Merge Cells in DevExpress VGridControl and Export to Excel - excel

I want to do a simple merging of cells in a DevExpress VGridControl. The attached image shows exactly what I need. I have come across a lot of support tickets by DevExpress and all are redirected to just one link of Devexpress Sample E3019.
Firstly this is a very complex process, but even if I use this to merge cells in my VGridControl, the cells are not merged in the excel file when exported.
I had posted this question in the Devexpress Support Forum but did not get a positive reply on the same :
(Please do not confuse the VGridControl with GridControl - they are two different functionalities used for different purposes)
The below image exactly shows what I want to achieve

I managed to get this functionality in place by first exporting the VGridControl to Excel and then reading the Excel file from C#. We can perform cell by cell operations and formatting using c# - refer the below link :


Creating rtf template with multi spreadsheets(excel)

I have created a data template report(xdodtexe) and the output will be in excel with multiple spread sheets. My E-Business Suite version is r12.1.3 and I am using Office 2013.
I have created an rtf and in two separate pages layouts are there. For example department in page and employees in page. I am using <?spreadsheet-sheet-name: department?> for naming the sheets but the sheet name comes as "fndwrr" and both the outputs are in the same excel sheet without splitting into two different sheets.
I have also used <?split-by-page-break:?> for splitting into two sheets but this also does not work.
Hello there fellow "BI Publisher self-torturer" :-),
First of all, I would suggest you go over this document here, as the best method of manipulating XLS outputs is by using Excel templates.
Second of all - it would have been great if you supply a sample of the xml data + a sample of the template code as you have it.
Btw, the split-by-page-break that you're trying is for other output formats, such as PDF, RTF etc. which follow a paging rule, unlike XLS.
This being said - I am pretty sure you can't do that using an RTF template.
Also, you should mention the version of the XDO Engine/BI Publisher, because Excel templates are available since version 11.1.15 of BI Publisher.
Pay special attention to the following section Table 3-2 Column Entries, as you would need to put the XDO_SHEET_? and XDO_SHEET_NAME_?, the first being the split/group criteria and the second the actual name of the sheet.

Dynamically select cells in a row in Excel for using in a Graphic Chart

I´m kind of basic Excel user, so perhaps mi question is stupid but I´m really lost. So, I´m looking the way of generate a report in Excel by simply pasting a CSV content in a page inside a SpreadSheet.
The graph uses certain columns to get data and I need a way to select the column, from the first cell after header to last cell with content. I know I can do this manually but the main need here is to automatise the task. Just by pasting the new CSV info, the rest of pages on report (graphs) update automatically.
The real use is for Social Media, Analytics and Email Marketing stats.
Hope somebody can help me.
This question was answered extensively on this stack question: Dynamic chart range using INDIRECT: That function is not valid (despite range highlighted) Hope one of the many approaches shown will fit your needs. Cheers,

Stop SSRS adding Excel "Outline" when exporting to Excel

We have a report which looks like this:
If I then go Actions>Export>Excel I get the following:
Unfortunately the number circled is misleading. This column is a count of users - so if the same user was in several months they should only be counted in the total as 1.
I assume out-of-the-box it adds the excel outline whenever we include the expansion/collapse (+/-) functionality in the report.
Is there a way in the rdl file to stop RS's export functionality of adding the outline?
That Outline behaviour in Excel is triggered by the ToggleItem property in SSRS. You cannot set this with an Expression. Therefore I would remove the ToggleItem property from all textboxes.
Instead I would use Bookmarks and/or DocumentMap functionality - these achieve similar results and generally work better across a broad range of rendered output formats.

Exporting SSRS report to Excel

I am COMPLETELY new to SSRS and was thrown into the fire with this so PLEASE be patient. :D
I belieive I am certain that whatever format is used in the report is the format it will appear in when you download it to Excel (merged cells, auto wrap text, etc..). However, I have VERY A-Type Project Managers who seem to think that you can "pre-set" the formatting elsewhere (i.e. the queries) to ensure that the formatting stays consistent when exporting.
Is there somewher I can refer to that shows what can/can't be done with formatting prior to exporting into Excel so that I can go to them and definitively show them that what you see is what you get when you export?
Thank you for your patience in answering this.
A Smith
Here are some links related to Export to Excel from SSRS. Sorry, I am not sure if that is what you are exactly looking for.
Merge Ahead (
Ensure best Excel export formating from SQL Server Reporting Services (
Here's another useful link: How to eliminate merged and hidden Cells issue from Excel

Aspose Cells Numeric Formatting With Processed Datasource

I am new to Aspose Cells, having inherited a project that uses it. A requirement was added that numeric values in cells be actual numbers - they were formerly text.
So, I changed calls in the code that called Cell.PutValue() to use the overloaded version of the method that takes the bool isConverted. Passing a value of "true" in that parameter solved the problem for these instances.
However, in other places in the code, we export data from our website into a spreadsheet by using ExcelDesigner.SetDataSource() and ExcelDesigner.Process(). The spreadsheets resulting from this approach also have numbers stored in cells as text.
How can I convert the text to numbers in this case, as I did with the PutValue() case?
It turns out that Aspose uses something called "Smart Markers", which are directives embedded into the cells of template spreadsheets that Aspose Cells uses to decide how data should be inserted into them.
Smart Markers have optional "parameters", which are parenthesized, comma-separated modifiers giving further processing instructions. The "(numeric)" directive achieved the result that I was looking for.
You may also post a query directly in Aspose.Cells forums, in case you need any further assistance. As those forums are monitored by our support and development teams.
Disclosure: I work as developer evangelist at Aspose.
