spark collect as Array[T] and not as Array[Row] from data frame - apache-spark

I can collect a column like this using the RDD API. => r.getAs[String]("column")).collect
However, as I am initially using a Dataset I rather would like to not switch the API level. A simple"column).collect returns an Array[Row] where the .flatten operator no longer works.
How can I collect to Array[T e.g. String] directly?

With Datasets ( Spark version >= 2.0.0 ), you just need to convert the dataframe to dataset and then collect it."column").as[String].collect()
would return you an Array[String]


How to collect a streaming dataset (to a Scala value)?

How can I store a dataframe value to a scala variable ?
I need to store values from the below dataframe (assuming column "timestamp" producing same values) to a variable and later I need to use this variable somewhere
i have tried following
val spark =SparkSession.builder().appName("micro").
enableHiveSupport().config("hive.exec.dynamic.partition", "true").
config("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode", "nonstrict").
config("spark.sql.streaming.checkpointLocation", "hdfs://dff/apps/hive/warehouse/area.db").
val xmlSchema = new StructType().add("id", "string").add("time_xml", "string")
val xmlData = spark.readStream.option("sep", ",").schema(xmlSchema).csv("file:///home/shp/sourcexml")
val xmlDf_temp =$"id",unix_timestamp($"time_xml", "dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss").cast(TimestampType).as("timestamp"))
val collect_time =$"timestamp").as[String].collect()(0)
its thorwing error saying following:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start()
Is there any way i can store some dataframe values to a variable and use later?
is there any way i can store some dataframe values to a variable and use later ?
That's not possible in Spark Structured Streaming since a streaming query never ends and so it is not possible to express collect.
and later I need to use this variable somewhere
This "later" has to be another streaming query that you could join together and produce a result.

How should I convert an RDD of to Dataset?

I'm struggling to understand how the conversion among RDDs, DataSets and DataFrames works.
I'm pretty new to Spark, and I get stuck every time I need to pass from a data model to another (especially from RDDs to Datasets and Dataframes).
Could anyone explain me the right way to do it?
As an example, now I have a RDD[] and I need to pass it to my machine learning algorithm, for example a KMeans (Spark DataSet MLlib). So, I need to convert it to Dataset with a single column named "features" which should contain Vector typed rows. How should I do this?
All you need is an Encoder. Imports
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.ExpressionEncoder
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
linalg.Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0), linalg.Vectors.sparse(2, Array(), Array())
val ds = spark.createDataset(rdd)(ExpressionEncoder(): Encoder[linalg.Vector])
// +---------+
// | features|
// +---------+
// |[1.0,2.0]|
// |(2,[],[])|
// +---------+
// root
// |-- features: vector (nullable = true)
To convert a RDD to a dataframe, the easiest way is to use toDF() in Scala. To use this function, it is necessary to import implicits which is done using the SparkSession object. It can be done as follows:
val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val df = rdd.toDF("features")
toDF() takes an RDD of tuples. When the RDD is built up of common Scala objects they will be implicitly converted, i.e. there is no need to do anything, and when the RDD has multiple columns there is no need to do anything either, the RDD already contains a tuple. However, in this special case you need to first convert RDD[] to RDD[(]. Therefore, it is necessary to do a convertion to tuple as follows:
val df ="features")
The above will convert the RDD to a dataframe with a single column called features.
To convert to a dataset the easiest way is to use a case class. Make sure the case class is defined outside the Main object. First convert the RDD to a dataframe, then do the following:
case class A(features:
val ds =[A]
To show all possible convertions, to access the underlying RDD from a dataframe or dataset can be done using .rdd:
val rdd = df.rdd
Instead of converting back and forth between RDDs and dataframes/datasets it's usually easier to do all the computations using the dataframe API. If there is no suitable function to do what you want, usually it's possible to define an UDF, user defined function. See for example here:

How to do stateless aggregations in spark using Structured Streaming 2.3.0 without using flatMapsGroupWithState?

How to do stateless aggregations in spark using Structured Streaming 2.3.0 without using flatMapsGroupWithState or Dstream API? looking for a more declarative way
select count(*) from some_view
I want the output to just count whatever records are available in each batch but not aggregate from the previous batch
To do stateless aggregations in spark using Structured Streaming 2.3.0 without using flatMapsGroupWithState or Dstream API, you can use following code-
import spark.implicits._
def countValues = (_: String, it: Iterator[(String, String)]) => it.length
val query =
.select(lit("a").as("newKey"), col("value"))
.as[(String, String)]
.groupByKey { case(newKey, _) => newKey }
Here what we are doing is-
We added one column to our datastream - newKey. We did this so that we can do a groupBy over it, using groupByKey. I have used a literal string "a", but you can use anything. Also, you need to select anyone column from the available columns in datastream. I have selected value column for this purpose, you can select anyone.
We created a mapping function - countValues, to count the values aggregated by groupByKey function by writing it.length.
So, in this way, we can count whatever records are available in each batch but not aggregating from the previous batch.
I hope it helps!

First element of each dataframe partition Spark 2.0

I need to retrieve the first element of each dataframe partition.
I know that I need to use mapPartitions but it is not clear for me how to use it.
Note: I am using Spark2.0, the dataframe is sorted.
I believe it should look something like following:
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
implicit val encoder = RowEncoder(df.schema)
val newDf = df.mapPartitions(iterator => iterator.take(1))
This will take 1 element from each partition in DataFrame. Then you can collect all the data to your driver i.e.:
This will return you an array with a number of elements equal to number of your partitions.
UPD updated in order to support Spark 2.0

Spark DataTables: where is partitionBy?

A common Spark processing flow we have is something like this:
rdd = sqlContext.parquetFile("mydata/")
rdd = row: (,(some stuff)))
rdd = rdd.filter(....)
rdd = rdd.partitionBy(rdd.getNumPatitions())
Processing by id (this is why we do the partitionBy above!)
However, Spark 1.3 changed sqlContext.parquetFile to return DataFrame instead of RDD, and it no longer has the partitionBy, getNumPartitions, and reduceByKey methods.
What do we do now with partitionBy?
We can replace the loading code with something like
rdd = sqlContext.parquetFile("mydata/").rdd
rdd = row: (,(some stuff)))
rdd = rdd.filter(....)
rdd = rdd.partitionBy(rdd.getNumPatitions())
df = ...: Row(...)).toDF(???)
and use groupBy instead of reduceByKey.
Is this the right way?
PS. Yes, I understand that partitionBy is not necessary for groupBy et al. However, without a prior partitionBy, each join, groupBy &c may have to do cross-node operations. I am looking for a way to guarantee that all operations requiring grouping by my key will run local.
It appears that, since version 1.6, repartition(self, numPartitions, *cols) does what I need:
.. versionchanged:: 1.6
Added optional arguments to specify the partitioning columns.
Also made numPartitions optional if partitioning columns are specified.
Since DataFrame provide us an abstraction of Table and Column over RDD, the most convenient way to manipulate DataFrame is to use these abstraction along with the specific table manipulations methods that DataFrame enables us.
On a DataFrame, we could:
transform the table schema with select() \ udf() \ as()
filter rows out by filter() or where()
fire an aggregation through groupBy() and agg()
or other analytic job using sample() \ join() \ union()
persist your result using saveAsTable() \ saveAsParquet() \ insertIntoJDBC()
Please refer to Spark SQL and DataFrame Guide for more details.
Therefore, a common job looks like:
val people = sqlContext.parquetFile("...")
val department = sqlContext.parquetFile("...")
people.filter("age > 30")
.join(department, people("deptId") === department("id"))
.groupBy(department("name"), "gender")
.agg(avg(people("salary")), max(people("age")))
And for your specific requirements, this could look like:
val t = sqlContext.parquetFile()
