Verilog reg assignment? - verilog

I'm totally new to Verilog programming and I do not understand where to initialize reg variables?
Let's have a look at the following snippets:
Warning at synthesize
module test (
output LED0
reg led = 1'b1;
assign LED0 = led;
module test (
output LED0
reg led;
initial begin
reg led <= 1'b1;
assign LED0 = led;
Give me: Using initial value of led since it is never assigned at the line: reg led = 1'b1;
Are reg types only assigned in always# block?
Another example:
module fourBitCounter
(input clk,
output [3:0]counter
wire clk;
initial begin
reg[3:0] counter = 4'b1;
always# (posedge clk) begin
if(counter > 15)
counter <= 0;
counter <= counter + 1;
end endmodule
Here the reg has an initial value of 0 but I've set it before to 1... What's wrong? Thank you!

Are reg types only assigned in always# block?
No, reg types can be assigned in always blocks and initial blocks (plus task and function but I'll skip them in the scope of this question)
For your fourBitCounter, the reg[3:0] counter declared in the initial block creates a local variable also called counter that is only accessible within the scope of the block it was created in. You need to remove the reg[3:0] in the initial block so that the assignment get applied the the intended counter. But it will still not work because you declared counter as an inferred wire type and always/initial blocks cannot assign wires.
counter was declared as an output of a 4-bit inferred wire (output [3:0] counter is synonyms to output wire [3:0] counter). Since counter is assigned in an always block and initial block it needs to be a reg type. Therefore it should be declared as output reg [3:0] counter.
Also, you declared clk as in input and as a local wire, it cannot be both. Ports can be accessed locally, there is no reason to re-declare them as local nets.
FYI: for a 4-bit value, 15+1 equals 0 because there is nothing to store the MSB.
module fourBitCounter (
input clk,
output reg [3:0] counter // 'output reg', not 'output'
//wire clk; // do not do this, clk is an input
initial begin
counter = 4'b1; // no 'reg' here
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(counter > 15) // this will never evaluate as true with counter declared as 4-bit
counter <= 0;
counter <= counter + 1;
For Verilog, assign statements can only be applied on net types (e.g. wire). This is legal:
module test ( output LED0 ); // LED0 is an inferred wire
assign LED0 = 1'b1;
This is illegal:
module test ( output reg LED0 ); // Explicit reg
assign LED0 = 1'b1; // illegal, assign on a reg

From your first code sample:
reg led; // <-- This declares one register called "led"
initial begin
reg led <= 1'b1; // <-- This declares a *separate* register called "led"
end // which is only valid in the initial block
The same issue exists in your second sample; you're declaring a separate register in the initial block. Don't use the keywords reg or wire if you're just trying to assign a value.


Verilog count odd and even numbers in ram

I'm using quartus 2 9.1 .I have a program of Single-Port RAM on verilog, i added reg
to check is number odd or even by first bit, its 1 or 0 in sumulation. I need to enter 16 numbers in ram by data input, then count how many odd and even numbers. But i tried something like:
output wire [4:0] count;
count = count + data[0]; //to count odd numbers, then i could take away from 16 and get even number - in simulation its just 0 or 1..
or something like that:
output wire [4:0] count;
always #*
count = count + 1;
But count dont want show in sumaliton number of odd or even numbers.. My code:
module kok
input [7:0] data,
input [5:0] addr,
input we, clk,
output [7:0] q,
output reg even
// Declare the RAM variable
reg [7:0] ram[63:0];
// Variable to hold the registered read address
reg [5:0] addr_reg;
always # (posedge clk)
// Write
if (we)
ram[addr] <= data;
addr_reg <= addr;
always #(posedge data)
even = data[0];
// Continuous assignment implies read returns NEW data.
// This is the natural behavior of the TriMatrix memory
// blocks in Single Port mode.
assign q = ram[addr_reg];
My understanding of your question is you want an output count signal that counts how many times you have an even value.
Create a top_level
module top (
input [7:0] data,
input [5:0] addr,
input we
reg clk= 1;
initial begin
forever #5 clk = ~clk;
reg reset_count = 0;
initial begin
#5 reset_count = 1'b1;
#20 reset_count = 1'b0;
kok u_kok (.clk(clk),
Add this to module_kok:
module kok
input reset_count,
input [7:0] data,
input [5:0] addr,
input we, clk,
output [7:0] q,
output reg even,
output reg [4:0] count
// Declare the RAM variable
reg [7:0] ram[63:0];
// Variable to hold the registered read address
reg [5:0] addr_reg;
always # (posedge clk)
// Write
if (we)
ram[addr] <= data;
addr_reg <= addr;
always #(posedge clk)
even <= data[0];
always #(posedge even or posedge reset_count)
if (reset_count) begin
count <= 'h0;
else begin
count <= count+1'b1;
// Continuous assignment implies read returns NEW data.
// This is the natural behavior of the TriMatrix memory
// blocks in Single Port mode.
assign q = ram[addr_reg];
Note that you can only count to 2**5=32 before the counter overflows.
Here is a working example:
The counter needs to be in a clocked process (i.e. inside an always #posedge clk). The counter therefore also needs to be a reg (instead of wire). You also need to figure out which condition(s) should restart your counter, and if you need to accound for overflow conditions etc. This depends on your actual use.

Verilog logical error

module ocircuit (ooutp,s0,s1 ,clk,write,raddA,raddB,wadd,wdata);
output [3:0] ooutp;
input clk, write,s0,s1;
input [2:0] raddA;
input [2:0] wadd;
input [2:0] raddB;
input [3:0] wdata;
reg [9:0] ooutp;
wire [3:0] dataA;
wire [3:0] dataB;
reg [9:0] inner;
regfile y (dataA,dataB,clk,write,raddA,raddB,wadd,wdata);
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (s0==0) begin
assign inner = dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0];
else begin
assign inner = ((dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0])+inner [9:0]);
ooutp =s1?inner [9:0]:10'd0;
This is the code. regfile is a simple register file. In the testbench, s0 = 0 during the first cycle and s0 = 1.
For subsequent cycles, this code should return the value of A*B+C*D by using one adder and one multiplier. In the first cycle, when c0 = 0, the answer that is saved in inner (a register) is right but in the second cycle, when c0 = 1 the answer is wrong.
Por example: A=1; B=2; C=1; D=1;
First cycle: x=A*B=2
Second cycle (C*D)+x=5
I think there is something wrong with this statement
assign inner = ((dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0])+inner [9:0]);
Any help or hint will be appreciated.
Although assign can be used from within an always block, I think you just wanted to store a value into inner depending upon the value of s0. To do that, use non-blocking assignments ( <= ).
Also, you can directly output to ooutp instead of saving the final result in inner, avoiding a possible glitch in the multiplexer you instantiate here:
ooutp =s1?inner [9:0]:10'd0;
Which, by the way, it should be outside the always block, in an assign line:
assign ooutp = s1? inner [9:0]:10'd0;
module ocircuit (ooutp,s0,s1 ,clk,write,raddA,raddB,wadd,wdata);
output [3:0] ooutp;
input clk, write,s0,s1;
input [2:0] raddA;
input [2:0] wadd;
input [2:0] raddB;
input [3:0] wdata;
reg [9:0] ooutp;
wire [3:0] dataA;
wire [3:0] dataB;
reg [9:0] inner;
regfile y (dataA,dataB,clk,write,raddA,raddB,wadd,wdata);
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (s0==0) begin
inner <= dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0];
else begin
ooutp <= ((dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0])+inner [9:0]);

Register variable in port declaration in verilog

I want to make a module in Verilog which must get a 32 bit wide register variable in port. This variable will be used to count the clock cycle. Then this module will be instantiated in another module. For example: when I fix the value of counter this module must start count from that value.
When I simulate this code I get an error:
Non-net port count cannot be of mode input
module case_1( input clk , input [31:0] counter);
reg [31:0] counter;
always # (posedge clk)
counter <=counter +1
module counter (input clk , input [31:0] counter )
reg [31:0] counter;
case_1 h1 ( .clk(clk) , .counter(counter) )
If a module is an input then you can not drive a value on to it. Driving a value on to an input does not make sense. It needs to be an output.
It think there might be some confusion over the reg and wire types in verilog. These types do not cross module interfaces. a lower (sub) module drives its output as a reg type. the next level up a wire is connected to the port.
From your example a clock received by counter which uses sub module case_1 to implement the counter. Counter value is then driven (first as a reg) then at the top level as a wire.
module case_1(
input clk ,
output reg [31:0] counter
initial begin
counter = 'b0;
always # (posedge clk) begin
counter <=counter +1;
module counter (input clk , output wire [31:0] counter );
case_1 h1 ( .clk(clk) , . counter(counter) );
Example on EDA Playground.

verilog- assign statement reg to output variable not being assigned

I am attempting to use an FPGA as a shift register to some LEDs with pwm, but ran into an error while trying to assign a reg containing the value shifted in to an output variable. When I upload it to the FPGA(i'm using the mojo by embedded micro), it does nothing. when I use the simulator, it reports that all of the output variables are never assigned and have the value of X, while all the other variables inside of the module work just fine. here is my code for the shifting module:
module shifting(
input clk,
input shiftingpin,//data to be shifted in
input rst,
output done,
output [3:0]data//pwm compare value output
reg [2: 0] ctr_d, ctr_q;
reg don;
reg [3:0]datas;
always #(*) begin
if(ctr_q == 3'b100) begin
ctr_d[2:0] = 3'b0;
don = 1'b1;
end else begin
ctr_d = ctr_q + 1'b1;
don = 1'b0;
always #(posedge clk) begin
datas[ctr_q] = shiftingpin;// assign value to the output
if (rst) begin
ctr_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
ctr_q <= ctr_d;
assign data = datas;
assign done = don;
done tells the containing module when to update and assign the value to pwm.
If I understood the question correctly you have a syntax error when trying to drive ports from within always blocks.
When declaring ports they are typically wire by default which can only be driven by ports or assign. Resulting in the code below
module shifting(
input clk,
input shiftingpin,
input rst,
output done,
output [3:0] data
reg don;
reg [3:0] datas;
assign done = don;
assign data = datas;
The solution is to define ports as reg, logic is preferred if you can support System Verilog.
logic will effectively switch between wire and reg as required to make refactoring code easier.
module shifting(
input clk,
input shiftingpin,
input rst,
output reg done,
output reg [3:0] data
always #(posedge clk) begin
data[ctr_q] <= shiftingpin; // <-- data port used directly
NB: shift registers can be done with just
always #(posedge clk) begin
datas[3:0] <= {datas[2:0], shiftingpin};

Can Verilog variables be given local scope to an always block?

I sometimes find it useful to use blocking assignments for "local variables" inside clocked always blocks. This can help cut down on repeated code.
To avoid accidentally using the same variable in a different always block (which can be non-deterministic for simulation), I'd like to give it local scope. Is there a nice synthesizable way of doing this?
Something like:
module sum3(
input clk,
input [7:0] in1,
input [7:0] in2,
input [7:0] in3,
output reg [7:0] result,
output reg [7:0] result_p1);
begin :sum
reg [7:0] sum_temp; // local variable
always #(posedge clk) begin
sum_temp = in1 + in2 + in3;
result <= sum_temp;
result_p1 <= sum_temp + 1;
(ModelSim seems to be okay with this, but Synplify doesn't seem to like it.)
I'm not sure of the semantics in plain Verilog, but according to the SystemVerilog LRM section 6.21:
Variable declarations shall precede any statements within a procedural block.
Therefore the following is legal syntax in SystemVerilog:
module sum3(
input clk,
input [7:0] in1,
input [7:0] in2,
input [7:0] in3,
output reg [7:0] result,
output reg [7:0] result_p1);
always #(posedge clk) begin : sum
reg [7:0] sum_temp; // local variable (scope limited to process)
sum_temp = in1 + in2 + in3;
result <= sum_temp;
result_p1 <= sum_temp + 1;
Note that I have moved the variable declaration sum_temp into the process, thereby limiting the scope and removing the need for the named sum block. This compiles on Modelsim and Riviera (example on EDA Playground).
If your tool doesn't support this syntax, raise a bug!
The standard sythesizable way is to use a continuous assignment with a wire:
module sum3(
input clk,
input [7:0] in1,
input [7:0] in2,
input [7:0] in3,
output reg [7:0] result,
output reg [7:0] result_p1);
wire [7:0] sum_temp = in1 + in2 + in3;
always #(posedge clk) begin
result <= sum_temp;
result_p1 <= sum_temp + 1;
Despite the common guideline, using blocking assignments inside clocked always blocks is ok, and sometime as you mentioned useful. See here:
Some tools however, may not support local variables defined inside a begin-end block.
Alternatively, you can try putting some or all of the the body of the always block in a task:
task SUM_TASK();
reg [7:0] sum_temp; // local variable
sum_temp = in1 + in2 + in3;
result <= sum_temp;
result_p1 <= sum_temp + 1;
always #(posedge clk) begin
Verilog tasks can have access to global variables as well as local ones. Also, they can include non-blocking assignments.
