department in page and employees in page. I am using <?spreadsheet-sheet-name: department?> for naming the sheets but the sheet name comes as "fndwrr" and both the outputs are in the same excel sheet without splitting into two different sheets.
I have also used <?split-by-page-break:?> for splitting into two sheets but this also does not work.

Hello there fellow "BI Publisher self-torturer" :-),
First of all, I would suggest you go over this document here, as the best method of manipulating XLS outputs is by using Excel templates.
Second of all - it would have been great if you supply a sample of the xml data + a sample of the template code as you have it.
Btw, the split-by-page-break that you're trying is for other output formats, such as PDF, RTF etc. which follow a paging rule, unlike XLS.
This being said - I am pretty sure you can't do that using an RTF template.
Also, you should mention the version of the XDO Engine/BI Publisher, because Excel templates are available since version 11.1.15 of BI Publisher.
Pay special attention to the following section Table 3-2 Column Entries, as you would need to put the XDO_SHEET_? and XDO_SHEET_NAME_?, the first being the split/group criteria and the second the actual name of the sheet.


Is it possible to add table to excel using Spreadsheetgear - C# .NET (excel way is INSERT->Table)

Like the title says is it possible?
I need a table in my exported excel sheet that will be used with data validation setting.
If you referring to Excel Tables (i.e., Excel's Ribbon > Home > Styles > Format as Table...), these objects are not supported by SpreadsheetGear, so adding such tables would not be supported, either. For existing workbooks that contain Excel Tables and are opened in SpreadsheetGear, the Tables feature will get dropped upon opening, which is worth noting that, in addition to formatting being dropped, any "structured references" will be converted to "#REF!" errors. An alternative to using structured references would be Defined Names, which are very well supported by SpreadsheetGear.
I work for SpreadsheetGear, and we do keep track of customer requests for things like this. So you are welcome to contact us directly at if you would like us to add your contact details to this particular feature request, though I cannot say when we might add Tables to our product.

Merge Cells in DevExpress VGridControl and Export to Excel

I want to do a simple merging of cells in a DevExpress VGridControl. The attached image shows exactly what I need. I have come across a lot of support tickets by DevExpress and all are redirected to just one link of Devexpress Sample E3019.
Firstly this is a very complex process, but even if I use this to merge cells in my VGridControl, the cells are not merged in the excel file when exported.
I had posted this question in the Devexpress Support Forum but did not get a positive reply on the same :
(Please do not confuse the VGridControl with GridControl - they are two different functionalities used for different purposes)
The below image exactly shows what I want to achieve
I managed to get this functionality in place by first exporting the VGridControl to Excel and then reading the Excel file from C#. We can perform cell by cell operations and formatting using c# - refer the below link :

Parsing excel data ( containing xml ) in VBA

I have a simple excel file containing rows and columns. One of the column contains rows of data which is string like this (XML data)
<Employee Name="R1" Designation="Developer">
<SkillSet Language="C#"/>
<Employee Name="E2" Designation="Developer">
<SkillSet Language="Java"/>
I would like to read this information in the excel file, parse it based on particular skillset and put them in the same excel workbook in adjacent column. I may need to provide a button click which may trigger the action.
How do I approach this problem.
Should I write a macro or should I write an excel addin. The excel can be either 2003 or earlier/2007/2010.
I can think of writing a user defined function to read the cell data but, how do I read through the columns in vb and also how do I re-use my function across different excel-workbooks.
Although this maybe coming to you at a late hour, however I had thesame problem as you mention. I'm also kind of new to VBA. My client wanted a database application in Access 2003. But after some persuation, I was able to convince them to adapt Access 2007. Which by the way, it's still not reliable, to develop a multi-lingual application.
Anyway to cut the story short, I was able to achieve same, after some google search and using the code I found here;
and here
Parsing XML in VBA
Hope you find this links helpful cheers.
Add a reference (Tools-->References) to an XML parser, e.g., Microsoft XML, v6.0 -- my MS Access 2010 installation has a seven XML parsers provided by Microsoft. Declare an instance of the parser and use its properties and methods as you need.

What is the best way to import data from sophisticated formula enriched Excel files into

My current employer (to remain nameless) has a collection of incredibly sophisticated Microsoft Excel 2003 worksheets (developed by contractors, also to remain nameless).
The employer is replacing the Excel-based solution with a SalesForce-based solution (developed by other contractors, likewise to remain unnamed). The SalesForce solution is also very complex using dozens of related objects and "Dynamic SOQL" to contain the data and formulas which previously was contained in the Excel-based solution.
The employer's problem, which has become my problem, is that the data from the Excel spreadsheets needs to be meticulously and tediously recreated in .CSV files so it can be imported into SalesForce.
While I've recently learned I can use CTRL-` to review formulas in Excel, this doesn't solve the problem that variables in Excel have cryptic names like $O$15. If I'm lucky, when I investigate $O$15, I'll find some metadata explaining if n cells up and/or some other data m cells to the left, and/or (in rare instances) there may be a comment on the cell.
Patterns within the Excel spreadsheets are very limited, rarely lasting more than 6 concurrent rows or columns and no two sheets which need to be imported have much similarity.
Documentation of all systems are very limited.
Without my revealing any confidential data, does anyone have any good ideas how I might optimize my workflow?
It's not clear exactly what you need to do: here are 3 possible scenarios, requiring increasing knowledge of Excel.
1. If all you want is to convert the Excel spreadsheets into CSV format then just save the worksheets as CSVs.
2. If you just want the data and not the formulae then it would be simple (using VBA) to output anything that isn't a formula (the cell.Formula won't start with =).
3. If you need to create a linkage excel-->csv-->existing Salesforce objects/SOQL then you will need to understand both the Excel Spreadsheets and the Salesforce objects/SOQL that have been created. This will be difficult unless you have good knowledge and experience of Excel and also understand what the salesforce App requires.
Brian, if you're still working on this, here's one way to approach the problem. I use this kind of process often for updating data between SFDC and marketing automation apps.
1) Analyze the formulae that you're re-creating in to determine what base data fields you need (stuff that doesn't have to be calculated from something else.
2) Find those columns/rows in your spreadsheets and use Paste Special -> Values in a new spreadsheet to create an upload file with values instead of formulae that you need for each data area (leads, prospects, accounts, etc.)
3) If you have to associate the info with leads or contacts or accounts and you have already uploaded or created those records in, be sure to export them with their ID numbers. That makes it easy to use the vlookup formula in Excel to match up fields that you need to add and then re-upload the data into Salesforce.
Like data cleaning, this can be a tedious process. But if you take it step by step it shouldn't be too hard. Good luck.

CrystalReports excel field cut off when using CanGrow=True

I am working on an excel report in CrystalReports, in VS2005. I have a field in the Details section which can have up to 255 characters of text, and I want the height of the row in excel to expand so that the entire text can be seen initially when the report is generated.
I set CanGrow=True in the field's properties, and the field does seem to grow; the field is only one line (Height=159), but many of the rows display multiple, wrapped lines of text. Some rows intermittently have the bottem half of the last line of text cut off; the user has to expand the row a little bit to see it. There doesn't seem to be a particular field length that causes this - in one case, it has four lines total in the output, and in another case, it has only three.
Can anyone suggest what might be the cause of this, or how I could work around it?
Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer.
[Edit: I am no longer working on this project, so I never found out what became of this setting. Most likely it wasn't fixed, since it's not a critical issue.]
One solution to this issue that I've come up with in the past is to have two separate reports. One for display and exporting to pdfor rtf and another report for exporting to Excel.
I know in general this is not a good approach because there is the possibility for data to be different in the export than the display report, but if careful it works well.
I have a situation where a client needs data printed in a specific format on a report, but there is way to much data to physically be able to fit on a page. We worked out a solution that I run a "display version" of the report that fits most of the data, but the rest of the data necessary for there client is added only to the "Excel version" of the report.
To do this I simply load the "display report" to the report viewer as you normally would, but when you go to export the report I load the "excel report" with the same parameters as the "display report" and call the code to export the data to Excel.
By using this method the "display report" can be formatted any way necessary without having to worry about messing up the export to excel. The excel report fields can then be made a smaller size than required by the display report because the data should export even regardless of the size of the field. Doing this allows you to fit more data on the Excel export report.
Since both reports use the same datasource you will have an issue if you make a change that you have to remember to go verify the database on each report to see the new database changes, but this method allows you to include more data and in a different format than the display version of the report.
Hope this helps.
While not a solution for Crystal (I don't know of one), as part of the reporting team at GrapeCity-Data Dynamics, we've worked with similar issues taking free-form reports to excel spreadsheets for a decade. In our Data Dynamics Reports product we came up with a completely new way of solving the problem of exporting reports to excel.
We allow you to create a template for the report output. The template is a basic excel file with place holders for the various textboxes (or other controls) and regions (tables, lists, etc.) in the report. You can open this template inside of excel and modify the properties of the cells and rows. In the scenario you describe, you can export a "template" from Data Dynamics Reports and then modify the autosize property of the row in the template containing the placeholder for the textbox you're struggling with.
When you export the report to excel next time, just specify the template to Data Dynamics Reports (which can be done programmatically and transparently to the end user) and Data Dynamics Reports will honor all settings you specified in the template.
This is hard to explain so there is a ~2 minute screencast that shows this feature at our website in the following location:
For more information about the product and for a free trial download visit:
Scott Willeke
GrapeCity - Data Dynamics
