What Im missing?
-No SAML response provided
-You accessed the Assertion Consumer Service interface, but did not provide a SAML Authentication Response. Please note that this endpoint is not intended to be accessed directly.
I have an issue when trying to hit an endpoint in business central though a node application.
Using OAuth2 in postman I am able to get a desired response as seen below
This my configuration for Authorization:
but when trying to hit the same endpoint in Node using MSAL I get a 401 response.
This my configuration
I even tried taking the token generated by postman and inserted it into my application and was able to hit the endpoint with the desired response. I'm not sure what is missing from my application that's causing it to get a token that when used returns a 401 response.
What's missing from my application or is it something that I need to do in Azure or Business Central ?
I'm not an expert on Node, but I have used MSAL with PowerShell.
Getting the token through MSAL.PS (the PowerShell module for MSAL) you have to set the Scopes that you are requesting a token for.
In this case the scope should be https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/.default when you want to access the Business Central APIs.
We need to pass first name and last name from IdP to Service Provider, does this have tobe specified in the IdP metadate or in the SP metadata, and how? I can not find OneLogin java properties for this.
They are included as attributes in SAML Assertion which is a part of SAML Response. They don't have to be included in the metadata (but some scenarios may need that).
When you create your custom app in Onelogin (either by using UI or API), you can specify which fields are included in the SAML assertion.
Identity provider sends Response to ACS URL. Behind this URL is service provider's backend service which validates the response (idp, SP, ACl url, StatusCode, session NotOnOrAfter, etc. depending on the needs) and processes/forwards needed values and redirects user to relayState location.
Note: There are also other ways to implement SAML authentication flow and it is possible that SAML response could include only authentication assertion with NameID and attributes are queried afterwards. This may require also adding attribute related fields to metadata.
We got the names in the SAML attributes in the assertion sent by the IdP. So no need for the Attribute Consume Service URL etc.
I created an Api in azure and recently tried to change to authentication method to access it via OAuth2.
I requested a token using https://login.microsoftonline.com/[TENANT]/oauth2/v2.0/token/ and tried to use it to access my api via postman.
Then I tried to use the received token to make a request to my api:
I used Postman's Authorization pane to specify OAuth2.0 as the authentication method and set the Grant Type configuration to "implicit" and sent a request.
Configured like this, the request goes through using the "http" version of my api but as soon as I try to use the "https" version, I get a 401 error "Unauthorized".
Have I configured my api wrong ? Or am I using the wrong url to authenticate ?
Thanks a lot for your time.
After a lot of research I found out what was wrong :
I had to add the application ID in the allowed token audiences of identity provider (in the azure app service, navigate to authentication > locate the identity provider > click on edit > at the bottom of the page add the your app registration's application ID. For good measure I also added api://[APPLICATION ID]/.default and api://[APPLICATION ID]
There was still some authentication code left in the source code of my api. When I was trying to connect I sometime had a response which consisted of HTML titled "Sign in to your account". It was caused by a segment of code in the startup.cs file of my api which verified the user who made the request against my Azure AAD. After removing it I no longer had the error
I have set up an instance of Azure FHIR with an Azure FHIR proxy using this tutorial:
I am unable to call the proxy without getting the following error message:
You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
I have created a token successfully using the following tutorial:
I have created an app service principal in Azure with the permissions to access the FHIR proxy:
I am generating the token using the following in postman:
Auth URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/e34c8e67-182a-4085-9dc0-39a38dddea12/oauth2/authorize/?resource=https://func-fhir-proxy-2.azurewebsites.net
Access Token URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/e34c8e67-182a-4085-9dc0-39a38dddea12/oauth2/token
Client ID: 4d138742-44c0-42cb-9878-8647a1d2ef17
Client Secret: Well..that's a secret!
Scope: openid profile
State: 12345
Postman returns 3 tokens: Access_token, Refresh_token, Id_token.
I have tried each token and all return the same 401 error.
ID token JWT looks like this:
I have tried calling the FHIR proxy API's, due to the tutorial I am not 100% which are the correct URLs:
None of this works, I just keep getting the same error. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Should I be calling the FHIR proxy API using the token? If so, why is the API not letting me in?
I managed to fix the issue. I found that the resource ID was needed in the auth URL:
This can be obtained from Enterprise Applications:
Also, creating two separate app registrations:
The link ending with ".../api/fhirproxy/Patient" is correct for the proxy deployment.
I'd suggest that you do a quick test that you can access the FHIR API without the proxy. You can use the existing deployment and follow instructions at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/healthcare-apis/access-fhir-postman-tutorial.
Once you get that working, test the FHIR API with the proxy. You can start with the proxy that has the its security disabled (The FHIR api still requires security and you cannot disable it). Once you get that working, you can enable the proxy's security.
Since the proxy is a web app acting as a proxy, you will need two sets of credentials, one set for the FHIR api itself, which you specify in the proxy app, and one set for the proxy web app, which you specify in your client app, e.g. Postman or curl.
The reason for the error is actually very simple, you are using the wrong scope.
Usually the 401 error means that the audience of your token does not match your api. When you use the token to call the api, you will receive a 401 unauthorized error. The access token is issued based on the audience, so you must Make sure to set the scope to your api when you request the token. Of course you can also parse the token, check the aud claim, and make sure it is the api you want to call.
Therefore, according to your requirements, try to change the scope to: https://func-fhir-proxy-2.azurewebsites.net/.default
By the way, if you want to call api, you should use access token instead of refresh token and id token.
I am setting up a single sign on SAML service with zendesk. I am writing a custom SAML server using node/express and using node-samlp.
Zendesk is the SP,
My SAML server has its own IdP
The user steps are as follows:
Navigates to account.zendesk.com and gets redirected to account.com/login?SAMLRequest=asdfasdfafsd
User then enters credentials and posts to the node server.
At the server I am able to parse* the SAMLRequest, verify the user and give the user a SAMLResponse.
The user receives from the node server a SAMLResponse and is redirected to: account.zendesk.com?SAMLResponse=asdfasdf&RelayState=xxx
At that point the user gets a page not found. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong, at this point I'm guessing that my SAMLResponse is either badly formatted or I am redirecting the user to the wrong address.
PS: initially samlp didn't work right out of the box, I forked the repo and updated a couple dependencies and it started to work.
*I was unable to parse the SAMLRequest from zendesk initially. When I used decodeURIComponent on the query param, there were new line characters and white spaces which I replaced with a '+' which made it work. Then I realized that their query param seems to not be URI encoded...
For one thing there is no such thing as a SAML Redirect Binding for the SAML Response. You can send the SAML Response as a form-encoded parameter in an HTTP POST, but you cannot pass it as a query parameter in a redirect. Your SAML IDP implementation is not spec-compliant and Zendesk may be rejecting the message because of that.
See http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-profiles-2.0-os.pdf#page=16 :
Identity Provider issues to Service Provider In step 5, the identity provider issues a message to be delivered by
the user agent to the service provider. Either the HTTP POST, or HTTP
Artifact binding can be used to transfer the message to the service
provider through the user agent. The message may indicate an error, or
will include (at least) an authentication assertion. The HTTP Redirect
binding MUST NOT be used, as the response will typically exceed the
URL length permitted by most user agents.
Indeed, as #hans-z already mentioned, a SAMLResponse is always sent over POST! You can trigger this browser POST by serving a page that automatically submits a form (containing the SAMLResponse) on page load (through JavaScript).
Since you're sending over POST, your SAMLResponse should not be URL encoded anymore.