Swift 3 NSMuttableArray - nsmutablearray

I'll vey appreciate you for your help.
I am declare new new empty array:
var cellDescriptors = Any
but when i try to use it in somewhere, i am always receive the same error = "Type 'any' has no subscript members".
For example:
var cellDescriptors = [Any]()
var visibleRowsPerSection = [[Int]]()
func loadCellDescriptors() {
if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "CellDescriptor", ofType: "plist") {
cellDescriptors = NSMutableArray(contentsOfFile: path)as AnyObject?
I read a lot and find that were some changes in Swift 3.0.1, but i can't understand, which changes i need to do , to fix it.
I tried to use the following: swift 3: Type 'Any?' has no subscript members
But unfortunately its not working in my case.
Tried to use [AnyHashable:Any] as well.
Thank you very much!

You're trying to subscript something that the compiler doesn't know is a Collection. cellDescriptors is a [Any], cellDescriptors[indexPath.section] is an Any, and you're trying to subscript that Any.
First of all, don't us NSMutableArray in Swift. You need to declare your cellDescriptors as Array<Array<Something>> (a.k.a. [[Something]]), so that when you subscript it once by indexPath.section, you get an Array<Something> (a.k.a. [Something]). Finally, you can subscript it once more to get your Something. Change Something to whatever type you're actually dealing with.


How do you convert an string into an integer in SwiftUI?

I am trying to make a simple calculator using SwiftUI, but one thing frustrates me. For reference, here is the minimum reproducible example:
#State var enteredNumber: String = "" // This is the user input in a string form
#State var usable number: Int = Int(enteredNumber) // I thought this would work but it doesn't.
I found this on hackingwithswift.com, and I thought it would work. I also looked my problem up in stack overflow, but I can't seem to understand any of the questions (I'm sorta new to SwiftUI). The approach I used just gave me an error saying:
Cannot use instance member 'enteredNumber' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available
Value of optional type 'Int?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'Int'
Thanks in advance for your help!

NotesException: Unknown or unsupported object type in Vector

I'm trying to add new names to the address book programmatically but I'm getting the following error:
[TypeError] Exception occurred calling method NotesDocument.replaceItemValue(string, Array)
Unknown or unsupported object type in Vector
Code snippet below:
var addressBook = session.getDatabase("","names.nsf");
var gView:NotesView = addressBook.getView("($VIMGroups)");
var gDoc:NotesDocument = gView.getDocumentByKey("groupName", true);
var newg:java.util.Vector = [];
var mems:java.util.Vector = new Array(gDoc.getItemValue('Members'));
var newNames:java.util.Vector = new Array(getComponent("NewMems").getValue());
gDoc.replaceItemValue("Members", newg);
Adding a single user works fine, but then it does not save users in the required canonical format below:
CN=John Doe/O=Org
Instead it is saved in the original format below:
John Doe/Org
I look forward to your suggestions. Thanks.
You can't store an Array in a field. Make newg a java.util.Vector instead and integrate with that.
For OpenNTF Domino API the team wrote a lot of code to auto-convert to Vectors, which may cover Arrays.
Don't use an Array (which is a JS thing). Initialize it as a Vector.
var newg:java.util.Vector = new java.util.Vectory();
Then look up the Vector methods to see how to add to that vector. Not sure if you will have to convert the names using the Name method but I would store them as "CN=Joe Smith/O=Test Org" to be sure you got the right format.
I was able to solve the issue using a forloop to loop through the list and push it into a newly created array. Using the forloop seems to make the difference.
var newg = [];
var group = new Array(getComponent("NewMems").getValue()), lenGA = group.length;
for(i = 0; i < lenGA; i++){
gDoc.replaceItemValue("Members", newg);
An explanation about this behaviour will be appreciated.

Haxe - use string as variable name with DynamicAccess

I am trying to use a string ('npcName') as a variable name. So far I have tried casting dialogMap into a DynamicAccess object, but it gives me the error 'Invalid array access' when I try this:
var npcName:String = 'TestNPC';
var casted = (cast Registry.dialogMap:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>);
var tempname = casted[root.npcName[0].message];
'dialogMap' is an empty map which I want to fill like so:
Registry.dialogMap['message'] = root.npcName[0].message;
How can I use npcName, a string, in the above line of code? Is there a way to transform the string into something usable? Any help would be appreciated.
The haxe.DynamicAccess doesn't have array access (like map[key]), but is an abstract type for working with anonymous structures that are intended to hold collections of objects by the string key. It is designed to work with map.get(key) and map.set(key). It is basically a nicer wrapper around Reflect.field and Reflect.setField and does some safety checks with Reflect.hasField.
var variable = "my_key";
var value = 123;
var dynamicMap = new haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>();
dynamicMap.set(variable, value);
I'm noticing you are doing very much cast and dynamic, so untyped code, which is a bit of contradiction in a typed language. What is the actual type of dialogMap?
Not sure you are aware of it but, Haxe has its own maps, which are fully typed, so you don't need casts.
var map = new Map<String, Int>();
map[variable] = value;
I think this article helps understanding how to work with dynamic (untyped) objects.
Tip; for testing such small functionalities you can doodle around on the try.haxe site : http://try.haxe.org/#4B84E
Hope this helps, otherwise here is some relevant documentation:

Array access not allowed on OpenFL movieclips

How do I go about this?
I got this from Main.hx:
function onMouseOver(e:MouseEvent){
if(Std.is(e.currentTarget, MovieClip)){
initializer (cast e.currentTarget,["scaleX",1.5,"scaleY",1.5])
Then this is the pointed function in my Animation Class
//here if i set mc:Dynamic everything goes great! but when this one
function initializer(mc:MovieClip, vars:Array<Dynamic>){
var varsLength:Int = Math.round(vars.length/2);
for(m in 0...varsLength){
ini[m] = mc[vars[2*m]];
then when i compile it, an error appears:
Error: Array access is not allowed in flash.display.MovieClip
How do I resolve this?
vars: are properties of the MovieClip, for example when I pass these parameters:
initializer (mcClip1,["scaleX",1.5,"scaleY",1.5])
vars = ["scaleX",1.5,"scaleY",1.5]
ini[m] will store "scaleX" and "scaleY"`
X-Ref: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/haxelang/_hkyt__Rrzw
In AS3, you can access fields of an object via their String name using [] (array access). This is called Reflection.
In Haxe, Reflection works differently - you need to make use of the Reflect API.
It's considered bad practice - it's not type-safe, which means the compiler can do very little to help you with error messages, and it's quite slow as well. This is why the usage makes it very explicit that Reflection is actually going on (while in AS3, this fact is somewhat hidden). Consider if there are other ways of solving this problem that don't require Reflection.
Now, to get back to your example, here's what it would look like in Haxe:
function onMouseOver(e:MouseEvent){
if (Std.is(e.currentTarget, MovieClip)) {
initializer(cast e.currentTarget, ["scaleX", 1.5, "scaleY", 1.5])
function initializer(mc:MovieClip, vars:Array<Dynamic>) {
for (m in 0...Std.int(vars.length / 2)) {
ini[m] = Reflect.getProperty(mc, vars[2*m]);
Btw, your loop was running for too long since you only use half of the values in the array - if you don't divide it by two like I did, you'll end up with [scaleX, scaleY, null, null] instead of the desired [scaleX, scaleY].

eval() is not working properly

I get the following error while trying to evaluate a predicate in a a4solution:
Fatal error in /some/path at line 9 column 2: Field "field
(A/Attribute <: type)" is not bound to a legal value during
Here is the code at the origin of the error:
for(ExprVar a : solution.getAllAtoms()){
// additional checks are here to assure that a is of an "appropriate type"
In my vain attempts to solve this problem by myself, I read from this source http://code.google.com/p/alloy4eclipse/issues/detail?id=86 that the way the solution has been read from the file might cause this problem.
But the source doesn't give further details.
I have created my solution object as follows :
XMLNode xml = new XMLNode(new StringReader(source.getFileContent()));
this.solution = A4SolutionReader.read(new ArrayList<Sig>(), xml);
Thank you for your support
The problem was that the expression to be evaluated (predicate.call(a)) was drawn from one CompModule object (namely the predicate function was taken from there) while the solution object, against which the expression was evaluated, was not obtained from the same CompModule, but was read from a file.
Generally, when reading a solution from an xml file, to be on the safe side, it is recommended to reread and reconstruct everything from that xml file, e.g.,
XMLNode xmlNode = new XMLNode(new File("my_solution.xml"));
String alloySourceFilename = xmlNode.iterator().next().getAttribute("filename");
Module module = CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(rep, null, alloySourceFilename);
A4Solution ans = A4SolutionReader.read(module.getAllReachableSigs(), xmlNode);
In some cases it suffices to just pass the sigs from the original CompModule to the reconstructed solution:
XMLNode xmlNode = new XMLNode(new File("my_solution.xml"));
A4Solution ans = A4SolutionReader.read(originalModule.getAllReachableSigs(), xmlNode);
