Sharepoint 2013 top-level site with unique IP - sharepoint

We have a newly-configured Sharepoint 2013 server installation, which serves our company Intranet.
The new Intranet is now in service and operational.
Next, we need to create another top-level site which will serve as an Extranet portal for clients.
Sharepoint Central Administration does not provide a method by which a separate IP address can be
selected for a new site; instead, it provides port selection or entry only.
We need to route external traffic to the extranet site, which requires either a mapped internal IP
address or a different port. The main limitation we face is that most of our public-sector clients
cannot use a non-standard port due to their firewall restrictions. So, this means a unique IP.
In the exhaustive research conducted concerning this issue, it appears that the "best practice"
receommended by Microsoft themselves is nothing but a workaround, where part of the process is
performed in SP Central Admin and the other half in IIS.
We have found many articles and blogs mentioning alternative ports, but none which address this situation directly.
Now we're trying to contend with Alternate Access Mappings, which are confusing our admins.
We really need the voice of experience from someone who has actually done this before.
Question: what is the correct way of achieving our goal?

Your users will access the site based on a host name I guess, not on an IP address?
So, you will have an intranet under http://intranet and you now want to create an extranet under http://extranet.
The fact that extranet is on another IP address and routed to your SharePoint farm is not really an issue.
What you need to do, is to create another web application with as host name http://extranet
Your firewall / network hardware must then forward http://extranet to your SharePoint servers. IIS will see "extranet" and serve the extranet.
If your users will access it via the IP-address, it's similar. Instead of http://extranet, you enter http://ext.ip.addr as the host name.


Is it possible to host more than one site in IIS 8.5?

This is not my strong suit, all help will be appreciate it.
I'm hosting a site that is using an SSL certificate, I have created a second site that dont use SSL certificates, but I'm not able to get it to diplay it in the browser. I just get this error:
The domain is not assigned to a site.
Please verify that everything is set up correctly.
I have done a research and I cant find anything related to this type of issue.
IIS supports hosting multiple websites on a single server, you can assign a unique IP address to each Web site, designate a non-standard TCP port number for a Web site, or use host headers. Of the three methods, it is more common to use host headers than to assign unique IP addresses to Web sites or to use non-standard TCP port numbers.
And if you want to configure a host header for a site, you can perform this procedure by using the user interface (UI), by running Appcmd.exe commands in a command-line window, by editing configuration files directly, or by writing WMI scripts
For more details, I recommend that you could refer to this document: Configure a Host Header for a Web Site.

Host IIS Server applications on the internet

I know this may be straight forward and may have already been asked but I have been unable to get proper online articles on this or atleast I don't know how to ask google. so here's a scenerio.
I have a Windows Server which will be hosting applications.
These applications need to be accessible over the internet.
NOTE I'm aware I can just port forward and users can access the apps via a public IP. This isn't how I want it.
Users should be able to access my apps through This domain will be registered with e.g. Godaddy, etc.
How do I go on about this ? No matter how complicated this maybe, I am ready to get my hands as dirty as possible to implement this.
You can modify the hosts file of the server hosting your site to point to the local machine's IP when visiting the domain should do it.
Open the IIS Manager, in the Connections pane of IIS, expand the Sites and select the website which you want to access via IP address.
Click on Bindings link and you will see current bindings of that website.
Click on Add button to add a new binding, On the Add Site Binding window, keep website Type as http. Select an IP address from the drop-down menu upon which you want to bind the website, then type in the Host name, click OK and then Close.
open this file: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.
Add the following entry to the file: IP Address
Save to save your changes

Nodejs - What does it actually means to deploy a website on a domain and how to do it?

I am a bit new to the deployment of a website. I have a server which is written in Node.js. Previously I had been using Heroku for deploying my apps without knowing much about deployment. I would like to know how do I deploy my server to create a website which has .com at the end of it like and not I think it has something to do with domains (correct me if I am wrong). I would like to know what exactly is a domain and a DNS provider and how to deploy a website in such a way. Thank you.
You should ask one question to yourself when you hit in browser how does it load a page?. When you run a website on your laptop it basically runs locally, if you want to access your website over the internet you would require public IP(host or server) accessible over the internet so you can access a webpage using public IP:port. But this is not the best option because IP may change in the future and also remembering IP for each application will be difficult. Imagine if you access Facebook, Instagram or any other websites by its IP addresses how difficult and inconvenient would it be? There are a couple of things you should know.
DNS-> Domain Name system
Every host is identified by the IP address but remembering numbers is
very difficult for the people and also the IP addresses are not static
therefore, a mapping is required to change the domain name to IP
address. So DNS is used to convert the domain name of the websites to
their numerical IP address.
DNS is a hostname to IP address translation service. DNS is a distributed database implemented in a hierarchy of name servers. It is an application layer protocol for message exchange between clients and servers.
Name servers
Domain Name Servers (DNS) are the Internet's equivalent of a phone book. They maintain a directory of domain names and translate them to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. This is necessary because, although domain names are easy for people to remember, computers or machines, access websites based on IP addresses.
DNS record
A domain name, IP address what is the validity?? what is the time to live ?? and all the information related to that domain name.
Once you understand the DNS
Host(Deploy) your website to Amazon EC2 or Heroku and obtain Public IP.
Buy a domain from domain provider like Godaddy
Map domain(ie to IP)-> DNS record
Mapping domain to IP may vary platform to platform but the Core principle remains the same. I would suggest you these below link. Try to find differences in both, doing so you will learn along the way

List of website links of specific domain

I'm looking for Internet site (or search engine), what have listed all sites of chosen domain (specifically .ch ). I performed a research, but I didn't find nothing more useful than "100 best websites in net". Can anybody help?
It is possible to search google by domain using the site: prefix
Example: best web sites on net
It is not possible to get a list of all sites because of a number of reasons. There can be an infinite number of sub-domains for any domain. Most countries TLD registries ccTLD don't publish their domain lists. Not every domain needs to be configured to an IP running a web server. Web sites can also be hidden on ports other than the default port 80. There is also the Tor network and possibly other similar services where sites can be hidden behind proxies. You can of course buy domain lists from various web sites but these lists will be incomplete.

Point/Send domain name to website on Windows Server 2008 R2

Okay, can't seem to find a great article or info on this. My client purchased a domain for his company ( through Network Solutions. He has a local server running Windows 2008 R2 that he wants to host his company's website on. I've created the website and have it running with Apache on localhost. The server does have a static IP, but when I visit it, I'm prompted for credentials (user, password) which is expected as it's meant to be protected.
My question:
How would I point the domain to the website on his server?
From what I've researched, I have options that include:
Pointing the domain to the static IP (what about the credentials?)
Creating A and CNAME records for the DNS server on Network Solutions
Setting up a local DNS server w/ Active Directory on the Windows machine
Creating a couple name servers that would tell Network Solutions
where to send the domain
It's safe to say I'm effectively confused, so any help would be very much appreciated.
So basically you have to associate the domain name to the IP address, and that is done using DNS.
I'd suggest option 2 where you let Network Solutions manage the DNS, and you create an A record for that points to the IP address on your server. Keep in mind it might take 24-48 hours for this new record to propagate across the internet. Take a look at and
Regarding the credentials prompt, I assume you are using IIS and so you'd want to check the Authentication settings for the site. If you want anonymous access to the site, you would enable it there.
