No class names in Uml diagram generated by pycharm - uml

I was generating uml by using pycharm, but when i tried to do it, user classes has no title, even though when refactoring it is showing actual class names.
how can i resolve this?

open the class folder as the project.

I am using the most up to date version of the software PyCharm 2017.2.3. I have found a solution by creating a new file using PyCharm, then copying and pasting my code in to it.
The problem occurs with files that are created using Python Idle 3.6.1 Shell.

Might not be the case for you, but what worked for me was renaming the file I was trying to create a diagram from to one that does not include a whitespace character
(Pycharm version: 2017.3.2)


Tkinter cross-platform compatability

I have written a set of customized tkinter widgets, defined as classes, and loaded into the main app as modules. I am working in Windows 10, but have specific concerns in three areas in regard to compatibility with Linux and Mac. These are shown below.
I am sticking with tkinter default fonts, and defining the desired font within each individual custom widget. I have found, surprisingly, that I can successfully specify fonts as follows, naming 'TkDefaultFont' just as I might name 'Arial' for example.
Would this approach work across Linux and Mac as well as windows?
Importing modules
All of the resources for my main app are stored in a Folder named 'AppAssets' (which is in the same folder as the main app). The custom widgets are stored inside that folder, in another folder named 'TkMods'. In Windows, I am successfully importing these modules as follows, specifying a relative path:
from AppAssets.TkMods import ModButton
Again, would this work across Linux and Mac? If not, is there a line or lines of code that would work instead across all three platforms?
Importing image files
Many of the modules use custom image files (such as a rounded button image, for example). I am importing these as follows, again specifying a relative path.
btnimg = tk.PhotoImage(file="AppAssets/TkMods/Button.png")
Again, would this work cross-platform? If not, is there a single solution that would work across Windows, Mac and Linux?
Any advice appreciated.
I have found, surprisingly, that I can successfully specify fonts as follows, naming 'TkDefaultFont' just as I might name 'Arial' for example...
Would this approach work across Linux and Mac as well as windows?
It works, but probably not the way you think. You could use 'NotARealFont' instead of 'TkDefaultFont' and get the same results. The first parameter when defining a font as a tuple is a font family, and TkDefaultFont is not the name of a valid font family. It's the name of an internal font object, which is not the same thing. When you don't give a valid font family, tkinter will fall back to using the font defined by TkDefaultFont.
I am successfully importing these modules as follows... Again, would this work across Linux and Mac?
Yes, importing python modules works the same on platforms. This isn't anything unique to tkinter.
Many of the modules use custom image files ... I am importing these as follows, again specifying a relative path... Again, would this work cross-platform?
It should work the same on all platforms. Note that "work the same" also means it will fail in the same way on all platforms. The path is relative to the current working directory which may or may not be the same as the directory with the script.

Use ams math style in Jupiter notebook

I am learning how to do equation numbering using ams math in local Jupyter notebook. As per the documentation, it says to make changes in _config.yml file. But I am not sure where to find it on my Mac. If it helps, I have the file in ~/.jupyter directory. But they don't look the same.
Can I kindly get some help here (example'll be appreciated), how to work with _config.yml file. thanks in advance.
The documentation you linked to is for a project called jupyter-book. If you're using that, then, as #MattDMo said, follow the example from the tutorial and add the _config.yml in the folder that contains your book.
If you're using a regular Jupyter Notebook, you can disregard that and just write the LaTeX in a Markdown cell, where it will be rendered (by MathJax rather than MyST), without any extra config.

Trying to open a python file in IDLE. Instead, a pycache folder is created. How do I fix this?

I have a number of python files with .py extensions that I was working on, closed, and tried to come back to later. When I tried to open them by right clicking and selecting “Edit with IDLE,” instead of opening a pycache folder was created.
I have a work around in which I go to edit the file with Notepad++, copy the text into a new python editor, delete the old file, and resave the new file with the same name. My research has turned up questions related to pycache and IDLE, but none specifically addressing the issue. Has anyone encountered a similar problem/know how to solve it? I’m running Python 3.5.2 on Windows 7.
What did you name the .py file as? If you named it something like "", Python might interpret the file as one of those in the "Lib" folder. Why you can resave it with the same name and have it working afterwards is anyone's guess. I suggest just renaming the python file to something else.
I developed the bad habit of writing/editing python files with IDLE from watching intro videos when I was still relatively new to programming. I have since learned that file editors like Sublime or IDE's like PyCharm are a significantly better way to go and would highly recommend anyone reading this.
I had a similar issue. When I clicked "Edit with IDLE 3.6", it would create a "pycache" folder and not open the python file on IDLE.
I found a Reddit thread that gives an explanation here.
The reason the pycache folder is created is as follows:
When you import a module, Python stores the compiled bytecode in that
directory so that future imports can use it directly, rather than
having to parse and compile the source again. It does not do that for
merely running a script, only when a file is imported.
No such folder is created for the standard library, as the standard
library is pre-cached when you install Python
I was importing Python's "random" library, in another python file (placed in the same directory). So the issue was solved once I deleted that file.

Tabcompletion and docview while editing rc.lua

I saw that there is a lua plugin for eclipse and there is a docpage on the awesome main page api_doc and all the .lua files in /usr/share/awesome/lib.
So I thought it must be possible to create a Library or Execution Environment so that one has tabcompletion and docview.
So I tried making my own Execution Environment:
wrote the standard .rockspec file
downloaded the documentation made an ofline version of it and put it in docs/ folder
ziped the files and folders in /usr/share/awesome/lib
ziped all up
tried it out ... and it failed.
When I try to view a documentaion for a .lua file I get "Note: This element has no attached documentation."
Questions: Am I totaly wrong in my doing (because I have the feeling I am)? Is there any way to edit the rc.lua with tabcompletion and docview?
Koneki will probably take a while to setup, but it's definitly worth it. Going for the".doclua"(by using version 1.2) would certainly make it, but I doubt that using a script to generate the information you need, would work out on the long run.
Most likely, you'll probably pass a bit of time to define what kind of object you're dealing with every time you come across one. The right to do, would be to actually take the time to see if the object/module/inner type inherit from an another object, so can actually have more completion feature as you keep using autocomplete to go from one object to another by pressing "dot"+ctrl_space.
In an ideal world, one person could probably make it right and share to other, so they can enjoy a full featured autocomplete editor.
Found solution for eclipse.
First off the idea of setting up an Execution environment was the wrong one.
So the whole thing about downloading the doc although.
For more information on that visit eclipse Wiki for LUA Development Tool.
The right thing to do is to add a source folder which contains the /usr/share/awesome/lib directory.
The bad news is that my comment from above was totally right, which means one has to configure each .lib file in /usr/share/awesome/lib to meet the requirements of the Documentation Language described here.
Than editing the rc.lua (which one can add to the project in eclipse) works with tabcompletion and doc view.
Since the Documentation Language used in the lib files is similar to the one used by "LUA Development Tool" one has not to change many things. Maybe there are even scripts for that.

How do I rename an entire project in VC++ 2005

I've got a really large project I made for myself and rece3ntly a client asked for their own version of it with some modifications. The project name was rather silly and my client wants the source so I figured it'd be best if I renamed all my files from
Unfortunatly after I added everything back together I can't see any way to change the project name itself. Plus now I'm getting this error on compilation.
main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__InitCommonControls#0
Debug/New_Name_Thats_not_so_silly.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.
There has to be an easier way to change all this, right?
Here is a Step by Step on Steve Andrews' blog (he works on Visual Studio at Microsoft)
I haven't verified this, but I've done this a number of times and if my memory serves me right, you can actually use the search-and-replace functionality in VS2005 to rename all instances of the string "X" to "Y" in any type of file.
Then you need to close the solution and change the project (and any other file with the same name regardless of extension) file name(s).
You will obviously need to do a full rebuild afterwards.
I find it always annoying too, to do this manually.
So I tried some tools available by googling- two didn't work (VS C++ here), dunno, if they are more useful for C#.
The following tool worked good for me: I have used the trial version, but I will pay 39,- bucks for it. For me it is worth it. It has also a VS add-in. VS 2013 was not supported directly, at least not mentioned, yet, when I looked:
In-place rename didn't work (access error), but "rename-while-copying" worked fine.
But I really wonder, if it is so difficult as some programmers claim. For most parts file renaming and a search&replace of all occurences in all text files in the project dir should be a quite easy and working approach. Maybe someone can contibute what shall be so difficult.
The rational part of my brain forbids the dreaming part to program an own tool- I am lucky ! :-)
You can simply rename the .vcproj or .dsp file and then either create a new workspace (sln dsw) and include the renamed project or simply chnage the name inside the sln file (it's just xml) I can't remember the format of the old workspace but it's still text.
You can either manually rename and reinclude all the .cpp of edit the project file and rename them in there.
sorry don't know of refactoring tool that will do all this but there probably is one.
I assume that in addition to the renamed set of files, you also still maintain a complete "parallel" set of the original files in some other directory, am I right?
Assuming you have both versions, what I would do is:
Get a file comparison tool like Beyond Compare or DiffMerge and compare the old SLN file and the new SLN file side-by-side. Also do this for each "proj" file and any other "config" type files.
It is possible to edit these files by hand. Usually looking at what is different between two copies will help illuminate what you should do to get the second one working.
You might as well start tinkering with the renamed project by hand, anyway, given that it already isn't working. You can't make it much worse. And: you might learn some handy tricks about the XML structure of these files.
Even if you do make small mistakes when hand-tweaking this files, I have repeatedly been very impressed by how Visual Studio handles things. Visual Studio will usually tell you exactly where you got it wrong.
