Updating two different documents in one line - node.js

I have the following code for updating two users, both with different id .
{ id: req.body.myId },
$addToSet: { FriendIds: req.body.friendId }
function(err, user){
{ id: req.body.friendId },
$addToSet: { FriendIds: req.body.myId }
function(err, user){
I could not find anything in the docs aside from updating two things with the same attribute by setting multi : true . However, the ids are different in this case, and it would be easier to error handle if I had them both being updated at once.

Why not take advantage of parallel operations in bluebird or using co
You can do something like :
co(function* () {
var res = yield {
1: User.update({ id: req.body.myId }, { $addToSet: { FriendIds: req.body.friendId }}).exec(),
2: User.update({ id: req.body.friendId },{$addToSet: { FriendIds: req.body.myId }}).exec(),
console.log(res); // { 1: Upate_response_for_1 , 2: Upate_response_for_2 }


how can send new added item in nested object as response

I have a collection with name User in my mongodb for the example you can see in below a sample of saved user
_id: new ObjectId("61488f3892099143ca2b2bbc"),
name: 'test',
orders: [],
products: [
name: 'as',
image: '049fcd8d-f954-4aef-bd77-757af881f7c5.jpeg',
_id: new ObjectId("61531666ad63a47ed692c90b")
I have function with node.js that has responsible to add new product to selected user
async function addProduct(req, res, next) {
await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: req.params.userId },
$addToSet: {
products: {
image: req.file.filename,
return res.status(200).send();
but I want to send only new added product as response
please help me to solve this problem.
I recommend you to use the $push operator (doc):
{ $push: { <field1>: <value1>, ... } }
Using it with your example:
(async () => {
await User.findByIdAndUpdate(
$push: {
products: {
name: 'as2',
image: '589fcd8d-f954-4aef-bd77-757af881f7c5.jpeg'

MongoDB projection parameter not working in findOne()

I'm trying to use a projection parameter on findOne() to extract a single field from a document (stats) but it just seems to return the whole document. I'm using version "mongodb": "^3.4.1" in Node.js
This is the document structure
{ _id: 5e563015fa9a1a0134cac3cb,
username: 'user1',
password: '1234',
email: 'user#email.com',
{ totalViewed: 122,
totalUnique: 4,
tknow: 80,
tdknow: 42,
setCnt: 78 },
[ { cardId: 1001, knowCnt: 3, dknowCnt: 4 },
{ cardId: 1016, knowCnt: 0, dknowCnt: 0 } ] }
This is the code:
var findOneDoc = function() {
{ username: "user1" },
{ stats: 1 }, //field to return
function(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error: ", err);
console.log("Success: ", result);
I also tried:{$project: {stats: 1}}, to no avail
Based on the documentation the .findOne() method takes options as a second parameter and it is recommended to use projection to define fields:
{ username: "user1" },
{ projection: { stats: 1 } },
function(err, result) { ... }
with findOne operations, the second parameter passed is an options parameter, so you should pass in your projects within the options parameter, like this:
query = { username: "user1" };
options = { projection: { stats: 1 }};
db.collection("testusers").findOne(query, options)
you can do it like mick said, with findOne
await db.collection("testusers").findOne(
{ username: "user1" },
{ projection: { stats: 1 } },
function(err, result) { ... }
or you can do it with find, like that
await db.collection("testusers")
.find({ username: "user1" })
you can add fields to the array project for more fields
findOne returns a document. use find() …..

Trying to update a subdocument in a parent document mongoose

i am trying to update or remove a subdocument from a parent document using mongoose.
My code:
editSubscription(req, res) {
const token = req.headers.authorization;
jwt.verify(token, req.app.get('yourSecretKey'), function (err, payload) {
userModel.update({ _id: payload.user._id, "subscriptions._id": req.params.id }, { "$set": { "subscriptions.$": req.body } }, function (err, obj) {
The output of the console.log is
{ n: 0, nModified: 0, ok: 1 }
How should i do this? i know if its modified the nModified returns a 1. I can't find any docs on how to approach this or solve it and all the solutions here on stackoverflow i already tried, nothing is working.
A sample of a document in my collection:
id: '5db990daa05aa90de0c8b86b',
{ role: 'User',
subscriptions: [
{ active: true,
_id: '5dbad05aaf232e2bdc033339',
name: 'Basic Fit',
price: 20,
paymentDate: '07-11-2020',
created: '2019-10-31T12:15:22.360Z',
updated: '2019-10-31T12:15:22.360Z' },
{ active: true,
_id: '5dbad2568bf56255a0f39bc7',
name: 'Netflix',
price: 10,
paymentDate: '07-11-2019',
created: '2019-10-31T12:23:50.141Z',
updated: '2019-10-31T12:23:50.141Z' } ]
_id: '5db990daa05aa90de0c8b86b',
fullname: 'Test naam',
email: 'test1#mail.com',
birthDate: '02-12-1988',
created: '2019-10-30T13:32:10.276Z',
updated: '2019-10-30T13:32:10.276Z',
__v: 0 },
payload.user._id == the verified logged in user ID
req.params.id is supposed to be the subscriptionId im trying to edit
Try this:
editSubscription(req, res) {
const token = req.headers.authorization;
jwt.verify(token, req.app.get('yourSecretKey'), function (err, payload) {
userModel.update({ _id: ObjectId(payload.user._id), "subscriptions._id": ObjectId(req.params.id) }, { "$set": { "subscriptions.$": req.body } }, function (err, obj) {
I tried and im getting a 500 error response back..
When i remove the 'req.params.id' and i do it like this:
userModel.updateOne({ _id: payload.user._id }, { "$set": { "subscriptions.0.price":
req.body.price} }).then(user => {
}).catch(err => {
Then it works but since i have multiple items in an array i do not want to update only the first one..
I tried using a filter in the $set operator but im getting errors all over the place..

Mongoose update returns undefined

How can I update a field with new properties that is initially set to be an empty object?
For example, I have the following schema:
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
var RunSchema = mongoose.Schema(
runId: { type: String },
reports: {
cookieSummary: {
name: String,
path: String
export default mongoose.model('Run', RunSchema);
And I'm trying to update the following document:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5a0565c2537e0b5d9d08ee6b"
"__v": 0,
"reports": {},
"runId": "8r4LNN3fRqd3qNgdW"
But when I run this code, it returns undefined:
Run.findOneAndUpdate({runId: '8r4LNN3fRqd3qNgdW'},
$set: {'reports.cookieSummary': { 'name': 'test' }},
}, (err, doc) => { console.log(doc) })
The object notation works after adding type to fields, like this: name: { type: String }
Try to use dot notation, as you're setting just one field:
{ runId: '8r4LNN3fRqd3qNgdW' },
{ $set: {'reports.cookieSummary.name': 'test' } },
(err, doc) => { console.log(doc) })
According to the docs, the command you're using should work but you write it wrongly. Try like this:
{ runId: '8r4LNN3fRqd3qNgdW' },
{ $set: { 'reports.cookieSummary': {'name': 'test'} } },
(err, doc) => { console.log(doc) })
if it does not work, maybe mongo expect that the object matches its schema when you use the command like this. But I don't think so.
Let me know.
Your query for update a document is good only the mistake is at the end of curly braces of $set. You entered un-necessary comma at the end that is actually creating problem in this case. So I suggest you to remove it and run this :
Run.findOneAndUpdate({runId: '8r4LNN3fRqd3qNgdW'},
$set: {'reports.cookieSummary': { 'name': 'test' }}
}, (err, doc) => { console.log(doc) });
and then see. Rest of your query is fine.
Hope It will work for you.
Try using below code, it will update the document and return the updated document.
var Q = require('q');
var deferred = Q.defer();
Run.findOneAndUpdate({ runId: '8r4LNN3fRqd3qNgdW' }, { $set: { 'reports.cookieSummary.name': 'test' } }, { new: true },
(err, doc) => {
return deferred.promise;
I made a small change. Test this solution.
Run.findOneAndUpdate({runId: '8r4LNN3fRqd3qNgdW'},
$set: {"reports": {'cookieSummary':{'name': 'test'}}},
}, (err, doc) => { console.log(doc) })

Mongoose update with limit

I am looking to update X documents all at once. The short is I basically need to randomly select N documents and then update them as "selected". I'm trying to design an API that needs to randomly distribute questions. I can not find a way to do this in mongoose I have tried:
update ends up selecting everything
.update({}, {
$inc: {
answerCount: 1,
lockedCount: 1
devices: deviceID
}, {multi:true})
--- I also tried
answerCount: 1,
lockedCount: 1
.limit(req.query.limit || 4)
.update({}, {
$inc: {
answerCount: 1,
lockedCount: 1
devices: deviceID
}, { multi: true }, callback);
Both resulted in updating all docs. Is there a way to push this down to mongoose without having to use map ? The other thing I did not mention is .update() without multi resulted in 1 document being updated.
You could also pull an array of _ids that you'd like to update then run the update query using $in. This will require two calls to the mongo however the updates will still be atomic:
Question.find().select("_id").limit(4).exec(function(err, questions) {
var q = Question.update({_id: {$in: questions}}, {
$inc: {answerCount: 1, lockedCount:1},
$push: {devices: deviceid}
}, {multi:true});
q.exec(function(err) {
So I did an simple map implementation and will use it unless someone can find a more efficient way to do it.
devices: { $ne: deviceID}
{ name: true, _id: true})
answerCount: 1,
lockedCount: 1
.limit(req.query.limit || 4)
.exec(updateAllFound );
function updateAllFound(err, questions) {
if (err) {
return handleError(res, err);
var ids = questions.map(function(item){
return item._id;
return Question.update({ _id: { $in: ids} } ,
$inc: {
answerCount: 1,
lockedCount: 1
devices: deviceID
}, { multi: true }, getByDeviceID);
function getByDeviceID(){
return res.json(200, questions);
