When to use Bots, FaaS, Runbooks and logic App [closed] - azure

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Closed 6 years ago.
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All these Azure technologies (Bots, FaaS, Logic Apps and Runbooks) are used to run schadule jobs.
I don't know when we should use these and which scenario we should use them.

YMMV, but here are some pretty good rule of thumbs:
Are you doing PowerShell based Automation work? If Yes, consider Azure Automation Runbooks.
Are you building a bot? If Yes, consider the Azure Bot Framework service.
Are you build a workflow that executes on a timer, especially one that integrates with other services (etc.)? If Yes, consider Logic Apps.
Are you writing generic application code? If Yes, consider Azure Functions.
If none of those fit, I'd be surprised, but you might try starting with Azure Functions since we're kind of an "Everything as a Service", but there is a reason we have the different products - they specialize to enable better productivity within their specialty (Bots, Automation, and Integration).
Note: I'm one of the PMs on the Azure Functions team here at Microsoft.


Azure options for building a database-backed website? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is Azure appropriate for building an entire database-backed website, with custom tables on the backend, and custom pages, forms, and CSS on the frontend?
Like any database-backed website, there should be facility for backend logic in response to client-browser GET & POST requests.
Which Azure resources are appropriate? Logic Apps?
Sharing an answer i received on MSDN. (not sure yet if i will mark this one as best answer):
While is it possible, you have better options to consider.
If you are building a JS-powered frontend (using Angular/React), you could host the static assets directly on blob storage and expose it as a static website. The doc also covers how you could add a CDN to it for faster delivery to your customers.
The backend could be built entirely using Azure Functions. If you are using Table Storage or CosmosDB, there are bindings available that you could use and simplify the code that you would have to manage.
If you have background workflows (like batch jobs) that you have to run, then Logic Apps are indeed a good option. For complex use cases, Durable Functions might be a better fit though.

Benefits of Azure PluralSight [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am a beginner in the IT world.
I would like to know what are the advantages of doing the Microsoft Azure PluralSight courses? What kind of It jobs could I Apply having this certificate?
Doing the Azure course on Pluralsight will give you knowledge of the Azure Cloud Computing platform from Microsoft. Azure is typically used for storing databases in the cloud or for deploying applications to a cloud environment or similar tasks.
While many companies look for developers who have experience with cloud platforms like Azure and AWS most often the person who performs Deployments, a task that brings an application from the Development stage to the stage where it is publicly available and usable, specifically specializes in that skill and those tools.
The position where a person is responsible for the deployment, integration, and maintenance of the application is typically called "Dev Ops".

Choosing between a Web App Bot and a Function Bot [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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When creating a bot in Azure Bot Service you have two hosting options according to this article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bot-framework/bot-service-overview-introduction
App Service Plan (Standard Azure web app, Web App Bot)
Consumption Plan (Azure Functions, Functions Bot)
I'm trying to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each. The billing model of a Function Bot would work best for my use case, but I seem to be finding limitations. It also seems that Microsoft's documentation is biased towards Web App Bots being the standard.
Here is what I know so far:
The billing model is different. App Services plans are billed more like an always running VM vs. Functions are pay-per-run.
App Service uses the standard ASP.NET MVC model. Functions use C# scripts
Visual Studio seems to have better support for debugging and publishing App Service plan bots
One thing I think is related to #2 is Global Message handling. The examples Microsoft gives for implementing a global message handler seems to require the use of global.asax.cs to register the global handler, this file isn't present in a Function Bot.
Are Web App bots the preferred option from Microsoft?
Is .NET Core better supported in either option?
Is there a way to implement global handlers in Function Bots?
Are there other specific weaknesses of Function Bots?
Is one option more "modern" than the other?

Cron bigquery jobs [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Which is the best way to schedule BigQuery jobs?
BigQuery doesn't offer a direct approach, and the best I got from searching is using app engine cron service, but from what I understood I have to create a web application to use this service.
My use case is to do some aggregations over clicks and impressions, daily or weekly and use them in our admin portal.
I used Hive as a data warehouse before and Oozie as our scheduler.
Is there a way to accomplish the same logic with BigQuery?
Unfortunately, there is no built in scheduler within BigQuery, although the engineering team takes requests! link.
However, there are a few interesting alternatives.
As you mentioned, using the cron service from App Engine would absolutely work, and you could write a small, simple web service that would invoke the query you want on a regular cadence. This service will not be web facing, so the charges should remain extremely small.
Apache Airflow is a service that I have been playing around with that is very promising; it allows you to define more complex data manipulation tasks across a variety of cloud services in Python and execute them on whatever cadence you choose. Very handy.
Regular Cron - if you have a server available to you, you could just set up a basic cron job that uses the 'bq' command line tool to execute whatever queries you want and save the results to tables in BQ.
Hope that helps! I'm positive there are other options as well, just wanted to give you a few.

Which cloud to use for RabbitMQ? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We are looking for a cloud based solution for messaging queue. We have chosen RabbitMQ and we already have few app that are using this. RabbitMQ is hosted locally. For testing purposes it was ok, but right now when business is growing and we are looking into centralised RabbitMQ with HA we are looking into cloud solution.
My question is: which service would you recommend for RabbitMQ,
the options that we've found are:
https://bitnami.com and use Azure
host it in Azure and manage by ourself - but we would like to avoid this as much as possible - not enough human resources to look after that.
What would you recommend?
my suggestion is http://cloudamqp.com - i use them for just about of all my RabbitMQ hosting needs, for production web apps.
it's a fully managed RabbitMQ hosting service. you don't have to worry about much, and you can get as large / scalable as you need. From very small and cheap, to enterprise level hosting with clustering, etc.
