I'm looking for Internet site (or search engine), what have listed all sites of chosen domain (specifically .ch ). I performed a research, but I didn't find nothing more useful than "100 best websites in net". Can anybody help?
It is possible to search google by domain using the site: prefix
site:.ch best web sites on net
It is not possible to get a list of all sites because of a number of reasons. There can be an infinite number of sub-domains for any domain. Most countries TLD registries ccTLD don't publish their domain lists. Not every domain needs to be configured to an IP running a web server. Web sites can also be hidden on ports other than the default port 80. There is also the Tor network and possibly other similar services where sites can be hidden behind proxies. You can of course buy domain lists from various web sites but these lists will be incomplete.
is there any possible way to prevent Joe Public from accessing the entire catalog of domain names on my web server, using a reverse nameserver lookup? Other than ghosting my nameservers. I use branded nameservers, so it's quite easy to reverse them, but is there a way I can stop this revealing how many and exactly which domains are hosted on those nameservers?
As a rule of thumb, DNS data is public. Anyone can build reverse and forward mapping databases which are independent of the public DNS (but use data from it). For example, Microsoft built such a reverse lookup service into its Bing search engine:
Bing reverse lookup for
At the time of writing, was one of the IP addresses used by StackOverflow, and the search results reflect that.
In the Bing case, their DNS database probably was built from the activities of their web crawlers. Other databases use various zone file transfer programs as a starting point to look for domain names. Others use passive DNS replication.
There is no way to avoid this level of scrutiny once a service is offer to the public over the Internet.
I am looking to move my websites from sitting on an Azure VM to being in an App Service.
In the App service there are several items in the Pricing I don't understand and cannot find answers too. Do you know what these items means?
"Up to 10 Instances" Auto Scale. Does this means I can host 10 apps on this plan, or that it will create new instances for my individual apps when under load? IE if my website google.com was being used a lot, would 10 instances of this website spin up?
5 SNI, 1IP - What on earth does this mean?
Auto Scale means that the Azure will automatically create instances or shutdown them, based on your website traffic. So your second example is correct.
5SNI (Server Name Indication) or 1IP, I'm just gonna explanation copy and paste from Azure documentation website (here) as I believe it's explained quite well:
IP based SSL associates a certificate with a domain name by mapping the dedicated public IP address of the server to the domain name. This requires each domain name (contoso.com, fabricam.com, etc.) associated with your service to have a dedicated IP address. This is the traditional method of associating SSL certificates with a web server.
SNI based SSL is an extension to SSL and Transport Layer Security (TLS) that allows multiple domains to share the same IP address, with separate security certificates for each domain. Most modern browsers (including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Opera) support SNI, however older browsers may not support SNI. For more information on SNI, see the Server Name Indication article on Wikipedia.
We have a newly-configured Sharepoint 2013 server installation, which serves our company Intranet.
The new Intranet is now in service and operational.
Next, we need to create another top-level site which will serve as an Extranet portal for clients.
Sharepoint Central Administration does not provide a method by which a separate IP address can be
selected for a new site; instead, it provides port selection or entry only.
We need to route external traffic to the extranet site, which requires either a mapped internal IP
address or a different port. The main limitation we face is that most of our public-sector clients
cannot use a non-standard port due to their firewall restrictions. So, this means a unique IP.
In the exhaustive research conducted concerning this issue, it appears that the "best practice"
receommended by Microsoft themselves is nothing but a workaround, where part of the process is
performed in SP Central Admin and the other half in IIS.
We have found many articles and blogs mentioning alternative ports, but none which address this situation directly.
Now we're trying to contend with Alternate Access Mappings, which are confusing our admins.
We really need the voice of experience from someone who has actually done this before.
Question: what is the correct way of achieving our goal?
Your users will access the site based on a host name I guess, not on an IP address?
So, you will have an intranet under http://intranet and you now want to create an extranet under http://extranet.
The fact that extranet is on another IP address and routed to your SharePoint farm is not really an issue.
What you need to do, is to create another web application with as host name http://extranet
Your firewall / network hardware must then forward http://extranet to your SharePoint servers. IIS will see "extranet" and serve the extranet.
If your users will access it via the IP-address, it's similar. Instead of http://extranet, you enter http://ext.ip.addr as the host name.
I have one website configured for Windows Server 2012 IIS 8. This one website can be accessed by xyz.com or abc.com (2 different top level domain names). Is it possible to configure SSLs for both?
Yes. You can configure two different domains with two different certificates for the same IP and port no(443). After providing the domain name in Binding, enable check box Require Server Name Identification(IIS8). If you do not enable this check box, two websites will have the same single certificate, if you change one website binding file, it will reflect in other website also.. I have experienced.
Please refer below link.
As Windows Azure web site is powered by IIS, you can see from the offerings that it is possible to bind multiple SSL to a single site,
The trick is to use SNI,
Yes you can add multiple https bindings each with their own separate ssl certificate to the same site in IIS. However you'll want to bind them to separate IP addresses so that the certificate for xyz.com is bound using the IP address for xyz.com, and the certificate for abc.com is bound using the IP address for abc.com. But frankly, it'd be better practice to have one redirect to the other, or just make 2 sites in IIS and keep everything separate.
I am creating software that allows users to either have their own custom subdomain (e.g: theirsubdomain.mydomain.com) or point a CNAME from their own domain to my website address (e.g: theirsubdomain.theirdomain.com).
I've contacted my host about this and the first subdomain option is cool. They will set-up a wilcard subdomain script for me...
The CNAME they said I can't do automatically. I will have to manually go into my account and add the domain to point to my website address otherwise apache wont now where to look for the files.
Is this common practice or is there a way around this that is automated?
The issue is the HTTP header. When you request a Web page the browser sends a request that starts out with:
GET /mypage.html HTTP/1.1
Host: www.mysite.com
The Host item allows a single Web server to serve pages for multiple domains. By looking at the Host, the server knows that mypage.html should come from its stored files for mysite.com, and not from the files of myothersite.com which is on the same server.
I am guessing your site is on a shared Web server at your host company, and they use this functionality to differentiate between requests for your site and requests for other sites that sit on that same virtual box. Some of these virtual hosts, like HostGator, will allow you to specify other domains that should be accepted on this Host line and where the returned documents should come from. This often is a more premium service offered by companies. For example on HostGator they say "The Baby and Business hosting plans allow for unlimited domains to be hosted on just one single account", however the basic Hatchling plan does not allow this.
If you have your own rented machine, with your own installation of Apache, you can manage the processing of this HTTP header information yourself. Apache supports virtual hosts, see the following documentation: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/
So basically, you have to have some way to tell Apache (or whatever server you are using) that the files for a particular Host value corresponds to the same files for your domain, since a single Apache server may be providing files hundreds of different domains. If you are not administering your own Apache server, to where you can set up virtual hosts as shown in the documentation, the hosting service would have to provide some custom way to get this information to Apache.