Cannot modify variable inside couchbase callback when using node js - node.js

I don't know if this is normal or not but when I try to access a variable inside a callback ( Couchbase callback ) in node.js it doesn't work properly.
var obj = new Object();
bucket.get(key, function(error, count) {
bucket.get(key2, function(error, prop) {
obj.entry = prop.value.value;
obj[entry+"_date"] = new Date(prop.value.created_at).toString();
Am I missing something ?
Also: I can't declare the Object var inside the callback because I'm accessing it later on.

Ok, I would try this:
var obj = {};
bucket.get(key, function(error, count) {
bucket.get(key2, function(error, prop) {
obj[entry] = prop.value.value;
var extraKey = entry+"_date"; // ensure this is an string
obj[extraKey] = new Date(prop.value.created_at).toString();
// obj[entry] exists here
// but obj would be empty here :(
Also please keep in mind that if you use obj after the context of the callbacks, in fact you may not have the property set, simply because the callback has not executed yet. Callbacks are async. Anything you want to do with that obj new props should happen in the same context of where those are set. The other option is to refactor this code with promises, so you can have the desired order of execution.


In NodeJS, how do I make database queries inside of a Promise?

NodeJS 6.9.3
What I previously had went like this:
An outer function called "get_user()":
return database_queries.get_user(user_name)
.then(function(results_from_database) {
and that function then ran a database call, using Knex, and returned:
var dbquery = Multiline.stripIndent(function () {/*
SELECT as profile_id,
'user' as type_of_profile
user_profile u
WHERE name REGEXP "[[:<:]]||user_name||[[:>:]]"
dbquery = dbquery.replaceAll('||user_name||', user_name);
return DB.knex.raw(dbquery).then(function(result1) {
for(var index_of_results = 0; index_of_results < result1[0].length; index_of_results++) {
var document1 = result1[0][index_of_results];
When I did this, the database query ran, and got data, but this happened asynchronously, without the results ever being returned to the outer function. In other words, the outer function had completed long before the database queries had run.
So I tried to wrap the inner function in a Promise:
function get_user(user_name) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve ()
.then(function() {
var dbquery = Multiline.stripIndent(function () {/*
SELECT as profile_id,
'user' as type_of_profile
user_profile u
WHERE name REGEXP "[[:<:]]||user_name||[[:>:]]"
dbquery = dbquery.replaceAll('||user_name||', user_name);
return DB.knex.raw(dbquery).then(function(result1) {
for(var index_of_results = 0; index_of_results < result1[0].length; index_of_results++) {
var document1 = result1[0][index_of_results];
Now the database calls don't seem to ever be called. When they run, they appear in the logs, but now there are no database queries appearing in the logs. It would seem this inner function now returns a Promise, but the "resolve()" part of the Promise is never called.
What am I doing wrong here?
Here is a bit simpler way to write essentially the same query:
function get_user(user_name) {
const regex = `[[:<:]]${user_name}[[:>:]]`;
return DB.knex('user_profile')
.where(DB.knex.raw(`?? REGEXP ?`, ['name', regex]))
.then(res => {
// do what ever you like with returned rows here
You might want to simplify that a bit.
Take a look at these example projects.
(there are more, but you can find the rest)
Also avoid "replaceAll" and use binding variables.
Finally, since you are using node 6.x, you can use a few es6 goodies (arrow functions, multi-line strings, classes, etc), make the language work for you.

Subclassing, extending or wrapping Node.js 'request' module to enhance response

I'm trying to extend request in order to hijack and enhance its response and other 'body' params. In the end, I want to add some convenience methods for my API:
var myRequest = require('./myRequest');
myRequest.get(function(err, hijackedResponse, rows) {
According to the Node docs on inherits, I thought I could make it work (and using the EventEmitter example in the docs works OK). I tried getting it to work using #Trott's suggestion but realized that for my use case it's probably not going to work:
// myRequest.js
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var Request = require("request").Request;
function MyRequest(options) {, options);
inherits(MyRequest, Request); = function() {
module.exports = MyRequest;
I've been toying with extend as well, hoping that I could find a way to intercept request's onRequestResponse prototype method, but I'm drawing blanks:
var extend = require('extend'),
request = require("request")
function myResponse() {}
extend(myResponse, request)
// maybe some magic happens here?
module.exports = myResponse
Ended up with:
var extend = require('extend'),
Ok = require('objectkit').Ok
function MyResponse(response) {
var rows = Ok(response.body).getIfExists('rows');
extend(response, {
metadata: extend({}, response.body),
rows: rows
response.first = (function() {
return rows[0]
response.last = (function() {
return rows[rows.length - 1] || rows[0]
delete response.metadata.rows
return response;
module.exports = MyResponse
Keep in mind in this example, I cheated and wrote it all inside the .get() method. In my final wrapper module, I'm actually taking method as a parameter.
UPDATED to answer the edited question:
Here's a rough template for the contents of your myResponse.js. It only implements get(). But as a bare bones, this-is-how-this-sort-of-thing-can-be-done demo, I hope it gets you going.
var request = require('request');
var myRequest = {};
myRequest.get = function (callback) {
// hardcoding url for demo purposes only
// could easily get it as a function argument, config option, whatever...
request.get('', function (error, response, body) {
var rows = [];
// only checking error here but you might want to check the response code as well
if (!error) {
// mess with response here to add metadata. For example...
response.metadata = 'I am awesome';
// convert body to rows however you process that. I'm just hardcoding.
// maybe you'll use JSON.parse() or something.
rows = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
// You can add properties to the array if you want.
rows.first = 'I am first! a a a a';
// now fire the callback that the user sent you...
callback(error, response, rows);
module.exports = myRequest;
ORIGINAL answer:
Looking at the source code for the Request constructor, it requires an options object that in turn requires a uri property.
So you need to specify such an object as the second parameter in your call():, {uri: 'http://localhost/'});
You likely don't want to hard code uri like that inside the constructor. You probably want the code to look something more like this:
function MyRequest(options) {, options);
var myRequest = new MyRequest({uri: 'http://localhost/'});
For your code to work, you will also need to move util.inherits() above the declaration for MyRequest.prototype.pat(). It appears that util.inherits() clobbers any existing prototype methods of the first argument.

How to use promise bluebird in nested for loop?

I need to use bluebird in my code and I have no idea how to use it. My code contains nested loops. When the user logs in, my code will run. It will begin to look for any files under the user, and if there are files then, it will loop through to get the name of the files, since the name is stored in a dictionary. Once it got the name, it will store the name in an array. Once all the names are stored, it will be passed along in res.render().
Here is my code:'/login', function(req, res){
var username = req.body.username;
var password = req.body.password;
Parse.User.logIn(username, password, {
success: function(user){
var Files = Parse.Object.extend("File");
var object = [];
var query = new Parse.Query(Files);
query.equalTo("user", Parse.User.current());
var temp;
for(var i=0; i< results.length; i++){
var file = results[i].toJSON();
for(var k in file){
if (k ==="javaFile"){
for(var t in file[k]){
if (t === "name"){
temp = file[k][t];
var getname = temp.split("-").pop();
object[i] = getname;
res.render('filename', {title: 'File Name', FIles: object});
error: function(user, error) {
console.log("Invalid username/password");
EDIT:The code doesn't work, because on the first and second console.log(object), I get an empty array. I am suppose to get one item in that array, because I have one file saved
JavaScript code is all parsed from top to bottom, but it doesn't necessarily execute in that order with asynchronous code. The problem is that you have the log statements inside of the success callback of your login function, but it's NOT inside of the query's success callback.
You have a few options:
Move the console.log statements inside of the inner success callback so that while they may be parsed at load time, they do not execute until both callbacks have been invoked.
Promisify functions that traditionally rely on and invoke callback functions, and hang then handlers off of the returned value to chain the promises together.
The first option is not using promises at all, but relying solely on callbacks. To flatten your code you will want to promisify the functions and then chain them.
I'm not familiar with the syntax you're using there with the success and error callbacks, nor am I familiar with Parse. Typically you would do something like:
query.find(someArgsHere, function(success, err) {
But then you would have to nest another callback inside of that, and another callback inside of that. To "flatten" the pyramid, we make the function return a promise instead, and then we can chain the promises. Assuming that Parse.User.logIn is a callback-style function (as is Parse.Query.find), you might do something like:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var login = Promise.promisify(Parse.User.logIn);
var find = Promise.promisify(Parse.Query.find);
var outerOutput = [];
return login(yourArgsHere)
.then(function(user) {
return find(user.someValue);
.then(function(results) {
var innerOutput = [];
// do something with innerOutput or outerOutput and render it
This should look familiar to synchronous code that you might be used to, except instead of saving the returned value into a variable and then passing that variable to your next function call, you use "then" handlers to chain the promises together. You could either create the entire output variable inside of the second then handler, or you can declare the variable output prior to even starting this promise chain, and then it will be in scope for all of those functions. I have shown you both options above, but obviously you don't need to define both of those variables and assign them values. Just pick the option that suits your needs.
You can also use Bluebird's promisifyAll() function to wrap an entire library with equivalent promise-returning functions. They will all have the same name of the functions in the library suffixed with Async. So assuming the Parse library contains callback-style functions named someFunctionName() and someOtherFunc() you could do this:
var Parse = Promise.promisifyAll(require("Parse"));
var promiseyFunction = function() {
return Parse.someFunctionNameAsync()
.then(function(result) {
return Parse.someOtherFuncAsync(result.someProperty);
.then(function(otherFuncResult) {
var something;
// do stuff to assign a value to something
return something;
I have a few pointers. ... Btw tho, are you trying to use Parse's Promises?
You can get rid of those inner nested loops and a few other changes:
Use some syntax like this to be more elegant:
/// You could use a map function like this to get the files into an array of just thier names
var fileNames = _getJavaFile(item) {
return item && item.javaFile && // NOT NULL
&&'-')[0]; // RETURN first part of name
// Example to filter/retrieve only valid file objs (with dashes in name)
var matchedFiles = results.filter(function _hasJavaFile(item) {
return item && item.javaFile && // NOT NULL
&&'-') > -1; // and has a dash
And here is an example on using Parse's native promises (add code above to line 4/5 below, note the 'then()' function, that's effectively now your 'callback' handler):
var GameScore = Parse.Object.extend("GameScore");
var query = new Parse.Query(GameScore);"score", "playerName");
query.find().then(function(results) {
// each of results will only have the selected fields available.

Node.js promises with mongoskin

I'm trying to avoid using callbacks when making mongodb queries. I'm using mongoskin to make calls like so:
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
In many cases I need to make multiple queries so I want to use Node.js promise library but I'm not sure how to wrap these functions as promises. Most of the examples I see are trivial for things like readFile, I'm guessing in this case I would need to wrap toArray somehow? Can this be done or would have to be something implemented by mongoskin?
An example could be any set of callbacks, find/insert, find/find/insert, find/update:
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
if (doc) {
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
// etc...
else {
// err
You can promisify the entire module like so with bluebird:
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var mongoskin = require("mongoskin");
Object.keys(mongoskin).forEach(function(key) {
var value = mongoskin[key];
if (typeof value === "function") {
This only needs to be done in one place for one time in your application, not anywhere in your application code.
After that you just use methods normally except with the Async suffix and don't pass callbacks:
.then(function(doc) {
if (doc) {
return req.db.collection('users').find().toArrayAsync();
.then(function(doc) {
if (doc) {
return req.db.collection('users').find().toArrayAsync();
.then(function(doc) {
if (doc) {
return req.db.collection('users').find().toArrayAsync();
So again, if you call a function like
foo(a, b, c, function(err, result) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
The promise-returning version is called like:
fooAsync(a, b, c).then(...)
(Uncaught errors are automatically logged so you don't need to check for them if you are only going to log it)
Just stumbled here with the same question and didn't love "promisfying" mongoskin so did a bit more digging and found monk. It's built on top of mongoskin, tidies up the API and returns
promises for all async calls. Probably worth a peek to anyone else who lands here.
Esailija's answer may work, but its not super efficient since you have to run db.collection on every single db call. I don't know exactly how expensive that is, but looking at the code in mongoskin, its non-trivial. Not only that, but it's globally modifying prototypes, which isn't very safe.
The way I do this with fibers futures is:
wrap the collection methods for each collection
on receiving the result, for methods that return a Cursor wrap the toArray method, call it and return the resulting future (for methods that don't return a cursor, you don't need to do anything else).
use the future as normal
like this:
var Future = require("fibers/future")
// note: when i originally wrote this answer fibers/futures didn't have a good/intuitive wrapping function; but as of 2014-08-18, it does have one
function futureWrap() {
// function
if(arguments.length === 1) {
var fn = arguments[0]
var object = undefined
// object, methodName
} else {
var object = arguments[0]
var fn = object[arguments[1]]
return function() {
var args =
var future = new Future
var me = this
if(object) me = object
fn.apply(me, args)
return future
var methodsYouWantToHave = ['findOne', 'find', 'update', 'insert', 'remove', 'findAndModify']
var methods = {}
methodsYouWantToHave.forEach(function(method) {
internalMethods[method] = futureWrap(this.collection, method)
// use them
var document = methods.findOne({_id: 'a3jf938fj98j'}, {}).wait()
var documents = futureWrap(methods.find({x: 'whatever'}, {}).wait(), 'toArray')().wait()
If you don't want to use fibers, I'd recommend using the async-future module, which has a good wrap function built in too.

wrapping node-memcached with deferred.promisify error

I am trying to wrap the node-memcached api with deferred's promisify in order to simplify my nested callbacks.
When I try to call the promisified function I just get "TypeError: Cannot read property 'namespace' of undefined".
Memcached = require('memcached');
var memcache = new Memcached('localhost:11211');
var add = deferred.promisify(memcache.add);
add('myKey', 'myVal', 0)(function(result) {
I can't seem to find anyone else trying to wrap node-memcached, or getting my same error. Any insight into what may be going wrong? Or maybe even a push into a better direction if this is imperfect?
Just wanted to response that I found the best solution I could for now by doing some digging.
It seems that deferred.promisify calls the passed function with its own scope (this), instead of the context of the function that is passed in.
Using my own promisfy function appears to fix the issue (idea from
function promisify(fn, context) {
return function() {
var def = deferred();
var args =;
args.push(function(err, val) {
if (err !== null) {
return def.reject(new Error(err));
return def.resolve(val);
fn.apply(context, args);
return def.promise;
When promisify instances members you should bind it to this instance like:
Memcached = require('memcached');
var memcache = new Memcached('localhost:11211');
var add = deferred.promisify(memcache.add.bind( memcache ) );
add('myKey', 'myVal', 0)(function(result) {
