Deploy to Azure from CircleCI - azure

I'm using CircleCI for the first time and having trouble publishing to Azure.
The docs don't have an example for Azure, they have an example for AWS and a note for Azure saying "To deploy to Azure, use a similar job to the above example that uses an appropriate command."
If anybody has an example YAML file that would be great, if not a nudge in the right direction would be handy. So far I think I've worked out the following.
I need a config that will install the Azure CLI
I need to put my Azure deployment credentials in an environment variable and
I need to run a deploy command in the YAML file to zip up all the right files and deploy to my Azure app service.
I have no idea if the above is correct, or how to do it, but that's my understanding right now.
I've also posted this on the CircleCi forum.
EDIT: Just to add a little more info, the AWS version of the config file used the following command:
- run:
name: Deploy to S3
command: aws s3 sync jekyll/_site/docs s3://circle-production-static-site/docs/ --delete
So I guess I'm looking for the Azure equivalent.

The easiest way is that on the azure management console you setup as deployment from source control and you can follow this two links
if you want to do the copy of the files from ci to the iis server or azure you will need ssh access the keys etc.. and In the Dependencies section of circle.yml you can have a line such as this:
branch: master
- scp -r circle-pushing/* username#my-server:/path-to-put-files-on-server/
“circle-pushing” is your repo name, which is whatever it’s called in GitHub or Bitbucket, and the rest is the hostname and filepath of the server you want to upload files to.
and probably this could help you understand it better


How to pass environment variables during program runtime for docker container in azure

I have my connection string inside a .env file, which I don't commit into the git repo. And I have my app up and running on Azure.
So the way my app works is, when I push my code to Github, Azure Container Registry will build the image on the committed code, and then Azure App Service is going to pull and build a container for my app.
So my question is, how do I pass that connection string to the Docker container? What I could do is put the .env file into the git repo, but I don't think I should put it up there.
Thank you Rimaz Mohommed. Posting comment section discussion into Answer section to help other community users.
Couple of approaches
Add the Variables directly as part of the app settings and it should be available as part of your app environment.
Reference :
You can pass/set your environment variables by Configure environment variables.
You can run this Azure CLI command as part of your devops pipeline (

Problem deploying a Bitbucket repo to Azure Storage

I've been trying to deploy my web app on Bitbucket to Azure Storage using Bitbucket Pipelines. I'm having issues with the SOURCE option. I need to copy the entire source code in the current repository, but SOURCE option seems to require a directory name.
My pipeline script is something like this:
- pipe: microsoft/azure-storage-deploy:2.0.0
SOURCE: './*'
How can I deploy everything in current repository?
The problem is fixed now.
There is a constant $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR which holds current repository.
You can find more pre-defined constants here:

How do I use the Serverless Framework in an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline without Browser Authentication?

I'm trying to deploy the simple NodeJS hello-world functions the Serverless Framework provides to my Azure free-tier account from an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline using the Service Principal credentials I created when making the deployment from my desktop originally. I've used several of the Build Agents and Tasks combinations, including Windows and Ubuntu Agents as well as Bash, Command Line, Azure Powershell, and Azure CLI tasks with the DevOps provided link to the Service Principal credentials. I've made sure to add them as Pipeline variables so that they are included in the tasks' environmental variables and I've confirmed that they are there when the tasks run. I also make sure that the Azure CLI is installed and logged into with the subscription set. No matter what settings/permissions I tweak or new configurations I try, when the task runs successfully to the point where the serverless framework attempts the deployment it always tries to get me to use a browser to authenticate my account. This obviously defeats the purpose of a CI/CD pipeline and even if I do use a browser to authenticate, the process just hangs there.
The sample code and deployment works on my desktop, so I know the credentials work. I believe I've emulated each step I take on my desktop in the Build Pipeline, yet while my desktop deploys without browser authentication the build always requests it. Does anyone have experience in this manner and know what step/configuration I'm missing?
To look at the sample code and process look here or run these steps:
serverless create -t azure-nodejs -p testApp
cd .\testApp\
Change Node Runtime and Region in serverless.yml (nodejs12.x not supported & no free tier in West US)
serverless deploy
Here's the link I used to get this working on my desktop: link
Edit: Here is the default serverless.yml created by the steps above:
service: azure-serverless-helloworld
name: azure
region: East US
runtime: nodejs8.10
- serverless-azure-functions
- local.settings.json
- .vscode/**
- index.html
handler: src/handlers/hello.sayHello
- http: true
authLevel: anonymous
handler: src/handlers/goodbye.sayGoodbye
- http: true
authLevel: anonymous
You can try below steps to run sls package in command line task to create a deployment package, and then use Azure Function App task to deploy to azure.
1,install specific version nodejs using Node.js tool installer task
2, install serverless using npm task to run custom command
3, use npm task to run install command to install dependencies
4, Use command line task to run sls package to create the deployment package
5, use azure function app deploy task to deploy the deployment package
Right now the Serverless Framework thinks you're trying to deploy your application using the Serverless Dashboard (which does not yet support Azure).
I'm not sure, because it haven't posted your serverless.yml file, but I think you'll need to remove the app and org attributes from your serverless.yml configuration file. Then it will stop asking you to log in.
Using the serverless framework to deploy a function through DevOps gave me the same issue.
The problem is that the sls deplopy command will build, package and deploy the code but will ask you for credentials each time you run the pipeline.
I solved this using the command serverless package in the build task, after that I deployed the zip that was generated for the command with a normal web app deploy task.

In Azure, how do I deploy functionapp code without using git?

I created a Resource Manager template which has the Resources to run a function app basically using the default template for this purpose and I can manually copy files to my File Storage under sites\wwwroot and when I curl the functionapp it works.
But what I'm wondering is, what is the right way to deploy a bunch of files to update the actual functionapp, but not using git. I can see some examples of how to use git but my problem is that I want to have all my functions in a single repo not a bunch of smaller repos (I want a monorepo).
In Azure you just upload your code in a .gz file to S3 then when creating the lambda you give it a path to the zip. And then later there is a simple API that you can call to push up a new zip and presto.
What is the equivalent API in azure to just give it a zip and have it unpack the files in the right directory?
I managed to figure it out finally, the top answer was essentially right but there were a few extra steps I had to figure out so I'll put those here.
The specific doc on curl is here. My issue thread with the team is here.
The actual curl call I used is this:
$ curl -XPUT --data-binary ""
Notes on this:
You must use --data-binary, -d results in a bad payload
To create the zip in bash I used: $ zip index.js
abc:xyz is the deployment username and password
The right path to send is site/wwwroot/hello where hello is the name of the function.
You can set the username and password in the azure portal UI (documented here) but you can also set it with the azure-cli like so:
$ az login
$ az webapp deployment user set --user-name abc --password xyz
And that was the trick, once you've setup the deployment credentials you can use them in basic auth to call the kudu api.
Using Rest API to deploy Function App is also allowed in Azure. We could use the following Rest API to do that. We could get more detail info from Kudu REST API. We could get the ftp use and password from publish file, about how to publish file, please refer to another SO thread.
PUT https://{user}:{password}#{FunctionAppname}{path} # example path:site/wwwroot

Git deploy to Azure app service from Gitlab fails

I am attempting to deploy to an Azure app service from Gitlab but ran into a problem. The deployment fails immediatley with:
Host key verification failed.\r\nfatal: Could not read from remote
repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access
rights\nand the repository exists.\n\r\nD:\Program Files
(x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe fetch origin --progress
I've deleted the deployment configuration in the App service a few times and recreted to make sure the SSL URL for the Gitlab repository is correct. I've also tried addkng my key into the Gitlab deployment keys but it wont let me as its already there, so I knw the key is definitely correct.
Searching around on the web suggests to remove the host from the known hosts file, but as this is on azure there is no known_hosts in the /ssh folder (Kudu->Console->D:\home\.ssh) so I'm not sure what else to try.
