Install4j Linux installer not working - linux

I made installers for my application, it works on Windows and Mac, but when I try to run the .sh installer file on linux, it fails with this error:
gzip: sfx_archive.tar.gz: not in gzip format
I am sorry, but the installer file seems to be corrupted. If you downloaded that file please try it again. If you transfer that file with ftp please make sure that you are using binary mode.
How can I solve this?

The error message describes the probable reason:
I am sorry, but the installer file seems to be corrupted. If you
downloaded that file please try it again. If you transfer that file with
ftp please make sure that you are using binary mode.
You probably transferred it to the Linux machine in such a way that the line endings were replaced or the installer script was truncated.

This may be because you opened the file in a text viewer, which can change some aspects of the file. Try redownloading it and running it without opening it.
chmod +x

I imagine the problem is that you're attempting to extract sfx_archive.tar.gz using tar with the z flag, and that it's not actually gzip compressed.
I would try substituting your current tar command with the following:
tar -xvf sfx_archive.tar.gz


Unable to extract shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat for bz

I am trying to run some face frontalization code (using Python3 on Windows10), the code uses opencv and dlib and requires a file called shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat. The code tries to automatically download it and then unzip it but it fails to unzip giving an unexpected end of archive error. I tried to use WinRaR to repair the file (which I also tried manualy downloading from but it says it can only repair .zip and .rar files.
Does anyone know where I can download the uncompressed .dat file from? Or alternatively how I can repair a damaged .bz file in Windows?
The file is available at
I downloaded it and verified that extraction works. The file is smaller than the one used in the previous version, but I think that is due to improvements.
In case this does not work, let me (or Davis King, who maintains the dlib blog) know so that you can get the uncompressed version.
Downloading using the CLI is a lot easier.
To decompress the compressed file you just downloaded, use the following command
bzip2 -d shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2
As mentioned above, download shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat
from here. But while downloading, downloads gets failed(i faced this issue). So, if you're also facing the same issue, then i recommend to download it via command-line:
$ wget link

Open a text file with a dot in the file path

Is this even possible? I am trying to script this install of IBM Clearcase and the path to it is like:
The script barfs at the .x86 and it says "No such file or directory."
So I tried to just do vim ../disk1/InstallerImage_linux_gtk.x86/install.xml in a terminal and it opens the .x86 like a folder and allows you to select a file to edit instead of opening it directly.
Is there a way around this? Would the only way be to rename the folder before, do the sed voodoo and then move it back with the . in the name?
I guess I missed the obvious. I guess I could cd to the directory first and then do sed -i '' install.xml.
More info:
RHEL 6.5
Bash Script
You need to script a silent ClearCase installation, using one of the sample response files for Rational ClearCase.
That would avoid the need to open any file in vim.
See "Installing silently", which involves the following steps:
Run a silent install of Installation Manager using the Installation Manager installer.
Obtain a copy of the product response file and update it for your environment. If you want to record a response file using Installation Manager, see the Installation Manager information center for instructions.
Run a silent install of the Rational product using the Installation Manager.
I think you have created a file with a seriously strange file name. Do this:
$ cd /path/to/where/you/run/the/script/from
$ file ..
$ file ../disk1
$ file ../disk1/InstallerImage_linux_gtk.x86
$ file ../disk1/InstallerImage_linux_gtk.x86/install.xml
Every component of the relative path (beginning with "..") must be a directory. Only the final line should claim to be an ordinary file.

inno setup doesn't decompress each .bin file

I downloaded an iso which contains the files
It fails to install by executing the setup.exe so I analyzed it with innoextract, which opens just setup-1.bin but not setup-2.bin. Can I manually decompress the .bin files or modify the setup.exe? If yes, how can I do that?
I think the second bin file is just corrupted, so i'm unable to extract it.
That is the reason why Inno Setup cannot continue in installation.
I think this is an answer - you simply need to download the installer again.

how to download using wget in binary mode - linux

I need to download *.tar.gz file from server but when I do that, I get an error
ERROR: The ./files.tic seems to be corrupted.
I think it is because it has been downloaded in ASCII mode, and I need to download in binary mode.
How to run wget in binary mode? Or any other command to get binary file.
This file is from http, not ftp.
AFAIK the MIME type for the file does not change its contents. So you should be already getting the right representation of it. HTTP protocol does not have text/binary types for data. Data is data :)
See for further info.

Installation a tool on linux having tar.uue extension

I have to install one tool on linux platform which have tar.uue (genscanlinux.tar.uue) extension. I am unable to unzip it. Kindly tell me how can i unzip and install it?
Thanks in advance :)
To decode a file with .uue extension use the following command:
uudecode genscanlinux.tar.uue
after this you will get genscanlinux.tar. You can unzip it using this command:
tar -zxvf genscanlinux.tar
After this you will get extracted file in the current directory.
Hope this will help.
