Security Issue Related to OAuth Flow - security

This question is related to the OAuth based login in a native mobile application. As per the Authorization Grant Type flow, the user enters the userid, password in the login page and in response, the Authorization Code is obtained in the URL (since its URL, https based encryption wont work either).
This means that the Authorization code is available in the proxies and anyone can use it, provided they have the client secret as well. The client secret cannot be stored in the mobile application as the mobile app is not considered secured as well.The approach that I had in mind to circumvent the security of client secret was to provide a server side endpoint, where the mobile client can call with Client Id, Authorization code and redirect url. The endpoint will enrich the client secret and then call the actual token endpoint to get the accesstoken. The accesstoken is secured as the entire communication is over HTTPS.
Now the issue is - the authorization code in the URL parameter is insecure and vulnerable. Or am I overthinking about the security. This is the primary question and if this is indeed a security issue, what is the mitigation adopted?
One option that I could think and from one of the older stackoverflow threads was to Secure the token endpoint which will give the access token from the server side. Any suggestion as to how to do that? - If its certificates , then the certificate will be packaged in the mobile app, making it insecure again)

Shameless plug ... but since I read through the complete specs and did some offline discussions, I want to provide my view on the same.
a. TLS between client and the authroization server - When the complete authentication is done after few redirects within the authorization provider, the Authorization provider will set the location header as the redirect uri along with the authorization code in the query parameter within he location header. Since the authorization code is within the location header and the response headers are still protected by the TLS, eavesdropping will not expose the authorization code.
b. If the client is a mobile application - the redirect uri should point to a custom URI scheme that will point to the mobile app itself. So when the browser executes the redirection based on the location header, the browser will call the mobile app. The call doesnt go out of the device and hence the authorization code is not exposed to the outside world.
c. If the client is a web application - the redirect uri will be executed over the browser and the authorization code will be exposed in the proxy logs (after https offloading) and in the browser cache or if there is an redirection , it will be susceptible for the leak of the codes. The protection of the authorization code is done in 2 ways - a. The authorization code can be set with a lifetime, which can be small. b. The authorization code can be used only once. So if the actual client already used it, no one can reuse the auth code to get the access token again.
d. Based on the point mentioned by Kris in the comments below, the spec defines an approach to protect the misuse of the authorization code. If the code is used more than once, the Authorization server can revoke all of the access tokens created with the authorization code.


What kind of CSRF attack does state parameter prevent in OAuth2-based authentication?

I'm working on authentication part with Google OAuth2 API.
I'm using "server" flow, not "implicit".
When implementing step 1 for obtaining code guidelines recommend using the state parameter to ensure that in the end, the service provider will receive the response that correlates to the auth request he initiated.
I understand that there is a possibility that code can be stolen, and redirect_uri guessed.
But I don't understand why this is called anti-CSRF protection?
According to wiki CSRF attack "exploits the trust that a site has in a user's browser".
As I understand something sensitive should be kept in the browser to make CSRF attack possible. The most classic example - an authentication cookie.
But what is kept in the browser in relation to OpenID-connect code flow?
It is just two consequent redirects from service provider to identity provider and back. The code itself is passed on callback as a URL param.Browser's role is passive - to be redirected two times. Nothing is stored here.
So my question is what exactly kind of CSRF attack does state prevent? Can anyone give a detailed example? Or is it just misusing of term "CSRF" in google guidelines?
When using the authorization code flow in OAuth2, the user browses to the client application, which then redirects the browser to the authorization server to be logged in and get an access token.
302 https://auth.server/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=....
After you've signed in on the authorization server, it will redirect you back to the registered redirection URI with the issued code. The client application will then exchange the code for an access token and optionally go to a URL encoded in the state parameter.
Now, an attacker could trick you into clicking a link (from an email or something) like:
<a href="https://auth.server/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=...."
This would execute the same request to the authorization server. Once you logged in and the authorization server redirects you back to the client application, the client application has no way of knowing whether the incoming GET request with the authorization code was caused by a 302 redirect it initiated or by you clicking that hyperlink in the malicious email.
The client application can prevent this by sticking some entropy in the state parameter of the authorization request. Since the state parameter will be included as a query parameter on the final redirect back to the client application, the client application can check if the entropy matches what it kept locally (or in a secure HTTP only cookie) and know for sure that it initiated the authorization request, since there's no way an attacker can craft a URL with entropy in the state parameter that will match something the client application keeps.
The objective of CSRF is to dupe the user into performing an action (usually a destructive write action that the user wouldn't do under normal circumstances) in a website by clicking on a link sent by the attacker. An example of such an activity could be deletion of user's own account in the website. Assuming that the user is logged into the website, the requests originating from the user's browser are trusted by the website server which has no way to find out (without the CSRF token) that the user is actually duped into making that request.
In case of Google OAuth2 (Authorization code grant type), note that the initial request to the Google auth server contains the url that the user actually wants to visit after succesful authentication. An attacker can carefully contruct that url with some malicious intent and make the user use it.
The state token check enables the server ensure that the request is indeed originated from its own website and not from any other place. If the attacker creates the url with some random state token, the server wouldn't recognise that and reject the request.
If you have such doubts, best resource you must refer is the specification. For OAuth 2.0, this is RFC6749 . There is a dedicated section in the specification which discuss about Cross-Site Request Forgery
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is an exploit in which an attacker
causes the user-agent of a victim end-user to follow a malicious URI
(e.g., provided to the user-agent as a misleading link, image, or
redirection) to a trusting server (usually established via the
presence of a valid session cookie).
From the specification perspective, you must implement state handling mechanism into your application
The client MUST implement CSRF protection for its redirection URI.
This is typically accomplished by requiring any request sent to the
redirection URI endpoint to include a value that binds the request to
the user-agent's authenticated state (e.g., a hash of the session
cookie used to authenticate the user-agent). The client SHOULD
utilize the "state" request parameter to deliver this value to the
authorization server when making an authorization request.
And about a detailed explanation, directly from specifaciton
A CSRF attack against the client's redirection URI allows an attacker
to inject its own authorization code or access token, which can
result in the client using an access token associated with the
attacker's protected resources rather than the victim's
Injecting an authorisation code from attacker, then manipulating your application to behave in a manner attacker wants.

Is Oauth2 authorization code bound with the client id?

I tried to login with two separate website, both using "login with Google". Intercepted the auth code from the 1st site, and exchange it with the auto code to the 2nd site. Neither site will let me login. I remember in RFC6749 it is not specified that the auth code to be bound with any identity, is it implemented so to increase security?
This is indeed part of OAuth2.0 security:
Exchange the Authorization Code for an Access Token
We’re about ready to wrap up the flow. Now that the application has
the authorization code, it can use that to get an access token.
The application makes a POST request to the service’s token endpoint
with the following parameters:
grant_type=authorization_code - This tells the token endpoint that the
application is using the Authorization Code grant type.
code - The
application includes the authorization code it was given in the
redirect_uri - The same redirect URI that was used when
requesting the code. Some APIs don’t require this parameter, so you’ll
need to double check the documentation of the particular API you’re
client_id - The application’s client ID.
client_secret -
The application’s client secret. This ensures that the request to get
the access token is made only from the application, and not from a
potential attacker that may have intercepted the authorization code.
Short answer : Authorization code is bound to the client it was issued
This is strictly enforced by the RFC6749 and stated in 4.1.3. Access Token Request section. Also, it is one of many checkes authorization server perform to validate a token request. Specification has following stated,
The authorization server MUST:
o ensure that the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
confidential client, or if the client is public, ensure that the code
was issued to "client_id" in the request
So when authorization server will cross check authorization code against client id or client credentials depending on client type.
Furthermore, authorization code is a temporary secret which must not be exposed to other parties. This is highlighted in security consideration's 10.5. Authorization Codes section.

OAuth 2.0 public client impersonation

I'd like to develop a native application (for a mobile phone) that uses OAuth 2.0 Authorization to access protected resources from a resource API. As defined in section 2.1 the type of my client is public.
Upon registration, the Authorization Server provides a client_id for public identification and a redirect_uri.
The client will make use of Authorization Code to receive it's Authorization Grant from the Authorization Server. This all seems secure (if implemented correctly) against any attacker in the middle.
In section 10.2 client impersonation is discussed. In my case, the resource owner grants the client authorization by providing it's credentials via the user agent to the Authorization Server. This section discusses that the Authorization Server:
SHOULD utilize other means to protect resource owners from such
potentially malicious clients. For example, the authorization server
can engage the resource owner to assist in identifying the client and
its origin.
My main concern is that it's easy to impersonate my client once the client_id and redirect_uri is retrieved.
Due to the nature of a public client, this can either be easily reverse engineered. Or in my case, the project will be open source, so this information can be retrieved from the web.
As far as I've understood from section 10.2, it's the resource owner's responsibility to check that the client is legitimate by comparing with what the Authorization Server SHOULD assist with.
In my experience with third party applications requesting an Authorization Grant from me, all I get is a page with some information about the client that actually should be requesting that grant. Based on pure logical sense, I can only judge if the client that's requesting the grant is actually the client that the Authorization Server is telling me who it should be.
So whenever we are dealing with PEBKAC (which I think occurs frequently), isn't it true that impersonators can easily access protected resources if the resource owner just grants them (which might identically look like my legitimate client) authorization?
TLDR - You want oauth access tokens to be issued only to valid clients - in this case devices that installed your app, yes?
First - Oauth2 has multiple workflows for issuing tokens. When YOU are running the Oauth2 service and its issuing tokens to devices running YOUR app, authorization code / redirect URL is not the relevant workflow. I suggest you read my answer here - .
Second - No luck here. Just run your services entirely on HTTPS. There is no real way to know whether the client registration request is coming from an app installed from the official app store. You can store bake some secret into the app, but it can be found via reverse engineering. The only possible way this could possibly happen can be some sort of authentication information being provided by the app store itself, which does not exist yet.

Authenticating users with tokens useless after HTTPS?

I am building a mobile application that include users doing various things in the app and I started off with authenticating all user actions inside the app using a token that is stored locally on the device. My biggest concern was that anyone can sniff the network and look at the http requests I make inside the app and thus send false requests on behalf of a real user. Something like this:
Now, I am using HTTPS though and no one can see my domain name nor the data being sent. So I'm inclined to get rid of tokens all together and do just this:
Am I correct in assuming I don't need tokens anymore? The whole purpose of them for me was making sure that no one can make an action on behalf of another user without authorization and now it seems pointless that I still use tokens. Am I missing something else?
Firstly, you were correct that having the token in the URL (or anywhere else) was a security risk over HTTP. However, now that you are on HTTPS, it should not matter whether you have the API token in the URL or you are transmitting it in some other way. The URL should be as secure as any other part of the transaction. I say "should" because in practice your internal infrastructure may do logging, metrics collection or reporting that reveals the URL slightly more easily than you intend. And the client may submit the visited URL (but not other info) to its own logging system or to a smart search service like Google, etc. But for most use cases and in most configurations this is not a major issue.
But it sounds from your question like you are talking about not removing the token from the URL and adding it to the HTTP headers or some other fashion, but actually removing the token concept entirely.
So what you should ask is, what is special about HTTPS that makes the token unnecessary? HTTPS secures the communication but it does not authenticate the client. Except in very unusual configurations, anyone can connect via HTTPS and issue commands, and unless you have some method of authentication the HTTPS will not protect you from unauthorized access. If you are using cookies for authentication, or if you are passing the token via HTTP headers (which is actually how I prefer to handle tokens when possible) then your need for authentication is satisfied and you do not need the token. If you do not have any other form of authentication, and you need authentication for security on your website, then you do need the token.
HTTPS is basically used to ensure that you are communicating with a webstie that you intended to and to encrypt communication data so that even if someone intercepts your data, it makes no sense to them.
For e.g. if you are placing an order on Amazon and making a payment,
HTTPS will ensure that:
you are actually submitting payment details to Amazon
your payment data is encrypted when flowing from your browser to Amazon webserver.
When communicating over HTTPS, browsers validates servers digital certiifcate to confirm their identity , then a key is exchanged between server and browser to encrypt data flow between browser and server.
By default HTTPS does not authenticate client. So if you have some actions specific to particular user, you still needs authentication token from client.
But if the token is passed as query parameter in URL itself, then it is still exposed to attackers, so send the token in cookie over HTTPS.
It is also recommended to mark your cookies as secure, to ensure that cookies are sent only over a secure (https) connection and not over http as it can reveal user details.
Hope it helps.

Does an OAuth 2 client really need TLS?

I intend to build a delegated login system for an existing app. I'll be implementing both the OAuth client (in a web application) and the OAuth server (a simple authorization and resource server, that really only has a 'user' resource for now.)
With that in mind, I came across the following section in the current OAuth 2 draft (version 22): Endpoint Request Confidentiality
If a redirection request will result in the transmission of an
authorization code or access token over an open network (between the
resource owner's user-agent and the client), the client SHOULD
require the use of a transport-layer security mechanism.
Lack of transport-layer security can have a severe impact on the
security of the client and the protected resources it is authorized
to access. The use of transport-layer security is particularly
critical when the authorization process is used as a form of
delegated end-user authentication by the client (e.g. third-party
This specifically warns me that I should be using TLS on the client. We will be using HTTPS on the server, of course, but enabling HTTPS on all clients will be difficult if not impossible.
From my limited understanding of security, I imagine someone could steal the authorization grant. This brings me to my question:
Won't client authentication (using the client secret) prevent an eavesdropper from using the authorization grant? (Because the malicious party won't know the client secret, hopefully.)
If it doesn't, or if there's another attack vector here I'm not seeing, is there anything I can do to make this work securely without HTTPS on the clients? Would, for example, OAuth 1 help? (Perhaps because it has the additional request token step.)
P.S.: I was planning on doing client authentication using TLS client certificates, rather than secrets, if that makes the situation any better.
I think you are misinterpreting part of this warning. This OAuth warning is addressing OWASP A9 violations. This is saying that even though you are using OAuth you still need a secure transport layer to communicate with the client. The client doesn't require a key pair for authentication, OAuth is the client's form of authentication. However, the browser still authenticates with your application using a session id stored as a cookie value. The concern is that if an attacker is able to intercept this value, then he will have the same access as the victimized client.
