Client side and Server side rendering of ejs template - node.js

I always wanted to learn NodeJS to be able to run the same code on server and client side.
I am using NodeJS with Express and EJS.
So. I have a .ejs page with lot's of HTML, JS, CSS and a small bit with template. For the sake of justice let it be like this:
<% for(i=0;i>the_list.length;i++) { %>
<% } %>
After some rendering on the server we have a perfect list.
Now I want to rerender it on the client. I made some ajax request and now I have new items in the_list. What is the right way?

As per ejs templates documentation
var template = new EJS({
text: `
<% for(i = 0; i < the_list.length; i++) { %>
<% } %>
var html = template.render({ the_list: data });
document.getElementById('list-wrapper').innerHTML = html;

<div id="output"></div>
<script src="/assets/js/ejs.js"></script>
let blogPosts = [
title: 'Perk is for real!',
body: '...',
author: 'Aaron Larner',
publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-19'),
createdAt: new Date('2016-03-19')
title: 'Development continues...',
body: '...',
author: 'Aaron Larner',
publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-18'),
createdAt: new Date('2016-03-18')
title: 'Welcome to Perk!',
body: '...',
author: 'Aaron Larner',
publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-17'),
createdAt: new Date('2016-03-17')
var html = ejs.render(`<% for(let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) { %>
<h2><%= posts[i].title %></h1>
<p><%= posts[i].body %></p>
<% } %>`, {posts: blogPosts});
// Vanilla JS:
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = html;
download ejs.js or ejs.min.js from latest version

Sure, EJS works on the client. You can trivially keep the template in a string variable or apply EJS to user-provided input, but more likely, you'll want to store a template in a script (which can be in an external file) or use fetch to grab your template from another file on demand.
Using a template in a <script> is straightforward:
const people = ["geddy", "neil", "alex"];
const template = document
.innerHTML = ejs.render(template, {people});
<!-- could be an external file -->
<script id="template" type="text/template">
<%= people.join(", "); %>
<div id="output"></div>
<script src=""></script>
For fetch, I'll mock the response so it'll be runnable in a snippet:
// mock fetch for illustrative purposes;
// its response content would be another file
fetch = async url => ({text: async () => '<%= people.join(", "); %>'});
.then(res => res.text())
.then(template => {
const people = ["geddy", "neil", "alex"];
document.querySelector("#output").innerHTML =
ejs.render(template, {people});
<script src=""></script>
<div id="output"></div>
If this seems like too much heavy lifting, you can bury the fetch in a helper function, or go a step further and pick an attribute for each URL, then plug everything in with a call to a library function you can abstract away from the main code. A simple example:
// mock fetch for illustrative purposes;
// its response content would be in other files
const responses = {
"/template.ejs": "<%= 42 %>",
"/other-template.ejs": "<%= 43 %>",
fetch = async url => ({text: async () => responses[url]});
.forEach(e => {
.then(res => res.text())
.then(template => {
e.innerHTML = ejs.render(template);
<script src=""></script>
<div data-template="/template.ejs"></div>
<div data-template="/other-template.ejs"></div>
Either way, keep in mind that JS will run after the static HTML is parsed and the DOM loads. This means the data won't appear all in one fully-formed piece as when using EJS on the server. Network errors are possible.
See also using ejs partials from express client side. If you want to mock the include function, the problem is that the fetch call is asynchronous but the include function isn't. EJS offers an include callback that seems like it offers an opportunity to pull in an external file, but it's purely synchronous and won't await any promises you return. How to work around this best depends on your use case.

This should work, looks like your problem was the relational operator '>' because it will never output something.
<% for(var i=0; i<the_list.length; i++) { %>
<%= the_list[i]%>
<% } %>


Rendering elements classname in client-side without JS framework? (EJS)

Let's say I have an app which shows to the users a list of existing hobbies.
Each hobby has a category, stored in the db.
I want every hobby element to have its background color - dependent on its category.
I want to implement this with appending specific class to each element.
Basic example code:
app.get("/hobbies", (req, res) => {
const hobbies = Hobby.getAllHobbies();
res.render("hobbies", hobbies);
Client (EJS)
<% hobbies.forEach(hobby => { %>
<div class=""><%= %></div>
<% }); %>
What is the best way to append to each div a class depending of hobby.category?
I know its easily possible in React, but I don't want to use any framework for now.
If your classname is not the same as the category but is based on it, then you just need to pass a lookup object to your template.
const categories_classnames = {
lookup: {
swimming: 'div-swim',
biking: 'div-bike',
painting: 'div-paint',
// ...
app.get("/hobbies", (req, res) => {
const hobbies = Hobby.getAllHobbies();
// Alternatively, `locals = { ...hobbies, ...categories_classnames }`
const locals = Object.assign({}, hobbies, categories_classnames);
res.render("hobbies", locals);
<% hobbies.forEach(hobby => { %>
<div class="<%= lookup[hobby.category] %>"><%= %></div>
<% }); %>

How to improve speed of programatically sending images

I am serving images via express, and substituting generic images when those images don't exist. The HTML which uses those images is generated by EJS looping through an array and creating the img src URLs.
This is a simplified version of my code:
people = [
{id: "10937290375", name: "John Smith"},
{id: "73402394793", name: "Paul Jones"}
<% for(var i=0; i < people.length; i++) { %>
<img src="/image/<%= people[i].id %>" />
<span><%= people[i].name %></span>
<% } %>
app.get('/image/:id', function(req, res) {
var filename = `images/${}.png`;
res.sendFile(filename, function(err) {
if(err) {
filename = 'blank.png';
The problem, is that it is very slow, and syncronous (I guess in part due to the way http works), but how can I speed this up?
Why not use a third party provider as your images repo.
I recommend Cloudinary - they have node js package and very easy integration.

MEAN correct way to refactor ejs express code

I've created a website with express and ejs, pulling JSON in from a file in a local file. I'd like to pass the data in from a mongo database and display with an Angular view. I have a good amount of knowledge in express, angular and mongo. Putting it all together and separating the express tasks from the angular tasks has me hung up a bit.
My app is working over in Heroku at this is the page I'm unclear on how to separate the express and angular tasks.
It is currently set up in express, this was before I researched angular and the MEAN stack. below is the route config.
router.get('/services', function(req, res) {
var myServices = [];
var entireList = [];
entireList =; {
myServices = myServices.concat(item.title);
res.render('services', {
title: 'Services',
services: myServices,
list: entireList,
page: 'servicesList'
/* GET services detail page. */
router.get('/services/:servicesid', function(req, res) {
var myServices = [];
var entireList = [];{
if (item.shortname == req.params.servicesid){
myServices = myServices.concat(item.title);
res.render('services', {
title: 'Services',
services: myServices,
list: entireList,
page: 'servicesDetail'
This is pulling in the same data.json file from the app.js file with this line of code.
app.locals.appdata = require('./data.json');
The page variable is the important part. An if else statement is customizing which data is brought in. That code is here:
<div class="services">
<% list.forEach(function(item){ %>
<article class="service group">
<% if (page!= 'servicesDetail') { %>
<h3><%= item.title %></h3>
<p><%- item.summary %></p>
<% }else{ %>
<a class="back" href="/services/#"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-left"></i> back</a>
<h3><%= item.title %></h3>
<p><%- item.description %></p>
<% } %>
<% }); %>

Create jqueryMobile page dynamically based on the url

I am creating an application to get some experience in jQuery Mobile and backbone. I have made a "restful" API with node.js that handles the data I need. It works fine with all my static pages I made in index.html. But when I need to create a page with data from a certain id I am a bit lost.
For example when I want to display all items(/items) I have a data-role=page with id items that list all items, but when I need to go to a detailed page for each item (/items/1) i want to create that details page whenever a user wants details on an item, in other words when a user visit the url spots#3 for example.
Is this possible?
my router: the model gives me all data i want
Spoter.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "",
"spot#:id": "spotDetails"
//Details on a certain spot with id
spotDetails: function(id) {
var spotDetailsContentDiv = Spoter.spotDetailsContent;
var spot = new Spoter.spotModel({id: id});
successCallback: function(data) {
var spotDetailsView = new Spoter.spotDetailsView({
model: data
Spoter.spotDetailsView = Backbone.View.extend({
render:function () {
return this;
Template with underscore
<ul data-role="listview" data-theme="c" data-inset="true">
<a href="#">
<h1><%= %></h1>
<p><%= this.model.description %></p>

Passing an object to client in node/express + ejs?

I have a pretty large object that I need to pass to a function in a client script. I have tried using JSON.stringify, but have run into a few issues with this approach - mostly performance related. Is it possible to do something like this in ejs?
app.get('/load', function(req, res) {
var data = {
locals: {
interview: '',
data: someLargeObj
res.render('load', data);
And in my client script, I would pass this object to a function like so
<script type="text/javascript">
load(<%- data %>); // load is a function in a client script
When I try this I get either
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
load([Object object]);
In Node.js:
res.render('mytemplate', {data: myobject});
<script type='text/javascript'>
var rows =<%-JSON.stringify(data)%>
SECURITY NOTE : Don't use this to render an object with user-supplied data. It would be possible for someone like Little Bobby Tables to include a substring that breaks the JSON string and starts an executable tag or somesuch. For instance, in Node.js this looks pretty innocent...
var data = {"color": client.favorite_color}
but could result in a client-provided script being executed in user's browsers if they enter a color such as:
"titanium </script><script>alert('pwnd!')</script> oxide"
If you need to include user-provided content, please see for a better answer using Base64 encoding
That is the expected behavior. Your template engine is trying to create a string from your object which leads to [Object object]. If you really want to pass data like that I think you did the correct thing by stringifying the object.
If you are using templating, then it would be much better to get the values in the template, for example whether user is signed in or not. You can get the send local data using
window.user = <%- JSON.stringify(user || null) %>
From the server side code, you are sending user data.
res.render('profile', {
user: user.loggedin,
title: "Title of page"
Think there's a much better way when passing an object to the ejs , you dont have to deal with JSON.stringfy and JSON.parse methods, those are a little bit tricky and confusing. Instead you can use the for in loop to travel the keys of your objects, for example:
if you have an object like such hierarchy
"index": {
"url": "/",
"path_to_layout": "views/index.ejs",
"path_to_data": [
"data/meta.json": "default"
"home": {
"url": "/home",
"path_to_layout": "views/home/index.ejs",
"path_to_data": [
"data/meta.json": "home"
"about": {
"url": "/about",
"path_to_layout": "views/default.ejs",
"path_to_data": [
"data/meta.json": "about"
On the EJS side you can loop yourObject like this;
<% if ( locals.yourObject) { %>
<% for(key in yourObject) { %>
<% if(yourObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { %>
<div> <a class="pagelist" href="<%= yourObject[key]['subkey'] %>"><%= key %></a></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
For this example [key] can take 'index','home' and 'about' values and subkey can be any of it's children such as 'url','path_to_layout','path_to_data'
What you have is a result like this
[{'re': 'tg'}]
You actually need to loop it. See javascript while loop
Then, render it in your front end with ejs... i can't help on that, i use hbs
