wrapping node-memcached with deferred.promisify error - node.js

I am trying to wrap the node-memcached api with deferred's promisify in order to simplify my nested callbacks.
When I try to call the promisified function I just get "TypeError: Cannot read property 'namespace' of undefined".
Memcached = require('memcached');
var memcache = new Memcached('localhost:11211');
var add = deferred.promisify(memcache.add);
add('myKey', 'myVal', 0)(function(result) {
I can't seem to find anyone else trying to wrap node-memcached, or getting my same error. Any insight into what may be going wrong? Or maybe even a push into a better direction if this is imperfect?
Just wanted to response that I found the best solution I could for now by doing some digging.
It seems that deferred.promisify calls the passed function with its own scope (this), instead of the context of the function that is passed in.
Using my own promisfy function appears to fix the issue (idea from http://howtonode.org/promises):
function promisify(fn, context) {
return function() {
var def = deferred();
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
args.push(function(err, val) {
if (err !== null) {
return def.reject(new Error(err));
return def.resolve(val);
fn.apply(context, args);
return def.promise;

When promisify instances members you should bind it to this instance like:
Memcached = require('memcached');
var memcache = new Memcached('localhost:11211');
var add = deferred.promisify(memcache.add.bind( memcache ) );
add('myKey', 'myVal', 0)(function(result) {


Promisify trying to connect class with callback [duplicate]

I am trying to refactory my nodejs server using promises with Bluebird library, but I am stuck in a simple problem.
After to get the users from my db, I want to list all notification class associated with this user:
Bad Way (working...)
user = item.username;
adapter.getNotifications(user, function(notificationList){
Elegant Tentative Way (not working...)
var getNotifications = Promise.promisify(adapter.getNotifications);
adapter.getUsers().then(function(users) {
var dbUser = "sigalei/" + item.value.name;
return getNotifications(dbUser);
However when I execute this code I get this error inside my getNotification method:
Unhandled rejection TypeError: Cannot read property 'nano' of undefined
at Adapter.getNotifications (/Users/DaniloOliveira/Workspace/sigalei-api/api/tools/couchdb-adapter.js:387:30)
at tryCatcher (/Users/DaniloOliveira/Workspace/sigalei-api/node_modules/bluebird/js/main/util.js:26:23)
After the user2864740`s precious comments, I noticed that the error is related with some scope problem. So, why after to use promisify method, the method dont getNotifications recognize the "this" env variable?
var Adapter = module.exports = function(config) {
this.nano = require('nano')({
url: url,
request_defaults: config.request_defaults
Adapter.prototype.getNotifications = function(userDb, done) {
var that = this;
var userDbInstance = that.nano.use(userDb);
userDbInstance.view('_notificacao', 'lista',
{start_key: "[false]", end_key: "[false,{}]"},
function(err, body) {
if(err){ done(err); }
This is just the very common problem of calling "unbound" methods.
You can pass the context as an option to Promise.promisify to have it bound:
var getNotifications = Promise.promisify(adapter.getNotifications, {context: adapter});
Alternatively, you'd need to .bind() the method, or call the new getNotifications function on the adapter (using .call()). You might also consider using Promise.promisifyAll(adapater) and then just calling adapter.getNotificationsAsync(…).
Notice that this still doesn't work. You cannot simply create promises in a loop - you need to await them explicitly and return a promise from the then callback, otherwise just the undefined value you returned will be passed to the next callback immediately.
adapter.getUsers().then(function(users) {
return Promise.all(users.rows.map(function(item){
var dbUser = "sigalei/" + item.value.name;
return getNotifications(dbUser);
}).then(function(results) {
for (var i=0; i<results.length; i++)
console.log("result:", results[i]);
Instead of Promise.all(users.rows.map(…)), in Bluebird you can also use Promise.map(users.rows, …).
What about simply
var getNotifications = Promise.promisify(adapter.getNotifications.bind(adapter));
or possibly
var getNotifications = Promise.promisify(function () {
return adapter.getNotifications.apply(adapter, arguments);
I'm not sure I understand your problem well, but this should make sure this is bound and not undefined when you do return getNotifications(dbUser);

Cannot modify variable inside couchbase callback when using node js

I don't know if this is normal or not but when I try to access a variable inside a callback ( Couchbase callback ) in node.js it doesn't work properly.
var obj = new Object();
bucket.get(key, function(error, count) {
bucket.get(key2, function(error, prop) {
obj.entry = prop.value.value;
obj[entry+"_date"] = new Date(prop.value.created_at).toString();
Am I missing something ?
Also: I can't declare the Object var inside the callback because I'm accessing it later on.
Ok, I would try this:
var obj = {};
bucket.get(key, function(error, count) {
bucket.get(key2, function(error, prop) {
obj[entry] = prop.value.value;
var extraKey = entry+"_date"; // ensure this is an string
obj[extraKey] = new Date(prop.value.created_at).toString();
// obj[entry] exists here
// but obj would be empty here :(
Also please keep in mind that if you use obj after the context of the callbacks, in fact you may not have the property set, simply because the callback has not executed yet. Callbacks are async. Anything you want to do with that obj new props should happen in the same context of where those are set. The other option is to refactor this code with promises, so you can have the desired order of execution.

Nodejs: Resolving promises with generator function

I know there are a lot of good examples over the web and I read a lot of them, but currently I'm stucked with resolving promises with the new functionality of generators in nodejs 0.11.x.
For e.g. I have the following function:
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
var defer = Q.defer();
solrClient.search(query, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
var promise = defer.promise;
return Q.async(function* (){
var result = yield promise;
return result;
I expected that every call to this method will wait until the promise is fullfilled and the return-statement gives back the result of the promise.
But currently it seems that instead the code inside "Q.async..." will not be executed or the async call arrives after the return statement of the method was executed.
It's strange, in every example I know, this is one of the recommended ways in order to wait for async calls in nodejs but currently it does not work for me.
I've tried a lot of different variations of the above example, but the result is everytime the same, I get not back a valid result.
I have nodejs installed in version 0.11.10 and the --harmony-flag is set, when the code is executede.
Can anyone point me to right direction? I'm wondering if I oversee something ... :)
Thanks for your feedback.
Best regards
I expected that every call to this method will wait until the promise is fullfilled and the return-statement gives back the result of the promise.
No. Generators will not make functions synchronous, you cannot (and don't want to) block while waiting for a result. When calling a generator function and running sequentially through the async steps that it yields, the result you will get back in the end is still asynchronous - and therefore a promise. Only inside of the generator, your code can use synchronous control flow and yield.
This means that the (then-) callback-based code
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query) {
var promise = Q.ninvoke(solr.createClient(this.configuration), "search", query);
return promise.then(function(obj) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
return obj.response.docs;
} else {
return null;
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.promisedQuery = Q.async(function* (query) {
var promise = Q.ninvoke(solr.createClient(this.configuration), "search", query);
var obj = yield promise;
// ^^^^^
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
return obj.response.docs;
} else {
return null;
Try this
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.promisedQuery = Q.async(function*(query) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
var obj = yield Q.ninvoke(solrClient, "search", query);
return obj.response.numFound > 0 ? obj.response.docs : null;
This does the same thing for promises as this does for callbacks:
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.query = function (query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
solrClient.search(query, function(err, obj) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, obj.response.numFound > 0 ? obj.response.docs : null);
Therefore if the first return a promise that resolves to undefined so will the callback version call the callback with undefined.
according to your suggestions, my code looks now like this:
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.query = Q.async(function* (query) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
var obj = yield Q.ninvoke(solrClient, "search", query);
return obj.response.numFound > 0 ? obj.response.docs : null;
I share the above query-function over all data access layers in order to have a central method which is querying the different indexes in an asynchronous way.
For e.g. in the domain data access layer, the code which deals with that function looks like this:
SolrHostDomain.prototype.getByName = Q.async(function* (domain) {
var queryObject = {
"domain": domain
var query = this.getQuery("byName", queryObject);
var docs = yield this.query(query);
var domain = null;
if (docs != null && docs.length > 0) {
domain = this.dataMapper.merge(docs[0]);
return domain;});
Currently I'm not sure if the generator in the "getByName"-function is necessary, but it seems to work. Dealing with promises is some unclear concept for me, since I'm new to nodejs.
So maybe, if you can help me on that topic and point me in the right direction, this would be helpfull.
The main question for me is, how can I ensure, that a synchronous method can call an asynchronous method and get back not a promise but the final result of this promise.
I've searched a long time, but I could not find a good documentation which describes the use of generator functions or promises in conjunction with synchronous calls. Even examples are focusing only of using the mechanism but not working together with synchronous function.
Best regards and many thanks for your help
Got it!!!
After a few trial and errors, I think I got it now and I have a working solutions:
Query function:
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.query = Q.async(function* (query) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
var obj = yield Q.ninvoke(solrClient, "search", query);
return obj.response.numFound > 0 ? obj.response.docs : null;
Calling method:
SolrHostDomain.prototype.getByName = function(domain) {
var queryObject = {
"domain": domain
var query = this.getQuery("byName", queryObject);
var docsPromise = this.query(query);
var _self = this;
return docsPromise.then(function(docs) {
var domain = null;
if (docs != null && docs.length > 0) {
domain = _self.dataMapper.merge(docs[0]);
return domain;
The solution was to understand, that the "query"-method still returns a promise instead of the concrete result even if yield is used.
So I have to add every code which is working on the result of the promise within the "then"-functions (or "done" if no other caller up in the calling hierarchy of methods will follow).
After the settlement of the promise, each code which is set within the "then"-functions will be processed.

Node.js promises with mongoskin

I'm trying to avoid using callbacks when making mongodb queries. I'm using mongoskin to make calls like so:
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
In many cases I need to make multiple queries so I want to use Node.js promise library but I'm not sure how to wrap these functions as promises. Most of the examples I see are trivial for things like readFile, I'm guessing in this case I would need to wrap toArray somehow? Can this be done or would have to be something implemented by mongoskin?
An example could be any set of callbacks, find/insert, find/find/insert, find/update:
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
if (doc) {
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
// etc...
else {
// err
You can promisify the entire module like so with bluebird:
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var mongoskin = require("mongoskin");
Object.keys(mongoskin).forEach(function(key) {
var value = mongoskin[key];
if (typeof value === "function") {
This only needs to be done in one place for one time in your application, not anywhere in your application code.
After that you just use methods normally except with the Async suffix and don't pass callbacks:
.then(function(doc) {
if (doc) {
return req.db.collection('users').find().toArrayAsync();
.then(function(doc) {
if (doc) {
return req.db.collection('users').find().toArrayAsync();
.then(function(doc) {
if (doc) {
return req.db.collection('users').find().toArrayAsync();
So again, if you call a function like
foo(a, b, c, function(err, result) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
The promise-returning version is called like:
fooAsync(a, b, c).then(...)
(Uncaught errors are automatically logged so you don't need to check for them if you are only going to log it)
Just stumbled here with the same question and didn't love "promisfying" mongoskin so did a bit more digging and found monk. It's built on top of mongoskin, tidies up the API and returns
promises for all async calls. Probably worth a peek to anyone else who lands here.
Esailija's answer may work, but its not super efficient since you have to run db.collection on every single db call. I don't know exactly how expensive that is, but looking at the code in mongoskin, its non-trivial. Not only that, but it's globally modifying prototypes, which isn't very safe.
The way I do this with fibers futures is:
wrap the collection methods for each collection
on receiving the result, for methods that return a Cursor wrap the toArray method, call it and return the resulting future (for methods that don't return a cursor, you don't need to do anything else).
use the future as normal
like this:
var Future = require("fibers/future")
// note: when i originally wrote this answer fibers/futures didn't have a good/intuitive wrapping function; but as of 2014-08-18, it does have one
function futureWrap() {
// function
if(arguments.length === 1) {
var fn = arguments[0]
var object = undefined
// object, methodName
} else {
var object = arguments[0]
var fn = object[arguments[1]]
return function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
var future = new Future
var me = this
if(object) me = object
fn.apply(me, args)
return future
var methodsYouWantToHave = ['findOne', 'find', 'update', 'insert', 'remove', 'findAndModify']
var methods = {}
methodsYouWantToHave.forEach(function(method) {
internalMethods[method] = futureWrap(this.collection, method)
// use them
var document = methods.findOne({_id: 'a3jf938fj98j'}, {}).wait()
var documents = futureWrap(methods.find({x: 'whatever'}, {}).wait(), 'toArray')().wait()
If you don't want to use fibers, I'd recommend using the async-future module, which has a good wrap function built in too.

Manually promisifying pg.connect with Bluebird

I want to promisify node-postgres' pg.connect method along with the inner connection.query method provided in the callback.
I can .promisify the latter, but I need to implement the first one manually (if I'm missing something here, please explain).
The thing is, I'm not sure if this code is correct or should be improved? The code is working, I just want to know if I'm using Bluebird as meant.
// aliases
var asPromise = Promise.promisify;
// save reference to original method
var connect = pg.connect.bind(pg);
// promisify method
pg.connect = function (data) {
var deferred = Promise.defer();
connect(data, function promisify(err, connection, release) {
if (err) return deferred.reject(err);
// promisify query factory
connection.query = asPromise(connection.query, connection);
// resolve promised connection
return deferred.promise;
Throw all that horrible callback code away, then do this somewhere in your application initialization:
var pg = require("pg");
var Promise = require("bluebird");
Object.keys(pg).forEach(function(key) {
var Class = pg[key];
if (typeof Class === "function") {
Later in anywhere you can use the pg module as if it was designed to use promises to begin with:
// Later
// Don't even need to require bluebird here
var pg = require("pg");
// Note how it's the pg API but with *Async suffix
pg.connectAsync(...).spread(function(connection, release) {
return connection.queryAsync("...")
.then(function(result) {
console.log("rows", result.rows);
.finally(function() {
// Creating a superfluous anonymous function cos I am
// unsure of your JS skill level
By now there are a number of libraries which do this for you:
pg-promise - generic Promises/A+ for PG
Update for bluebird 3:
The pg.connectAsync(...).spread(function(connection, release) { ... }) call will not work anymore, because the API of bluebird has changed: http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/new-in-bluebird-3.html#promisification-api-changes .
The problem is that promisifyAll in bluebird 3 does not handle multiple arguments by default. This results in the .spread() call reporting a TypeError like the following:
TypeError: expecting an array or an iterable object but got [object Null]
To solve this, you can explicitly enable multiple arguments for connect / connectAsync. Do the following after all the promisifying stuff mentioned above:
pg.connectAsync = Promise.promisify(pg.connect, { multiArgs: true });
I suggest to modify Petka Antonov solution a bit
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var pg = require('pg');
Object.keys(pg).forEach(function (key) {
var Cls = null;
try {
Cls = pg[key];
if (typeof Cls === 'function') {
} catch (e) {
here 'pg[key] wrapped up in try-catch block because pg[key] can retrun error when attempt to access pg['native']
